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50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Cervin, was written by Witcher190. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.

Cervin (1248-1373, disappeared), also known as Cervin "The Half-Elf," Cervin of Haern Caduch, Cervin "The Blue Bear" for his atypical behavior compared to other members of his school, Cervin "The White" for the color of his hair, Pellgledd Arth (Bear of the Far North) by Aëte and the Aen Woedde, and later in life as Cervin of Ebbing, was a semi-legendary half-elf witcher from the School of the Bear who was a member of the semi-mythical group known as "The Hansa of Ebbing" or "The Five" as it was known in some tales.


Early life

Found him adrift at sea, a babe no older than two moons. Basket was well-crafted, whoever set him adrift knew the ways of the ocean.
―Jhaqo to the other Bears upong returning to Haern Caduch with Cervin

Like many other witchers, not much is known about Cervin's life before he was taken to Haern Caduch. This lack of information is even more pronounced in Cervin's case due to the unusual circumstances of his discovery. Cervin was found in September 1248, in waters near the island of Faroe, by Jhaqo of Nazair, the grandmaster of the School of the Bear following the death of Arnaghad in the Witcher Tournament in the 12th century. Jhaqo discovered the infant while returning from a contract on the farthest island of the archipelago, Enya. Cervin, only about two months old at the time, was estimated by Jhaqo to have been born around July 22 of that same year. How a baby survived in a basket at sea without drowning or succumbing to other dangers remains a mystery.

Jhaqo was puzzled by the child's miraculous survival. The basket was made of sturdy, waterproof materials, suggesting it had been crafted with great care, possibly by someone with knowledge of seafaring and a deep desire to protect the infant. Seeing that the baby had survived the sea, Jhaqo thought Cervin would be a good candidate to become a witcher. After returning to the Continent, he decided to take the baby to the Bears' fortress to be trained and mutated. Over time, Jhaqo grew fond of the child and came to consider him a son. However, due to Jhaqo's complicated personality and Cervin's upbringing, their relationship would be strained in the future. His name Cerbin (raven in Elder Speech), was given by Jhaqo, as the baby reminded him of a fledling of that animal. However, with the past of time, the name corrupted as Cervin, and as such, by that corrupted version of his name he would be later know.

As Cervin became a semi-legendary figure, tales suggested a possible origin as the son of Dirgelech, the ruler of the island-kingdom of Basilia, and an elven woman of Aen Woedde origin named Ainsel. Ainsel had emigrated from Nilfgaard to Basilia in search of a better life. She was hired as a servant to Dirgelech, a nobleman, and over time, they fell in love and married. This rare occurrence on the island caused a lot of controversy and was one of the motivations for Dirgelech's attempt to seize power, which he eventually succeeded in many years later.

Due to this marriage, the Basilian council of nobles who served as advisors and rulers in case of the absence of the king, considered banishing Dirgelech for committing what was known on the island as "crimes against purity," motivated by the king at the time who approved of the idea. Tensions grew, and Dirgelech eventually took up arms with his personal army in an attempted coup d'état to become king and change these prejudiced traditions. This initial attempt failed, and Dirgelech was imprisoned until 1272 when a group of rebels released him, appointed him leader, and helped him achieve his goal after 24 years behind bars.

However, this success was only partial. During Dirgelech´s time in prison, Ainsel was attacked and harassed, eventually leading to her death by public execution and the and the mysterious disappearance of their newborn son before her execution, as she left Cervin adrift in a basket in the sea, hoping for that someone would rescue him or for quick death rather than torture at the hands of the Basilians. After Dirgelech became king and learned of this, it led him to seek revenge through public executions of the overthrown royal family.

Crazier rumors, instead of giving Cervin such a romantic origin, give him a more conspiranoid one, in which they say that the witcher could have been part of a group of octuplet twins as part of experiments performed by the secret society known as "The Winds of Epona", a secret society rumored to be the spiritual successor of the "Unification of Sadat". These rumors are based on the fact that several people, during Cervin's time, claimed to meet people who looked exactly like him, except for some slight differences (probably derived from Cervin's extra mutations, which would have made him differentiate from his supposed twins) At least, another two witchers, a bard, a knight, a mage, a druid and a doctor were reported.

Training in Haern Caduch (1248 -1268)

Softness breeds weakness, and weakness gets you killed. You want to survive, boy? Then dig deep, find that killer instinct buried beneath that self-pity.
―Jhaqo to Cervin during Cervin´s training

Cervin's training at Haern Caduch was marked by more difficulties compared to other adept witchers, forging his personality and resilience.

Early Training and Discrimination

As a half-elf, Cervin stood out among his predominantly human peers. His mixed heritage made him an easy target for discrimination and bullying. Physically more frail than the other Bear adepts, Cervin demonstrated a resilience and determination that set him apart. He endured taunts and physical challenges with quiet strength, developing an emotional shield to protect himself from constant harassment.

Cervin's elven heritage also contributed to his sickly disposition. He suffered from various illnesses and allergies, including reactions to dust, snow, and nuts. He underwent multiple surgeries to survive, losing his agmides and the vegetations in his nose in the process. The Amell Mountains' harsh environment, where the fortress was located, exacerbated his difficulties. He often struggled with the physical exercises, frequently finishing last, which only increased the bullying.

Connection with the Druids

During his time at Haern Caduch, Cervin found solace and inspiration in the resident druids who helped the Bears with the mutations of new adepts. Unlike the harsh and often brutal training sessions with his fellow witchers adepts, the druids offered a more nurturing and holistic approach to his development. They encouraged his artistic inclinations, teaching him about nature, the arts, and general culture.

This connection helped Cervin cultivate an artistic vein, providing a much-needed outlet for his emotions and creativity. During this time, he developed a close relationship with Frinach Hregdarsdottir, one of the druids of the keep, who became a mother figure to him. However, due to the demanding training and Frinach's busy schedule, Cervin often felt forgotten and neglected by her, leading to a complicated relationship in the future. He preferred to spend time alone, rather than with her, despite her attempts to make up for lost time.

Intellectual Development

Cervin became a cultured individual, reading extensively during his childhood. His knowledge went beyond monsters, surprising future contractors and the Hansa of Ebbing. Despite his brute personality, he could hold discussions at the level of a standard academic, greatly pleasing the Hansa's Higher Vampire, August Van Der Ermius, who enjoyed such debates.

Relationship with Jhaqo


Jhaqo with Cervin´s group during the late part of their training

The relationship with his master and adoptive father, Jhaqo, had many features typical of Bears' training: coldness, hardness, and aloofness. Jhaqo, recognizing Cervin's potential despite his illnesses and atypical nature for a Bear, pushed him harder than the others. This rigorous training often bordered on physical and psychological abuse as Jhaqo sought to mold Cervin into a good witcher who would overcome the low expectations held by everyone except Jhaqo and Frinach.

Despite the stern and demanding environment, Cervin's determination never wavered. He wanted to succeed, to prove his worth despite his frailties. Jhaqo's harsh methods, though damaging, ultimately contributed to Cervin's resilience and strength, shaping him into a formidable witcher.


In Caduch, he had few friends, one of them, and his best friend, was Cormac, who played a special role in Cervin's life at the keep. He was another witcher who trained alongside him and eventually became his friend. Following the fall of the fortress and its subsequent reoccupation, Cormac became the main reason why Cervin returned to it every winter. Their friendship was solidified during a defining moment when they saved each other during the Trial of the Mountains. Cormac was a "noble giant" who aspired to emulate the famous School of the Wolf witcher, Geralt of Rivia, a goal that other Bear Witchers mocked as foolish. Despite not fully understanding Cormac's aspiration, Cervin supported him wholeheartedly. This deep bond with Cormac provided Cervin with a significant source of humanity for a long time in his otherwise solitary and challenging life as a witcher until he created the Hansa of Ebbing with the sorceress Brianna Vassermiller.

Another friend, although one could say acquaintance, was Haakgon, one of his bullies, who after seeing how he saved Cormac in the Trial of the Mountains, acquired a new respect for him, even apologizing for so many years of bullying him.

Trials and Mutations

Almost died up there... all for a stupid runestone. But I saved Cormac. Guess that's what matters in the end.
―Cervin to Jhaqo during his recovery

Cervin, due to his various illnesses and allergies, underwent mutation at a very young age because Jhaqo considered the risk worthwhile. If Cervin survived, he would no longer suffer from these problems, allowing Jhaqo to focus on giving him training that was less "special" due to his conditions. Thus, Cervin was subjected to the Trial of the Grasses, being the only one of his group to survive the mutation process along with his best friend, Cormac. Their group had a lower than average survival rate; out of the ten children subjected, only the two of them survived instead of the usual three.

In fact, Jhaqo made a monetary bet with the other witchers of the fortress, who bet everything against Cervin and in favor of other witcher adepts, resulting in Jhaqo winning a significant amount of money. Jhaqo invested this money with one of the gnomes living in Amell to acquire one of the discontinued gnomish steel swords known as gwyhyr. Jhaqo later modified the sword to have the school's pommel and gifted it along with the Ursine Silver Sword to Cervin upon his graduation as a witcher.

Subsequently, Jhaqo, worried about Cervin's health despite the initial mutations, subjected him to extra mutations to ensure his success in future Trials. Cervin miraculously survived these additional mutations, which left all the hair on his body, from head to toe, without pigmentation, giving him his famous snow-white hair. Additionally, the characteristic amber eyes of the witchers which he adquired replacing his original brown eyes, were changed to violet as a secondary effect of these extra mutations.

After that, Cervin continued his training, and some time later, along with the boys from other groups who had survived until then, he was subjected to the Trial of the Mountains of the School of the Bear. This trial, designed to test the physical and mental limits of the adepts, required them to venture to the peak of Mount Gorgon and retrieve a special runestone as proof of their ascent. The journey was perilous, with many boys freezing to death long before they reached the summit. The trial was meant to simulate the extreme conditions and life-threatening situations witchers might face in the real world, ensuring only the most resilient survived.

During this trial, Cervin and Cormac encountered their first monster, an Imperial Manticore. As they approached the peak, the manticore attacked. Cormac was about to be killed when Cervin, displaying immense bravery and skill, intervened. He confronted the monster head-on, managing to kill it off and save Cormac. However, the battle left Cervin severely injured. The cold and his injuries combined to render him unconscious, and he was on the brink of freezing to death.

Grateful for having his life saved, Cormac carried Cervin on his back, retrieved both of their special runestones, and returned to the fortress. His determination and loyalty, that last one being rarity among witchers of their school, exemplified the bond they formed during their harsh training, showcasing the strength of their friendship.

