The Witcher Fanon Wikia
50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, School of the Griffin, was written by Witcher190, Adalwulf of Aedirn and TheSageMaster. Please do not edit this fiction without the writers' permission.
W2Aard.png This article is an expansion based on a canon element. For canon information on this topic, follow the link to The Witcher Wiki: School of the Griffin.

The School of the Griffin, sometimes referred to as School of the Eagle or Gryphon School, is a school of witchers headquartered in Kovir and Poviss, in Kaer Seren located at the sea end of a mountain range.


Origin (980 AR)[]

As the school of the bear, viper and cat were founded the Order of Witchers grew weaker. The witcher Erland of Larvik decided he would not let the original purpose and ideals of the Order fade away. Together with 13 of his closest friends they amicably left the remains of the Order. They then travelled east to Kaer Seren. It was a fortress previously used by Alzur and his associates in the early tests for creating witchers. As the fortress stood upon a confluence of air magic, the spirits of the failed experiments haunted the place. After having dealt with the spirits, the school of the Griffin began.

The Griffins kept the original "knightly" values of the witcher order. As Erland had been inspired by the ideals of his old sword teacher, Taliesin Bleddyn Yorath aep Lywelyn. The witchers had called him Gryphon. In honour of him and his teachings the school was named the School of the Griffin. Together with their head sorcerer they created a new discipline, one that focused on magic, preparedness and flexibility. They also taught their students proper etiquette. They also made sure that Griffin witchers knew they had a purpose and brothers that would support them. The older witchers stood as examples for the others. When a boy died during his training he was given a proper burial in a graveyard.

The Griffin witchers enjoyed great respect, with the school's grandmaster even being summoned to the courts of rulers to give advice. Like the school of the Bear and Wolf, the Griffins maintained a strict neutrality, even refusing to help Kovir and Poviss fight against attacking Redania and Kaedwen. They reasoned that once a witcher breaks his neutrality he can never go back. Unlike the other schools they had nothing against killing dragons.

The school used to possess important magic books in its library including the Liber Tenebrarum beloved by Old Keldar. Throughout the ages, the other schools respected the Griffins for their study of magic and fighting style that emphasized multiple opponents. Unfortunately, a group of mages became angry because of the Griffin's unwillingness to share the knowledge and when anti-witcher sentiments grew they caused an avalanche in revenge killing several witchers and badly damaging Kaer Seren.

Even after the school fall there were villages in the north where the deeds of the Griffin witchers were celebrated. This probably influenced the owners of the Kovir mines, who would later end up helping them in their reconstruction with financial support.

First Generation (980-1000) : Mixed bag of Order Witchers and those produced as the first batch[]

  • Dante
  • Erland of Larvik : Unknown status, disappeared
  • Jerdone : Killed in the avalanche

Fifteenth generation ( 1255 - 1275 ) : The first generation post - avalanche and during the fortress reconstruction[]

The fifteenth generation of witchers at the School of the Griffin was a group of students who began their training in the years 1255-1275, after the devastating avalanche that had severely damaged the school's fortress, Kaer Seren. This generation was the first to begin their training after the avalanche, during the time of the fortress reconstruction.

Despite the challenges they faced, the students of the fifteenth generation at the School of the Griffin were determined to uphold the school's values and ideals. They were known for their devotion to the knightly values of the witcher order, and their focus on developing magic, preparedness, and flexibility. These students were also trained in proper etiquette, which helped them to gain the respect and admiration of rulers and common people alike.

As the first generation to begin their training after the avalanche, the fifteenth generation of witchers at the School of the Griffin played an important role in re-establishing the school's reputation as a prominent institution for witcher training and its adherence to the original ideals of the witcher order.

