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50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Tubiel of Brenna, was written by Witcher190. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

Tubiel of Brenna, better known as the Lioness of Brenna, was a witcheress of the School of the Cat who never underwent mutations. After her death, she was bestowed an honorary membership in the School of the Lynx. Considered by many historians of the witcher guild to be a proto-lynx long before Lambert had the idea, she was also the best friend, lover, first wife, and considered by many (this is dispute with Jolanta Dinmarb), the true love of the famous witcher, explorer, and founder of the School of the Crane, Putnam Pitch. Additionally, she served as the adoptive mother of Sigurd Pitch of Brenna.


Early life[]

A brazen little one, aren't you? Not many have the guts to try and steal a witcher's sword. But then again, not many have lived a life as harsh as yours seems to have been.
Keldar, Grandmaster of the School of the Griffin

Little is known about Tubiel of Brenna's early life. Even her own memories were hazy and fragmented. What scraps of information do exist come from circumstantial evidence and whispers of a bygone scandal. Based on Tubiel's descriptions, her father was likely a knight from the Order of the White Rose. All evidence points towards Mesper of Brenna, the only redheaded member of the Order during the 1250s.

Information regarding Tubiel's mother is even scarcer. Hints suggest she may have been a priestess of Melitele. Temple archives in Ellander record a blonde priestess who became pregnant and was subsequently expelled. This expelled priestess then reportedly traveled to the fishing village of Brenna. The timing of these events coincides with the period when Tubiel is believed to have been born who was around November of the year 1255.

Furthermore, historical accounts allude to a scandal within the Order of the White Rose known as the "Rotten Roses." The details of this scandal remain unclear, since during the wars against the Nilfgaardian Empire, the records about the scandal were lost, but it potentially involved the abuse of Melitele priestesses. This connection raises the possibility that Mesper of Brenna, if he is indeed Tubiel's father, was involved in the scandal and may have been responsible for the abuse of Tubiel's mother.

Regarding her naming, it's another mystery. Tubiel herself didn't recall if one of her parents gave it to her or not. But she did remember that the old people in Brenna called her by the name of the angel of summer from Kreve's cult.

What is indeed known is that at some point prior to the age of three, Tubiel was abandoned and became a hobo child in the village, experiencing a brutal early childhood that most wouldn't survive. The reasons behind Tubiel's abandonment remain shrouded in mystery, leaving room for speculation and conjecture. When the paths of the young three-year-old Tubiel and Keldar, the grandmaster witcher of the School of the Griffin, converged, Keldar found himself in the midst of collecting his well-earned reward for ridding the river of its drowners in Brenna. In a moment of desperation, driven by hunger and the unyielding grip of destitution, young Tubiel attempted to pilfer Keldar's silver sword. Keldar stopped her, and after a brief chat, recognizing a flicker of potential within her, he took her with him to the still-rebuilding School of the Griffin, promising her a beautiful silver sword as his own.

Training at the School of the Griffin (1259 - 1264 )[]

Stubborn as a mule and twice as wild. You've got the claws of a survivor clinging to life, that much is clear. But even a cornered beast needs a sheath for its claws, otherwise it tears itself apart. Discipline, girl.
Coën, witcher of the School of the Griffin, and sword instructor

After being rescued from a life of begging by Keldar, Tubiel became part of the 15th generation of witchers at the School of the Griffin, which began their training in the year 1255. This generation held special significance as they were the first to train after the devastating avalanche caused by the mages heavily damaged the fortress. The school was still under reconstruction during Tubiel's arrival, and the students, including her future companion Putnam Pitch, played vital roles in the rebuilding efforts. They cleared debris, repaired structures, and even assisted in constructing new buildings. This experience fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and a deep appreciation for the importance of community and the witchers' role in protecting it.

The first few months for Tubiel were the worst, as Keldar's strict attitude and grumpy behavior, a product of years battling monsters and the trauma of being the sole survivor of the avalanche, were very much at odds with that of a child who, having lived through what she experienced at such a young age, was practically a wild child, miraculously able to talk properly. Her behavior contrasted a lot with that of her future companion, Putnam Pitch, where Putnam was disciplined, a product of being only a baby when he was taken care of by the surviving Griffin Witchers. Tubiel was a whirlwind of untamed energy. While Putnam took to the structured training regimen like a duck to water, Tubiel struggled to contain her feral instincts. Drills requiring focus and precision left her frustrated, her movements erratic and unpredictable. Her distrust of those around her, fueled by the harsh realities of her past, manifested in outbursts of aggression.

This difference in backgrounds created a unique dynamic between Tubiel and Putnam in the beginning. Putnam, with his inherent orderliness, tried to patiently guide Tubiel, offering a sense of stability she desperately craved. However, Tubiel's wild spirit often clashed with his structured approach. Their early interactions were a mix of frustration and hesitant understanding that gradually paved the way for a friendship that would later blossom into love in their adulthoods.

Keldar and the other witchers present in the keep struggled to connect with Tubiel at first, as her unpredictable behavior tested their patience. Yet, beneath the frustration, some, like Keldar, recognized a glimmer of something more. They saw raw potential, a desperate will to survive that mirrored their own battles against monsters, both internal and external. Keldar, particularly, understood the weight of trauma. The avalanche that ravaged the keep had left its scars on him as well, manifesting in an even gruffer demeanor than before the event and occasional outbursts. He saw a reflection of his own struggles in Tubiel's wild green eyes and perhaps because of that, eventually grew fond of her, seeing her as something akin to the daughter he never had.

Despite the camaraderie fostered by rebuilding the school, a darker side existed within the student body. Classist feelings of superiority plagued some, particularly those born into Kovirian privilege, like Angelo of Poviss, Domenico, Federico of Lan Exeter, Giorgio of Kovir, Mygdin Vosil, who were all bastard sons of Kovirian and Povissian bourgeois. These students bullied those from less fortunate backgrounds, like Putnam (an orphan, although adopted by Johan Pitch), Tubiel (rescued from the streets), Kemro (repudiated for being intersex), and Zivor (who was given to the witchers for having a slight intellectual disability). This shared experience of discrimination created and solidified the bond between them, as they found solace in each other's company, with their compassion and empathy being a shield against the cruelty they faced.

A defining moment in their friendship arrived during a communal bath when Kemro was targeted by bullies. Feeling alone and vulnerable, Kemro found solace in the unwavering support of Putnam, Zivor, and Tubiel. They stood up for Kemro, and their act of bravery and compassion cemented their bond.

Sadly, complications arising from mutations forced Tubiel's training at the Griffin School to end prematurely. The Griffin Witchers had lost access to the Cat School's formula for handling mutations in women after the avalanche. Unable to complete her training there, she managed to find a place at the Cat School, where she nearly finished her witcher training. Despite the challenges, the friendships forged within the walls of Kaer Seren, particularly the bond with Putnam, would forever shape the course of her life.

The Path of the Cat ( 1264 - 1269 )[]

You're stronger than you think, girl. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Pardus of Korath

For the purpose of tracking down and reaching Dyn Marv, as well as acting as her guardian during the travel, Kristov of White Orchard was chosen from all forty surviving Griffin Witchers to accompany Tubiel on her journey to the School of the Cat. This decision stemmed from his existing relationship with the infamous Cat witcheress D'yaebl. While most Griffins disapproved of this connection, it served as a diplomatic advantage, easing tensions between the schools for Tubiel's passage.

Despite the longstanding rivalry, Kristov and the other Griffins understood the situation. They saw this as an opportunity for Tubiel to reach her full potential as a witcher, even if it meant sending her to their rivals at the Cat School. The Griffins' plan was clear: a few grueling months of training and preparation to allow her to pass the Trials and then, if successful, return to Kaer Seren. However, the plan for Tubiel's mutations went awry when tragedy struck and Kristov was killed by the bounty hunter Leo Bonhart while defending his lover from him. This, coupled with the nomadic lifestyle of the Cat School, made it impossible to locate them and retrieve the young Tubiel. As a result, she ended up spending the next five years training with the Cats, eventually becoming a Cat herself.

Once in the caravan, she spent some time of the first year of her training with the Cats under the tutelage of Grandmaster Guxart, who, being a former Griffin himself, with some appreciation for his former school despite being exiled, connected with Tubiel and helped her to integrate, seeing her in some form as a reflection of himself in his youth, despite the circumstances of ending up in the School of the Cat being totally different. Tubiel, although wary of him at first, eventually grew fond of the old witcher, considering with the passage of time something like a grandfather figure, fondly calling him "Grandpa Guxart."

After Guxart, she spent part of the first year with a new tutor, another old witcher called Gwidon, who belonged to the first iteration of the school but was welcomed into the caravan after the fall of the Stygga Castle and the death of Gezras of Leyda. However, training under Kylar was very different from training under Guxart, as he focused heavily on the technical aspects of combat and monster slaying. This rigidity clashed with Tubiel's fiery spirit, but she learned a great deal from Gwidon's precise bladework and tactical thinking. However, her training under Gwidon didn't last long, as the old witcher was killed during a disagreement with another Cat Witcher, Lexandre.

Reassigned to Pardus of Korath after Gwidon's death, Tubiel encountered Jolanta Dimmarb, a young girl training under Pardus's tutelage. Jolanta viewed Pardus as a foster father, and over time, Tubiel came to share this sentiment. The three formed a close bond, which grew even stronger with the incorporation of other Cat Witchers such as Mozeh of Verden, Caldigi of Cidaris, and Dragonfly, founding a sense of family within the caravan.

While the bonds within her found family were strong, Tubiel's relationship with others within the Cat School remained a mixed bag. The most strained relationships were with D'yaebl and Gaetan. D'yaebl's fragile mental state and the mistaken belief that Tubiel's presence somehow led to Kristov's death created an unbreachable chasm between them. This manifested in various forms, including a assassination attempt before the fall of Dyn Marv in 1269 and the sexual assault attempt of early that year. D'yaebl, perhaps twisted by her own suffering, seemed intent on punishing Tubiel, molding her into a reflection of her own warped worldview.

Gaetan, on the other hand, simply despised Tubiel because of her former association with the Griffins. This led to constant friction and occasional fights. However, their relationship would eventually evolve towards a begrudging respect by early 1269.

Romance with Axel ( 1267 - 1269 )[]

Don’t let the world harden you too much. There’s still good in it, and good in you.
―Axel to Tubiel during one their moments together

Despite the hardships of her training, Tubiel found a beacon of solace in Axel, a young blonde Cat witcher a few years her senior, around fourteen when she was eleven / twelve, their connection blossomed amidst the grueling routines and nomadic lifestyle of the Cats. Unlike the harsh environment, Axel, with his easy smile and gentle demeanor, offered a sanctuary of understanding. He possessed a kindness that resonated with Tubiel's own struggles, seeing beyond the fierce exterior she'd developed as a defense mechanism. He recognized the strength and vulnerability that coexisted within her.

Their stolen moments, between training sessions and rare respites when the caravan lingered in one location, became a lifeline. Axel became a source of strength for Tubiel, and Tubiel, in turn, became a source of humanity for Axel. Much like she would later be for Putnam, Axel served as a grounding force, reminding her of the good that still existed in the world. Axel confided his anxieties about the Trials ahead, and Tubiel, in turn, shared her struggles adapting to the Cat School's lifestyle – the constant feeling of being an outsider.

At some point during their two years together, Axel and Tubiel shared their first intimate encounter, a tender exploration that marked a turning point in their relationship. This intimacy deepened their connection, fostering a sense of trust and vulnerability that they rarely shared with others.

Not sharing these struggles with the rest of the Cats, like the found family she made with Pardus, Jolanta, Caldigi and Dragonfly, stemmed from a complex mix of emotions. There was a fear, perhaps, of judgment. The Cat School wasn't exactly known for its nurturing environment, and open displays of vulnerability could be seen as weakness as Gwidon taught her. Additionally, a part of Tubiel clung to the hope that her time with the Cats would be temporary. She hadn't entirely abandoned the dream of returning to Kaer Seren and reuniting with Putnam, Zivor, and Kemro. Sharing her feelings about not fitting in might have felt like admitting defeat, a permanent fixture in a world that never truly felt like home.

Sadly, their love story was tragically cut short. In 1269, during the devastating fall of the Dyn Marv Caravan, Axel met his demise.

Attempt of sexual abuse ( early 1269 )[]

Seems you Griffins ain't so soft after all. Took you a while to adjust, but you're catching on, cub.

In early 1269, at the age of thirteen, Tubiel earned the nickname, the "Lioness of Brenna." It happened one day when Pardus, preoccupied with tending to a recently injured Jolanta, left Tubiel training alone. This lapse in supervision proved costly. Fueled by a twisted sense of entitlement and influenced by the D'yaebl, three few years older Cat witchers - Tezdo, Gegro, and Varimon - attempted a brutal sexual assault on Tubiel. They underestimated her. In a desperate struggle for self-preservation, Tubiel unleashed a whirlwind of fury, ultimately killing all three attackers.

The aftermath of the assault was a bloody scene. Gaetan, arriving on the scene, found Tubiel shaken but resolute amidst the bodies. Mistaking his presence for a further attempt to abuse her, Tubiel lashed out, leaving him with a facial scar that served as a permanent reminder of the incident. After that, as already mentioned, their relationship evolved a begrudging respect.

The aftermath of this incident sent shockwaves through the Dyn Marv caravan. Pardus faced harsh scrutiny for leaving his trainee unsupervised. The situation became a tinderbox, threatening to erupt into chaos. However, Grandmaster Guxart intervened before tensions escalated. Recognizing the clear case of self-defense, he pointed out, with a hint of grim satisfaction, the telltale signs of botched mutations in Tezdo, Gegro, and Varimon. Guxart's words, laced with a lifetime's experience, effectively silenced dissent. The would-be attackers, he argued, were a danger to themselves and others, and their demise, while tragic, was a necessary consequence.

The Fall of Dyn Marv ( 1269 )[]

We may not be a true family, Jolanta, but we fight for each other. Now go, survive. That’s all that matters.
―Tubiel to Jolanta during the fall of the Dyn Marv caravan

At fourteen, while the caravan that had been her home for five years traversed Cintra, Tubiel experienced its downfall. Unlike Jolanta Dinmarb, who viewed the caravan as a true home, Tubiel, still a Griffin at heart, wasn't as deeply affected. However, the event did leave its mark, forcing her to begin the Path at a young age.

Adding to her unease, Tubiel possessed a gnawing intuition of impending disaster. Unlike Jolanta, her relationship with D'yaebl had always been strained, since as already mentioned, D'yaebl wrongly believed her to be indirectly responsible for Kristov's death. This animosity further fueled her suspicions. So, when the Nilfgaardians descended and the conspiracy orchestrated by Lexandre and others unfolded, Tubiel wasn't as surprised as the others.

The conspirators' plan only achieved partial success, claiming only Guxart's life. The rest were killed by the Nilfgaardian soldiers in the twist that unfolded. During the chaos, fueled by a desire to protect her founded family, Tubiel fought alongside Axel, and Cedric. Their actions created a window for Caldigi, Pardus, Jolanta, and others to escape. Ultimately, Axel, determined to ensure Tubiel's safety, convinced her to flee. He, along with Cedric, heroically sacrificed themselves to facilitate her escape. This event left an indelible scar, a profound fear of loss that would forever shape her relationship with Putnam.