When Cervin recovered, there was a debate among the witchers about whether he should repeat the trial since he had not personally brought his runestone back. However, the debate was settled when the witcher Razan of Cintra, sent by Jhaqo, was dispatched to verify the story about the Imperial Manticore. This witcher tracked down the manticore and brought its remains back to the fortress, confirming Cervin's story.

The verification of the manticore's death validated that Cervin had successfully passed the Trial of the Mountain. His actions during the trial not only proved his physical and mental resilience but also highlighted his bravery and quick thinking. These qualities earned him great respect among the senior witchers of the School of the Bear who originally believed that his training was a waste of time and resources.

Graduation and expulsion of the Bear Witchers from their stronghold (spring 1268)

Witcher or monster... seems it doesn't matter to them. Guess we're all the same in the eyes of fear.
―Cervin to Cormac before departing both to different directions

Cervin became one of the last members to be trained in the School of the Bear, and his graduation took place in the spring of 1268 after he succeeded in the Trial of the Sword. However, like his discovery, his graduation was also "special." With the Northern War II starting the previous year, the war-torn provinces around them descended into chaos, and riots broke out after several members of the school failed a contract to eliminate a cabal of vampires. Eventually, many of the surrounding villages banded together to destroy the school, preferring to share the mountains with the monsters rather than the witchers. The Bear Witchers, who had little to no brotherly bonds with each other and no true loyalty to their school, faced with the imminent threat from the humans, decided to part ways with each other and the school, rather than die protecting the keep.

Cervin, along with Cormac and other young Bears, found themselves among the last to abandon the fortress. Holding onto a glimmer of hope that reason and diplomacy could prevail, Cervin attempted to negotiate with the villages leaders. However, his efforts were met with hostility and violence as he was branded as an aberration due to his mutant nature and mixed heritage and attacked. Miraculously, he survived, albeit not without receiving his first facial scar on his lips. Faced with the threat of death by the furious villagers, he fled along with the young Bears in an unknown direction and thus his first year on The Path started.

First contract (spring of 1268)

Didn't expect a pataricu of all things. Thought they were gone. Makes you wonder what else is lurking out there.
―Cervin to the Pataricu´s body before cutting the head

It is not known definitively which contract marked Cervin's first job as a witcher. Various versions of the tale exist, stemming from the folklore of Ebbing, Toussaint, and Gemmeria. However, the most widely accepted version suggests that Cervin's first job as a witcher took place in the spring of 1268, shortly after he left the fortress. This contract occurred in the duchy and vassal state of Cintra, Attre, specifically in the capital city of the same name, where he confronted a subspecies of cyclops known as a pataricu.

The pataricu differed from typical cyclops due to its unusual skin color, abundant hair, and habitat, living in cliffs near the sea. They usually fed on fish, mollusks, and shellfish, but occasionally attacked humans, especially those shipwrecked. By Cervin's time, pataricus were believed to be extinct. However, Cervin surprisingly encountered one, likely one of the last of its kind.

Due to the war disrupting trade routes and causing chaos, people increasingly relied on sea travel to maintain the flow of trade, as it was considered safer than land travel despite the threat of pirates. The pataricu, seeing easy prey, had become more aggressive, venturing closer to the city of Attre and attacking fishermen and travelers along the coastal roads. The newly installed Nilfgaardian authorities put up a contract with a large sum of money to attract a capable monster slayer. Cervin, eager to prove his worth as a newly minted witcher and in need of funds, took the contract.

The battle with the pataricu was tough due to its presumed extinction, meaning there was little recent knowledge on how to combat it. Cervin, using the same techniques that he would use against a cyclops, employed the Signs of Axii and Quen along with ogroid oil to enhance his silver sword. The fight was intense and grueling, with the pataricu's strength and resilience posing a significant challenge.

Cervin used Axii to confuse and disorient the pataricu, slowing its movements and making it more susceptible to his attacks. Quen provided him with a protective shield, allowing him to withstand the cyclops' powerful blows. Despite suffering injuries, Cervin managed to outmaneuver the monster, delivering precise strikes to its vital points. In a crucial moment, Cervin blinded the pataricu, causing it to stumble and fall from the cliff where he lived. The fall proved fatal, and the pataricu was killed.

Emerging victorious, Cervin brought the cyclops' head back to the city as proof of his deed. After collecting the generous reward set by the authorities for slaying the monster, Cervin headed to the most famous brothel in the city, the Silver Horse, to spend part of it. It was there that he unknowingly met his first love, Camelia the half-elf, better known as Camelia “The Bastard" by the locals.

Camelia "The Bastard" (Spring - Summer of 1268)

Lost her in that damned rebellion. Camelia deserved better. But the world... it doesn't give a damn about who deserves what
―Cervin to Brianna when asked about Camelia

Camelia was known throughout Attre not only for her striking beauty and red hair, but also for her sharp wit and the mysterious air that surrounded her. Born of an unknown elven woman and an unknown nobleman, she had earned her moniker, “The Bastard,” due to her mixed heritage and the possible scandal of her birth. Despite the nickname, she carried herself with an undeniable grace that captivated many, including Cervin.

According to rumors and whispers, Camelia was the daughter of the last Nordling duke, Windhalm of Attre. In his early teens, trapped in a complicated marriage to an older woman of the local aristocracy, Duke Windhalm had fathered Camelia after having a affair with one of the elves living in the city. After her mother died in childbirth, he had given her to the prostitutes of the Silver Horse, the most renowned brothel in Attre.

The scandal surrounding Camelia's birth was a frequent topic of gossip among the city's elite. Many speculated that her mother's elven lineage and her father's noble status made her existence a delicate matter, one that needed to be hidden away from the prying eyes of the court and the judgment of society. The duke's decision to leave her in the care of the Silver Horse was seen as both a desperate attempt to conceal his indiscretion and a cruel abandonment of his own flesh and blood.

Raised by the women of the Silver Horse, Camelia grew up in an environment that was both harsh and nurturing. The prostitutes, many of whom had their own tragic stories, took her in as one of their own. They taught her the skills necessary to survive in a world that was often unkind to those of mixed heritage like her. She learned to navigate the complexities of human behavior, mastering the art of conversation and the subtle dance of seduction, not just in the physical sense, but in the way she could captivate and command a room with her presence.

Despite the circumstances of her upbringing, Camelia refused to be defined by her origins. She educated herself with whatever books she could find, becoming well-versed in literature, history, and the politics of Cintra. Her sharp wit and quick mind made her a favorite among the Silver Horse's clientele, who found her company as stimulating intellectually as it was visually.

As such, when Cervin entered the Silver Horse, weary from his battle with the pataricu, it was Camelia who first caught his eye, drawn like many others to her beauty. In Camelia's case, Cervin did not immediately catch her attention. It was the madam of the Silver Horse, a shrewd and calculating woman, who saw an opportunity. Aware of the rumors surrounding witchers and their reputedly high libido, she ordered Camelia to approach Cervin, hoping to extract more money from him than from a regular client. The madam knew that Camelia's unique allure and intelligence could potentially charm Cervin into spending more.

However, what Camelia did not know, is that if Cervin had noticed her, it was not only because of her beauty, but also, later before she approached him, when the witcher noticed her carefully, because of the fact that she was a half elf like him. So, the quest to lose his virginity (because Cervin after leaving the fortress was a virgin) added to the beauty of Camelia, plus all the bullying he suffered, and the fact that she was a half-elf, which made Cervin suspect that she could understand him in some way and thus alleviate some of the emotional burden with which he left Haern Caduch, plus the aforementioned opportunity that the brothel madam saw in him, made that both half elves, ended up crossing paths, at first, only as prostitute and client, developing their connection, during the witcher's loss of virginity thanks to Cervin's ignorance on that intimate subject, as well as his lack of social skills, and his unfiltered honesty, in addition to, his quiet yet intense personality. Cervin's genuine nature and the vulnerability he showed during their time together intrigued Camelia. Used to clients who were either dismissive or manipulative, she found Cervin's authenticity refreshing and somewhat endearing.

Their initial encounter quickly grew into something more. Cervin, despite his rough exterior and awkwardness, displayed a level of respect and curiosity toward Camelia that she was not accustomed to. He asked about her past, her thoughts, and her feelings, genuinely interested in her as a person rather than just a service. This genuine interest made Camelia feel seen and valued, something rare in her line of work.

As the spring and part of the summer were passing, Cervin established himself around Attre, taking various contracts against drowners, ghouls and the ocassional nixas, as him and Camelia spent more time together, their relationship deepening beyond the confines of the Silver Horse. Cervin's frequent visits were no longer just for physical intimacy; they became sessions of deep conversations, shared silences, and mutual understanding. Camelia, in turn, provided Cervin with a sense of normalcy and emotional connection that he had never experienced before.

Camelia’s intelligence and keen perception helped Cervin navigate better the complexities of social interactions, which he often found baffling due to his sheltered and tumultuous upbringing. She taught him the basics how to read people, understand their motivations, and navigate social situations more effectively. This guidance was invaluable for Cervin as he began his journey as a witcher, where dealing with humans was often as challenging as dealing with monsters.

But their story was abruptly cut short when, in the middle of summer, a few months after the end of the Second Northern War, the Attrean rebels attacked the city in a desperate attempt to reclaim their land from Nilfgaardian hands. This attack failed. Camelia was among the innocent victims of this assault. Afterward, the rebellion ended that summer when Emhyr var Emreis, the Imperator of Nilfgaard, married the false Cirilla of Cintra, prompting the rebels to surrender and accept Nilfgaardian rule, benefiting from a new amnesty.

Cervin wasn't in the city during the attack. When he returned, he found Camelia's body in the ruins. He buried her himself, ensuring she had a proper farewell. This moment of finality was a catalyst for Cervin, pushing him to leave Attre behind. The memories of Camelia and the destruction around him were too much to bear, and he knew he could no longer stay in the place that had taken her from him.

Years later, Cervin took on the tradition of visiting Camelia's grave every spring alone, a tradition that all the members of the Hansa, even the allegedly love of his life, Runa, respected despite being worried about him.

Every spring, he would find a moment of peace at Camelia's grave, sharing his thoughts and experiences with her memory. The other members of the Hansa, understanding the depth of his loss and the significance of his annual journey, gave him the space and time he needed for this personal tradition.

Cervin's visits became more than just a ritual of mourning; they reminded him of the humanity he sometimes struggled to hold onto in a world filled with monsters, both human and otherwise. Camelia's grave became a symbol of the love and connection that had once given him a glimpse of a different life, one where he was seen and valued for who he was.

