The Witcher Fanon Wikia

Elves were originally a singular tribe and race known as the Aen Undod, this race was fractured with the destruction of the Elven Homeworld, no known survivors of this race are known at this time, however the tribes that evolved from them did survive in the case of the Elves of the Elemental Planes, the Aen Elle and the Aen Seidhe. The Aen Seidhe would produce numerous tribes, that while they are still considered Aen Seidhe are different culturally and ethnically.

The Aen Teg are technically a new sub-race of Aen Seidhe as their bloodlines mixed with that of the Archfey of

A list of all Elven characters on the Witcher Fanon Wiki, including

Elven Races
Aen Undod
Aen Elle < < < <-> > > > Aen Seidhe -> -> >
\/ < \/ \/
Aen Teg <- -> Aen Ghele <- -> Aen ʼAgde <- - -> Aen Nílfe
\/ \/ \/
Aen´Snjor Kahopita <-> Aen Manche Aen Woedde <-> Aen Puau

Aen Fomuire, Aen Luidhe, and , as well as those with elven blood, such as Half-Elves and Quadroons.

All items (22)