First years on the Path ( 1269 - 1275 )[]

After the fall of the caravan, Tubiel started her first years on the Path, losing in the process, the chance to be mutated into a full witcheress, as the Cats had delayed her mutations, not only because the female version of the Trial of the Grasses was much tougher, with only 1 in 10 surviving, instead of 3 in 10, as in the males, but because of her late adolescence, barely showing signs of it, despite being fourteen years old. Unable to locate her found family or return to Kaer Seren due to fear of rejection, Tubiel found herself utterly alone. Hunger gnawed at her belly, and the harsh realities of the world pressed in.

Though denied the full mutations, Tubiel possessed a formidable foundation. She had the basic combat skills honed by the Griffins, the cunning of the Cat School, in addition to the knowledge and other training given by both. Hunger became her greatest teacher, forcing her to improvise, to rely on her instincts and the limited witcher abilities she had, such as the use of Signs, the lifting of curses, the use of bombs and the use of her crossbow.

She had to raise herself again, just as she did at the beginning of her life. She received her first menstruation at The Path, around the year 1270. This biological milestone, a stark reminder of the mutations she wouldn't undergo, plunged Tubiel into a fresh wave of despair. The physical changes brought a surge of unfamiliar emotions, adding another layer of complexity to her already precarious situation. She felt like a grotesque mockery of a witcher, forever stuck between two worlds – unable to fully embrace the Path or return to a "normal" life, even if she dared to dream of such a thing.

To ensure her survival, mercenary contracts became her main livelihood, becoming one, even if she didn't want to, remembering the teachings of Pardus, who specialised in killing humans. Followed by contracts against small monsters, such as nekkers, that she knew she could take them out using traps, and the honed reflexes to the point of the human limit perfected by the Cats. Each successful contract brought a meager sum, but enough to keep hunger at bay for another day. Yet, the specter of her limitations loomed large.

At least that's how it was for the first two years, because sooner rather than later, she got used to her new life, making her situation a little better, and by the time the Third Northern War broke out in 1271, Tubiel found a rhythm in this harsh existence. Dispatching monsters, both with, and without, human skin. Bandits, deserting soldiers who had committed atrocities, rapists, Witch Hunters, murderers, became the bread and butter of the day. This, adding her time with the Cats and other previous experiences, made the struggle to fully connect with others even more deep. Something that only would change in January of the year 1275. Three years after the end of the war. When her path, and that of a starting as a full witcher Putnam Pitch, finally crossed after ten years of not seeing each other.

The Vengerberg Ripper ( early 1270 )[]

Despite the trauma of the Dyn Marv caravan's fall, Tubiel clung to the lessons she learned. One such lesson, heavily emphasized by Pardus of Korath, was the importance of taking contracts against humans as well as monsters. This wasn't about a lack of empathy; it was about recognizing the darkness that could fester within humanity, transforming otherwise ordinary people into monstrous threats. However, the lack of superhuman strength and enhanced senses made her early contracts particularly challenging.

Fueled by this philosophy, Tubiel found herself drawn to the rumors plaguing the city of Vengerberg. Whispers spoke of a serial killer, an individual dubbed the "Vengerberg Ripper" by the terrified populace of the city's suburbs. The victims, all young women, were found dismembered and drained of blood. Panic had set in, with whispers of a striga or a vampire spreading like fire. Driven by a sense of duty and the coin promised by the desperate city council to the one who stopped the murderer and solved the mystery, Tubiel took on the investigation.

She meticulously examined the crime scenes. The brutal nature of the killings pointed toward a human perpetrator, someone with a twisted sadistic streak. Through her investigation, Tubiel stumbled upon a pattern. The victims all shared a similar profile: young women from impoverished backgrounds, forced into prostitution to survive the harsh realities of a Vengerberg still recovering from the war. This suggested the killer wasn't a random monster but someone targeting a specific demographic.

The Baron

"The Baron"

Following a hunch and a sliver of evidence – a discarded cloth fragment with a unique insignia – Tubiel infiltrated the city's criminal underworld. Posing as a new arrival in the "profession," she gained the trust of other prostitutes. Through careful questioning and observation, she learned about a powerful figure known as "The Baron," a retired Aedirnian general from a bourgeois family in the outskirts, so-called because King Demavend III had promised him a barony after "The Baron" had insisted on it at length. This nickname stuck with the soldiers and later passed on to the populace, as well as rumors swirling about his depraved sexual appetites and sadistic tendencies.

The cloth fragment belonged to the Baron's personal guard. Carefully piecing together the information she'd gathered, Tubiel realized the Baron himself was the Vengerberg Ripper. Fueled by righteous fury and deep empathy for the city's downtrodden women, she devised a daring plan.

One stormy night, Tubiel infiltrated the Baron's opulent mansion. Using her agility and the limited witcher training she'd received, she navigated the labyrinthine corridors, evading guards. She confronted the Baron in his private chambers, catching him mid-act with another unfortunate victim.

The ensuing confrontation was brutal. Despite the lack of mutations, Tubiel's combat skills, honed by the Griffins and the Cats, proved formidable. She fought with the ferocity of a cornered wildcat, her rage fueled by years of hardship and a burning desire for justice. In the end, Tubiel overpowered the Baron, delivering a swift and brutal end to his reign of terror. The Baron before dying, however would leave her with one of the three scars she eventually would have on her face.

News of the Ripper's demise spread like fire through Vengerberg. The city council, initially skeptical of the young witcheress, showered her with gratitude and a hefty reward. This reward would eventually go not only towards her survival but also towards the house she would acquire in Brenna and restore to make it her personal winter retreat at the age of sixteen.

The Cocollona ( 1273 )[]

Not the prettiest souvenir, but a reminder of a life saved. So, we are good.
―Tubiel after seeing her new facial scars to Yonna

The cocollona was the first curse lifted by Tubiel, a complicated curse and the reason for the other two facial scars she ended up having. The story unfolded one day when she was crossing Redanian territory and stopped in the river town of Greltimor along the Pontar. The town's residents, upon seeing that she was a witcheress, asked her to help them kill a monster that was roaming the river. However, as the townsfolk eventually commented to her, the monster had not attacked anyone during the time it had appeared in the river. Intrigued by that behavior, and after agreeing on payment, Tubiel decided to investigate.


The cocollona

After an investigation, Tubiel discovered that the monster was once a priestess of the Eternal Fire named Yonna, who was unknowingly cursed by her faith companions due to her lack of faith. Later on, she had been imprisoned in the dungeon of the town's monastery as punishment for that and could only leave to go to the river that runs near the town. After many years of curse-induced undernourishment and isolation, she grew scales until she fully metamorphosed into a crocodile-like creature with wyvern-like wings, the very monster that the townsfolk had recently seen and feared would attack them. However, despite her frightening appearance, the Cocollona proved to be peaceful and somehow cooperative.

Convinced that Yonna had endured enough suffering, Tubiel resolved to break the curse. Not only would it free Yonna, but it would also prevent a future confrontation with the terrified townsfolk. However, the process was far from smooth. The immense pain inflicted by the lifting of the curse triggered a moment of blind rage in Yonna, leaving Tubiel with two new facial scars as a grim reminder of the encounter.

Meeting in Creyden ( January 20, 1275 )[]

You arrogant, self-righteous fool! Do you not realize the harm you've caused? That beast was suffering and I was trying to end its misery, but you just had to come in and play the hero, didn't you?
―Tubiel after the death of the Wereshark of Creyden

In early 1275, after years of taking contracts solo—including solving the infamous "Vengerberg Ripper" case at a mere fourteen in early 1270—Tubiel heard of a wereshark terrorizing the Tancarville coast in Creyden. Skilled in curing curses after lifting a few, such as the case of "the cocollona" in 1273, she saw a chance to end the cursed one's suffering and took the job.

Arriving in Tancarville, she wasted no time after her brief talk with the mayor. Tracking the wereshark to its lair, Tubiel began the intricate ritual to break the curse. However, her concentration was shattered by Putnam's sudden appearance. He, too, had been hired by the impatient mayor, who'd grown worried about the town's safety and believed Tubiel perished. Putnam, harboring prejudice against the Cat School, because of the rivalry between schools, and because he felt, after Tubiel did not return, that it had been "taken away" from him, suspected Tubiel of intending to use the monster for profit, not cure it. With a swift strike, he ended the wereshark's life.

Fury surged through Tubiel. She was on the verge of success, mere moments from ending the cursed one's torment. A well-placed kick connected with Putnam's groin, and she stormed out of the lair, frustration gnawing at her. Yet, a flicker of recognition sparked amidst her anger. This witcher, though unfamiliar in name, held a strange sense of deja vu. Curiosity tugged at her, and Tubiel returned.

Finding Putnam recovering from her "greeting," a memory clicked into place. He was the young witcher from her Griffin training days! Reconnecting, they reminisced about their past. Despite the fiery introduction, a bond began to form, laying the foundation for a complex and lasting relationship that would forever alter their lives.

Traveling together[]

The events at the wereshark's lair sparked an unexpected turn. Deciding to travel together, Tubiel and Putnam found their lost friendship resurfacing. As they shared stories and faced new challenges, their connection deepened, gradually blossoming into something more. However, Putnam, often oblivious to subtle cues, remained mostly clueless to Tubiel's growing feelings. It wouldn't be until the events surrounding Gradobor and the cave that their relationship would officially transcend friendship.

Gradobor's Chimera ( March 5, 1275 )[]

Originally, they were just passing through Gradobor, heading further south where they hoped to find more work. The Third Northern War had left many dead, causing ghouls and other necrophages to become a plague, creating more work for witchers like them. However, they were forced to stay longer in the city when their horses suddenly fell ill, likely due to contaminated feed. They left their horses with a healer and searched for a contract to pay him properly. As they looked at the local board, they saw a contract for a chimera.

Throughout their time in Gradobor, Putnam couldn't help but notice the way Tubiel looked at him and found excuses to be close to him, but he still didn't fully understand her feelings. Tubiel suggested to him that, knowing how dangerous a chimera was, they could "celebrate" something before going after the monster, just in case they died during the contract. Putnam didn't understand the underlying meaning behind her suggestion and told her that first, they had to pay the healer and ensure the horses were well. But, if the reward was as high as the contract stated, they could celebrate something later.

As they began to plan their approach for the chimera contract, Putnam couldn't shake the feeling that Tubiel's suggestion to celebrate meant something more than just a simple celebration. However, in the end, he didn't give it any more thought, assuming it would be something like signing up for the city's Gwent tournament or another similar activity.

The chimera had been terrorizing the local population for months, killing the animals of the outskirts farms and even some humans, and no one had been able to stop it. The town's mayor had put out a contract for any brave soul who could take down the monster. The chimera was a formidable opponent, with traits of fiends, griffins, insectoids, and wyverns, being another monster, created in Rissberg that had escaped and become a plague.

They spent several days preparing for the battle, gathering information about the monster's movements and patterns. They also stocked up ingredients for potions that Putnam would use and in Tubiel´s case because her non - mutant condition, materials for traps.

Tubiel was adept at crafting traps because, lacking the biological advantages that a standard witcheress had, she had to rely on them for most of her contracts. She spent most of her time working on them. Putnam, on the other hand, spent most of his time concocting the potions that would be necessary when fighting such a dangerous creature, being one of them, Derw, which despite its high toxicity would be suitable for the combat, due to the abilities of the chimera derived from its genes.

During the preparation, Tubiel often stood close to Putnam and found excuses to touch him, such as checking that his armor was correctly fitted or had some flaw that he hadn't noticed and needed to fix. Part of it was true, but part of it was also something else. Putnam, despite feeling a little uncomfortable due to his trauma with Braith, appreciated the gesture and reciprocated with a gentle smile, not knowing what was behind it.

Finally, the day of killing the monster had arrived. They set out before dawn, following the trail of the chimera that they had elaborated during these days of preparation. The trail led them through the dense forest, and hills until they reached a wide open field where the Chimera had been spotted a few days earlier.

They spread out, each taking a strategic position around the field. Tubiel placed her traps carefully, while Putnam drank Derw and wait for it to take effect. They waited, watching for any sign of movement, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

As the sun began to rise, the chimera came out of its lair and let out a roar, indicating that it had detected them and they would be its next meal. Putnam lured the monster to him with a shout and hoping that the traps would slow it down sufficiently. Putnam quickly felt the effects of the potion through his body, his muscles swelled with newfound strength, and he felt his agility improve as he dodged the Chimera's initial attack. As the Chimera charged towards Putnam, he deftly sidestepped it and landed a powerful blow to its flank. The monster let out a deafening screech and turned to face him again. But with the potion coursing through his veins, Putnam was able to anticipate its movements and dodge its attacks with ease.

The chimera was a formidable foe, but Putnam was now a force to be reckoned with. His blows were heavy and well-placed, and he was able to withstand the creature's vicious counterattacks without flinching. Tubiel continued to set off her traps, which slowed the Chimera down and gave Putnam the opportunity to land a few more strikes.

As the battle raged on, the effects of the potion began to wear off, and Putnam started to feel the strain of the fight. His muscles were sore, and he was starting to feel fatigued. But he knew that he couldn't back down now; he had to finish the chimera off before it was too late.

Summoning all his remaining strength, Putnam launched himself at the chimera, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. With one final strike, he delivered the killing blow. However, at the last moment, the chimera managed to wound him with a powerful claw, causing both the witcher and the creature to fall to the ground.

After that, Tubiel ran to help him and check the severity of his wound, which was of medium severity. Looking for a place where she could help him rest and treat him, she took him to the cave that had been the chimera's lair. There, she checked that there was no danger and, at the same time, burned the chimera's eggs after finding them to make a bonfire and provide better visibility. The cave was a huge place, which also connected to a subterranean lake, making it ideal for cleansing. Putnam, who was already beginning to feel the counter effects of Derw, such as fever, headaches, and muscle cramps after a long battle, added to the wound he had sustained, was not in the best condition. So, Tubiel patched him up, gave him some of Putnam's remaining Swallow potion to alleviate the counter effects, and promised to return no later than the next day since she had to walk back to Gradobor.

Upon leaving the cave, she proceeded with the usual method, cut off the monster's head and took it to the mayor. But just as she did so, a small copper plate fell from the monster's severed head, with an indication that read : CHM-001-1274-ALPHA. Tubiel took the plate and analyzed it, unable to draw any conclusions except that the chimera they had faced was not a relic from the times of Alzur and his master, but a recent creation of greater danger that loomed over everyone. She thought about telling Putnam, but she preferred not to, since it was a matter of mages, and she didn't want to put the remaining forty griffins, whom she cared for deeply, in a problem with mages again. So, she decided to investigate it on her own and try to solve the mystery by herself.

This decision would influence many things later on, including, unfortunately, the death of the Lioness of Brenna. Then, she returned to Gradobor, where she collected the reward, paid the healer for the horses, andd returned with both of them to where Putnam was.

The Cave ( March 6, 1275 )[]

A protector's heart, wild and free
With a noble cause, to set the wrongs right
A blade in hand, a tempest to be
A lioness in the night, a sight of might
Elia Aep Bullgoh singing The Cat and The Eagle

Just as the Lioness of Brenna had promised, she returned. However, she did not arrive the next day but in the pre-dawn hours. Putnam was so exhausted that he did not even notice her arrival.