Impact of the Second Nilfgaardian War on Cervin's Life

This period is one of the most obscure in Cervin's history, primarily due to the scarcity of sources that are not mythological, being only behind the period from 1311 to 1350. Unlike his childhood, which is well-documented thanks to Jhaqo's diaries and the Bear School archives, this chapter of his life, like the period from the early to the mid 14th century remains largely enigmatic.

Aside from his time in Attre and his relationship with Camelia, we also know of his presence in Temeria. There, he saved a village from being devoured by monsters. However, the specifics are unclear, as various versions of the story exist, and the invoice detailing the incident has illegible names for the monsters. The most widely accepted theory is that these creatures were Nilfgaardian soldiers from a special unit who were therianthropes.

It is likely that the end of the war, along with Camelia´s death had a significant impact on Cervin, making him even lonelier than before. This solitude lead him to complicated relationships in the future.

Winter in Magne (Winter of 1268 - Spring of 1269)

Power deserves respect, even in a monster like that. Not something I'll soon forget
―Cervin after killing the roc

That winter, due to the expulsion of the Bear witchers from their keep by the villagers, Cervin found himself far from his familiar surroundings. Unable to return to his keep, he ventured into the hot province of Magne in the Nilfgaardian Empire, near the Korath Desert. The transition from the climates of the Northern Kingdoms to being near the Korath Desert was harsh, but the region provided ample work for a witcher, allowing Cervin to sustain himself until the arrival of spring.

During his stay in Magne, Cervin faced a variety of monsters. One of his early encounters was with gigascorpions. These desert-dwelling insectoids often threatened the border patrols, and Cervin was hired to mitigate this danger. The battles with these monsters tested Cervin's combat skills and adaptability in the harsh desert environment. The blistering heat, coupled with the relentless nature of the gigascorpions, made every encounter a test of endurance and skill. After that winter, he would despise heat in the same way he despised the cold of Haern Caduch.

Cervin also encountered a few lamias. Their cunning and ability to blend into human settlements made them particularly dangerous, often requiring Cervin to be as much a detective as a warrior.

One of the most dangerous encounters Cervin faced was with a rare roc. Rocs are known to inhabit high, rocky crags and caves, but this one had made an old vigilant tower its nest, which the patrols wanted to recover. Cervin's encounter with the roc nearly proved fatal when the monster, sensing danger, bombarded him with rocks from the air. The roc's accuracy was frighteningly precise, and Cervin barely escaped with his life, being able to kill the roc only after a long fight and with a combination of bombs, his crossbow and his silver sword to gave the killing blow. The encounter left him with a deep respect for the raw power of the roc and a few scars as permanent reminders.

Cervin also had to deal with a plague of scarletias, giant serpents that posed a significant threat both near and in the desert. These serpents added to the already perilous conditions of Magne, requiring Cervin to stay vigilant and resourceful. The scarletias' ability to blend into the terrain made them difficult to track and even harder to predict. Each encounter demanded quick reflexes and strategic thinking, as a single misstep could result in death.

According to an invoice found long after Cervin's disappearance, he encountered an even rarer monster during this time: a rock dragon. Though not considered a "true" dragon, the rock dragon was still a formidable opponent, capable of conventional combat and using spells. Cervin's battle with the rock dragon was particularly harrowing. As the dragon casting spells abilities nearly ended his life, when the monster used a simple paralyzing spell against him, leaving him immobilized and vulnerable for a short time. Only through sheer willpower did he manage to overcome the monster, a victory that came at a great physical cost adding new scars to his body.

As spring approached, the harsh desert landscape of Magne began to give way to the more temperate and lush lands of Toussaint. Cervin set his sights on this new destination, hoping for a respite from the constant battles and heat, as well, work that was more simple that the one he encountered in Magne. However, Toussaint held its own set of challenges. It was here that he would eventually meet (and later on suffer) the second love of his life, the sorceress Herna of Gemmeria.

Herna of Gemmeria (1269 - 1275)

She had eyes like sapphires and a voice like music. Didn't know a woman could be that beautiful. Didn't know I could be so stupid either. All glitter, no gold with that one.
―Cervin to Brianna regarding Herna

In Toussaint, Cervin would find, to his fortune, less complicated jobs than those already mentioned in Magne. Archespores, basilisks, shaelmaars, and giant centipedes were the order of the day during his time there. And although the sums of money were not as large as in Magne, they provided him with enough, not for luxuries, but to live decently. However, as has also been said, it would be in Toussaint where he would encounter the sorceress, Herna of Gemmeria. A woman who, for better or for worse, would change his life. For it would be indirectly, thanks to the emotional suffering and problems she caused him, that Cervin would eventually come to know the woman who would be his sister in arms, Brianna Vassermiller, and subsequently, the members of the Hansa de Ebbing, thus gaining his found family.

Meeting Herna

Cervin and Herna would meet when the sorceress was performing an illusionary magic-based show as part of the spring festivities of Toussaint in 1269, organized by the duchess of that time, Anna Henrietta. Herna, an ambitious woman as they come, a firm believer that it should be the mages who ruled the world, had agreed to perform the show not for money—which she gladly accepted—but to charm the various nobles of the duchy and the duchess herself, so that she could become her advisor sorceress and subtly stage a coup. Her plan was to orchestrate Anna Henrietta’s apparent death from an illness and seize control of the country. As a vassal state of Nilfgaard, this would grant her easier access to the upper echelons of the empire, and perhaps, eventually, enable her to become the ruler of one of the greatest powers in the world.


Herna in 1269

Herna leveraged several assets besides her magical abilities, where she excelled in illusion magic. She used her beauty, natural charm, and her admiration for her father—which had led her to adopt his exotic (by Nordling and Nilfgaardian standards) accent. She was also skilled in various non-magical arts such as music and painting. Despite being educated at the Imperial Magic Academy of Nilfgaard, Herna was heavily influenced by the tales of Nordling sorceresses, making her both ambitious and capricious among other things.

Furthermore, Herna’s heritage added to her allure. She was not entirely from Gemmeria but had Melukkan blood on her father's side. This lineage gave her a striking appearance. Combined with the magical enhancements typical of sorceresses and her choice to adopt traditional Melukkan attire and jewelry to honor her father, she stood out remarkably. Her Melukkan blood-red sari, with delicate gold embroidery, stood out in the landscape of the spring festivities of Toussaint. This attire, along with her bearing and elegance, combined with the Melukkan jewels present both on her body and face, her makeup, and her exotic and contrasting beauty of deeply tan skin with deep blue eyes and blonde hair, immediately captured Cervin's attention, who was mesmerized watching the show, having originally attended the celebrations in hopes of finding some new work.

A Toxic Relationship

Despite Cervin's lack of social skills, which was evident from a distance, Herna did not miss the opportunity to approach him. After finishing her show, she locked eyes with Cervin, drawn by his characteristic white hair and violet eyes. She approached him with a seductive smile and a cunning gleam in her eyes, which only mesmerized Cervin further. This encounter led to an intimate night that would mark the official beginning of their relationship.

The relationship with Herna was, as in many other cases throughout history, toxic. Particularly noteworthy was her manipulation, gaslighting, and emotional abuse, alongside Cervin's emotional dependency. It was a stormy relationship, marked by many comings and goings, fights, and arguments that always ended inconclusively, preventing the relationship from progressing or improving. Herna saw in Cervin the perfect tool to achieve her goals and used his emotional dependency to her advantage. The relationship was full of breakups and reconciliations, yet it lasted for six years until their final breakup in 1275.

Unbeknownst to Cervin, he would end up thwarting the sorceress's original plans sometime after their first encounter. Their relationship, starting in 1269, was initially passionate but quickly became turbulent. Herna’s ambitions and manipulations caused Cervin much emotional, psychological, and physical suffering. Despite these challenges, their bond remained intact in an intermittent fashion until 1275. During this time, Cervin inadvertently thwarted Herna's plans in other parts of the world as well, much to her frustration, with one example being the events speculated in the Gemmerian Court in 1271.

Incident at Gemmeria’s Court (1271)

They say I went mad over a woman. Let them. The truth wouldn't make for a better story anyway.
―Cervin regarding the stories about him in Gemmeria

In 1271, Cervin's reputation in Gemmeria suffered significantly due to an incident at the court. Unlike later on in Ebbing, Cervin did not have a good image in Gemmeria, largely due to his association with Herna. The details of the incident are shrouded in mystery, primarily due to the many conflicting versions of the story (most of them unfavorable to the witcher) with the exception of those told in Ebbing. Some versions suggest possible infidelity on the part of Herna, while others claim she was involved in dangerous practices such as the prohibited magical practice of Goetia and in a conspiracy in the Gemmerian Court that without knowing anything Cervin stopped. There are also tales that Cervin, consumed by love and perhaps jealousy, descended into madness when Herna did not reciprocate his feelings in the same manner around late 1270, which started their toxic and unhealthy dynamic. This ambiguity has turned this part of the legend of the Blue Bear into one of the most divisive chapters in his story, further cementing the incident's place in the mythos surrounding Cervin.

Trip to Melukka to See Herna (1274)

At some point during their tumultuous and toxic relationship, Herna traveled to Melukka, and Cervin followed her. This journey is corroborated by secondary sources, such as letters between Brianna Vassermiller and Herna herself, which reference the witcher. Additionally, documents from the Imperial Magic Academy mention the mage's subsequent attempted coup in Skellige.

Cervin's intention was to see Herna and possibly assist her in the supposed negotiations she had with important merchants to obtain cheaper materials for Nilfgaard, as its economy was suffering from the expenses generated during the Third Northern War.

This is as far as the verifiable information goes. The rest consists of various myths and legends that complement the coup d'état that took place a year later and narrate the abuse the sorceress allegedly committed against the mutant. The final touch to these tales is what happened on the islands. Some folkloric stories highlight Cervin's contracts against different monsters in the area.

The Final Breakup and Aftermath (1275)

The cycle of narcissistic abuse did not end until Cervin was taken prisoner and condemned to be deported from the Skellige Islands, where the couple was residing by 1275, and enslaved by the Nilfgaardians for crimes he did not commit. He was used as a scapegoat for the attempted coup d'état that Herna tried to orchestrate in Skellige that year after she became Queen Cerys' mage advisor. Herna always manipulated Cervin, using him for her purposes, such as satisfy her sexual needs, and lying about her feelings, making him believe that she was the only one who could make her happy. She continually made Cervin feel like he was in the wrong and needed to change. The relationship was the most toxic Cervin had ever experienced, causing him immense pain and suffering.