  • Alessio of Toussaint † [ Died during combat training, succumbing to injuries sustained in a sparring match ]
  • Angelo of Poviss † [ Passed away during an intense training exercise that required him to fight multiple opponents at once due to a heart attack ]
  • Domenico † [ Died due to attracting the attention of a Charybdis while Keldar was sailing with him, Putnam Pitch and Tubiel of Brenna to teach them how to deal with a monster in aquatic environments. With Keldar managing to send Tubiel to shore, killing the monster and saving Putnam from being devoured ]
  • Federico of Lan Exeter † [ Died during the Trial of the Grasses due to the severe side-effects of the mutation process ]
  • Giorgio of Kovir † [ Passed away during the Trial of the Grasses due to complications from the mutation process ]
  • Mygdin Vosil † [ He would die due to a blizzard while performing the Trial of the Forest Eyes ]
  • Putnam Pitch † [ Died in 1555 at the hands of a Piasa in the north of the Western Continent ]
  • Tubiel of Brenna † [ She would be forced to leave school due to mutation-related issues, joining the School of the Cat. Was killed during the Magne Massacre in the year 1280 ]
  • Kemro of Cintra [ He would eventually join the School of the Fox along with Zivor ]
  • Zivor of Redania [ He would eventually join the School of the Fox along with Kemro ]
First Generation (980-1000) Mixed bag of Order Witchers and those produced as the first batch
Portrait Name Achievements Appearance Race Nationality Term of Service Fate
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently)

Erland of Larvik
  • Founder of the School and the first Grandmaster
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently)

Skeliigen Unknown status, disappeared
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently)

Killed in the avalanche
Klef ( Griffin )
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently)

Killed by a demon
Leon Emben of Mirt
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently

Unknown status, disappeared
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently

Unknown status, disappeared
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently

Tivetilm of Kaedwen
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently

Killed in the avalanche
Ufach of Baccalà
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently

Killed in the avalanche
Volmod of Fano
  • One of the original 13 witchers who accompanied Erland
Human (Formerly)

Witcher (Currently

Unknown status, disappeared

Second generation ( 1000 - 1020 )[]

  • Aje
  • Danel
  • Drag
  • Eryk of Temeria
  • Raven

Third generation ( 1020 - 1040 )[]


Fourth generation ( 1040 - 1060 )[]

  • Elcon of Roseberg

Fifth generation ( 1060 - 1080 )[]


Sixth generation ( 1080 - 1100 )[]

  • Kandaze

Seventh generation ( 1100 - 1120 )[]


Eighth generation ( 1120 - 1140 )[]


Ninth generation ( 1140 - 1160 )[]


Tenth generation ( 1160 - 1180 )[]

  • Dasnarr ( Witcheress )

Eleventh generation ( 1180 - 1200 )[]


Twelfth generation ( 1200 - 1220 )[]

  • Einar of Poviss

Thirteenth generation ( 1220 - 1240 )[]

  • Ryvlyn of Sanzode

Fourteenth generation ( 1240 - 1249 )[]

Last generation before the avalanche.

  • Artegal of Kovir
  • Vargos

Fifteenth generation ( 1255 - 1275 )[]

First generation post - avalanche.

  • Putnam Pitch.
  • Tubiel of Brenna.
  • Zivor of Redania.
  • Kemro of Cintra.

Raven dies (1156)[]


First Witcher Tournament ( 1210 - 1220 )[]


George of Kagen dies and Einar of Poviss is revived (1229)[]


Reconstitution of the school looking for surviving members and new potential students (1250s)[]


Reconstruction of the fortress with funding from the owners of the Koviri mines ( 1260s )[]

At some point in the 1260s the Kovir miners, as they dug deeper, began to suffer attacks from various subterranean monsters, overwhelmed by the creatures and by the deaths, the owners hire both knights and people from the army. Eventually both the knights errant and Kovir's mercenary army, gave up their work to fight the monsters, due to the costs they were assuming (both in human lives and material costs) This led as a result of comments from workers, most of whom came from small villages where the Griffins had contracts, that the mine owners to search for the surviving Griffins, which were in the process of reconstitution. Reaching an agreement that they would eliminate the pests from the mines, in exchange for the reconstitution of the fortress, which after the avalanche had been badly damaged. In this cleanup, several witchers participated such as Elcon, Sava, Olivier and Artegal, among others.

This cleansing of monsters would be repeated over time. Since, similar to what happens in territories like Mahakam, when digging deeper, new monsters would appear. Of which the Griffins would be in charge in exchange for maintenance for the school.

Coën dies at the Battle of Brenna (1268)[]


Putnam and Tubiel's wedding ( 1280 )[]


Second Witcher Tournament ( 1290 )[]


The Griffin School receives a training initiative with the other Witcher schools from the School of the Fox (1301)[]

Wanting to strengthen the bond between the Schools, Grandmaster Adalwulf of Aedirn started the Witcher Training Initiative sends Witchers to the School of the Bear and Griffin respectively asking for the exchange of mentors to strengthen the Schools' curriculum and produce stronger Witchers for the future. The messenger was received fairly well at the Eagle School of Kaer Seren, the Witcheress Birrexi of Poviss, as well as the Witchers Kemro of Cintra and Zivor of Redania were sent in positive response to the training initiative. Birrexi chose to remain as a Griffin while Kemro and Zivor joined the ranks of the Foxes. The Foxes in response sent Master Witcher Natka to train help train Griffin apprentice witchers.

