The Witcher Fanon Wikia
Example This article, Aen Teg, is part of the Extended Ancient Pantheon Expanded Universe. It may not be consistent with other timelines.
50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Aen Teg, was written by Adalwulf of Aedirn. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

The Aen Teg (People of the Faire, Fair Folk), are a curious offshoot of elves, that have a higher percentage of Fey in their bloodline from their Aen Seidhe ancestors breeding with Archfey. They are governed by the Archfey of their respective court and live by the Rules of the Fey.


Physical Traits[]

Aen Teg's complexion is very similar to that of an Aen Seidhe, to the point only one who is familiar with dealing with the Fey could tell them apart. Their hair and eye colors also varies like their Aen Seidhe ancestors. The way to tell an Aen Teg from an Aen Seidhe is there are a few differences. The average Aen Teg is very attractive, their appearance is on par with the better looking of the Aen Seidhe, but they have some features that lean towards the off putting like, they tend to smile a bit too wide and for too long, they stare at people as well. As well as their behavior which follows the Rules of the Fey, they are polite and generous at the surface level but like most Fey this serves as a trap for mortals who they would love to see enslaved or trapped in their culture. Most Aen Seidhe who live in Tir ná nÓg can instinctually tell an Aen Teg from their own citing an 'unnaturalness' about them.

Seelie Aen Teg[]

Seelie Aen Teg like their Seelie Archfey parents usually have lighter color hair going from almost white to a light brown, they also prefer lighter colors and whites in their clothing which plays off of the angelic persona they tend to embody when dealing with mortals.

Unseelie Aen Teg[]

Unseelie Aen Teg like their Unseelie Archfey parents usually have reddish or darker color hair ranging from brown to raven black, they also prefer darker colors and blacks in their clothing.


Like their Aen Seidhe parents their language is hen llinge and its written form is Elder Runes. They are capable of speaking common as well. They are not as racist as their Aen Seidhe parents and instead of calling humans 'dh'oine' instead refer to them as 'Friend'. The Aen Teg do make attempts to bring more Aen Seidhe into their fold despite them being aware that the Aen Seidhe can see through their unnaturalness, they view more Aen Seidhe joining their ranks as a joyous occasion, but are not above going after a human or a dwarf, using their attractive and seductive form to their advantage if they find an opportunity.


  • Fairy-Elf Physiology
    • Delayed Immortality/Longevity: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, the Aen Teg are able to age at a human rate until reaching maturity, after which they age much slower, even slower than other elf sub-races.
    • Enhanced Condition: As a species basis, the Aen Teg are in better condition than a human
    • Fey Magic:
    • Supernatural Beauty: The Aen Teg possesses an impossibly supreme level of beauty/handsomeness so absolute that any attempts to look up to such a magnificent being would drive others to fall for their pure yet incomprehensible beauty or presence for better or worse.

Special Forces Training[]

Among the Aen Teg is a group known as the Aen Teg Special Forces that is trained to the peak of their capabilities though the majority of those trained are a part of the Aen Teg Special Forces themselves there exists a couple of assassins and spies also trained in this methodology.

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in their brain center for aim and accuracy drastically improved. They need only aim for an instant before accurately hitting a target with a projectile. A properly trained Aen Teg can hit so flawlessly and at the most opportune moments in all the targeted areas of their target. The Aen Teg can judge extremely long distances amazingly accurately, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile, in order to hit a target accurately. If a target is moving a properly trained Aen Teg can calculate the best method to hit the target. Visual obstructions like smoke and vegetation do not hinder their ability to get an accurate bead on their target, and their intense focus on whatever they're targeting allows them to shut out outside distractions. They can compensate for environmental factors that would normally throw off their aims like wind, air resistance, gravity, and radiant heat (which distorts the image of the target).
    • Enhanced Archery: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg possess superhuman proficiency and skill in the bow and arrow, being able launch multiple arrows with one shot, use the bow as a melee weapon, etc. They can reload the weapon rapidly and efficiently, even with heavy mechanisms like the crossbow.
  • Enhanced Agility: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.
  • Enhanced Combat: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg possesses proficiency, capabilities and knowledge regarding general combat. Essentially, they would be extremely skilled in combat, beating the toughest of opponents or dozens of aggressors at once.
  • Enhanced Dexterity: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg can precisely control their movements and muscles, making them unable to be clumsy or fumbling. They can slip through a network of tripwires, reach through dangerous narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly without ever tripping or wobbling. A properly trained Aen Teg can even move their finger or toes effortlessly, with tendon strain no longer being a problem. An Aen Teg that has received special military training can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times the trained Aen Teg can land on their feet. The senior and more practiced member of the Aen Teg Special Forces can stand up right on even the most unstable surfaces, such as a moving vehicle, a collapsing building, or an earthquake. They also are able to regain balance or bounce back to their feet quickly and perform feats such as throwing a knife, or fighting at seemingly impossible angles and positions.
  • Enhanced Intelligence: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, an Aen Teg with proper education and training is capable of possessing an intellect that is far beyond the level of many geniuses in human history. Possessing an exceptionally high IQ (of at least 160-200), and exceptional intellectual abilities. Like being able to memorize insane amounts of information and process that same information with the same efficiency/speed as a supercomputer. Furthermore, an Aen Teg Special Forces Commander's mental capabilities are so great, that they are able of predicting their enemies' movements or/and attack trajectories using nothing more than sheer mental calculations alone.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg possesses drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to like high speed projectiles e.g. sniper bullets as well as react to a being with superhuman speed.
  • Enhanced Senses: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste and feel better than an average member of their elven parent species.
  • Enhanced Swordsmanship: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, a properly trained Aen Teg possesses incredible proficiency and skill in wielding and utilizing a sword, a bladed melee weapon intended for cutting or thrusting that is longer than a knife or dagger, consisting of a long blade attached to a hilt.
  • Enhanced Wisdom: Due to their elven heritage and enhanced by their fey blood, an Aen Teg with proper education and training is capable of possessing wisdom, a deep understanding and realization of concepts, common sense, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments, and actions while keeping these understandings, beyond the peak members of their parent elven species. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that universal principles, reasons, and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.


Few Natural Predators[]

The Aen Teg have few natural predators as they usually receive protection from their Archfey protectors though at times individual Aen Teg have been predated upon by Blood Fey and Bone Fey.

Notable Aen Teg[]

Portrait Name Description
Tarragon Tarragon Eveningtwirl He is the head of the Kingdom guard division of the Kingdom of the Golden Oak Forest, he is a special forces trained Aen Teg.
Aen Teg concept Harmony Grayflame She is the head of the Kingdom magic division of the Kingdom of the Golden Oak Forest, she is a special forces trained Aen Teg. Unlike most other Seelie Aen Teg Harmony has darker hair which makes her stand out amongst her peers and she is often confused for an Unseelie to those who don't know her.


  • The race known as The Aen Teg is a purely fanon creation as such there is no official proof of their existence in the Witcher works outside the fanon community.
  • The existence of the Aen Teg are a personal iteration for the fanon by Adalwulf of Aedirn, as such their existence in the fanon is not 'definitive' and is subject to the decision of inclusion in others head canons.
  • The Aen Teg became a race of their own, after having offspring among them and giving birth to more Aen Teg.
  • The article is free to edit.
  • The Aen Teg are based off the fairy legends of elves found in Celtic lore and other similar sources.