This unfortunate turn of events led Cervin to become a gladiator in the Claremont Arena in Ebbing, where, as already mentioned, he eventually met Brianna Vassermiller, whom he would fight alongside and later on, as mentioned before, create the Hansa of Ebbing.

After what happened in Skellige, Herna, fearing repercusions of the truth being discovered, flee to her father´s homeland, both to protect herself due to the long distances between the region, the Northern Kingdoms and the Nilfgaardian Empire and to reach her objectives elsewhere which eventually she did, after seducing and manipulating one of the founders of the School of the Crane, Putnam Pitch, during Putnam's time in the region in 1276.

Meeting Runa (1271)

22380000 - Herkja Drummond

According to rumors and legends, Runa would have been visiting the Continent for several centuries, using the same disguise of Skellige shieldmaiden, but with enough variations not to be discovered, one of the most notable, would have been that of Herkja Drummond during the 10th century, since the original Herkja would not have died along with her father, as historical records indicate.

The exact circumstances of Cervin's encounter with Runa, the alleged love of his life, remain shrouded in mystery. Runa is a mythical figure whose origins are debated: some tales describe her as a second-generation wereserpent, others as a mage with polymorphic abilities, and the most fantastical accounts suggest she was a member of the enigmatic Watcher race, disguised as a Skelliger shieldmaiden during her travels through the Northern Kingdoms and Nilfgaard.

According to the most widely accepted version, composed by the bard known as Wurz "the Blind", the two met at The Red Crow tavern in Lyria. In 1271, shortly after one of Cervin's breakups with Herna, Cervin was in the tavern to drown his sorrows when a group of bandits attempted to rob the establishment. Cervin, along with other patrons, defended the tavern. Despite being drunk, Cervin managed to kill most of the bandits, thanks to his reflexes. Runa, like Cervin, was among the defenders.

Due to his inebriation, Cervin couldn't converse with Runa, but they exchanged glances, and Wurz claims that a mutual attraction was born at that moment. Many believe this encounter led to an intimate encounter, similar to how his relationship with Herna started in Toussaint, but with the difference of being only a one-night stand. However, Wurz, being blind, did not document this aspect of the story, leaving it to speculation.

According to other accounts, Cervin and Runa met again sometime between 1275 and 1276. And after another intimate encounter one-night stand like, they started a relationship, and later on, Runa joined the Hansa. The circumstances of this reencounter are unclear due to the multiple and conflicting versions that exist.

An Unusual Alliance (1272)

One of the lesser-known legends of Cervin is said to have occurred in 1272, following one of his breakups with Herna. This story was miraculously compiled in the second volume of "Fairy Tales and Stories," as it was popular only in a small village in Ebbing and only among the elderly. It was often used to convey the value of pragmatism to young people.

The tale recounts a supposed alliance between Cervin and a witcher from the School of the Cat, known as Novikov. Both were hired by the same person to complete the same task. Instead of competing, they decided to team up. This task was believed to be the beginning of another legend that involded a larger vampire conspiracy that plagued the region.

References to this vampire conspiracy appear in other later stories about Cervin, which even involved Brianna. However, there are no mentions of his alliance with Novikov, leading to speculation that this myth might have been created to fill in the gaps around the legend of the vampire conspiracy in the Nilfgaardian province.

This alliance between Cervin and Novikov, whether fact or fiction, highlights an important theme: the value of cooperation over competition. The pragmatism displayed by Cervin and Novikov in joining forces against a common threat serves as a powerful lesson, even if its historical accuracy remains in doubt.

The Kaedwenian Incident (1273)

A fact, like many others, caught between truth and legend. There are only records of how Saov and his allies were captured and escaped, but not how they did it.

This event took place in Kaedwen, in the capital of Ard Carraigh. According to the folklore of Ebbing, specifically the song "The Freedom of Souls" by an unknown author, Cervin, supposedly after another breakup with Herna, is said to have freed a group of Scoia'tael led by the elf Saov, who were to be burned, reasons unknown, probably due to half-elf empathy. There are several versions of the song, each with a different ending to the story. The most popular one says that the "liberation" ended in a fire, which purified the capital of the kingdom.

Saov and Cervin, supposedly would meet again when the Hansa of Ebbing was created. And according to some rumors, Saov would had an affair with Brianna. With this affair being cut short after Saov died in one of the last pogroms against elves during the 14th century.

Time as gladiator (1275)

Didn't trust her at first. After Herna, trust wasn't exactly easy to come by. But she proved herself out there. More than a sorceress, she was a survivor, a fighter. Had to respect that.
―Cervin to August regarding what he think about Brianna the time he met her

Cervin spent little time as a standard slave. Once he and his new owners landed on the Continent, he was taken to a slave sale in Ebbing. Among the throng of prospective buyers was the minor Nilfgaardian noble family, Aep Brelchlohn, who harbored ambitious plans.

The Aep Brelchlohns wanted to participate in the Imperial Gladiator Tournament to make connections with important families in the empire and grow their influence. However, they were reluctant to pay for a warrior or mercenary, euphemistically called curaidhs (champions) among the Nilfgaardians, due to the exorbitant costs involved. When they saw Cervin, an enslaved witcher, they saw him as a heaven-sent opportunity. Without hesitation, they decided to purchase him, convinced that he could secure their victory in the tournament and elevate their social standing.

Prior to being sold, Cervin lost his gwyhyr steel sword, his Ursine Silver Sword and his Ursine Witcher Armor, as his owners sold them to pay the imperial fee required to enter the Slave Market.

The Aep Brelchlohns, now his masters, began his training immediately, subjecting him to rigorous exercises and sparring sessions to prepare him for the brutal world of gladiatorial combat.

The Imperial Gladiator Tournament

Cervin spent approximately a month in the arena, enduring the tournament leading up to the final. Much like his unexpected victory over the Bear Witchers in Haern Caduch, Cervin astonished both spectators and rivals alike. He triumphed even in battles against groups, as one-versus-many fights were permitted. During that month, he faced renowned figures such as Sonya "The Wild One," Cuato, and Yekba of Aram, in addition to combating monsters and wild animals like shaelmaars and Ofieri tigers. His engagements included a variety of combat forms: classic fights, fistfights, and battles with clubs or maces.

Emerging victorious in the sub-tournament held at the provincial level of Ebbing, Cervin earned the right to represent the vassal state in the grand final. Gladiators in this tournament often represented specific groups or families, as was the case with Cervin. Thanks to his victories, he would finally meet Brianna. The Aep Brelchlohns, fearing they might lose the tournament despite being close to victory, acquired another asset from a recently condemned person to support Cervin in the final. This asset was Brianna herself. Unlike Cervin, who, due to his mutant status and being sold as a slave, had spent a month fighting for his life in the arena, Brianna was thrust straight into the role of an employed gladiatrix in the tournament final. Originally, the final was to be held in the Grand Amphitheater of the Nilfgaardian capital. However, the rotating nature of the tournament prompted Emperor Emhyr var Emreis to change his mind at the last moment, and the event's final was held in the Claremont Arena in Ebbing. This served as a way for Emhyr to punish Brianna for destroying diplomatic relations between Nilfgaard and Haakland and to remind her that Ebbing, de facto, was not as independent as she wished it to be.

The beginning of Brianna and Cervin's relationship was rough, to say the least. This was primarily due to Cervin's lack of necessary social skills, fitting the Nordling stereotype of an outcast and pariah of witchers, particularly those from his school. Additionally, due to the betrayal he had suffered at the hands of Herna, he was deeply mistrustful of sorceresses. However, as they fought together in the arena, they grew increasingly close, to the point that they came to consider each other as siblings.

In the arena, they participated in a final that combined fights against other gladiators, some very well-known like Kullo and Verusio, naval battles, and fights against monsters such as vigilosaurs. They also battled on challenging terrain, like marshlands. These diverse combats were made possible by mages who overcame technical difficulties. The grand final, featuring the presence of important figures like the Emperor himself, became a magnificent event. Cervin and Brianna ultimately emerged victorious, winning the 100th annual Nilfgaardian gladiatorial tournament and claiming the title of champions. They secured their freedom with one of the prizes awarded, choosing the large sum of money that was one of the prizes for winning, which they used to buy their freedom from the Aep Brelchlohns.

Due to the incredible spectacle they provided, the Emperor ordered two statues to be built in their honor. These statues were meant to commemorate their achievements and the unforgettable performances they delivered during the final of the tournament. However, over time, Cervin's statue was lost, and only Brianna's statue was found during excavations in the distant year of 1850.

Travelling with Brianna Vassermiller

Once they got their freedom, Cervin and Brianna, despite getting along quite well, were on the verge of parting ways. Mostly because Cervin wanted to continue his solitary life as a witcher and not "bother" the sorceress. But the loss of his swords, which had been sold by the Aep Brelchlohn to pay for Cervin's registration for the Imperial Gladiator Tournament, prevented him from doing so. Cervin lacked the money or the contacts to order swords as unique as his lost witcher's swords. Brianna, on the other hand, did not, and after the sorceress offered to help him get new ones, and he reluctantly accepted her help, they began to travel together.

Their first joint endeavor was to procure a silver sword for Cervin, a task that proved challenging during visits to various blacksmiths, as none of them managed to convince the Bear Witcher. It was only upon reaching Ebbing capital that their fortunes changed. There, they encountered a hawmin master blacksmith named Euquerio Stromholz, who successfully persuaded Cervin after seeing his work in the Annual Ebbing Blacksmiths Tournament. Euquerio offered not only to craft the silver sword but also to fashion an armor set and a steel sword if they helped him obtain the necessary materials. Since the blacksmith's caravan had fallen victim to bandit attacks during its journey to the capital, leaving Euquerio as the sole survivor but without anything to work on, Brianna and Cervin agreed to assist with his problem. They swiftly resolved the issue by killing the bandits and gathering the required materials. After their return, Euquerio, true to his word and after a few days (that Brianna took to visit her family), presented Cervin with what would become his iconic sword, the "Reach of the Damned," an elven steel sword, and the "Armor of a Thousand Flowers," crafted from Dol Blathanna diagrams recovered from the assaulted caravan. It was a significant act, the first of many that the Hansa of Ebbing (even before its official establishment) would do for the kingdom. Thus, embarking on their journey to become the semi-mythical figures that they would be.

