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This page is a finding aid which lists all the treasure hunts in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Treasure hunts differ from secondary quests in that they don't award any XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level apart from killing foes you may encounter doing them, so you will not lose out on experience even if your level is much higher than recommended. Thus the recommended level usually refers to the level the foes guarding the treasure will have though not always. As a result it is possible to do some treasure hunt that are much higher level than your current one. In the case of treasure hunts involving witcher gear diagrams the recommended level represents the required level of the gear, meaning if the recommended level is 20 the gear will require level 20 to wield it once it is crafted.

For more information on the various quests in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, see the following:

COA White Orchard Tw3 White Orchard[]

Quest Name Unmarked Cutoff Point Level Location(s) Enemies
Deserter Gold No n/a 3 In a hut near the Mill Wolves
Dirty Funds No n/a 2 East-northeast of the Mill
Bandit camp northwest of Cackler Bridge
Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear No n/a 6 White Orchard cemetery
West of Ransacked Village
Temerian Valuables No n/a 4 Drowners

COA Velen Tw3 Velen[]

Quest Name Unmarked Cutoff Point Level Location(s) Enemies
A Costly Mistake No n/a 18 West of Hangman's Alley Drowners
A Plea Ignored No n/a 28 Far south of Condyle Grave hag
An Unfortunate Turn of Events No n/a 4 Fireburst Harbor (Lovers' Landing), north of Lurtch Drowners
Battlefield Loot No n/a 20 South of the Eternal Fire Chapel Bilge hag
Blood Gold No n/a 18 Northwest of White Eagle Fort Drowners
Don't Play with the Gods No n/a 15 Elven ruins near Lake Wyndamer, southeast of Duén Hen and north of Byways Noonwraith or Nightwraith
Wraiths (optional)
Dowry No n/a 32 West of Gustfields Farm Basilisk
Hidden from the World No n/a 7 Southeast of Marauders' Bridge Deserters
Lost Goods No n/a n/a North of Ferry Station Drowners
Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire No n/a n/a Mowshurst Ghouls
Queen Zuleyka's Treasure No n/a 4 Coast of Wrecks Pirates
Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3 No n/a 30 Cave northwest of Hanged Man's Tree
Ruined Tower
Cave southwest of The Orphans of Crookback Bog
Nekkers (dependent)
Nekker warrior (dependent)
Earth Elemental (dependent)
Ignis Fatuus (dependent)
Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4 No n/a 34 Cave behind The Pellar's hut
Island northeast of Olena's Grove
Destroyed Bastion
Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2 No n/a 23 Codgers' Quarry
Cave northeast of Reardon Manor
Bandits (optional)
Bear (dependent)
Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear No n/a 11 Hindhold
Dragonslayer's Grotto
Endrega workers
Endrega warriors
Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1 No n/a 18 Bandit camp southwest of Refugees' Camp
Burned Ruins
Ruins on north end of Mudplough
Pirate Leader
Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2 No n/a 18 Frischlow
Cave east of Crossroads
White Eagle Fort
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1 No n/a 21 Crow's Perch
Island south of Fyke Isle
Water hag (dependent)
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 5 No n/a 34 Sunken treasure west of Byways
Elven ruins southeast of Byways
Hidden treasure south-southwest of Kimbolt Way
Sunken Chest No n/a 4 Small island south of Fyke Isle Drowners
Sunken Treasure No n/a 4 Northwest of Hangman's Alley Drowners
The Dead Have No Defense No n/a 9 South of Duén Hen Deserters
The Things Men Do For Coin... No n/a 12 West of the Border Post Nekkers
Tough Luck No n/a 18 Southeast of the Devil's Pit Foglet

COA Novigrad Tw3 Novigrad[]

Quest Name Unmarked Cutoff Point Level Location(s) Enemies
Coast of Wrecks No n/a 13 South-southeast of Widows' Grotto Drowners
Mucknixers (optional)
Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear No n/a 17 Temple Isle
Island west of Grassy Knoll
Est Tayiar
Drahim Castle
Mad Kiyan
Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1 No n/a 23 Oxenfurt Gate
Aeramas' Abandoned Manor
Cave east of Toderas
Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3 No n/a 29 Ruins west of Dragonslayer's Grotto
Cave east of Ursten
Earth Elemental
Rabid rock troll

COA Skellige Tw3 Skellige[]

Quest Name Unmarked Cutoff Point Level Location(s) Enemies
Family Fortune No n/a 13 Ruined Inn Sirens
Freya Be Praised! No n/a 4 Southeast of Blandare Mucknixers (optional)
Hidden in the Depths No n/a 31 Southwest of Harviken Endrega worker
Endrega drones
Venomous arachas
Inheritance No n/a 14 Boxholm Devourers (dependent)
Ironsides' Treasure No n/a 13 Southeast of Grotto and far north of Faroe Sirens
Nilfgaardian Treasure No n/a 13 Southeastern shore of An Skellig Sirens
Not Only Eagles Dare No n/a 10 Ulula's Needle Mucknixers
Drowned dead (optional)
Sirens (optional)
Pearls of the Coast No n/a 13 South of Eldberg Lighthouse Pirates
Precious Haul No n/a 13 Southeast of Tor Gvalch'ca Sirens
Ruins, Hidden Treasure, You Know... No n/a 18 Dorve Ruins Wraith (optional)
Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear No n/a 20 Fort Etnir
Ruined Inn
Castle Tuirseach
Cave south-southwest of the Old Watchtower
Ice Elemental
Sirens (dependent)
Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1 No n/a 25 Cave southeast of Wild Shore
Ruins northeast of Kaer Gelen
Rock trolls
Grossbart Brothers
Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2 No n/a 25 Ruins southeast of Fort Etnir
Kaer Almhult
Island northeast of Marlin Coast
Guard dogs
Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4 No n/a 34 Kaer Gelen
Cave east of Harviken
Cave south-southwest of Trottheim
Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3 No n/a 26 Elverum Lighthouse
Giants' Toes
West of Yngvar's Fang
Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4 No n/a 34 Kaer Dhu
Northeast of Redgill
Ulfhedinn (optional)
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3 No n/a 29 Burial mounds southeast of Arinbjorn
Fort Grymmdjarr
Ruins southwest of Lofoten
Ice troll
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 6 No n/a 34 Kaer Nyssen
Old Watchtower
Dorve Ruins
Morvudd (dependent)
Shortcut No n/a 13 North side of lake on Undvik Bandits
Unlucky's Treasure No n/a 48 Snidhall Isle Archgriffin
X Marks the Spot No n/a 12 Southeast of Blandare
Southeast of Fayrlund
Wraith (optional)

COA Kaer Morhen Tw3 Kaer Morhen[]

Quest Name Unmarked Cutoff Point Level Location(s) Enemies
Scavenger Hunt: Forgotten Wolf School Gear Diagrams No n/a n/a Kaer Morhen keep n/a
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear No n/a 14 Bastion
Old signal tower
Ruined Watchtower
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2 No n/a 21 Cave in southeastern part of Kaer Morhen valley
Island north-northeast of Lakeside Hut
Ruined Watchtower
Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4 No n/a 29 Cave north of the Bastion
Iron Mine
Cave east of Kaer Morhen
Nekker warriors
Harpies (proximity)
Endrega warriors
Endrega workers