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Dirty Funds is a treasure hunt quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


To start the quest you have to loot the hidden treasure located east-northeast of the mill in White Orchard, which is guarded by wolves. Inside you will find scrawled notes, read them and they will lead you to a bandit camp to the east, northwest of Cackler Bridge. Kill the bandits then loot the chests inside the tent and the quest ends. You may also find a soaked letter in there.

If, however, the bandit camp was looted first the quest will end immediately after looting the hidden treasure, which bares no real consequences except not getting all journal entries (only the last paragraph will be added).

Journal entry[]

During his stay in White Orchard, a certain letter found its way into Geralt's possession. Intrigued by its appearance, he decided to read it first chance he got.
Option 1:
You gotta give up this madness, Morgen. Mum's beside herself, saying that's not becoming of a Temerian, stealing from innocent folk. Bad enough you deserting the army like that, but to take to robbing... And how're you even sure you aren't hurting our own by accident? What happens if you and your mates make a mistake? You ever think about that? No, you didn't, ever since you were a lad you always acted first, thought later - or never. But you ain't a lad no more, so put an end to this reckless adventure and head home.
Option 2:
Things are going better and better for us. We've pitched camp in the heart of the forest, near the old mill, and have already done quite nice for ourselves. Folk are poor, so they say, but squeeze them and something always pops out – sack of grain here, a few crowns there. Not bad for easy work, certainly better than the army. At least we've got something to fill our bellies, and the risk that we'll pay for this all with our lives, well, it's still less than when we were charging the Nilfs at Natalis' orders.
Geralt found the camp, but the deserters refused to surrender their treasure without a fight. They attacked the witcher at once – which proved a fatal error. Geralt vanquished them without much trouble, searched the camp and found a sizeable cache of valuables.


  • Read the letter you found
  • Find the bandits' treasure using your Witcher Senses


  • It's unclear what causes the different journal versions in the quest log, though it is likely a bug. "Option 1" is actually the contents of an inexpertly written letter which is supposed to appear at the bandit camp but doesn't, while "Option 2" are the scrawled notes found at the hidden treasure marker.
    • The latter is arguably the more correct version, as most treasure hunt quest journal entries would include contents of notes actually found during the quest. Yet, it seems that the opposite version is added to the journal precisely when the scrawled notes are read.
  • Angrily scrawled notes found at Amavet Fortress Ruins are also related to this quest, though they seem to only point out (in writing) one of the two locations, without being functionally useful.
  • After the deserters' bandit camp is cleared, Nilfgaardian Army soldiers will eventually occupy it. Leaving the White Orchard map and returning seems to be what triggers the update.