Creating the Hansa of Ebbing (1275 - 1276)

There are many versions of how the Hansa of Ebbing came about and how it became part of the collective mind of the people, not only in Ebbing (which was the region where they helped people the most) but also in surrounding regions such as Metinna, Nazair, and Maecht. However, their exploits also reached the duchies of Toussaint and Vinland, and if the latest legends are true, as far as Barsa and the Far South region of Skepimos (however, unlike the renowned Golden Griffin and the mage and explorer Finn Thordvison, no one was able to verify their presence there). The only thing the different tales agree on is the order in which the members joined.

The Duke of Neveugen

Too charming, too helpful... there's something about this guy that doesn't sit right with me.
―Cervin to Brianna when they met August

Brianna and Cervin were the first, followed by August, a Higher Vampire belonging to the Ammurun tribe, who was exiled to the Old Continent along with his family, and later in his life became the duke of the region of Neveugen (not to be confused with Dominik Bombastus Houvenaghel, who became mayor of the city of the same name in 1301). Subordinate to the Vassermiller family, he held territories near the border with Maecht, dedicated to protecting it so that the small skirmishes that arose between this province of Metinna and Ebbing did not escalate.

The story of August is complicated and extensive. Although he was young by vampiric standards, he had lived a lot. If we go far back in time, there are sources that even depict him as a mercenary participant in the wars that Nilfgaard waged against the various taifas of the Barsa region during its first expansion, and the so-called Reconquest which aimed to reclaim what once belonged to the empire of Nilfgaard's ancestors, the Aen Nílfe. Some say that he even governed one of these Barsamen kingdoms quite efficiently until, after the war, the taifa was completely incorporated, and its government was completely ceded to the then republic. In a nutshell, he spent most of his years travelling from Kovir as far away as Eastern Barsa ( in fact, the maps that the Nilfgaardians have of the region of Barsa were made by him with such precision that they only need in the future minor adjustments), exercising various trades until he finally made Ebbing his home. Despite being a corrupt place, August loved that kingdom with all his soul and ended up forging a dukedom and forging an alliance with the Van Moorlehem (whom August himself would call "cousins" to feel a little less lonely).

August spent his younger years with his clan until he fell in love for the first time with a Higher Vampire. Those tender years of vampiric "childhood" started to become hell as the vampire demanded blood every day, a prospect August did not relish. Finally, that relationship ended in a two-year-long fight, during which August had to regenerate his heart, as the vampire had ripped it out along with part of his inner organs. This, combined with his unsuccessful defense alongside his family of the vrans of the Western Continent (since they believed that both could coexist), attempting to avoid the genocide that the vampires perpetrated against the lizardmen (resulting in his and his family's condemnation to exile by the rest of the Ammurun), led him to make the decision to cross the Great Sea and travel to the Old Continent searching for a new life far from his tribe.

August was a rather humanitarian figure among vampires—humanitarian in an authentic sense, unlike the case of Orianna, for example. This had earned him exile along with his family (and it would take several centuries before it was finally discovered by humans) from the Western Continent. Similar to figures like Regis or Mikhail (better known as Saint Michael by the people of Cidaris), he believed that the role of higher vampires was not to remain indifferent to humanity and other sentient races, nor to use them solely as cattle. Instead, he believed in helping and occasionally guiding them (in that sense, he was less paternalistic than Mikhail).

Brianna and Cervin would meet August in 1275 in the library of Neveugen's capital after he returned to the duchy from helping in Beauclair during the Night of the Long Fangs. Regis had called upon him since they both knew each other to defend the humans of Beauclair from the vampires commanded by Dettlaff. As a plan B, knowing the natural charisma that August possessed despite being a tlesvl eslešat (a dishonored one, translated from the vampire language, an "outcast" who had not regained his status, so to speak), he was also called to attempt to convince Orianna in case the initial plan to find Syanna failed for some reason.

Brianna and Cervin were present in the library because they were researching the second coming of the Catriona plague after both had spent a season dealing with an excess of Plague Maidens. It would be there where the paths of the three would cross. August would kindly offer them his help and knowledge, for in his long life (by 1275, he was approximately 275 years old, having been born at the beginning of the 10th century and being very young when he came to the Old Continent), he had exercised multiple professions. From a mercenary to a ruler, philosopher, and even a cartographer (helping figures such as Markus Hohlenberg and the aforementioned Finn Thordvison in their exploration and mapping work), among many other professions.

Cervin, like with Brianna initially during their time in the arena, did not trust August. In this case, he thought August was "too good a person" to be a nobleman. However, due to how well Brianna and August got along, Cervin reluctantly let go of his suspicions and accepted August into the group, although he remained suspicious of August´s intentions to cure the people of Neveugen. Initially, his skepticism was rooted in Ebbing's endemic corruption, but later, he began to suspect August might be a monster, specifically a vampire (a suspicion that would prove correct), who wanted to use the people as a stock, although it would take time to confirm.

That night also marked the first occasion when August felt the need to call Brianna "Rhena," a nickname once carried by a certain distant relative of hers. The vampire would later resignify and affectionately give her this nickname in the future, unaware at the time that she was the true heir to the throne of Ebbing.

The confirmation for Cervin would come once the plague problem was (at least until Keira's cure, which would take years to come) alleviated, when August invited them to lunch at his palace on a sunny late summer day that year, and Cervin, returning from the latrines, noticed that August had no shade, which became the last confirmation he needed, drawing the silver sword and putting it around August's neck before sitting down at the table with lunch already set.

Cervin's eyes narrowed, fixated on August, waiting for an explanation. The vampire, unfazed, calmly began to recount part of his life story, revealing the intricacies of his journey and the struggles he faced. As the conversation unfolded, Cervin couldn't help but feel a growing sense of understanding and empathy towards the Higher Vampire, realizing that appearances could be deceiving, even when it came to creatures of the night.

The lunch became a pivotal moment in their relationship. August's sincerity and the depth of his experiences gradually thawed Cervin's distrust. After that, much like in the case of another white-haired witcher and a vampire, they became good friends.

He was an intelligent man, more for his age than for his academic experiences (which as already mentioned, he also had), his clan, the Ammurun drank little human blood as there was a shortage of humans on the continent where they lived having to consume vran blood, which, compared to human blood, was worse and more difficult to obtain, which ended in the aforementioned genocide that August tried to stop, when the vampires got fed up with the vran civilization that the future Nordling colonists of Fabiola would nickname "The Valley of the Ancient Reptiles". August may have looked like a weak and easily killed superior vampire, but he was fifteenth in the line of succession in the vampire hierarchy.

August used to dress in dark brown leather trousers, boots, a shirt and a black coat, giving him the look of an adventurer. In his human form, his hair was slightly long and he adorns his face with gold-rimmed glasses that give him a more human look, or so he thought. If he could have chosen a trade for all his life without gettin bored, August would have chosen to be a cartographer or historian as he loved maps, laws and the ancient history of the places he visited.

He had a standard Koviri accent which he adquired during the time he spent in the kingdom, although over the years he managed to soften it a bit too much and had almost adopted the standard Ebbinger accent.

Eventually, August and Brianna would fell in love, and would get married. With a marriage that will last thirty-six years (wedding which, depending on the Hansa story, would be more people or less. With some tales, saying that even, the Lady of Time and Space, was present at the wedding) What is known for sure, is that if not all members of the Hansa, the majority of them were present at the ceremony. Their marriage could have lasted longer, but unfortunately, August was notified of a civil war among his people and was compelled to return, with the hope, that he could help change things, and make his vampire culture better than in the past.

The Wood Elf

Soon after, Aëte, an Aen Woedde elf (though they called themselves Aen Mait, "The Free People"), would join the group. This occurred when Brianna, Cervin, and August, traveling through the interior of Ebbing, were mistakenly assaulted by a group of Aen Woedde led by the aforementioned Aëte. Feeling cornered as they were pursued by mercenaries hired by the corrupt elite of Ebbing, who believed them to be possessors of mythical riches such as the philosopher's stone, they decided to go on the offensive, despite their more peaceful nature compared to their Aen Seidhe cousins by that time.

Aëte was born in one of the boggy forests of Ebbing. She was a warrior, her favorite weapons being a bow and arrows, followed by a pair of daggers hidden in her boots. Her daggers were relics from a time when the Aen Nílfe and Aen Woedde didn't split into two cultures due to the question of slavery. She always wore baggy clothes so that she could be mistaken for a man, hiding her chest. She covered her head and ears with a hooded cloak of a beautiful leaf-green color.

It is also said that, physically, she could sometimes be mistaken for an Aen Manche. Exposed to the sun, it was said that she acquired a tanned skin, which contrasted with her blonde hair and made her look like one of this exiled group of elves.

Fortunately, they were saved thanks to Brianna, who had known the elf since her teenage years when they became best friends after getting lost in the woods while she was going to relieve herself. This incident occurred during a visit to Cintra when the Ebbing Royal Crown carriage suffered an accident, and they had to change the wheel. It was during this period that Brianna met Aëte, and they formed a strong bond, since Aëte helped Brianna return to her family. After that, they never lost contact, and in fact, during her time at court, Brianna became a notable defender of the elves, actively opposing the more Nordling-minded factions within the aristocracy of Ebbing who sought to subject them to a pogrom, like the Great Cleansing that had occurred in Aedirn many years prior.

However, despite the pleasant encounter, Aëte would not immediately join the Hansa. It would only be after they had dealt with the issue plaguing her people that she would join the group. To achieve this, the Hansa split into two, with one group, consisting of August and Brianna, handling the more political aspect of the matter, and the other, comprised of Cervin and Aëte, taking care of the more violent side. It was in this way that Cervin, despite his reserved nature, formed a friendship with Aëte, who managed to strike up a conversation and grow close to him. As an interesting note, due to his partly elven heritage, Aëte initially mistook him for a witcher of the School of the Cat, for whom she had some appreciation, having helped in the past with bandit issues in Ebbing affecting both human and elven populations. It wasn't until Cervin demonstrated his bear-style combat that Aëte realized she was mistaken.

She was very fond of music but couldn't play any instruments, so she often spent her free time drawing with Brianna or listening to Cervin's songs. Her hair was so blonde that it looked white but shone like the sun, and her eyes were a dark honey color. She wore hardly any makeup, yet she was a beautiful woman. In time, she would become the leader of the village where most of the Aen Woedde people in Ebbing resided (since they were in all Nilfgaardian forests) because, as the Heroine of Ebbing, she had protected that place and that village countless times.