During the two months since they reunited in Tancarville, the two had been sleeping separately, often sharing a room with separate beds if they were in an inn or, in the open air, sleeping with blankets made of bearskin or amarok. All of this was not really because of anything special, but because of the trauma of the abuse by Braith and the ten-year separation they both had experienced after Tubiel left to join The Cats. It was also influenced by Tubiel's attempted sexual abuse, which earned her the nickname " The Lioness of Brenna", after murdering three of her classmates at the School of the Cat and leaving Gaetan with a scar on his face.

It is for this reason, among others, that when Tubiel was offered a position at the reformed "School of the Lynx" by Lambert, she decided to turn it down. This decision was not so much because of Gaetan's presence, but due to his importance. It was not until much later, with her actions, Putnam's insistence, and Adalwulf's help, that she would be given an honorary title by the school.

But gradually, The Eagle and the Lioness, as they began to recover their lost friendship and get more and more used to each other, became closer, both physically and emotionally. Eventually, they ended up sleeping together, using the excuse of the "cold," although they didn't undress completely since they were still very inhibited with each other and that night, in that sense, was just like any other.

Not so much the day. They were both up late, with Putnam waking up late due to potion fatigue and the newly added scar and Tubiel because arriving late in the night to the cave. They went through a routine similar to the one they had when they woke up early, adapting to the fact that it was practically noon. They ate and talked about what their next course of action would be, opting for Ebbing and its swamps. They thought that they would surely find contracts there because of the danger they posed. They also asked about each other and how they were doing after fighting such an intense monster, and after that, that's where everything would start to change. Putnam went to the lake that Tubiel had told him she had seen at the bottom of the cave to bathe and clean himself, the usual thing between them, as they always used to leave that intimacy to each other. But this time, Tubiel decided to follow him soon after.

As Putnam began to disrobe, he noticed Tubiel's presence and quickly covered himself up. Tubiel apologized for following him and said she only wanted to join him in the bath. Putnam hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed, but then decided to let her join him. All the abuse from Braith had played a trick on his mind, and besides, Tubiel was his friend, and they had been together back then, in a few contracts, and he had already seen her naked, when they were kids, but naked.

As Tubiel entered the water, Putnam couldn't help but feel a slight awkwardness between them. He tried to distract himself by talking about their upcoming visit to Ebbing, but the tension remained. It wasn't until Tubiel started scrubbing his back that Putnam finally relaxed.

Feeling the warmth of the water and Tubiel's gentle touch, Putnam began to let his guard down. He realized that never had this type intimacy, and it was wonderful being close to someone he trusted. As Tubiel continued to wash his back, Putnam closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh. For Tubiel, being so close to Putnam was both comforting and challenging. She had always felt a strong connection to him, but the experiences with the Cat Witchers, the sexual abuse attempt, and other things, like the murder of his father and grandfather figures, had made her a distant person, very protective of her intimacy, both physically and emotionally. To all this, we had to add her bad experiences as a fourteen year old girl who had to make a living after the fall of Dyn Marv, having seen, and done, a lot of death and destruction. Although in her case, she always tried to make the world a better place by eliminating dangerous criminals.

As Putnam let out a contented sigh, Tubiel couldn't resist leaning in a little closer, her hand lingering on his back just a little longer than necessary. She felt a shiver run through her body as she realized how much she wanted him, but she pushed those thoughts aside for the moment. For a while, they continued to wash each other in silence, enjoying the warmth of the water and the intimacy of the moment. But eventually, Tubiel couldn't contain her feelings any longer. She turned Putnam around to face her and looked into his eyes, feeling her heart racing in her chest. Putnam looked at her for a long moment, his own feelings swirling inside him. He knew that he cared deeply for Tubiel, too, but he also knew that there were a lot of obstacles in their way. But in that moment, as he looked into her eyes, he realized that he didn't want to let fear and uncertainty hold him back anymore. Without another word, he leaned in and kissed her. It was soft and gentle at first, but quickly became more passionate as they wrapped their arms around each other, lost in the moment. And in that warm, intimate embrace, they both knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

The corruption of Ebbing ( May 10 - 12, 1275 )[]

Never thought we'd be rubbing elbows with those pricks, but if it means taking down some real dirtbags, I'm all in.
―Tubiel to Putnam during their time in Ebbing

Tubiel and Putnam continued their journey south, heading towards Ebbing and its swamps. They took a few river boat trips, helped fight against some vodyanoi, and on May 9th, they finally arrived in Ebbing. They were eager to perform contracts by eliminating swamp monsters, but their plans changed when a noblewoman named Cussi Cildi approached them at the port after noticing their medallions and asked for their help.

Cussi Cildi was a member of the Ebbing aristocracy, and she was desperate to find her missing daughter. Her daughter, Fiamma, had been kidnapped a few days before, and the local authorities had been unable to find any leads. Cussi had heard of the witchers' reputation for tracking and eliminating monsters, and she believed they were her best chance of finding her daughter.

Tubiel and Putnam listened to Cussi's story and decided to take on the contract. They followed the few leads that Cussi could provide, interviewing witnesses and tracking down rumors. As they delved deeper into the case, they discovered that Fiamma's disappearance was not an isolated incident. Other young women from the Ebbing aristocracy had gone missing under similar circumstances.

Which eventually led them to a stalemate, as all the clues pointed towards the various aristocracy parties held in Ebbing during the celebration of Fallas. That year, the festivities had been delayed due to direct orders from Emperor Emhyr, who sought to promote cultural unification in Nilfgaard, but his plans ultimately failed. However, Tubiel and Putnam soon discovered that there was more to the situation than they had initially thought. With Cussi's assistance, the Eagle and the Lioness attended the different parties in search of the truth and the missing women.

As Tubiel and Putnam attended the aristocracy parties, they began to notice a pattern among the attendees. Many of them were mages, but they did not exhibit the typical rivalry between mages; on the contrary, there seemed to be a sense of unity among them. Continuing their investigation, they discovered that the missing women had all visited these various mages at their homes and towers in the weeks leading up to their disappearances.

Tubiel and Putnam's investigation into the missing women led them to suspect that the mages were involved in the kidnappings. The witchers decided to focus their attention on the mages, trying to gather evidence against them. However, it was not an easy task as the mages were powerful and well-connected individuals, and they had many supporters in the Ebbing aristocracy.

Despite the challenges, Tubiel and Putnam persisted in their investigation, using their skills to gather information and find clues. This led them to split up, with Putnam searching for the missing women and Tubiel discovering that the mages were part of a secret society that had been operating in Ebbing for many years.

During her investigation, Tubiel discovered to her horror that all these mages belonged to some kind of cult/sect that worshipped unknown "gods" to her. They had been using their power and influence trying "bring" these beings into the world, abducting women to use them in a series of rituals for these entities. something she did not understand, but took into account. She also discovered that the chimera they had faced a few months before was part of this plan, to use pain of innocent people as a "source of power".

This realization made the Lioness of Brenna even more concerned about the situation, and she became more determined to protect Putnam and continue to investigate it alone. As a result, she decided to continue hiding information to ensure his safety.

Putnam, unaware of the depth of Tubiel's investigation, focused solely on finding the missing women. He used his tracking skills to follow leads and gather information about their whereabouts. After one day of searching, he finally discovered a lead that led him to an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of Claremont.

Putnam approached the abandoned mansion cautiously, staying hidden in the shadows as he scouted the area. As he drew closer, he could see that the entrance to the mansion was guarded by the massive creature, which seemed to be a crossbreed between an orc and a werewolf. Its thick fur bristled in the wind, and its glowing yellow eyes scanned the area for any signs of intruders.

Putnam knew that he couldn't take the creature on alone, and so he retreated to a safe distance to come up with a plan. He considered his options carefully, knowing that time was of the essence and that the missing women could be in grave danger.

After a few moments of contemplation, Putnam decided to try to lure the creature away from the mansion. He moved quickly and quietly, using his knowledge of the terrain to his advantage. He used a combination of decoys and clever distractions to draw the creature's attention away from the mansion and into the nearby woods.

Once the creature was far enough away from the mansion, Putnam made his move. He sprinted towards the entrance and prepared for a fight. He charged towards the creature, swinging his silver sword. The creature roared in response, and its massive jaws snapped at Putnam as it tried to defend itself. Putnam dodged and zigzagged, and his sword pierced the creature's thick hide. The battle was fierce and brutal, but in the end Putnam emerged victorious, albeit with a new scar in the area of his blue eye. The creature fell to the ground and its body writhed in pain before succumbing to its wounds.

With the creature defeated, Putnam cautiously entered the mansion. He searched the rooms one by one, looking for any sign of the missing women. As he explored the dark and dusty halls, he could feel the weight of Tubiel's absence, knowing that he could have used her help in this situation. Finally, after what seemed like hours of searching, Putnam found a hidden chamber in the mansion's basement. Inside, he discovered the missing women, all of them dead and tortured. Putnam felt a pang of sadness that he had not been able to save any of them, but at least he had defeated the being he believed was responsible. Therefore, he took Cussi's daughter's body and brought her to her mother.

Tubiel, for her part, lied about who was responsible. He decided to hide the information that it was probably the mages, and told Cussi that it was simply bandits who were responsible for the kidnappings. This was reinforced by the version that Putnam innocently told. The lie about the Orc -Werewolf Crossbreed being the bandit leader was simply a means of reinforcing the bandit story and making it more believable. Putnam, who had been focused on the less complex aspects of the contract, was easily convinced by Tubiel's explanation. He had no reason to doubt her and accepted her version of events without question.

Ultimately, Tubiel's decision to lie was motivated by her concern for the safety of those around her. She knew that the truth could have serious consequences and she did not want to put anyone in harm's way. Despite the deception, Tubiel acted with the best intentions.

After that, they collected the money stipulated in the contract, and left Ebbing in search of new destinations. But Tubiel's mind still couldn't shake the idea that there was something very serious behind all this and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Brief separation (June 1275)[]

After leaving Ebbing, they returned north to Cintra. While Putnam tackled a contract to lift a curse from the village of Coldwater, a throbbing pain in her arm, a souvenir from a previous contract, confined Tubiel. Unable to accompany him, she channeled her frustration into research. The urgency of the mage situation gnawed at her. Confined to the small, rented room they shared in a near town, Tubiel had spent some of their hard-earned coin on books, particularly those regarding ancient religions or cults. Yet, despite hours spent poring over crumbling pages, her searching yielded little fruit. Disappointment gnawed at her, a bitter counterpoint to the throbbing ache in her arm.

Then, fate intervened. Returning to the very bookshop where her research began, Tubiel collided with an unexpected sight – Jolanta and Mozeh, her sisters from the fallen School of the Cat. This unplanned reunion felt like a lifeline thrown across the miles.

That night in the inn, Tubiel poured out the chilling details from Ebbing. The weight of her discovery sat heavily on her tongue. Jolanta, ever resourceful, immediately promised to leverage her connections in the Redanian Intelligence Service to gather more information. Mozeh, as the "big sister" she was, listened intently, her brow furrowing as Tubiel described the mages' rituals.

Hours of solitary research had left Tubiel adrift, but with her sisters by her side, a spark of hope rekindled. Mozeh, her voice tinged with a thrill of recognition, revealed a chilling detail. In 1255, she'd confronted a mercenary group kidnapping people for an unknown organization. They bore a symbol – an amber-made eye – that mirrored the cryptic details Tubiel had gleaned. Mozeh had never unearthed the organization's name, but this… this was a connection.

After that, Tubiel thanked them for their help and promised that, should she discover that it was something big, she would ask for their help in combating it. In reality, a white lie, she told them both because she didn't want to put them in danger.

Summer in Toussaint ( July - October ,1275 )[]

After being reunited again, Putnam and Tubiel traveled to the southern duchy of Toussaint. They were captivated by the love they shared, the beauty of the region, and the ample opportunities for work. They decided to spend the summer and part of autumn there, from July to October, roaming the valley and residing in the capital city of Beauclair, despite Tubiel's objections. Who was tired of the posh people of the capital and their patronization. Overall, it was practically a "vacation" for both of them. Where they were able to connect even more with each other. With some noteworthy moments, such as the contract of Pepa, a werepig from Beauclair who had murdered almost her entire family, except for her little brother Jorge, whom Tubiel and Putnam managed to save. But not much more. The most remarkable, would come in mid-summer, when they would both travel to the city of Corvo.

The Eternal Eclipse ( August of 1275 )[]

Approximately in August, Putnam and Tubiel visited the city of Corvo in the duchy for both work purposes and at Tubiel's insistence, who had a contact provided by Jolanta there, who could assist her with her research of the sect of mages, although she kept this information from Putnam.

Their paths diverged in the city for a few hours. While Putnam tackled a contract to slay a basilisk plaguing a noblewoman's cellar (unfortunately, another witcher, Cervin of the Bear School, was also vying for the job, leading to some professional friction), Tubiel sought out Jolanta's contact, none other than Brianna Vassermiller, one of the members of the Royal House of Ebbing, as well as a mage and an apostate from the cult that Tubiel had discovered, known as the Eternal Eclipse, which, like Tubiel, but for different reasons, wanted to destroy the cult. She explained to her the purpose of the cult, and their ultimate plans, as well as the means they were using to achieve it, which only further fueled Tubiel's desire to destroy it. This created an unexpected alliance, which would eventually bring an end to the cult, though not without its consequences.

The first breakup ( October, 1275 )[]

The thought of growing old alone, while you remain mostly unchanged, fills me with a sadness I can't bear.
―A fragment of Tubiel´s letter to Putnam

Despite the idyllic summer in Toussaint, a darkness lurked beneath the surface for Tubiel. Their visit to Corvo had unearthed unsettling truths about the Eternal Eclipse, reigniting the embers of her worry. The initial flicker of hope from finding an ally in Brianna was quickly overshadowed by a chilling realization – the threat was far from neutralized.

The weight of responsibility pressed heavily on Tubiel. While she cherished the time with Putnam, a nagging doubt gnawed at her. Their biological differences, the specter of aging that loomed large for her as a human while Putnam remained relatively unchanged, cast a long shadow. What future could they truly have together?

Coupled with the constant fear for Putnam's safety, a fear fueled by the danger posed by the cult, Tubiel made a heart-wrenching decision. Believing a clean break was the only way to protect him, she chose silence over a painful goodbye. One morning, Putnam awoke to find her gone, replaced by a letter and a pouch of coins.

The emptiness left by Tubiel's departure devastated Putnam. The suddenness, the lack of explanation, cut deep. The pouch of coins only deepened the confusion – was it payment for his time, a cold dismissal? Grief morphed into a potent cocktail of hurt, confusion, and abandonment.

Unconsciously, Putnam began to construct a shield against future heartache. The specter of Tubiel's departure fueled a new coping mechanism – to leave before he could be left. He convinced himself that initiating the break would somehow lessen the pain. This pattern, initially fueled by lingering feelings for Tubiel, manifested in his relationships with Trill, Radeyah, and Makeda.

However, the emotional scar left by Tubiel's disappearance reached its peak after her death. Survivor's guilt became a crushing burden. In a twisted logic, Putnam equated leaving his partners with protecting them. By controlling the narrative, he believed he could avoid the crippling pain of loss. Sadly, this pattern of abandonment extended even to Jolanta and Marina, women he deeply cared for.

