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50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Fabiola, was written by Witcher190, Adalwulf of Aedirn and Radzik1122. Please do not edit this fiction without the writers' permission.
W2Aard.png This article is an expansion based on a canon element. For canon information on this topic, follow the link to The Witcher Wiki: Fabiola.

Fabiola is the name of a confederation of colonies located on the Eastern Coast of the Western Continent, named after the famous Temerian explorer Fabio Sachs. They are overseen from its capital, Cherdian, by the Vicegovernor of Fabiolan Colonies and Silk Islands.


The story of Fabiola began relatively late in history, despite the discovery of the Western Continent by Fabio Sachs in 1306. For decades, the existence of the neighboring continent across the sea remained a myth and a rumor, until the year 1380 when the Nilfgaardian Empire confirmed its existence and revealed a faster route to reach it than the one used by Sachs and soon after, started to colonize it.

The growing threat posed by the Nilfgaardian Empire on the Western Continent forced the Northern Kingdoms into action. They formed an alliance between them that rapidly evolved into a confederation, uniting all territories colonized by the different Northern Kingdoms under a single banner. This confederation would be called Fabiola, in honor of the Nordling explorer who discovered the Western Continent. Their objectives were clear: to secure territories ahead of the empire and to exploit new sources of income to bolster their military forces against future conflicts.

Moreover, advancements in shipbuilding techniques further facilitated travel to the Western Continent, reducing the perils and time previously associated with such voyages. This technological progress, coupled with the strategic route discovered by the Nilfgaardians, provided the Northern Kingdoms with the means to effectively challenge the imperial ambitions across the sea. Soon after, Nordlings began to leave their mark on the other side of the world, such as in places close to Fabiola, like the Silk Islands.

Journeys Prior to Fabiola's Formation[]

Before 1380, more specifically during the year 1320 some explorers financed by private interests made trips to the territory that would later become Fabiola. However, the stories told by these explorers were not sufficient to convince the Nordling kings, who for a long time regarded them as mere fabrications. Two of these explorers were the witcher from the School of the Griffin, Ryvlyn of Sanzode, and the succubus sorceress Sellandra.

Upon confirming the existence of the Western Continent, as an apology and reward for their efforts, one of the Northern kingdoms, which held considerable influence in the colonization efforts, Cidaris (represented by the blue on Fabiola's flag), named its colony Ryvle in honor of the witcher, and its main city Sellandris, in honor of his succubus companion.

To their efforts, we must add the work done by the mermaid Sha'nnerra, also a friend of the witcher and the succubus, who allowed the interactions between a important faction of the western mermaids, later to be called Silk Sirens, present in the sea surrounding the Silk Islands, the Silk Sea, to be positive for both parties, colonists and mermaids.

The First Expansion Era (1380s - 1470s)[]

During the period from the 1380s to the 1470s, the territory of Fabiola was mistakenly considered a huge island. This misconception arose from two main factors. Firstly, after the Fabiolans clashed with the territories of the Ammurun vampires during their expansion, with whom they eventually shared stable borders, they quickly reached coastal zones. Secondly, they bordered an inland sea to the east, which would later be known as the Lunar Sea. It wasn't until the 1470s, with the discovery of the geographic region they would simply call the Plains, that the Fabiolans realized they did not inhabit an island.

The Second Expansion Era (1470s - 1500s)[]

Fabiola and Vampire territories

Map of Fabiola during the 1500s



Fabiola, as mentioned earlier, is a confederation of colonies that arose from the Northern Realms' collective need to confront the potential threat of Nilfgaard in the New World, thereby avoiding scenarios such as the three wars waged against the empire. Therefore, its hierarchical structure is as follows:

  • Kings/Queens: At the pinnacle of the hierarchy are the kings of the different realms that formed the colonies. They are figures with the greatest power and authority, holding the final say in important decisions.
  • Vicegovernor: The vicegovernor serves as the representative of the kings/queens in the confederation. They are responsible for overseeing the administration of the colonies and safeguarding the interests of the realms.
  • Colonial Council: The Colonial Council consists of representatives from each colony, appointed by the viceroys, often being mages or experts in various fields. Their role is to advise the vicegovernor and make decisions on matters affecting the confederation as a whole.
  • Viceroys: Viceroys act as representatives of the different kings/queens in their respective colonies. They are responsible for governing the colony on behalf of their king and implementing decisions from the vicegovernor and the Colonial Council when necessary.
  • Governors: As leaders of the diverse provinces within each colony, they bear the crucial responsibility of overseeing local governance and administration. They act as key intermediaries between the viceroys and on-the-ground management, ensuring that policies and decisions from higher echelons are effectively implemented at the provincial level.
  • Mayors: These individuals govern the different cities or towns within each colony, being accountable to the governor. Mayors serve as the chief executives of individual cities or towns, entrusted with the day-to-day governance of their respective locales. They play a vital role in implementing policies at the grassroots level, addressing the unique needs and concerns of their communities.

Relationships between the levels[]

  • Kings/Queens have the authority to appoint and dismiss the vicegovernor and the Colonial Council.
  • The vicegovernor and the Colonial Council are accountable to the kings and must follow their directives. They also have the authority to dismiss viceroys.
  • The Colonial Council has the ability to propose laws and policies to the vicegovernor.
  • Viceroys are accountable to the vicegovernor and the Colonial Council, as already mentioned, and must follow their instructions.
  • Governors have the ability to propose laws and policies to the viceroys.
  • Mayors have the ability to propose laws and policies to the governors.


  • Ryvle

Notable locations[]

Ports and forts[]


  • Sellandris


In Fabiola, it is common for men to greet each other not by shaking hands if they are acquaintances or friends, but with two kisses on each cheek. In the ports of Fabiola for their part, there is a fashion for stylish underwear with a predatory floral theme, as well as for decorating one's torso with a tattoo.

Known citizens[]


See also[]

  • Nilfgaardian Overseas Provinces

Image Credits[]

  • Flag of Fabiola by Pukeiart