After Cervin and Aëte finished with the problem of the mercenaries, they would meet again with August and Brianna at the same point where they had been mistakenly assaulted, to be informed that, at least on the political side, the issue was not solved. The elites who had hired the mercenaries had fled to Nazair, waiting for all the elves to be killed so that the crown of Ebbing could not retaliate against them, as there would not be enough evidence to link them.

And that would be how Aëte would join the Hansa, supposedly temporarily, but finally staying. The Hansa then, would set course to Nazair, where they would put an end to the problem once and for all, and also, they would meet the next member to join.

The Seductress

This is beyond me. Time to call in the reinforcements.
―Cervin during his first interactions with the succubus

The tale of how Coshunee (or Nee for the members of the Hansa) joined the Hansa of Ebbing is amusing, at least in most versions of the later group myth. The most popular one recounts that once the group reached the shores of Nazair, specifically its new capital, Nova Assengard (or Assengard Ur in Nilfgaardian), and dispelled the corrupt elites of Ebbing who had sought refuge there after gathering more evidence and reporting them to the governor of the province. In return, they received a generous reward (since killing elves who had done nothing was punishable by law, unlike in the Northern Realms). They decided to stay for a while, each for different reasons—Aëte contemplating what useful items she could buy for her people, Brianna dealing with matters related to the fall of the Nefandi, August checking on Regis's emotional state (who, after Detlaff's death, had spent some time with a close friend and had gone to Nazair to take care of the vampire's affairs, including Detlaff's home and Toy Shop), and Cervin, being a witcher, looking for some work, which he would find.

This is how Pellgledd Arth (an affectionate nickname Aëte had given to Cervin, "Bear of the Far North," as his hair, along with his witcher school, reminded her of the Far North bears' skins that occasionally reached Ebbing through trade) would come across Coshunee after one of the messengers of the provincial governor found him and called him to the palace. There, the governor explained to him that there was a succubus in the city causing trouble. The succubus had been seducing all the men and women in the region for some time, and no one had been able to stop her, and now she was in the capital.

Cervin accepted the job, though charging the governor a high fee because dealing with sentient beings was always a nuisance for him. It wasn't as simple as going, killing the monster, and collecting the reward, especially with a succubus. There were too many factors involved, such as listening to the "monster's" side of the story.

So, Cervin got down to work and started investigating. It was a tedious and boring task, mainly because he had to interrogate many affected individuals, both men and women. He also realized that he couldn't kill Coshunee since the succubus hadn't killed anyone. Had she broken marriages and relationships? Yes, many, but she hadn't killed anyone. Thus, he didn't have justification to draw his silver sword and simply end her, as a ranger from the Northern Realms would do with any non-human. Cervin decided to continue investigating.

After several interrogations, he realized that she belonged to the subspecies of succubi that lacked goat legs, and therefore, she could blend more easily into society. This made the job more challenging but interesting at the same time.

Therefore, Cervin continued his investigation with determination until he finally found her, and the amusing part of the whole story began. Once located, Cervin, opting for a more diplomatic approach, warned her that she had to stop, or she would get into trouble. However, Coshunee paid no heed, finding amusement in Cervin's "paternalistic" attitude, which, coupled with his exotic appearance, led her to attempt to seduce him, as she had done with many other men and women.

Despite Cervin's mutant physiology and, consequently, heightened libido, he resisted Coshunee's charms. He ignored his body's reactions, maintaining a cold demeanor. Ironically, this only fueled the succubus's infatuation with him and started a story of intriguing interactions between the two.

Cervin remained steadfast, even as Coshunee persistently tested his resolve with her beguiling wiles. The succubus, intrigued by the unusual challenge presented by the stoic witcher, found herself drawn to him in more ways than one. The dance between them became a delicate interplay of words, desires, and a mutual curiosity that neither had anticipated.

As Cervin delved deeper into the succubus's background, he discovered a complex tale of her struggles and challenges. Coshunee, it seemed, was not merely a malicious seductress but a being caught between the expectations of her kind and a desire for a different existence. The stories she shared with Cervin painted a picture of a misunderstood creature navigating a world that perceived her as nothing more than a threat.

Intrigued by the nuances of her story, Cervin, like with August back in the day, began to see beyond the stereotype of a monster. He realized that the succubus was not inherently malevolent but rather a product of her own circumstances. This revelation added a layer of complexity to his task, as he grappled with the moral dilemma of fulfilling the governor's request to eliminate Coshunee.

The witcher's encounters with Coshunee became a series of conversations that extended beyond the mere professional exchange of information. They discussed morality, the nature of monsters, and the intricacies of coexistence in a world divided by prejudice. Cervin found himself questioning the predetermined judgments he had carried into the investigation.

Despite the mutual understanding that developed between them, the situation remained fraught with tension. Coshunee, while appreciating Cervin's unique perspective, continued her seductive attempts, fascinated by the challenge of breaking through the emotional barriers of a witcher. Cervin, in turn, maintained his focus on finding a resolution that would satisfy both the governor's concerns and his own evolving sense of justice.

Feeling powerless and unsure of what to do, Cervin turned to the help of the makeshift family he had unintentionally formed. Seeking their assistance to resolve the succubus problem, Brianna, followed by August, and finally Aëte, joined Cervin's contract, attempting to aid the witcher in solving the succubus issue and, consequently, getting to know Coshunee.

Together, the problem was resolved as the perspectives of the other members led to a solution that would not only benefit the succubus but also prevent the inhabitants of Nova Assengard from suffering further due to the harm caused unknowingly by the succubus. Thus, they chose to stage her death by cutting off one of her horns. Cervin delivered the severed horn to the governor, accompanied by August, as evidence of her supposed demise, with August helping Cervin to convince the governor of the succubus's faked death. After that, they decided to take her with them until they found a place where she could thrive peacefully without causing harm to anyone. Interestingly, they didn't find it, at least not in a physical sense for a long time, as, like Aëte, the succubus soon became another member of the Hansa of Ebbing.

Her hair was as red as fire and glowed with an unearthly intensity; her eyes were emerald green unless she used her powers, at which point they turned amber. She normally wore an amulet given to her by Brianna that made her look human, but when he removed the amulet, you could see one of her horns, as she never recovered the lost one.

Depending on the myth, it is said that Coshunee eventually managed to seduce Cervin on a few occasions. However, this was probably more of an embellishment by the bards than anything else. For there would be a future member of the Hansa who would truly capture the heart of the seemingly cold Bear Witcher.

She died at the hands of the former School of the Viper Witcher, Vonir, because he thought she was evil and was going to wreak havoc for Dun Dare. That happened in the year 1291; her friends only found Coshunee's corpse in the cave where the succubus would eventually lived. Vonir would die one year later.

The Bard

The last to join the Hansa of Ebbing was Elia aep Bullogh, a bard from Fano, who joined the group in 1276 during their journey to Vinland (later in the article). The journey of the Hansa to that distant duchy was partially motivated by political questions, as one of Brianna's brothers was about to be married to one of the daughters of one of the two dukes of the diarchy of Vinland. Thus, the Hansa accompanied Brianna. Specifically, Elia joined in Kaedwen after she recognized the diplomatic caravan of her kingdom, and with her bardic charisma, convinced Thessa as well as Brianna to join as entertainment. She was killed by Erzsébet Bathory, the so-called "Red Duchess of Vinland", and became one of her last victims. It is said that her work was preserved thanks to August, who sent copies of her compositions and lyrics to the Imperial Archives in Nilfgaard.

An accurate physical description of Elia aep Bullogh was provided by Putnam Pitch during several interviews he had with various historians after retiring as a grandmaster from the School of the Crane (due to being one of the oldest known persons, only behind Adalwulf of Aedirn and some sorcerers). Pitch met her in 1275, which allowed for the creation of songs as well known as "The Eagle and the Cat" (a ballad about the romance of Putnam and Tubiel).

Other notable works included "The Blue Bear" (a song about Cervin), which served as one of the most reliable descriptions of the semi-legendary mutant. This was followed by the works of the poet Eurico de Jugo, also a chronicler of Brianna's Sister's reign, such as "All That Glitters Is Not Gold" (a ballad about Aëte), and "They Won't Move Us" (a children's song about some kids who refused to get off a fishing boat in Ebbing), which became extremely popular. Due to numerous versions, "They Won't Move Us" was considered anonymous for a long time.

Other notable but lesser-known members

Based on the ballads, some temporary members included Runa, Saov (the Scoia'tael elf whom Cervin met some time ago while saving him, and with whom Brianna is rumored to have had an affair), and Svetlana (a sorceress said to have learned the ability to stand between the world of the living and the dead, though this ability remains legendary and lacks definitive records). The histories that have endured over time do not agree on whether Svetlana was associated solely with the Hansa of Ebbing, only with Cervin, or with both.

And finally, Ekkeg, a rare Coral Troll turned slave, was brought by Zangvebarian traders accompanied by his pet wombat to serve as cheap labor in the Nilfgaardian mines and as a curiosity for exhibition. The stories tell that everyone in the Hansa adopted him and cared for him as if he were their little brother until he eventually became a legendary trader, alongside his exotic pet. He managed to recover the color of the corals he carried on his back. For many years, his existence was denied until the bones of his pet were found in the ruins of Brianna's tower.

Depression and Suicide Attempts (1275-1280)

After his disastrous relationship with the sorceress, Cervin fell into a deep depression. Her toxic behaviors, combined with other factors such as his complicated past and the effects of mutagens and extra tests during his youth, which may have altered his mind, contributed to his deteriorating mental health. Like others in his guild (such as Merten), Cervin turned to alcoholism. Due to his mutant nature, he did not become addicted, but this led to various problems that only worsened his mental state. At his lowest point, he attempted suicide twice—once with an overdose of alcohol and another time with potion intoxication.

Both times, he was saved by Brianna and Runa, who helped him through this dark period of his life. Their support reinforced his friendship with Brianna and his relationship with Runa.

Notable adventures with the Hansa

The Red Duchess of Vinland (1276)

Let the truth be buried with that monster. Lestec deserves peace, and the good name of Vinland must be preserved.
―Brianna after the duchess´death

The first adventure of the Hansa of Ebbing as such would take place in the duchy of Vinland, one of the few "civilized" lands in what the Nordlings call the Far North. All of this happened when, as most tales say, August received a letter from one of the dukes who ruled the diarchy, Lestec, whom August had saved when Lestec was just a boy, from being murdered. Lestec asked for help because a series of murders were happening at the court, and no one knew who was behind them. Also, Lestec couldn't accuse the other duke without evidence, as that could lead to a civil war after the recent tensions they had experienced. August was about to leave alone, but his intuition told him at the last moment not to, and that it would be better to discuss it with the Hansa to have support in case things went wrong for any reason, especially with a sorceress and a witcher as allies. So August mentioned it to the rest of the Hansa, and they accepted, although Cervin was somewhat reluctant due to his dislike of the cold from his time in the chilly Bear Keep.