Tubiel's heart-wrenching decision, fueled by love and fear, would have a ripple effect, shaping not only her own destiny but also the course of Putnam's life for years to come.

Fighting in the Shadows ( 1275 - 1276 )[]

After a painful breakup, Tubiel embarked on her mission to end the Eternal Eclipse—a mission that would last until her death, five years later. The first phase, relatively easier than the subsequent ones, involved gradually eliminating its members of lesser ranks and then moving up the ladder to the higher-ups through a series of assassinations. This task was facilitated by the information Brianna provided, owing to her rank in the organization, and later with more direct help from the mage and her partner, the vampire August Van Der Ermius.

Her first target was Jound Aep Glur, a powerful Archdeacon and a key figure in the highly influential Ebbing chapter of the Nefandi. Unfortunately, a diplomatic incident severely limited Brianna's communication. Unfazed, Tubiel became a phantom, traversing the vast Nilfgaardian Empire for months, all in pursuit of Jound Aep Glur.

During this solitary hunt, she encountered and eliminated numerous lesser members of the Nefandi – acolytes seduced by the cult's twisted promises and novices indoctrinated into their dark magic. Each takedown, a grim necessity, was akin to severing a head of the hydra that was the Eternal Eclipse. She hoped these calculated strikes would disrupt the cult's plans and sow discord within their ranks.

Also during this period, Tubiel acquired a wrist blade of Nilfgaardian design, inspired by those from the distant Apumayu Basin, when she killed a member of the Nilfgaardian Secret Service whom she discovered was a member of the Eternal Eclipse. She modified it to incorporate a dimeritium blade, which proved effective in combating the cult's mages.

The confrontation with Jound Aep Glur was swift. Though skilled in magic, the Archdeacon was no match for Tubiel's cunning. With a decisive blow, she silenced him with her wrist blade in the hidden temple where she found him practicing his dark rituals. The news of Jound Aep Glur's demise sent shockwaves through the Nefandi. However, victory felt hollow. Jound Aep Glur was just one of the many heads of the hydra and not the main one.

Meanwhile, a ripple effect, unforeseen by Tubiel, was spreading. News of her acts whispered by awestruck or terrified witnesses had reached Putnam. Unaware of the truth behind Tubiel's mission, he had embarked on a misguided journey to Melukka, chasing a phantom lead hoping that he could be with her again.

A Winter's Reflection ( December of 1275 )[]

During this time, Tubiel returned to Brenna and the house she had acquired to be her winter refuge in the river fishing village. She used this brief period until spring as a time of reflection for many things, but mainly her next moves against the Eternal Eclipse. Here, she met the Half-Nilfgaardian, Half-Ebbinger traveling bard Elia Aep Bullogh in one of Brenna's taverns. It was a snowy evening when Tubiel, seeking solace from the chill and the weight of her thoughts, shared her story with Putnam to Elia. Elia thus composed the famous ballad "The Cat and the Eagle," one of the many pieces crafted by various bards, poets, and authors, and the first contributing to Putnam's eventual legendary fame.

Surprises ( early December of 1276 )[]

You see the good in everyone, even when they don't deserve it. That's what makes you special.
―Tubiel to Putnam during their re-encounter in the Iron Beard tavern

After Jound Aep Glur's demise, Tubiel continued her methodical elimination of the cult's lesser ranks, however in this case, the ones superior to novice and acolyte. Each fallen member yielded vital fragments of information. This intel, painstakingly collected and meticulously organized, formed a mosaic of the cult's network – a vast web stretching far and wide, its tendrils reaching into unsuspected corners.

But dismantling such a leviathan required more than a lone assassin's skill. Brianna, her former ally within the Eternal Eclipse, offered invaluable assistance. Having triumphed in the Claremont Arena alongside Cervin, Brianna had regained a semblance of freedom. Through coded messages and clandestine meetings, they exchanged intel, piecing together the intricate web of the cult.

Brianna's reach, however, was limited outside the cult. Knowing the neutrality of the Koviri crown, Tubiel proposed a daring plan. She requested an audience, hoping to persuade the Koviri monarchs to lend their aid in dismantling the cult. Brianna helped secure one through her aristocratic contacts. Fueled by conviction and armed with irrefutable proofs of the Eternal Eclipse's reach, Tubiel secured the audience. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears. The Koviri kings, unmoved by the threat, dismissed her evidence as mere hearsay.

This seemingly futile meeting would have unforeseen consequences. Unbeknownst to Tubiel, the Eternal Eclipse network had infiltrated the Koviri Crown. Her actions not only exposed her fully to the cult, but also heightened their concern. Fearing a growing alliance against them, the cult would reach out to another powerful organization – the Gardunnia. This secretive criminal organization, an evolution of the Syndicate that once controlled Novigrad, now held sway over the major criminal groups across the Northern Kingdoms and even the Nilfgaardian Empire.

Dejected and frustrated, Tubiel sought solace in the familiar warmth of The Iron Beard tavern, unaware that fate had a surprise in store – a reunion both unexpected and emotionally charged. As she entered, she spotted none other than Putnam.

Putnam tried to remain composed when she entered the tavern, but the silence between them was uncomfortable, and he could feel the tension in the air. He had so many questions he wanted to ask her, but he didn't know where to start. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Tubiel spoke to Tunak, breaking the silence. She tried to pretend that Putnam didn't exist, not out of hatred but out of regret and fear. Then, the awkward silence quickly reappeared and grew. The situation became more complicated when Fabio, who knew the story of Putnam and Tubiel's breakup, exchanged a series of glances with Putnam and reproached Tubiel in an unfriendly tone for what she had done to Putnam. Putnam signaled him not to do anything, but Fabio continued. Tubiel was too tired to say anything, and besides, she was dying of embarrassment because Fabio was right. So, she tried to ignore him more, but it was hard. Putnam's nerves got the best of him, and he punched Fabio.

The sudden outburst caught Tubiel's attention, and she turned towards them with a look of surprise and concern. Putnam regretted his actions immediately, but he couldn't take them back. Tubiel made her way over to them and sat where Fabio had been moments before, while Kalina, the bouncer of the place, took Fabio to one of the rooms to try and cure him. While Tunak attended to Tubiel and Putnam trying to ease the tension between the lovers. Tunak served them both some ale and whispered something in Putnam's ear. He appreciated the boy and saw something nice in both Putnam and Tubiel, despite the obvious tension.

After a while, he brought Tubiel her dinner, apologizing for the delay. The conversation began casually, though tense, with Putnam apologizing for the punch. Tubiel asked where he knew Fabio from, and Putnam revealed that Fabio was a friend, though sometimes a jerk. The latter was born of the nervousness present in him, for he was quite fond of Fabio, in spite of everything. Putnam went on to explain that he had met Fabio after saving him from being killed by a group of wererats in Oxenfurt the last year. They had taken a liking to each other and had remained in touch by letter ever since.

They had met again by chance that very day while he was navigating the canals of the city. Putnam continued to explain to Tubiel how he had been passing through the city to do some shopping for the fortress and to buy some gifts for the upcoming Yule holiday. Tubiel listened intently, feeling a mix of emotions as she heard him speak. She realized that she missed him more than she had realized, and she felt guilty for the way she had treated him in the past. She had done it to protect him, but she couldn't help feeling that perhaps there could have been another way, which she only realized now.

As the conversation continued, the tension between Putnam and Tubiel began to dissipate slowly. They talked about contracts and their current situations. As both drank their ale and Tubiel ate her dinner, they both started to remember why they fell in love in the first place. As the night wore on and the fire in the fireplace of the tavern dwindled to embers, Putnam and Tubiel found themselves drawn to each other. Without a word, they stood up from their chairs and embraced tightly, as if making up for lost time. They shared a long, passionate kiss, fueled by a year of separation. Tunak, and also Kalina, who had returned after curing Fabio and leaving him to sleep, watched the scene, gossiping but also excited, and couldn't help but applaud when the kiss happened. Putnam and Tubiel laughed together once they parted after the kiss, and just as Putnam went to pay Tunak extra for the room, Tunak shook his head, indicating that he would pay him another time. This time, like the ale, it was on the house.

After that, they retired to Putnam's room in the tavern, where they spent the time exploring each other's bodies. It was a night they both knew they would never forget. Every touch, every caress, every whispered word was etched into their memories, fueling the fire of their passion. Despite the intensity of their lovemaking, there was also a tenderness between them that spoke volumes. They held each other close, tracing gentle fingers over each other's skin, marveling at how familiar yet new everything felt. They lay there, basking in the afterglow of their love, knowing that there were things they needed to discuss. The issue of the letter hung between them like a weight, a reminder of the challenges they would need to face. But for now, they were content just to be together, to revel in the joy of their reunion.

As they smiled softly at each other, they slowly fell asleep, and the day ended. The next morning, Putnam and Tubiel awoke to the sound of the city coming to life outside. They quickly dressed and met with Fabio in the tavern's common room. Putnam apologized for the punch, and Fabio just laughed it off, saying that he had been hit harder by worse people. They shared a good-natured laugh, and Fabio bought them breakfast as a peace offering. After breakfast, they made their way to the canals where they took Putnam's rented gondola to the city's entrances. As Putnam rowed the gondola through the waterways, they took in the sights and sounds of the city and discussed the future. Fabio invited Putnam and Tubiel to join his expeditions if he could get some Crown financing.

They saw merchants setting up their stalls, fishermen hauling in their nets, and locals going about their daily business. Putnam and Tubiel offered Fabio to come to Kaer Seren and stay for the winter, but Fabio refused. He explained that he needed to take advantage of the winter months to secure the financing he required for his expeditions, starting with his hometown, Gors Velen. As they approached the city's entrance, they disembarked from the gondola and said their goodbyes. Fabio hugged Putnam and Tubiel, wishing them luck on their journey to Kaer Seren. Putnam and Tubiel, in turn, wished Fabio a safe journey to Gors Velen.

It was a bittersweet moment for Putnam, saying goodbye to a friend they had only just reunited with. With one last look back at Fabio, who was already walking towards the harbor, Putnam and Tubiel set off towards Kaer Seren, eager to spend the winter together after so long without seeing each other. Tubiel was also looking forward to returning to what had been her home and family for six years. That winter was one of the best for both of them. Tubiel also made history by being the first member of the School of the Cat to set foot in the fortress of the School of the Griffin in centuries. This was possible because of Keldar's affection for her, and he let her pass.

To the old witcher, Tubiel would always be his child, and not what the Cats had made of her. She would always be a Griffin at heart. During the winter, Tubiel enjoyed reconnecting with the thirty-eight Griffins who had once been her family. She shared stories and memories with them, and they welcomed her back with open arms, thrilled to have her back in their midst. It was a heartwarming reunion for Tubiel, who had missed her Griffin family and the sense of belonging that they gave her when she was only a little girl. But then, one day, at the end of winter, for similar reasons as in Toussaint, Tubiel disappeared without giving any explanation to anyone. Putnam and the other Griffins searched for her frantically, but she was nowhere to be found. Putnam felt abandoned again, wondering what he had done wrong. Keldar, for his part, was devastated, feeling like he had lost what he considered his adoptive daughter in a way, all over again. The other Griffins were also saddened by her sudden disappearance, wondering where she could have gone. But in the end, they gave up their search, and Keldar assumed it was the fault of the "feralism" of the School of the Cat and she would have her reasons to leave without notice anyone.

The Price of Progress ( Early March - Summer of 1277 )[]

Leaving Kaer Seren behind near winter's end, Tubiel pressed on with her mission to dismantle the Eternal Eclipse. However, this second year proved far more challenging. The Gardunnia, now stood behind the cult, bolstering their defenses. Fearing that gathering allies would endanger innocent lives, Tubiel continued her solitary fight with Brianna's clandestine support.

Joining their cause was Brianna's partner, a revelation that surprised even Tubiel. August van der Ermius. The Higher Vampire help proved invaluable. While Brianna, in her role as Yrrhedes' Chosen, fed them intel from within the Eternal Eclipse, August acted as Tubiel's unseen guardian. His vampiric abilities facilitated her assassinations of key targets such as, Eclipse Masters, conduits and high-ranking priests/priestesses.

However, despite inflicting significant damage on the organization, the stakes rose dramatically and she failed her last mission who was to kill the mage and archdeacon Ireneus var Steingard, almost losing her life in the process. The combined might of the Eternal Eclipse and the Gardunnia brought increased pressure. Recognizing the need for a strategic retreat, Tubiel decided to disappear, seeking temporary refuge in the village of Brenna around summer.

The Brennian Peace ( Summer of 1277 )[]

As much as it hurts, us being together... it feels cursed.
―Tubiel during her second breakup with Putnam

Brenna offered Tubiel a refuge unlike any she had known before. The village, steeped in history but lacking strategic importance, seemed the perfect place to disappear. Here, the house she had slowly restored over the years little by little with the money she earned to be her winter refuge since the dissolution of the Cat School in 1269, became her sanctuary, a stark contrast to the relentless pursuit of the past year and the present one. It would be here, where destiny would reunite her with Putnam once more.


Tubiel´s house in Brenna

For Tubiel, seeing Putnam again after believing she would lose her life on her last mission was a profound experience. She was overwhelmed with relief and gratitude that he had come to find her, even though she knew he didn't know anything about the mages or the Gardunnia. Despite the risks involved, it was as if he had read her mind. The intensity of her emotions showed in the way she clung to him, not wanting to let go for fear that it might be the last time she could see him again. As they reunited, the overwhelming emotions they felt for each other were evident. They looked into each other's eyes, and without a word, they knew they were meant to be together. Tubiel's heart raced as she held on tightly to Putnam, unwilling to break the embrace. It felt as though time had stood still, and nothing else mattered in that moment but the two of them being together.

Putnam, too, was overcome with emotion. He had missed Tubiel so much that words could not express the longing he had felt. As he held her in his arms, he knew that this was where he belonged. For the first time in a long while, he felt at peace. The tension that had been building up inside him over the years melted away as they embraced each other. They both knew that they would do anything to stay together, no matter what the future held. Their reconciliation was unlike any other they had experienced before. Instead of tension and questions, there was a sense of mutual longing and a deep connection that needed no words. They embraced each other, their bodies pressed together in a tight hug that conveyed all the emotions they had been holding back for so long. As they kissed, they felt a deep sense of relief and joy, as if the world had finally fallen into place.

After an emotional and passionate reconciliation, Tubiel and Putnam decided to spend the summer in Brenna. After so long, they needed some time without monsters, political plots, contracts, and the constant risk to their lives. They wanted a quiet life, just the two of them. They quickly adapted to this new lifestyle. They discussed their past, their hopes, and their fears for the future. They even talked about the possibility of starting a family and adopting a child. The idea of giving a child a loving home and a stable life brought a glimmer of hope to both of them.

As they settled into their new routine, Putnam and Tubiel found joy in the simple pleasures of life. They spent their days enjoying each other's company and all that Brenna had to offer. Although Putnam didn't fully retire from being a witcher, he only took on occasional contracts that didn't require him to travel far from Brenna. This gave them more time to focus on their relationship and enjoy their peaceful life. During their time in Brenna, Putnam honed his fishing skills and became quite skilled at catching fish in the river. They enjoyed fresh fish for dinner most nights, and when they had extra, Putnam would sell it to the local market for a small profit. Tubiel enjoyed watching him work, fascinated by the way he effortlessly caught fish after fish. Tubiel, for her part, offered her services as a healer to the elderly in the area when they needed extra money.

Their time in Brenna was idyllic, but their peace was shattered in mid-August when Putnam's adoptive father, Johan Pitch, passed through Brenna while running errands for The Griffins and on his way to Kaer Seren. He was murdered by local prostitutes shortly after saying goodbye to Putnam and Tubiel. Everyone assumed it was a robbery-murder, and the prostitutes were arrested and hanged. However, Tubiel knew it was a warning from the Gardunnia to her.

Putnam was consumed by grief and anger upon learning of his adoptive father's murder. He couldn't believe that the prostitutes had killed Johan Pitch and refused to accept the official explanation of a robbery gone wrong during some time. In an act of madness, Putnam considered burning down the local brothel where the prostitutes worked, blaming them for Johan's death. He felt a strong urge to take revenge on those responsible and make them pay for their crimes. However, Tubiel managed to calm him down before he could do anything rash. She reminded him that violence would not bring back his father and that, in any case, even if it was not what the official authorities claimed, the person responsible was more than certainly dead. He couldn't bear the thought that his adoptive father was gone forever, and he struggled to come to terms with his death.

After Johan's murder, Putnam took charge of arranging his adoptive father's funeral. He was devastated to see Johan's lifeless body, and it was only then that the reality of his death hit him fully. To honor the memory of the man who saved his life when he was just a baby, he decided to abandon his old name of Putnam of Skellige and change his name to Putnam Pitch, the name by which he would eventually become known and remembered after his death in the future.

Tubiel was also deeply affected by Johan's murder. She knew that the Gardunnia had sent a warning to her and that her own safety was in jeopardy. Tubiel became more vigilant, watching her every move and staying alert to any potential danger. She was determined not to let Putnam get caught up in the danger that surrounded her. So in September of that year, to protect what she loved most and willing to put an end to the sect of mages and their allies once and for all or lose her life in the process, Tubiel decided to break up with Putnam again. This time was face to face, and she used their biological differences as a reason, although it was more of an excuse, which left Putnam feeling even more marked by the events that had transpired. He was devastated by the breakup and struggled to cope not only with the death of his adoptive father but also with the loss of the love of his life.

As September painted the leaves with hues of auburn and gold, Tubiel watched Putnam walk away, the weight of her love a heavy burden in her heart. She was alone again, but her resolve was steeled. She would dismantle the Eternal Eclipse, for the victims of the organization, for herself, for Putnam, and for the stolen summer in Brenna.

Months later, Putnam would try to move away from the Northern Kingdoms, as he felt that he needed a fresh start and a chance to heal from the events that during that summer had transpired.

Through the Heart of Darkness ( 1277-1278 )[]

While Putnam was traveling with the members of the School of the Lynx and eventually became crucified in Zerrikania, visiting Ofir and Zangvebar, Tubiel returned to what was by then her life mission. This third year was the most complicated because from the fourth year onwards, things would become somewhat easier (though not much) in terms of putting an end to the Eternal Eclipse. Tubiel would have to deal more with Gardunnia and its assassins than with the Eternal Eclipse itself, which was hiding and waiting for Tubiel's death to reconstruct and continue with its plans.

Joining forces with Brianna and August again, Tubiel launched a series of daring assaults against the Eternal Eclipse. Due to the pressure around Tubiel, gone were the days of subtle assassinations. The urgency of the situation forced their hand, leading them to employ more direct, even terroristic tactics. These strikes crippled the organization, dismantling nearly 40% of its infrastructure. Low-ranking members surviving the previous years fell first, followed by a purge of some Eclipse Overlords and Overladies. Like a series of falling dominoes, the surviving chapters that were not destroyed in 1275 and 1277 fell one after another. By the end of 1278, only the Nefandus Primus, the Sovereign of Shadows, an Eclipse Master named Mimit Sova, and the ultimate cult leader, the Eclipse High Priest Burnon Gurbeld, remained as a threat or so they believed. Ironically, Mimit Sova, having survived the fall of the organization, eventually became responsible for Tubiel's death.

The False Sun ( 1278 - 1279 )[]

1278 gave birth to growing hope, akin to a false sun, which would manifest itself in a glimmer of lightning and a sense of peace in 1279. However, fate had other plans in store. The fragile hope of 1279 would be cut short by the very man destined to survive the Eclipse's downfall – the already mentioned Mimit Sova, who had hidden so well that Tubiel, August, and Brianna believed him to be dead, having been one of the victims of the terrorist attacks carried out by Tubiel.

The initial victories against the remaining leadership unfolded with a sense of terrible beauty. First, the Nefandus Primus fell, revealing the location of the Sovereign of Shadows. He too met his demise, leading them to Burnon Gurbeld, the fanatical High Priest, who resided in the ruins of the Eternal Eclipse's first temple, the Red Horn Massif, once known publicly as the Nefandi. There, a brutal battle ensued. Both Tubiel and August nearly succumbed, saved only by Brianna's intervention, empowered by the God-Demon Yrrhedes. Gurbeld fell, marking the near-complete dismantling of the Eclipse.

Burnon Gurbeld's defeat left only Mimit Sova standing. Taking advantage of the dismantled organization and the knowledge it left behind, Mimit Sova would soon emerge as a new threat—a lone wolf with the potential to unleash horrors even greater than the Eternal Eclipse itself.

A Glimmer of Hope ( 1279-1280 )[]

That headband? It clashes terribly with your complexion. Here, let me get that.
―Tubiel during her reencounter with Putnam

For Tubiel, 1279 emerged as a year of hope. Despite Mimit's emergence from the shadows, accompanied by a number of acolytes, his plans were eventually thwarted, leading Tubiel to believe they were permanently halted — at least, that was her initial conviction. Little did she know, Mimit harbored intentions of returning for revenge.

During this pivotal year, Tubiel sought to embrace a semblance of normalcy. Having weathered the storms of five years battling the Eternal Eclipse, she made the decision to retire from both her life as a mercenary and as a witcheress. Settling in Brenna, she often found herself reminiscing about the summer she had spent with Putnam. To sustain herself and contribute to the community, Tubiel offered her healing services not only to the elderly, reminiscent of her time with Putnam, but also to the broader population in the area. Finally, after a decade of trials and tribulations, she hung her cat medallion in her home, marking the definitive end of that tumultuous chapter of her life.

The only unpleasantness of that year was Putnam's supposed death in Zangvebar, which reached her ears in mid-May when this news reached the Northern Kingdoms, and had a significant impact on three separate events. Firstly, Tubiel's adoption of Sigurd was a direct result of her belief that Putnam had passed away. She saw it as a way to honor their plans of starting a family together and raising an adopted child, despite having to do it alone. The adoption of Sigurd took place during a hunting excursion in the nearby woods, where Tubiel stumbled upon an abandoned child suffering from total amnesia. Moved by compassion and a sense of responsibility, she took the child under her wing and eventually adopted him, naming him Sigurd.

The second event was a meeting with one of Putnam's exes, the bard and ex-mage Trill, at Brenna's tavern. This encounter took place before Tubiel found and adopted Sigurd but after she had learned of Putnam's supposed death. Tubiel, heavily intoxicated and in the midst of her grieving process, expressed a mix of emotions including sadness, anger, and jealousy upon discovering Putnam's romances in Ofir and Zangvebar. She saw Putnam's actions of trying to be a "hero" as foolish, ultimately leading to his apparent death. After this encounter, Trill would compose an adaptation of a little-known song by Jaskier entitled "Burn, Witcher, Burn."

The third event occurred when Tubiel's drunken state led her to let her guard down, allowing her to be spied on by one of Gardunnia's agents. This spy obtained the necessary information for both the criminal organization and the sect survivors to seek revenge against her for her actions. The woman nicknamed the Lioness of Brenna had achieved some success in her mission and had successfully dismantled, as already mentioned, the large mage sect she had uncovered, as well as some members of the Gardunnia in the process. However, this success, as mentioned before, ultimately led to her downfall and came sooner than expected.

Upon finally arriving in Brenna, Putnam was met with a pleasant weather but a feeling of nervousness that he had not experienced in a long time. He couldn't help but wonder whether Tubiel would agree to come back to him, or if she thought that he was dead. He was also unsure whether she was still in Brenna or had moved on to a different place. All these questions and more plagued his mind, adding to the already mounting anxiety he was feeling.

So the first thing Putnam did was to go to the mayor's house. If anyone was certain that the Lioness of Brenna was currently residing there, it was him. The old mayor liked to interact and get to know all the people who lived in Brenna. Furthermore, since Putnam had saved the place from a dangerous griffin roaming the outskirts in 1277, the mayor had grown fond of the witcher, treating him like a nephew.

As Putnam approached the mayor's house, he noticed the colorful flowers and vibrant greenery that adorned the front lawn. The mayor had always taken great pride in his residence, and it showed in the immaculate upkeep of the property. Then, Putnam knocked on the door, a sense of familiarity washed over him. The mayor's booming voice echoed from within, asking who the caller was. Putnam replied, making a joke, saying it was the ghost of past Yule. There was a tense silence for a moment, followed by footsteps, indicating that someone was running and approaching to open the door. When the mayor opened the door and saw Putnam, he did not recognize him at first. Putnam's skin had become a little browner from the trip to Ofir and Zangvebar, giving him an olive complexion, and his hair bleached by the southern sun, has turned from blond to light brown after his return to the north.

But then, the witcher smiled, and the two embraced. The witcher's smile brought a sense of relief to the mayor, who couldn't believe that Putnam was alive and well. Overjoyed to see him again, the mayor insisted that they catch up, but Putnam politely declined, stating that he had come for a specific reason. He needed to find out if Tubiel was in Brenna, specifically in the house she had bought after the fall of the Dyn Marv caravan, which they later shared.

The mayor confirmed that Tubiel was in Brenna and had recently visited to complain about a broken bridge that needed fixing due to Sigurd's injury. The mayor was about to tell Putnam about the child that Tubiel had adopted after believing him to be dead when the witcher suddenly mounted his horse and rode off towards their house.

In a rush of excitement and anticipation, Putnam galloped down the road, his heart beating fast in his chest. He couldn't wait to see Tubiel again, to hold her in his arms and never to be separated from her again. As he rode, he couldn't help but wonder if she would still love him after all this time. But he pushed those doubts aside and focused on the present moment, determined to find her and bring her back into his life.

When Putnam arrived at the house, it seemed as though he had stepped straight out of the tales of the heroic witcher Raven, whose stories Sigurd loved to hear from the local storyteller, alongside those of the noble knights of Toussaint. He was mounted on a magnificent white steed that whinnied and reared up on its hind legs as he approached the house, while his gleaming blue Griffin armor caught the sunlight. The red-haired boy, who had been playing on the outskirts of the house, was left awestruck and speechless at the sight of this impressive figure. Sigurd couldn't believe his eyes - a real witcher, just like the ones in the stories! He was still processing this when Putnam calmed the horse and dismounted. The two exchanged glances, and Putnam gave him a soft smile, thinking he might be the neighbor's son, before turning to knock on the door.

As Putnam was about to knock, the noise caused by the galloping, braking, and neighing of the horse was loud enough to draw Tubiel out of the house, abandoning her half-prepared lunch. She was ready to reprimand whoever had caused such a commotion or had endangered Sigurd by not watching where he was galloping. As Tubiel stepped out of the house, her eyes widened in disbelief as she saw Putnam standing in front of her. For a moment, she was at a loss for words, unable to comprehend the reality of the situation. It really was him, in the flesh. It had been almost two years since they had last seen each other, and months since he had supposedly been presumed dead.

After the initial shock wore off, Tubiel remembered the breaks they had taken, always with the intention of protecting Putnam. She felt nothing but deep regret and her eyes welled up with tears as she walked towards him. Reaching out, she touched him as if trying to verify that he was not an illusion of an aguara. Putnam allowed her to run her hands over his facial scars, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of her touch. Then she embraced him tightly, and Putnam hugged her back, feeling a lump form in his throat as he realized how much he had missed her. They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, lost in their own world, catching up on lost time, just like they had done on many other occasions before.

As they held each other, Tubiel and Putnam felt the weight of the past and the hope of the future. Memories flooded back, from their childhood together to their time in The Path and the summer of 1277 which they spent right there in Brenna, living together. They talked about everything they missed, everything that had happened while they were apart. Tubiel avoided telling the story of the mages and their sect, as it was not the time, perhaps in the distant future, and focused on more banal things.

As they pulled away from their embrace, Putnam noticed that Tubiel was not wearing the cat medallion that had always hung around her neck. He didn't ask her about it, but the absence of the medallion made him realize that their reunion would be different; it would be the final one, and there would be no more separations. Finally, they could live the quiet life they had talked about so much, settling down to enjoy the peace and tranquility that had eluded them for so long. They could now build a life together, without any of the past turmoil and strife that had plagued them. They were both grateful for the new chance that life had given them and were determined to make the most of it.

However, the tension arising from the emotions of the reunion was relieved when Tubiel saw the blue headband he was wearing and told him that it looked awful on him and was tacky. They both laughed as she took it off Putnam. After the moment of levity, while Tubiel finished preparing lunch and Putnam drank some water, Tubiel told him about how the village had grown, while Putnam shared his adventures and misadventures in far-off lands. They caught up on each other's lives and reminisced about the past.

After Tubiel finished preparing the lunch and Putnam shared the news of his fortune, she was thrilled but also nervous. The news brought a sense of relief, not because they were now "rich," but because they could now focus more on Sigurd's education and because the key moment of presenting Putnam their adopted son was near, as soon as Tubiel called Sigurd for lunch, and Tubiel wanted to handle it with utmost care. Although she had broached the subject of adoption with Putnam back in 1277, before their last breakup,she couldn't help but feel nervous. All that was happening it was unexpected, yes, but life is full of surprises, and Putnam was back in her life. She was happy that he was not dead, and they could start their family together.

As for Sigurd, she had not spoken to him about having a father. When Tubiel found him lost in the woods with amnesia, she was still grieving Putnam's supposed loss, and she did not want the eight-year-old boy to be affected by it. She had taken it upon herself to raise him, and she wanted to make sure he was loved and cared for. Tubiel had given him a home, a family, and an education.

Tubiel had dedicated many months to raising Sigurd on her own, and now with Putnam back in their lives, she felt that the family was finally complete. She was eager to ensure that Putnam and Sigurd would develop a strong and positive relationship. A part of her was confident that they would get along well, but another part could not help but feel a sense of dread. Despite her mixed feelings, Tubiel was determined to make the presentation of their adopted son to Putnam a memorable one. As soon as Sigurd was called for lunch, Tubiel's heart began to race. She wanted to handle the introduction delicately, knowing that the topic of adoption was still an important matter to Putnam, although he had not said so in those moments, she knew him well enough to know that this was the case.