And after a few days of organizing and using a diplomatic journey of the Ebbinger Crown to Vinland as a cover, the Hansa traveled in a cart to the cold duchy.

Once in the duchy, the Hansa met with Lestec, who offered them to stay at the royal palace with all expenses covered. Before long, they got to work, dividing into teams. August, Cervin, and Aëte, skilled trackers, focused on investigating the palace for clues, while Brianna, Elia, and Coshunee, more adept at understanding court matters, tried to conduct subtle interrogations.

For two weeks, they didn't achieve much except suspecting the Duchess Erzsébet Bathory, the second wife of Lestec, whom they only saw in the late afternoon or evening. However, they managed to annoy the killer, who eventually made a misstep after those two weeks of the foreigners' visit, revealing herself by inviting Elia to a private concert intending to murder her and drink her blood, eventually resulting in Elia's death. After the bard's death, the Hansa discovered that Erzsébet was none other than a nosferat, periodically killing victims to drink their blood. She had worked her way into nobility in Vinland, becoming Lestec's second wife after the first one died in childbirth.

The ensuing confrontation was fierce, and Aëte, Brianna, and Coshunee almost lost their lives in the process. However, a spell from Brianna, combined with an arrow from Coshunee, weakened the nosferat enough in her vampiric form for August and Cervin to end her life in a combined attack. Despite her heinous crimes, the truth about her species as a nosferat was kept a secret to save face for Duke Lestec. Instead, she was painted as a psychopathic human with an obsession for young women and their blood. The story of her vampiric nature and her demise at the hands of the Hansa of Ebbing circulated in gossip circles and later became part of legends and myths. Her cover story claimed she was taken to trial, found guilty, and locked up in a bricked-up room, where she died a few days later. After that, the Hansa returned to Ebbing for a few years after their next big adventure happened in 1280.

The Barsa Affair (1280)

August and his fancy talk. Sometimes I wonder if it actually works.
―Cervin to Brianna during their time in Barsa

After the events in Vinland, as previously mentioned, Brianna and the Hansa stayed in Ebbing for a few years, precisely four. These years served to strengthen the bond of the found family even more, with everyone living in August's palace in Neveugen (except for Brianna, who, despite trying to be present, was often absent due to her duties in the Ebbing court and her secret work with August and Tubiel to destroy the Nefandi). During this period, there were some stories, more like anecdotes than a significant narrative, until the year 1280.

In 1280, a significant story unfolded due to the high number of deaths among Nilfgaardian settlers in Ebbing. This prompted Emhyr (who died in 1290) to send forces to Ebbing to "pacify" them if they continued killing Nilfgaardians. Brianna, fearing that Ebbing would lose its remaining independence and face a massacre if the emperor still believed that the Ebbinger locals were responsible, took action as her sister's advisor and protector of Ebbing. She initiated an investigation with the help of the entire Hansa.

This investigation led them to Barsa, specifically to Marad in Western Barsa, once part of the Taifa of Tarim and the Southern Kingdoms. In Barsa, they discovered that these murders were carried out by Barsamen militias who had infiltrated Ebbing as traders seeking revenge for the abuses committed by the Nilfgaardian forces (specifically Ebbinger mercenaries) in the Ofir/Hannu-backed lands of the Barsamen during the last conflict in the region.

After spending time there and assessing the situation, the Hansa ensured that justice was served to the murderers. August, using his diplomatic skills and contacts, promised that justice would also be served for the abuses committed by the Nilfgaardians. This led to an extensive investigation, during which August disappeared for a while upon returning to Ebbing. However, justice was eventually achieved. August also attempted to unite Barsa under two separate states to foster peace, but his efforts failed, and conflicts in the region persisted from time to time. Nevertheless, he managed to bring some justice to both sides and, in his way, prevented further innocent lives from being massacred for a while. As a fun anecdote, Brianna acquired various rugs from an Ofieri merchant during the journey, which Cervin would despise for the rest of his days.

The Price for Life (1285)

We saved countless lives, but Aëte's absence cuts deep.
―Brianna to the Hansa during their return to Ebbing

The next great adventure for the Hansa would take them far from Ebbing. The events began a couple of years earlier, in 1283, when a plague of nightmares began afflicting the nobility of Ebbing, eventually spreading to other territories of Nilfgaard. However, it wasn't until 1285, when the nightmare plague further escalated and even affected Brianna's sister, queen Thessa, that the Hansa decided to leave the kingdom. Until then, Thessa had been using the plague to cleanse the systemic corruption in Ebbing.

Under orders from the imperial authorities who were aware of their exploits, the Hansa began an investigation. Similar to the one in 1280, this investigation once again took them far from Ebbing and Nilfgaard.

Specifically, it led them to the Far South, to the land of Skepimos, to the kingdom of Karaciya, where they uncovered the origin of the curse. It was revealed to be a curse placed by the mage king of Karaciya after his daughter was raped by an Ebbinger mage during her studies in the Nilfgaardian Empire. Enraged by this, he casted a curse that would plunge all of Nilfgaard into an eternal nightmare as retribution for his daughter's humiliation. This curse spreaded like a disease.

The Hansa attempted to negotiate with the mage king. However, the results were not favorable, forcing them to stay in that distant land for a couple of months. The king demanded a terrible sacrifice in exchange for the cure: an Ebbinger life for his daughter's pain. Unwilling to condemn an innocent, the Hansa faced a difficult decision. They could either defy the king and risk permanent war with Karaciya or offer one of their own in exchange for the cure.

August then offered to be the sacrifice (as his Higher Vampire abilities would allow him to regenerate even after being supposedly killed). However, Aëte intervened. Adhering to the principle of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," she decided to sacrifice herself to save not only Ebbing from the curse but all of Nilfgaard, including her own people, the Aen Woedde elves, as some of the Aen Woedde leaders had also fallen victim to the curse. The group tried to convince Aëte not to do it, that they would find another solution; however, Aëte did not change her mind. Time was against them, and if her sacrifice would prevent thousands of people from dying of starvation trapped in a nightmare, she would be willing to make it. And so it was, Aëte sacrificed herself, and as promised by the mage king, the curse was lifted, and people woke up again. However, Aëte's death marked the gradual beginning of the end for this group that had saved Ebbing many times, as well as the beginning, of the more melancholic personality that Brianna would have in the distant future.

The slow collapse of the Hansa of Ebbing

First Brianna´s suicide attempt (1290)

Don't lie to me, Brianna. We both know that wasn't about a monster.
―Cervin to Brianna after the failed attempt

After Aëte's death, the initial symptoms of Brianna's future depression began to manifest, albeit mildly, due to August's continued presence. In 1290, Brianna attempted her first suicide when she ventured into the Ebbing swamps, claiming to Cervin that she was going to defeat a hydra living there. She explained that Cervin's silver sword had just been repaired, and she didn't want it ruined by a mere hydra. The reality was much sadder, as Brianna actually wanted the monster to devour her. However, Cervin managed to track her in time and prevent the act by confronting and defeating the monster, for which, in fact, the Bear Witcher would collect a generous reward.

However, Cervin did not believe Brianna's lie, and worried, he would give almost all of the money to August so that August could take Brianna to see a Pereplut confessor to help her. Sadly, her time with the confessor didn't help much, only delaying Brianna's strong depression, which seemed inevitable.

Death of Coshunee (1291)

Live with the memory of what you took, Vonir. May it haunt you every single day.
―Cervin to Vonir after the duel

The next tragedy that devastated the group, leading to their first long-term separation, was the death of Coshunee. It occurred in 1291 when the Hansa finally found a home for Coshunee, specifically in the village of Dun Dâre, where she seemed to be thriving and was not harming anyone. Her time with the Hansa had taught her how to fully integrate with other races, effectively becoming the "succubus of the village," living in a nearby cave and helping young boys become more confident as they reached the age to engage in intimate activities.

She was doing well until new inhabitants arrived in the village who did not view her favorably. They saw an opportunity to get rid of her in 1291 when the School of the Viper Witcher and private detective Vonir passed through the village. These inhabitants hired Vonir, fabricating stories against Coshunee and convincing Vonir that she was evil and would bring harm to Dun Dâre. This led him to kill her, even after hearing her side of the story, believing that Coshunee was only lying to protect herself. Later that same year, during what they thought was a routine visit to Coshunee, the Hansa discovered her lifeless body in the cave where the succubus lived.

This tragedy caused a split and a long-term separation within the group, with Cervin going one way and Brianna and August going the other. Brianna attempted to stop August from seeking vengeance for her friend, who, for the first time in a long time, was furious. However, Cervin was determined to seek revenge and eventually found the culprit after months of tracking him down in Novigrad. There, Cervin confronted Vonir in his detective office, and their confrontation escalated into a duel. Although Cervin emerged victorious, he chose to show mercy, leaving Vonir with a crippling leg wound. Despite not delivering the final blow, this injury ultimately led to Vonir's demise at the hands of a pack of werewolves in 1292.

The End of the Hansa (August's alleged death)

The final blow to the Hansa of Ebbing would occur in the year 1311, twenty years after the death of Coshunee, and thirty-six years after August had joined Brianna and Cervin, giving rise to the already legendary group by then. This event would be the notification from the few Ammurun present in Nordling/Nilfgaardian lands (that is, those exiled, meaning August's family) of a civil war in the lands of these distant vampires. The conflict, in summary, began (as reported by the contacts between the future Nordling colonizers of the Western Continent and the Ammurun) when a vampire named Usalul attempted something akin to a coup in human terms, to overthrow the Unseen Elder of the Ammurun, which failed. However, because Usalul was quite popular among a part of those vampires, although the coup failed, it sparked a civil war between those who wanted to overthrow the Unseen Elder and put Usalul in his position, and those who defended the Unseen Elder.

August, convinced by his mother that perhaps supporting Usalul could lead to their forgiveness and a return to their old home, as well as changing things and improving their vampiric culture, marched off to fight. Eventually, he apparently perished far from his beloved. This deeply saddened Brianna, who could sense his loss, ultimately pushing her into the long and deep depression she would experience because, it is rumored, when she and August married, they had made a blood pact using vampiric magic (something common in vampire weddings but rare between vampires and other races), which in a way, gave them a profound connection in more than one sense. After August's alleged death, Lady Katrina, August's mother, notified Brianna that her son was unaccounted for, and the vampire's title passed to the sorceress by right of marriage. This news further saddened the sorceress, ushering the legendary Great Demon Age in Ebbing.