As they sat down for lunch, Tubiel took a deep breath and began to speak. She explained how she had found Sigurd alone and abandoned in the nearby woods, about to be devoured by wolves, suffering from complete amnesia. She told the story of how she had taken him in and cared for him, and how he had become the son they could never have biologically due to Putnam's witcher infertility. She described how Sigurd had grown and thrived under her care, and expressed her belief that Putnam would make an excellent father to him. Tubiel's eyes shone with emotion as she finished speaking, and she looked to Putnam with hope in her heart.

But before they could discuss it further, Sigurd interrupted with a series of questions for Putnam. Tubiel gently reminded him to be quiet, but Putnam laughed and told her to let the boy ask questions. Sigurd's curiosity and excitement were evident, and Putnam happily answered each question. It was clear that he already felt a connection to the boy.

Over the course of the meal, Putnam and Sigurd talked and joked together, getting to know each other better. Tubiel watched with a sense of relief and happiness, seeing that they were getting along well.

After lunch, Sigurd insisted that he and Putnam go outside to play with his wooden swords. Tubiel smiled, happy to see them bonding over such a simple activity. She cleaned up the dishes and went outside to watch them play.

As she watched them spar with their wooden swords, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Seeing her son and her partner bonding like this was all she had ever wanted.

Later that day, after Putnam and Sigurd had tired themselves out, they all sat down together to discuss their future as a family. They talked about Sigurd's education and future aspirations, and Putnam expressed his desire to be involved in his son's life as much as possible. The following day, Putnam went to the village council to have the boy's name officially changed to Sigurd Pitch, later known in history as Sigurd Pitch of Brenna.

As they talked, Tubiel realized that she had never been happier in her life. She was surrounded by the people she loved the most, and they were all working together to create a bright future for themselves.

It was a new beginning, a new chapter in their lives, and they were all excited to see where it would take them.

The Calm Before the Storm ( Late August of 1279 - January of 1280 )[]

A ring? You know, some might say it's a bit old-fashioned. But seeing the look on your face... alright, Put. Yes.
―Tubiel during Putnam's proposal

The months that followed Tubiel's return with Putnam were simply idyllic for them, with their village life seeming like something out of a dream or a bucolic tale. During that nearly perfect time, because perfection is rare, Putnam did not cease to be what he was by nature and education—a witcher. Occasionally, he would take on contracts, but they were minor tasks, nothing extraordinary. For instance, he dealt with some bothersome ghouls nearby or a plague of annoying drowners in the river. However, he undertook these contracts without charging, prioritizing Sigurd's safety over money or Brenna's security. Not that he lacked funds, though. It was disheartening to learn that the bank restricted his withdrawals until precisely 101 years from then due to a contract, but it was enough for a comfortable life. Protecting his family mattered more to the witcher than any amount of coin. The main "imperfection" of that nearly perfect and bucolic time was Tubiel's concern about the potential impact of Putnam's work as a witcher on their son. She feared Sigurd's fascination with his father's profession might lead him to desire to become a witcher himself, risking his safety.

Despite Putnam's attempts to show Sigurd the harsh realities of a witcher's life, the boy continued to idolize his father and his work. Sigurd followed him everywhere and even sneaked along on one of his contracts, causing alarm for both Putnam and Tubiel. They spent much time discussing Sigurd's safety and future, trying to divert him from the perilous path of becoming a witcher.

Initially, Tubiel wasn't overly worried about Sigurd's love for stories about witchers and knights, as they were just tales with moral lessons. However, with Putnam's presence and adventures to share, Sigurd's admiration for his father grew stronger. The boy had his hero at home, fueling his fascination with the perilous world of witchers.

Overall, the family's concerns about Sigurd's safety and future intensified each day. Despite Putnam's efforts to balance Sigurd's admiration with reality, the boy remained captivated by the idea of becoming a witcher like his father. This was not ironic but rather intriguing. Although not related by blood, it seemed as if the boy had inherited the fascination for witchers from Putnam's adoptive father, Sigurd's deceased grandfather. Eventually, Sigurd's persistent fascination paid off, and Putnam began training him. The training combined witcher education with general learning as Putnam and Tubiel sought a compromise between Sigurd's desires and their aspirations for his future.

Aside from that, life in Brenna was ideal for them, with Putnam and Tubiel fully immersed in the village community. Unlike in 1277 when they were more self-focused, Putnam transitioned from being "the witcher" to simply Putnam, Put, or Sigurd's father. Many villagers, beyond the mayor, grew fond of the two-colored-eyed witcher and regarded him as just another neighbor, like many others.

Putnam engaged in local activities, from festivals to aiding with village repairs. He was seen as a hardworking and dependable member of their community, always ready to assist those in need. Whether fixing a broken fence, aiding in harvest, or simply listening to someone's troubles, Putnam was there.

Meanwhile, Sigurd swiftly made friends with other village children. They played in the fields, swam in the river, and explored the nearby forests. Despite his fascination with witchers and his "training," Sigurd was like any other child, always eager for fun and playtime.

The time was so idyllic that Putnam eventually proposed to Tubiel in late October of the same year. One evening, after finding the engagement ring that his adoptive father had given him before he died, Tubiel nestled comfortably in bed, her attention fully absorbed by a book. Despite his nerves, he summoned the courage to take a deep breath and approached her, his heart racing with anticipation. As their eyes met, she beamed a warm smile in his direction, and Putnam knew in that moment that he was ready to take the next step.

After exchanging a few casual words, Putnam proceeded to undress, as was their custom when they slept together. As he took the ring out of his pocket, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. With a trembling hand, he held out the engagement ring for Tubiel to see. Tubiel's eyes widened in surprise as she stared at the ring, taking a moment to process what was happening. Then, a smile slowly formed on her face, and with a slight nod, she gave Putnam her answer, accompanied by an amused laugh. But as she expressed her happiness, Tubiel also shared her belief that their love for each other transcended symbols like rings, weddings, or paperwork. To her, they were already as good as married in every sense that truly mattered. However, after seeing the joy in Putnam's eyes, she was happy to accept the ring and become officially engaged to him.

The Preparation and the Wedding ( December 1279 - January 27, 1280 )[]

This is it, Putnam. This is our happy ending.
―Tubiel during the ceremony to Putnam

Unlike many other couples, Putnam and Tubiel did not take long to prepare for their wedding. Their unique status and education as witcher and witcheress, respectively, played a role in their decision-making process. Despite having the financial means to organize a grand and spectacular event, they opted for a more intimate ceremony that reflected their personal preferences. However, deciding on the location proved to be a challenge as they did not want to hold the ceremony under the umbrella of any particular religion.

Despite the offer from the mayor of Brenna to hold the wedding in the village, Putnam and Tubiel declined. Although the village was small, and the risk of the Melitele priestesses finding out was low, they did not want to put the mayor or the villagers in danger. Instead, they continued to search for a location that was more in line with their personal beliefs and values.

Finally, and quite curiously, Sigurd indirectly found the solution to their wedding location dilemma by remaining steadfast in his determination to become a witcher and not abandon his dream, despite Tubiel and Putnam's suggestions. The answer was Kovir, as its laws permitted civil or religious marriage, with money being the primary guiding rule of the cold kingdom. Furthermore, they could take Sigurd to Kaer Seren, where Keldar could attempt to convince him to abandon his witcher aspirations. While this plan was risky and could potentially reinforce Sigurd's desire to become a witcher, they felt they had to give it a try. They even considered holding the wedding at the Griffins' fortress, which held special symbolism for them since they had first met there as children.

With the decision made, they packed their belongings and embarked on the fastest ship they could afford. Fortunately, the weather was on their side, almost as if it knew the significance of their journey. After a month, they finally arrived at Lan Exeter in December of 1279.

Sigurd, who had never ventured beyond the Brenna area (or at least, couldn't remember doing so), relished the journey. He was so happy that his joyful mood was infectious and spread to Putnam and Tubiel. It was a beautiful experience, one that felt almost too perfect to be real. However, little did they know, that last statement held some truth.

Tubiel (and also Putnam), lost in their "fairy tale" / happy ending, did not realize (especially Tubiel, who had been very paranoid at the beginning) that all that time they had been spied on, and it would continue even after they had left Brenna. By whom? Well, by the Gardunnia, for one of their allies, Mimit. The Gardunnia had collaborated without opposition since Tubiel had indirectly messed up several of their clandestine operations. When the mage discovered more about his origins and later about Putnam, he was neither surprised nor happy. To him, his brother had survived, and that was it. "Well, that's fine, he'll serve me for something, surely as a lab rat since he is a Source".

With Tubiel, it was different. He held a grudge against her. In his eyes, she was a simple and atupid human who had destroyed his lifetime's worth of work to become the greatest sorcerer in history by mastering a power greater than that of a demon. And now, she was going to walk away unscathed with a happy ending? No, he was not going to allow it. He believed that everything had consequences, and he would ensure that Tubiel paid for hers.

His revenge would be proportionate to all the damage that Tubiel had caused him by dismantling his grand project. And it certainly wouldn't be gentle. At first, the mage thought about kidnapping the boy who was technically his adopted nephew, but soon he found no use for that. The boy didn't seem to have anything special, and the idea of kidnapping a child seemed boring to him. However, after reading the reports that the Gardunnia had sent him detailing how close Tubiel and Putnam appeared to be, he decided that kidnapping his own brother was a better option. He had nothing against the witcher, but he did have something against Tubiel. She had taken everything he wanted - his grand plan, his "deserved" power - so he would take one of the people she loved the most in return. Wasn't that fair?

Besides, Putnam was a Source. He knew it since he read the description of his "curious eyes" that matched those of the missing mother of both, making him the perfect conduit to channel and bring the Cosmic Horror that he served to The Continent, deceive it, and absorb its power. It would take him months to accomplish that, but it was still less time than it took him in the past to convince and unite mages to his sect, which would then have been used as a sacrifice for a corporeal form of the dark god he served.

Upon their arrival in Lan Exeter, they were greeted with a thick blanket of snow that covered everything in sight. Despite the cold weather, Sigurd was fascinated by the unique design of the city. He couldn't believe that the streets had been replaced by canals, and that gondolas were the primary means of transportation. During their stay, they were forced to wait out a blizzard that swept through the area. But despite being stuck in the city for several days, they didn't mind one bit. Sigurd, in particular, was smitten with the place and even suggested that they could stay there and live out the rest of their days.

As they departed from Lan Exeter and continued on their journey to Kaer Seren, they took the safest route to avoid any potential danger. The snow-covered landscape stretched out before them, with towering mountains in the distance. They encountered a few travelers along the way, mainly merchants, but for the most part, the journey was quiet and uneventful.

The reception in the rebuilt fortress was more cheerful than usual, at least on Keldar's part. He was very happy to see Tubiel again after four years without seeing her. The old man's affection for the girl had not changed at all since the last time. Once the lively welcome was over, the couple commented in a general way on all the new things that had happened in their lives, as well as introducing the "big new thing" (i.e., Sigurd) and explaining why they were there, since they had not come to spend the winter in the standard witcher sense.

The rest of the witchers welcomed them warmly, as usual, but couldn't resist their curiosity about Sigurd. Was he a new student? That remained to be seen. In total, there were about 35 people in the fortress, including Putnam, Tubiel, and Sigurd. It wasn't because all the survivors of the avalanche that had rebuilt Kaer Seren were there, but because there were 25 witchers and around 10 students whom Keldar had gradually recruited once Putnam, Kemro, and Zivor had graduated. Most of the students were Sigurd's age or younger, and the red-haired boy quickly made friends with them during his short time in the fortress.

Among the 25 witchers were some, like Gah'el or Vargos, who had spent almost the entire month cleaning the stables as punishment from Keldar for leaving Jolanta without saying anything. It's not that the old man had a great fondness for the School of the Cat, not even during the times when Kristov was with D'yaebl (with the exception of Tubiel), but abandoning Jolanta in that way seemed somewhat indecent and not worthy of how a Griffin should behave.

And once they had settled in, Putnam and Tubiel in Putnam's room (formerly the late Coën's room) and Sigurd with the students (as it thrilled him), although at first Putnam and Tubiel were not in agreement, they eventually allowed him to sleep with the students (although Tubiel was a little more hesitant). The couple went to talk to Keldar in depth, who listened attentively and in silence, with that serious look that characterized him so much, to Putnam and Tubiel's words. They expressed their concerns about their adopted son's dream of becoming a witcher.

After they finished speaking, there was a moment of silence which was interrupted by Keldar who pulled out his pipe to smoke and contemplate the matter further. Matlena, from the upper floor, shouted down at him to not smoke indoors. Putnam couldn't help but chuckle, and Tubiel smiled slightly. After several puffs, the old master spoke and suggested that they discuss the wedding with the rest of the Griffins first, and only proceed if everyone agreed. However, they were strictly forbidden from inviting any mages. As for Sigurd (this was more directed towards Tubiel than Putnam since the witcher couldn't deny that he was secretly happy that Sigurd wanted to follow in his footsteps and Keldar picked up on this), he should be allowed to train for at least two years, as this would be beneficial for him. If he could endure the training, they would try to mutate him. In addition, even if he didn't become a witcher, he would gain a set of skills and knowledge (since they were not from the School of the Cat) that would serve him well in the future. Keldar saw great potential in Sigurd. Tubiel, ultimately, agreed somewhat begrudgingly.

The wedding took a month to prepare and celebrate. This wasn't because they had to convince the other witchers in the fortress, as the majority of them, except for Keldar who didn't like the idea of bringing unknown people into the fortress, and Olivier who found it too cheesy, quickly agreed. It had been a while since they had celebrated anything, the last being Keldar's 300th birthday which ended quickly because the grumpy old witcher didn't want any celebration. But because of other issues, such as food, guests, weather (which would affect the arrival of the guests in time), etc.

Fortunately, as they were more than the Wolves, it didn't take too long to prepare allthe things necesary for the wedding, as they could divide the tasks that needed to be done. Gah'el and Olivier took care of the food (since Olivier refused to make flower crowns or other decorations, claiming that he would die of cheesiness overdose), Matlena along with Tubiel took care of the bridal gown, which they went to pick up from Lan Exeter (although they had to make several visits to the city and it took a while, as they looked for one that was more traditional from Temeria, because Tubiel didn't want to wear what she considered the "tacky" typical bridal gowns from Kovir), Putnam took care of writing the invitations to the guests, once he and Tubiel discussed who should come to the wedding, Elcon was responsible for organizing the music and he searched for a talented bard. He eventually found Jezkier, who had recently returned to the North. Upon learning that it was Putnam's wedding, Jezkier readily agreed to perform and even offered to do it for free, hoping to repair his damaged friendship with the witcher. This initially caused some tension, as Elcon was unaware of the past conflict between Putnam and Jezkier. However, the two were able to reconcile their differences and make peace, Kemro and Zivor took care of the decoration and the location, deciding that it would be a good idea to have the ceremony on the fortress' private beach, taking advantage of the improving weather at the end of January, finally being celebrated on January 27, 1280. Vargos and Putnam went to pick up the groom's suit, also from Lan Exeter, and lastly, Keldar agreed to officiate the wedding.

As for the expenses, they were covered by the fortune that Putnam had earned in the Far South. Fortunately for everyone, although there were limits on the amount of money he could withdraw, the higher value of the dinars compared to other currencies made everything feasible.

Regarding the guests, there were only a few. This was due to both Tubiel and Putnam wanting a more private ceremony and the conditions set by Keldar. Putnam tried to contact his acquaintances from the Far South, but unfortunately, it was impossible. In the end, he decided to invite Fabio and his wife, but only Fabio could attend, as Erin had an important family matter to attend to. Despite being excited to visit a fortress of witchers, she had to prioritize her family first. So Fabio was the only guest on Putnam's side. On Tubiel's side, the only guest was Caldigi, a former member of the School of the Cat who had reformed as a member of the School of the Fox after the fall of Dyn Marv. Tubiel considered him like an older brother and felt he should be at the wedding. At first, Keldar was very hesitant to accept him, but in the end, after corresponding with Velcal, the grandmaster of that southern school, he agreed to let Caldigi come, but only if Velcal accompanied him, as Keldar still wasn't completely trusting.

Throughout that time, especially due to the activity of the witchers outside their fortress and the vast spy network of Gardunnia, Mimit obtained even more information than he needed and planned his revenge with the precision that only an ego-wounded mage could have. It would be a simple yet effective plan, since the fortress was not protected against magical attacks, considering that it took time to rebuild it and the Griffins believed that the mages were satisfied with the previous attack. During the banquet, he would open a portal, transport his two golems with him, kidnap Putnam, and let the golems deal with any opposition.

Finally, after days of calm and blissful anticipation, the wedding day arrived. The ceremony was held on the private beach of the fortress, which was surrounded by the serene, dark blue waters of the north sea. The scene was breathtakingly beautiful, with the sun shining down on the sand and the waves gently lapping at the shore. The wedding was a small and intimate affair, with only the Griffins, Fabio, Caldigi, and Velcal in attendance. The couple exchanged vows under a simple yet elegant arch adorned with white flowers, with the sound of seagulls and the ocean providing a peaceful backdrop. It was a perfect moment of pure love and joy, shared between two people who were truly meant for each other.

However, the storm that would change everything finally arrived. When the banquet was in full swing and everyone was enjoying the festivities, Mimit made his move. With the accuracy and efficiency that only a mage seeking revenge could possess, he opened a portal and quickly kidnapped Putnam, leaving his golems to handle any opposition. The witchers, caught off guard, fought valiantly but were ultimately unable to stop Mimit from escaping with his captive and some of them, like Velcal died in the process.

The Rescue ( Late January - May 31 of 1280 )[]

Four months. Four grueling months of dead ends and false leads. But the trail's clearer now. We're close, Putnam. We're coming for you.
―Tubiel to herself during the long journey to rescue Putnam

After Putnam's kidnapping, a search and rescue team was organized. The team consisted of Tubiel, Kemro, and Zivor, who were the first to volunteer after Tubiel declared that she would lead the mission. They were followed by Vargos, Fabio, Caldigi, and lastly, surprisingly, Jezkier. He claimed that he had saved Putnam's life in Zerrikania (which was true) and insisted that he was essential for the team. In reality, he still felt guilty about everything that had happened in Ofir, and this, along with his previous actions at the wedding, was his way of redeeming himself since his skills weren't exactly the most suitable. Once the team was created and ready, they headed to the druids who were in charge of mutating the new Griffins as soon as possible before embarking on any journey. They needed their help for one simple reason: they had to find the trail left by the portal to rescue Putnam, and they had only a few hours left before it vanished completely.

After finally arriving, they explained the whole situation to the druids, who agreed to help. Unfortunately, several of the horses they used broke their legs on the way to the druids, so they had to continue on foot. By the time they returned to the fortress with the druids, the trail of the portal had grown faint, and the druids could only provide them with a vague idea of where Putnam might have been taken. The druids informed them that he was most likely being held somewhere in Gheso, Maecht, or Magne. The druids offered to open a portal and start the rescue from there, saving them time, but Tubiel refused. She argued that Mimit could easily detect them and set up an ambush. They would travel by non-magical means, which would take longer but be safer. Time was running out, and although she wanted to rescue Putnam as soon as possible, she did not want to take any risks. Once they obtained the information, the team prepared and set off for Nilfgaardian territory to rescue the witcher.

Their journey was summed up in four months of following trails, hitting dead ends, and retracing their steps to find Putnam's exact location, which they finally managed to pinpoint.


Find peace, Putnam...
―Tubiel´s last words to Putnam

Tubiel died on the night of May 31 to June 1, 1280, at the age of 24. For four long and harrowing months, as already mentioned, the team, and especially Tubiel, had been tirelessly searching, hitting dead ends, and retracing their steps in pursuit of Putnam. Despite brief moments of respite, like when they stayed in Erin's old house, they were never enough to alleviate the mounting frustration and desperation. However, after all that effort, they finally found two potential locations where Putnam might be held captive.

As for Sigurd, did the son of the couple in Kaer Seren stay put, knowing what was going on? Absolutely not. Just before the team set off south, the red-haired boy, when Keldar had fallen asleep and the other Griffins were occupied, with the grace and stealth of a cat, managed to slip into the carriage in which Fabio had arrived (and from which he had taken a horse for the visit to the druids). This carriage had been borrowed from his wife's family for the wedding (which the team would later use to travel south)

The team only realized they had a stowaway, when they were already far away from Kaer Seren, on a ship out at sea. Obviously, the boy received a stern scolding for his actions, but it was clear that Sigurd only wanted to help with whatever had happened to his father. Unfortunately, he didn't fully understand the danger he was putting himself in and saw it all as an exciting adventure. Given the circumstances, the team ultimately decided to let him stay, as going back was not an option.

The two locations they eventually obtained were Darn Viesser, a citadel located next to the lake known as Loc Lebar, and Kasteel Saar, a ancient ruins situated near the Korath Desert located in Magne. Legend had it that these ruins once belonged to another school that emerged after the extinction of the Order of Witchers. With no idea where Putnam might be held captive, the team decided to divide their efforts. Fabio and Sigurd were to investigate the citadel located within the city of Viesser to gather information on its owners and rulers. This would minimize the risk to the child and Fabio, whose cartographic expertise was more valuable than his combat skills. Meanwhile, Tubiel, Kemro, Zivor, Jezkier, Vargos, and Caldigi were to venture to the ancient ruins. Once each member had completed their assigned task, they would reunite in the city and return home together, thinking it would be just a scare that would end. Little did they know how wrong they were. That night, many things would be burned and swallowed up by the magnese sands.

As the team split up, Fabio and Sigurd made their way towards Darn Viesser, taking the winding path that led towards the citadel. The city was bustling with people, and the sound of carts and horse hooves could be heard echoing off the cobblestone streets. Fabio couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety as they approached the fortified walls of the citadel. They knew nothing about the rulers of Darn Viesser or what kind of reception they would receive.

Meanwhile, Tubiel, Kemro, Zivor, Jezkier, Vargos, and Caldigi made their way towards Kasteel Saar, treading along the arid terrain near the Korath Desert. The heat was intense, and the sun blazed down mercilessly, but the group kept moving forward. They were determined to find Putnam and bring him home.

As the day turned into dusk, Fabio and Sigurd managed to gather some information about the rulers of the citadel, but it was not enough to pinpoint Putnam's exact location. It seemed like they had hit yet another dead end, and now all they could do was hope that the other half of the group had been more successful and found Putnam.

The group assigned to Kasteel Saar finally arrived at the ruins as night fell. The ruins dated back to the time of the Empire of Magne, although the modifications made by others who had used them, such as elves and Nilfgaardians during their republican period, were noticeable despite their poor condition and lack of visibility due to the late hour. The ruins were heavily guarded by several individuals, primarily local mercenaries and errant knights who had fallen out of favor and turned to a mercenary lifestyle.

Observing the large number of people guarding the ruins, the group felt almost certain that Putnam was being held there. It was clear that these were not mere treasure hunters, given their appearance. So the group spent about two hours hiding in the vicinity of the ruins, carefully observing. As they waited, the group noticed that the mercenaries and knights guarding the ruins were armed to the teeth, they carried swords, crossbows, and other weapons, indicating that they were prepared for any potential threat.

So, they worked to develop a solid escape plan to ensure that once they entered, found, and freed the witcher, they could safely flee the area. As they worked on their escape plan, the group took note of the terrain and the best routes to take. They also made sure to assess the skills and equipment of each member, assigning tasks and roles that would play to their strengths. They knew that they had to be quick and efficient, as any mistake could cost them their lives or Putnam's.

Unfortunately, even with the best plan and team, failure was sometimes inevitable and the first sign of the tragedy that would be called later the Magne Massacre was when Jezkier's distraction ended in disaster. He was supposed to distract the mercenaries and knights by pretending to be lost and claiming that Aen Manche nomads had attacked him and taken his belongings. He would then ask for their help to retrieve his things and suggest that the elves might attack the ruins, leading them far away from the ruins so the rest of the team could enter undetected. Meanwhile, Zivor would be on standby in case things went wrong.

As Jezkier began to weave his tale, the mercenaries and knights grew suspicious of his story and demanded answers. Jezkier's nerves got the better of him, and a scuffle broke out, ultimately resulting in his death after being shot by the ones with crossbows. Zivor charged towards the group in an attempt to save Jezkier, but despite his incredible strength, his size made him slower than a typical witcher and when he arrived it was too late. Nonetheless, Zivor fought valiantly, using his strength and witcher training to incapacitate several of the attackers.

As the battle raged on, Zivor realized that he might not make it out alive. Despite this, he continued to fight, driven by thoughts of his comrades and the mission they had set out to complete. However, the numbers were against him, and his injuries began to take a toll on his movements and attacks.

With a final burst of energy, Zivor unleashed a devastating attack, taking down several more of his attackers before succumbing to his wounds. The rest of the team, who had been waiting for Jezkier's signal, a song that he was supposed to start humming once the group of mercenaries and knights started to get far enough away, heard the commotion and quickly realized that something had gone wrong. They moved quickly to take cover and assess the situation, realizing that their original plan had failed and that they had lost two of their own. The team was left to mourn the loss of Jezkier and Zivor while deciding how to proceed with their mission.

But the great tragedy had to continue, and Father Time allowed them little time to plan again. As they tried to recover from the loss of Jezkier and Zivor, Kemro, blinded by the pain of losing one of his best friends and his longtime companion on The Path, made a drastic decision without consulting Vargos, Caldigi, and Tubiel. Quickly, he consumed several witcher potions he had at hand, pushing himself to the brink of intoxication, if not slightly beyond, and marched towards the ruins with a battle cry that conveyed nothing but anguish and rage for his fallen friend.

This fierce battle cry, reminiscent of a mighty imperial eagle, drew more of the mercenaries who were protecting the place even faster, as they were already on their way due to the commotion caused by Zivor's confrontation. It was a deliberate move, and upon seeing them approach, Kemro could only smile and engage in combat, knowing that there was no tomorrow. He would die that night, but he would die in a grand manner. His final thoughts were for Zivor, who had shown him that the world could still be beautiful despite all the hardships, for Tubiel, who had taught him resilience, and for Putnam, who had always been there when he needed him. Putnam had been there from the beginning, when he was most vulnerable and everyone else considered a monster, except him.

As Kemro charged into battle, fueled by grief and consumed by his determination to avenge his fallen friend, his movements became a symphony of skill and fury. He unleashed a flurry of devastating strikes, his sword cutting through the air with deadly precision, also using boosted Signs like Aard, which he launched from his right arm prosthesis. The Signs caused many of his opponents to fall defeated, either unconscious or dead. The mercenaries and knights, taken aback by Kemro's ferocity, momentarily faltered in their attack, giving Vargos, Caldigi, and Tubiel the opportunity they needed to slip past the chaos and make their way towards their objective.

Kemro fought with such intensity that it seemed as though he was taking on the entire army single-handedly. His skill was formidable, and his resolve unshakable. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, he held his ground for as long as he could. However, in the end, like Zivor before him, he was overwhelmed by the sheer number of opponents he faced, compounded by the intoxicating effects of the potions he had consumed. He fell to the ground, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of his enemies, his final breath escaping in a defiant roar of victory.

Kemro's sacrifice was not in vain. His relentless onslaught had created a distraction, allowing Vargos, Caldigi, and Tubiel to slip past the chaos and infiltrate the ruins undetected. They moved swiftly and silently. Their mission to find Putnam burned with an even greater urgency now, fueled by the loss of the bard and the two Griffin witchers.

As Vargos, Caldigi, and Tubiel delved deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of the ruins, the haunting evidence of Putnam's presence became increasingly apparent. The walls and floors were marred by sinister bloodstains, bearing witness to the unimaginable physical tortures he had endured at the merciless hands of Mimit. The signs of escape attempts were scattered throughout the corridors, telling a tale of desperate defiance against overwhelming odds. But as Vargos, Caldigi, and Tubiel meticulously investigated, a chilling truth emerged – most of these escape attempts had been cruel deceptions, artfully staged by Mimit himself. It was a psychological torment, an insidious game designed to mock Putnam's hope and resilience.

The trio couldn't help but feel a mix of fury and anguish as they pieced together the cruel puzzle laid out before them. The walls seemed to whisper the agonizing cries of the witcher, trapped within the confines of this malevolent maze. With each step they took, their determination grew, fueled by the need to bring an end to Putnam's suffering and extract retribution upon his tormentor.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they rounded another corner and were greeted bya intense light ahead. A surge of hope coursed through their weary hearts. Could it be? Had they finally found him? Without hesitation, they quickened their pace, their steps fueled by a mix of anticipation and prayer, desperately hoping that they had arrived in time to save their friend and in Tubiel´s case husband, from the clutches of despair.

And luck, at least for that moment, was fully on their side, as once they reached the source of such intense light, they finally found him after so much time. Upon seeing him, a whirlwind of emotions swept through them. There was the overwhelming joy of finally locating him and realizing he was still alive. Yet, this elation was tinged with deep sadness as they beheld his physical state.

The room in which Putnam was held captive for four long months remained unchanged, a stark and haunting space that had become a living nightmare. Its minimalist design, dominated by blinding white walls, provided an eerie backdrop to the horrors that had unfolded within its confines. Illuminated by artificial lights of magical origin, the room seemed to exist in a realm of its own, disconnected from the outside world.

Immaculate in its cleanliness, the room presented an unsettling contrast to the suffering endured by Putnam. Every surface was flawlessly maintained, devoid of any trace of the torment that had taken place there. The air itself felt sterile, as if it held the secrets of unspeakable acts and the lingering pain of the witcher's captivity.

However, the most harrowing change since Putnam's initial imprisonment was the repositioning of the white dimerite chains. No longer affixed to the walls, they now hung ominously from the ceiling, casting elongated shadows across the room. These chains, once symbols of confinement, now suspended him in a grotesque display, his right arm held captive and suspended, evoking a chilling resemblance to the lifeless carcass of an animal hanging in a butcher's shop.

Putnam's physical state was a testament to the cruel and relentless torture he had endured. Semi-naked and emaciated, his body bore the scars of countless agonizing moments inflicted upon him. Each new mark told a story of suffering, a testament to Mimit's sadistic ingenuity. His once piercing eyes, the windows to a soul that had faced countless trials, were now blinded by the aftermath of Mimit's latest experiments. Although temporary, the darkness that enveloped his vision added another layer of torment to his already shattered existence.