After August's death, the remnants of the Hansa, Cervin and Brianna, along with some members like Runa, relocated to an abandoned village near the Van Der Ermius castle in Neveugen. Over time, they restored the village, and during this period, Brianna began to withdraw more and more from the outside world, becoming increasingly isolated. This restoration and gradual seclusion eventually culminated in the establishment of the so-called Garden Tower after the events of 1350 who used the structure of the village in its foundation.

Between 1311 and 1350, Brianna met Aramis, a former follower of August whom the vampire had entrusted with taking care of the castle's upkeep should anything happen to him. When Brianna explained what had occurred, Aramis embarked on a quest to find any clue that might lead him to August. After a period of approximately 47 or 8 years (the exact duration is unclear), August "came back to life" when Aramis employed a similar process to what Regis underwent with Dettlaff.

Second Brianna´s suicide attempt ( 1313)

August wouldn't want this. Don't let the grief win.
―Cervin to Brianna after the second attempt

Brianna's second suicide attempt occurred in the year 1313, two years after August's disappearance and presumed death. Consumed by immense pain and emptiness, Brianna tried to get herself arrested and sentenced to death by committing several crimes of blasphemy, sacrilege against various religions as well as theft. She succeeded after some time. Fortunately for Brianna, her sister, Queen Thessa, aged 54, was still alive, and using her influence, she managed to prevent Brianna from being hanged. However, in exchange, Brianna was sent to an asylum in the capital for a while.

Nevertheless, the asylum in Ebbing capital where she was taken had become a Cursed Asylum, and Cervin, along with Runa, eventually had to take care of purifying it. This resulted in Brianna's stay in the asylum being very brief.

Mythical Period (1311 - 1350)

This period of Cervin's life is shrouded in the most uncertainty, with the period of the Second Northern War following this. For example, it is believed that during this time, for unknown reasons—many speculate due to Watcher-related affairs—Runa and Cervin broke up. Following this, Cervin began a relationship with the Cidarian sorceress Nadine, an acquaintance of Brianna who was an expert in demonology (probably to help control the Yrrhedes corruption mentioned in other stories about Brianna). Nadine met Cervin during a visit to Brianna. Nadine would later die during the Haaki Invasion, as one of the many mages who lost their lives trying to control an ifrit. Soon after the invasion, Runa returned, and she and Cervin resumed their relationship.

Other stories place Cervin solving the legendary vampire conspiracy of Ebbing, a shadowy conflict between the Van Moorlehem and Van Der Ermius families for control of the Duchy of Neveugen after August's "death" in 1311. This conflict was essentially driven by racist motives, as Brianna Vassermiller, a human, had inherited the title of Duchess and its responsibilities, while also knowing that many of the nobles were vampires. This upset many of the vampires integrated into both Nordling and Nilfgaardian societies who controlled things from the shadows.

The Haaki / Kilanti Invasion (1349 / 1350)

Unlike his sister-in-arms or other figures like Anika Marsir or Putnam, Cervin's participation in repelling the Haaki Invasion of 1350 was, so to speak, much more in the background. He was one of the many soldiers, initially from the forces and remnants of the forces of Ebbing, and later from the united front formed by the different Northern Kingdoms and some Nilfgaardian territories such as Cintra and Ebbing. His most notable act came in the final battle of the invasion, the Battle of Mahakam, when he managed to reach the sorceress advisor of the Haaki leader, who turned out to be none other than the aforementioned Herna. He confronted her and defeated her by kicking her into one of the many pits present in the mountainous region home to the dwarves, thus ending her life.

After that, with the expulsion of the Haakis from Nordling (and partially Nilfgaardian) lands, Cervin was offered the title of "Knight of the Northern Kingdoms." He declined, asking the crown of Ebbing instead for permission for his sister Brianna to build the home of her dreams, the so-called Garden Tower. They moved there after Brianna used the village where they had lived until then as the base structure for its creation.

The last sighting of Cervin (1373)

Let's just say you had some unexpected help today.
―Cervin to Nimue

The last sighting of Cervin is shrouded in confusion, further fueling the ever-growing legend that surrounded him over the decades. What transpired between Brianna's disappearance in 1358 and this final report remains a mystery, but there is speculation that, given the increased need for witchers after the Second Conjunction of the Spheres, Cervin simply remained and continued his work, unlike his sister Brianna, who, according to some tales, departed for another world during the event. It is also unknown what happened to his relationship with Runa, as she does not appear anywhere in this last report about him. However, considering the fondness that stories report the possible Watcher had for sleeping transformed into a snake in Cervin's belongings during his travels back and forth, it is plausible that if she indeed was real, she was simply sleeping at that moment.

This report occurred in Magpie Forest, an old forest in Temeria, between Dorian and Ivalo. There were many scary stories about something evil living in this place, which is why the forest had not been cut down as of yet in 1373. In fact, it was the home of IDR UL Ex IX 0008 BETA, which was killing travelers who dared to travel alone through the forest. In that year, a man described as a white-haired witcher intervened, believed by many to be Cervin. This intervention, however, was aided by the unwitting involvement of the future mage, Nimue verch Wledyr ap Gwyn. Nimue inadvertently traversed the forest alone, on her way to the magical school of Aretuza, thereby acting as perfect bait for the vicious monster, owing to her small stature. The white-haired witcher, whether Cervin or not, succeeded in eliminating the threat posed by IDR UL Ex IX 0008 BETA. Despite this account, some fervent followers of the legend of Geralt of Rivia entertain the notion that Nimue encountered the White Wolf himself in those woods.

Far Future

In the distant future, Cervin and his friends were to be mentioned in the second volume of "Fairy Tales and Stories," which continued the work of Flourens Delannoy by collecting stories from later times and from the Nilfgaardian provinces. For a long time, Cervin was known as just another myth. However, later archaeological work in Ebbing proved his existence.

Physical Appearance

All the tales surrounding Cervin agree on one thing: he was a typical half-elf, unlike other notable individuals such as Beatrix of Kovir, who displayed almost none of her elven heritage and was considered ugly even by human standards. Cervin, however, was distinguished by his unusual hair color. He had short, snow-white hair that was neatly trimmed, slightly tousled, and styled with a bit of volume at the top. His eyebrows were the same color, adding to his distinctive appearance.

His eyes were violet, a color resulting from both his elven heritage, the ilnesses he suffered and the additional witcher mutations he underwent during his years at Haern Caduch. These eyes were accompanied by the typical cat-like pupils of witchers. Like many of his kind, he bore prominent scars on his face.

Cervin had a strong jawline, a feature that, combined with his well-groomed, full snow-white beard and mustache, gave him a commanding presence. His facial hair was always kept in immaculate condition, reflecting a sense of discipline and care in his appearance. Like other half-elves, his ears were pointed but shorter compared to those of pure elves.

His proportioned face, a characteristic of his mixed elven heritage, gave him a balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Unlike humans and like elves, he lacked cuspids. Due to the witcher mutations and his elven lineage, Cervin maintained a youthful appearance even in the years leading up to his disappearance.

In addition to his facial features, Cervin's physique was also notable. He possessed the muscular build typical of the witchers of his school, though not as bulky due to his elven heritage. In this sense, he was more akin to a Cat Witcher than a Bear Witcher.


Cervin's personality shared some traits with his witcher counterparts from the Bear School, such as introversion and a solitary nature. However, several factors made him much more sensitive than his peers. These included his childhood illnesses, the discrimination he faced during his training, and his deviation from the typical Bear standards. Before his disastrous relationship with the mage Herna of Gemmeria, he was somewhat naive and innocent, more in a childish sense than in a chivalrous or noble one.

This naivety and innocence eventually transformed into cynicism and coldness for many years. However, he later evolved into someone serious and pragmatic with a good heart, which he kept excessively guarded to avoid the pain he had suffered with the sorceress. This transformation was largely influenced by Brianna and the Hansa of Ebbing, who played crucial roles in reshaping his outlook on life.

Initially, Cervin's personality, like many of his fellow Bear Witchers, could be described as stoic, cold, and detached. Yet, he didn't reach the level of cynicism often found among his peers. His upbringing and training as a witcher in Haern Caduch instilled in him an emotional shield he had developed since childhood. Physically more frail than the other Bear adepts due to his elven heritage, he was of standard size, not a giant, which contributed to the bullying he endured. Despite this, he remained highly sensitive, sharing traits with other witchers from his school, like Ivo of Belhaven prior to Ivo's personality transformation after the Trials. The key difference was that Cervin wasn't as aggressive toward his peers as Ivo during his training. Instead, he displayed a more peaceful and introverted nature, almost bordering on the autistic spectrum, despite the bullying he endured.

In many ways, Cervin's personality resembled that of a bear, characterized by a rugged exterior and a gentle interior. Due to his upbringing, he lacked social skills, which often led to trouble. He was rough and uncouth, and his honesty was so unfiltered that it sometimes came across as brutal. While he was solitary, as most witchers tend to be, deep down, he longed for companionship. At times, due to the weight of his experiences, he even felt "tired of life."

Fortunately, Cervin found the companionship he yearned for in the few women who entered his life, drawn to him by a unique combination of his appearance and his brutal honesty. He also found a sense of family in the Hansa of Ebbing, who became his close allies and confidants, offering him a sense of belonging and support.

As time went on, Cervin's interactions with Brianna and the Hansa of Ebbing continued to influence his personality positively. The camaraderie and mutual respect he found within the Hansa allowed him to gradually shed the layers of cynicism and coldness he had built up over the years. He became more open to trust and connection, although he remained cautious and guarded. His time with the Hansa helped him rediscover a sense of purpose and belonging, providing him with the emotional support he had long sought.


  • The encounter between Nimue and Cervin, would be the game canon version of what happened in the books. Much like the comic The Witcher: Fox Children is the game canon version of that part of Seasons of Storms.
  • Pataricus are a race of cyclops from Spanish Mythology, more specifically from the region of Asturias.
  • There is a rare subspecies of bear, known as the Tibetan Blue Bear. Cervin's nickname "The Blue Bear" refers to them. Because Cervin's behaviour is so rare and different from the other witchers of his school.

Image Credits

  • Cervin 1275 and Herna 1269 by Siccada Art
  • Jhaqo of Nazair (Bear Witcher Mentor Gwent Card Art) by Bogdan Rezunenko
  • Hherkja Drummond Gwent Card Art by Anton Nazarenko