As Putnam hung there, his murmurs filled the sterile air, their incoherence echoing the fractured state of his mind. The torments he had endured had taken their toll, fragmenting his thoughts and leaving behind only fragments of a once sharp and coherent consciousness. The words that spilled from his lips were a haunting chorus, a dissonant melody of pain and confusion that further deepened the despair in the room.

Tubiel, in particular, grappled with a sense of guilt. She reproached herself for not having spoken to Putnam about the mage issue at the opportune moment. Her intention had been to shield Putnam from the burdens it entailed, not only for him but also for the rest of the Griffins. Yet, this well-meaning intention had backfired, leading to the unintended consequences that befell individuals like Zivor, Kemro, and Jezkier—innocent souls who had paid dearly as a result.

It was a harrowing scene, a metaphorical harbinger of the trials that awaited The Golden Griffin. Tubiel, with tear-filled eyes and a voice filled with anguish, rushed desperately to unfasten her husband, beseeching Caldigi to lift her so she could reach. It took some time, using a hairpin she had at hand, but she finally succeeded. With agility, Vargos scooped up Putnam before he could collapse and gently laid him on the ground. Meanwhile, Tubiel, lowered by the man she regarded as her elder brother, cradled Putnam in her arms as best as she could, despite the difference in height.

It was an emotional reunion that, for a moment, seemed to end in sadness. At first, Putnam didn't respond; he remained trapped in his mind, murmuring nonsensical words. However, gradually, as the arms of the redhead touched his body, the witcher began to regain his senses. He recognized those arms, their shape, and the scars beneath the clothing that he had touched so many times in beautiful moments. During those four months of hell, they had faded away, almost like a dream. But now, they were there, providing tangible proof that they had been real. This realization overwhelmed Putnam, and he burst into tears as he finally recognized her presence and realized that she was truly there, not a figment of his imagination. He understood that she had come to rescue him, confirming that his hope had not been in vain and that there was a way out of it all.

And what about Sigurd? How did the young lad end up where he did? To learn about the red-haired boy with a hero's spirit, we must backtrack to Viesser for a moment. He and his "Uncle Fabio," as he affectionately referred to him, stayed at an inn in the city after reaching a dead-end alley, waiting for the next day to reunite with the others. However, the boy couldn't wait; he felt they had to take action and not remain idle. So, after they both appeared to have gone to sleep, Sigurd once again decided to run away. He had to find a way to get to Kasteel Saar, but he didn't know how. Fortunately (or rather, unfortunately), while wandering the city late at night, he overheard a group of mercenaries hired by Mimit discussing the location. They had been summoned as reinforcements after the team initiated the attack using a mega-scope. Seizing the opportunity, just as he had with the group in Kaer Seren, Sigurd snuck into one of the carriages heading there.

Returning to Vargos, Caldigi, Tubiel, and the rescued Putnam, they now faced the most challenging part of the entire affair: escape. Would they succeed?. Despite the failed infiltration and the loss of three members, they still had a viable escape plan. After carefully analyzing the area, they discovered the ruins of what appeared to be an ancient sewer system, most likely constructed during the time of the Nilfgaardian Republic and probably used to dispose of the waste of the inhabitants of the ruins of what was once Kasteel Saar. This presented a potential route they could utilize. However, the pressing question remained: how could they reach it without being apprehended by Mimit? This task proved to be arduous, considering they were certain that the mage was already well aware of their presence, given the deaths and chaos they had caused.

In addition to the likelihood that the mage was already aware of their presence, they had to take into account Putnam's physical and mental state, especially his temporary blindness and difficulty walking after such a long time. This greatly impeded their progress. While Vargos or Caldigi could have carried him, they would not have been able to defend themselves adequately if the need arose. Furthermore, they had to locate an entrance to the sewer system within Kaseel Saar.

The beginning of the final stage of the mission to rescue Putnam seemed auspicious. They made their way towards what appeared to be the entrance to the sewer system, expecting an uneventful passage. However, their optimism quickly dissolved when they were confronted by an ominous sight. Mimit, adorned with a diabolical grin, awaited their arrival, ready to unleash his wrath upon them. The mage's eyes gleamed with malicious intent as he prepared to strike, determined to eliminate all four of them once and for all.

Yet, in a moment, Vargos leaped into action. With lightning speed, he positioned himself between the team and the incoming spell, invoking the protective power of the Quen Sign to shield them from harm. The magical barrier shimmered with resilience, repelling Mimit's deadly assault and safeguarding the group for a moment. In that crucial instant, Vargos cast a steadfast glance at Tubiel, Putnam, and Caldigi, his eyes filled with determination. He urged them to make their escape through the main entrance, assuring them that he would confront Mimit and buy them the time they needed. Trusting in Vargos, the trio hesitated only briefly before obeying his command.

So, with nothing more they could do, they continued their escape in a hurry, heading towards the main entrance, while Putnam's middle brother figure, fought the mage as if he were battling the worst of monsters. It was a fight worthy of legend, and although Vargos resisted as much as he could, he proved to be no match for the mage. The mage unleashed his enchanted bow, shooting a relentless barrage of fiery arrows that Vargos couldn't deflect due to their incredible speed. The arrows found their mark, piercing Vargos' body and pinning him against a wall. As his life force waned, his body ignited in flames, and a fire quickly engulfed Kasteel Saar, spreading destruction throughout the ruins.

The fire raging through Kasteel Saar served as a grim confirmation of Vargos' demise, intensifying the urgency for Putnam, Tubiel and Caldigi to make their escape. However, their hopes of reaching safety were thwarted as they approached the main entrance, encountering an unexpected and unwelcome sight—Mimit's reinforcements, summoned in response to the attack. So, the Fox witcher, realizing the gravity of the situation, driven by a selfless determination, made a fateful decision. With resolute bravery, he resolved to confront Mimit's reinforcements head-on, providing an opportunity for Putnam and Tubiel to flee. Embraced by the encroaching flames, Caldigi engaged in a valiant struggle, his indomitable spirit matched only by the ferocity of the inferno surrounding him. It was not the enemy's blows that ultimately claimed his life, but the suffocating grip of the flames, sealing his fate within the blazing ruins.

The sacrifice of everyone ultimately served to rescue Putnam, and he and Tubiel managed to escape the place, greeted by the arid climate of Magne. This gave them hope that everything would turn out well in the end, and that the sacrifices made by all had been worthwhile. Although Sigurd's sudden appearance worried them both, it also brought them joy, as they thought it signaled the end of it all and that Mimit would be dead in the flames. But this was no fairy tale, and they would soon realize that.

And as if he were a specter, Mimit emerged from the shadows, standing ominously before them. No, it wasn't over. This would be the definitive moment where Tubiel's interference would come to an end. She had refused to face the consequences of her vigilantism, unwilling to sacrifice a loved one. Well, now she would pay an even greater price.

Tubiel´s death

Tubiel´s death

Putnam, who was by that time with his sight fully restored, was gripped by an overwhelming sense of terror, more profound than anything he had experienced before. Before either of them could react, Mimit unleashed a devastating spell upon Sigurd, reducing him to a mere heap of ashes right before their disbelieving eyes. The shock was unfathomable, leaving Putnam in a state of disbelief, and Tubiel even less able to comprehend the unfolding tragedy. The weight of sorrow was so immense that Tubiel could barely mount a defense before Mimit, wielding the sword of a fallen mercenary, mercilessly pierced her heart.

Putnam, trapped by his weakened state, was utterly powerless to intervene. He could only bear witness to the heart-wrenching spectacle playing out before him, his feeble arms cradling the lifeless body of his beloved wife. Tears mixed with the wind-blown ashes of his fallen son that impact his face, mocking him, as a cruel reminder of his grief. With callous indifference, Mimit abandoned him, after leaving the scene using a portal, denying him even the solace of death. He was discarded as if he were an inconsequential pawn in the grand narrative, labeled as "another failed project" and nothing more.

If Putnam was already shattered from the four months of torture, this broke him further, witnessing how all the suffering he had endured had only resulted in the deaths of his loved ones in vain attempts to save him. And there he remained, alone in the cold night of the arid landscape of Magne, weeping and broken, watching as the future he once believed he could have, faded away before his eyes, never to return again.


Tubiel de Brenna's legacy is a tapestry woven with threads of both light and shadow.

The most immediate consequence of Tubiel's death was the survival of Putnam Pitch and the profound trauma that the event inflicted on his psyche. This trauma was reflected in many ways, manifesting not only as post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor guilt but also as "apparitions," which were more like hallucinations that Putnam experienced of her at different times, due to his poor mental health. The harrowing events of the "Magne Massacre," "The Siege of Kasteel Sar," "The Battle of the Ancient Ruins," "The Night of Sorrow," or "The Hell of Kasteel Saar," as it would also be known, claimed not only Tubiel's life but also that of her adopted son with Putnam and most of their allies (with the notorious exception of Fabio Sachs). As Putnam's fame grew, so did the legend of Tubiel, often romanticized due to her untimely demise. This burden of grief and loss remained a constant presence for Putnam, leaving deep mental scars that echoed until the foundation of the School of the Crane in 1380, a century after Tubiel's fall.

Another consequence of Tubiel's death was allowing the man nicknamed the "Golden Griffin" to achieve the legendary status he would have, not only as a witcher but also as an explorer, accompanying the also famed Fabio Sachs in his various expeditions. Eventually, in the late 14th century, Putnam founded the Crane School with the collaboration of what Tubiel considered her little sister, the aforementioned Jolanta Dinmarb.

One of Tubiel's most significant contributions, though lesser-known by the general public, was her role, as already mentioned, in dismantling almost entirely the Eternal Eclipse organization. In collaboration with the apostate, and thus infiltrated in the organization, sorceress Brianna Vassermiller, Tubiel thwarted a plot that threatened not just Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms but the entire world.

However, her legacy is not without its complexities. Upon recovering and learning the truth about his kidnapping from Fabio Sachs – a truth Tubiel had withheld to protect him – Putnam embarked on a vengeful crusade against the Gardunnia, the criminal organization/secret society allied with the Eternal Eclipse from June to July/August of the same year that Tubiel died. While his actions brought down many villains, innocent lives were also tragically lost, such as Imke, a prostitute and lover of one of the members of the Gardunnia, who was caught in Putnam's wrath and pain and killed by his steel blade.

By the year 1290, during the Second Witcher Tournament, Putnam persuaded Lambert to posthumously bestow the title of a School of the Lynx Witcheress upon her, as her actions were in alignment with the philosophy of the Lynxes.


Physically, in many aspects, Tubiel was relative similar to the average Nordling woman. She was not a "otherwordly" beauty, like the magical enhanced sorceresses. She had a pale skin, often covered with freckless, deep green eyes and natural curly red hair, that she usually kept pulled back in a practical braid to avoid snags during fights.

She was 5´5, but like the black-footed cats,she possessed an unexpected agility that belied her short stature. Her movements were quick and silent, a product of years spent honing her senses and reflexes.  Unlike the hulking warriors she often encountered, Tubiel relied on speed and precision to take down her opponents.  She was a master of stealth, able to navigate shadows and disappear into the undergrowth with remarkable ease.  Her small frame allowed her to exploit tight spaces and slip through gaps that would leave a larger person stranded.

Product of her late adolescence and the fall of the Dyn Marv caravan in 1269, her body was not in appareance, as lean and athletic as some might except from the average witcher, even the Cat witchers both male and female who had a more "elven-like" body in comparison with other schools, in that sense, she was more "femenine".  She had medium-sized breasts, not too big, not too small, noticeable under her clothes, but never hindering her movements. Similar femininity had her backside, curvier than the one might have expected with rounded hips that tapered into strong, toned legs.


Due to not having the erratic mutations that plagued the other Cat witchers (and a few witcheresses), Tubiel had a calmer demeanor in comparison with his extremely emotional peers. To compensate for this lack of superhuman abilities that not having the mutations produced, this translated into a more methodical fighting style, one that relied on precision and strategy over the feral fury and agility often displayed by her feline brethren. She wasn't averse to violence – her years on the Path had hardened her to the realities of the world – but she preferred to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

This composure also manifested in her daily life. Unlike some of her more volatile Cat schoolmates, Tubiel wasn't prone to emotional outbursts or reckless behavior. She possessed a dry wit and a sardonic sense of humor, but underneath it all lay a wellspring of empathy and a deep well of compassion. This more developed emotional intelligence, combined with her lack of mutations, made her somewhat of an anomaly within the School of the Cat.

Her five years at the School of the Griffin prior to transferring also influenced her. She possessed a strong moral compass that often clashed with the more mercenary approach of the Cat School. This internal conflict fueled her tenacity. Once she set a goal, particularly one aligned with her moral code, she wouldn't give up easily, relentlessly pursuing it with focus and determination.

But she also had her flaws. This same focus and determination sometimes manifested as impatience. She possessed an incredible tolerance for hardship but little tolerance for inefficiency. This lead to frustration when dealing with others who didn't share her sense of urgency, or when faced with unforeseen complications. Additionally, the harsh realities of her life fostered a streak of unforgiveness. She held grudges and could be slow to trust those who had wronged her in the past.

And due to her chaotic and crude upbringing during the five years she studied in the School of the Cat, a certain ruthlessness remained ingrained in her. While she wouldn't torture or revel in suffering, there was a coldness in her dispatching of evil that some found unsettling. It was a necessary edge, honed in the brutal realities of the Path, but it occasionally clashed with her more compassionate nature. This internal conflict sometimes manifested in a form of dark humor, where she'd make light of gruesome situations, a coping mechanism that occasionally made others uncomfortable, with the only exception being the love of her life, Putnam Pitch, who tolerated it (and sometimes even appreciated it, considering his own experiences). However, this darkness was balanced by an unwavering loyalty to those she cared about. Once someone earned her trust, she became a fierce protector, a guardian who wouldn't hesitate to unleash her full, albeit non-mutated, potential to defend them. This upbringing also left its mark on her social interactions. Despite her dry wit and capacity for empathy, she could struggle to fully connect with others. Years of prioritizing survival had made her guarded, and forming deep bonds felt like a vulnerability she couldn't always afford.

She was also a very jealous person, a possessiveness that stemmed from a deep-seated fear of loss. Having built walls around herself for so long, the vulnerability of love made her fiercely protective of those close to her, particularly Putnam. Putnam, who understood the complexities of her personality and the reasons behind her possessiveness, often acted as a calming influence. He recognized her loyalty and fierce love, and with patience and understanding, usually helped her temper her jealous tendencies. However, this emotional labor wasn't always easy, and it placed a strain on their relationship at times.

Despite these challenges, their love for each other remained strong. Tubiel's unwavering loyalty and nurturing nature, combined with Putnam's more sensitive and empathetic personality, created a unique balance in their relationship. They complemented each other, offering support and understanding in a world that was often harsh and unforgiving.

Image credits[]

  • Tubiel by Midjourney V4, edition by Witcher190 and Nahir
  • Tubiel´s death by Pukeiart
  • The Baron by Hcf-albert-wesker
  • The Cocollona by Sommer


  • Tubiel has been greatly inspired by Amunet from the Assasin's Creed franchise and a little bit by Adha.
  • "The Baron" is a obvious reference to Jack the Ripper and one of the suspects to be the mysterious murderer, Prince Albert Victor of Wales.
  • The cocollona story (as well the monster) is based on the same monster from Spanish Mythology.