The Witcher Reformation Act (1305)[]

The Fox School Grandmaster Adalwulf of Aedirn is lead to Kaer Seren by Kemro of Cintra to enter talks with the Griffin Grandmaster sign off on the Witcher Refomation Act as well as help the schools barter with their affiliated lands for the same deal of amnesty for Witcher crimes in return for reformation.

The School receives a missive from banks and law firms (1306)[]

Due to the actions of Fox School Grandmaster Adalwulf of Aedirn, The Griffin School Grandmaster receives a missive from the School of the Fox reporting that various banks would now have personal accounts for all witchers of the school and law firms about being put on retainer for all members of the school. A note stated that suspected rogue witchers or schools would be investigated by a appointed group of neutral witchers and a report given to the signers of the Reformation Act to vote on whether to exclude the witcher or school from future funding.

Ryvlyn of Sanzode dies peacefully in his bed (1534)[]


Far future[]


Known members[]



  • Aje † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Coën † [ killed at the Battle of Brenna in 1268 ]
  • Danel † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Drag † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Ealdred [ unknown status ]
  • Elcon of Roseberg [ last report of him in 1290 ]
  • Eko Cudand [ last report of him in 1251, disappeared after gathering more survivors ]
  • Einar of Poviss ( believed to be dead, but was revived by a sorcerer's spell in 1229 ) [ active ]
  • Eryk of Temeria † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • George of Kagen † [ killed by a green dragon in 1229 ]
  • Guxart † ( exiled from the school, later joined the School of the Cat ) [ murdered by Lexandre ]
  • Hayk of Nazair † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Jerome Moreau ( was presumed dead, but eventually escaped from his father and returned, joining in the reconstitution and rebuilding efforts. Si ) [ active ]
  • Jorstadt the Owl ( later, he would end up joining the School of the Owl and reforming it, becoming their leader ) [ Active ]
  • Jalast † ( later, he joined the School of the Fox as their loremaster) [ died during the Haaki Invasion of 1350 ]
  • Raven † [ died in the swamps of Temeria, for unknown causes in the year 1156 ]
  • Rayburn of Kovir † [ died during the Haaki Invasion of 1350 ]
  • Rouge [ active ]
  • Ryvlyn of Sanzode † [died in the year 1534, as the only known witcher to have died peacefully in his bed ]
  • Sava of Gors Velen † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Olivier of Gulet [ active ] ( leader of the school since the 14th century )
  • Oisin of Vengerberg † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Thornwald † ( originally he was with the Griffins after the fall of the order, later he would join the School of the Wolf ) [ killed by Geralt of Rivia in a duel ]
  • Keldar ( informal leader ) [ active ]
  • Kristov of White Orchard † [ killed by Leo Bonhart ]
  • Volskar † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Vejtkin † [ killed in the avalanche ]

Post - avalanche and reconstruction[]

  • Artegal of Kovir ( while he was graduating, the avalanche happened, which, technically, made him the first post - avalanche witcher ) [ Unknown status ]
  • Asterios [ active ]
  • Eirikír [ active ]
  • Gha´el [ unknown status ]
  • Hunor "The Silver Eagle" [ unknown status ]
  • Gloskap of Vinland [ unknown status ]
  • Pedro Esparza ( originally he was with the School of the Bear, but was rejected as a candidate at the age of 4 and sent to the School of the Griffin ) [ status unknown, but presumed to be still alive ]
  • Putnam Pitch † ( founder of the School of the Crane ) [ died at the hands of a Piasa in the year 1555 in the north of the Western Continent]
  • Kemro of Cintra [ active ] ( Joined the School of the Fox )
  • Zivor of Redania [ active ] ( Joined the School of the Fox )


  • Adela † [ killed by a basilisk while working for the Zerrikanian Spice Company ]
  • Birrexi of Poviss [ active ]
  • Estellen † [ killed during the wedding of Putnam and Tubiel by one of Mimit's golems ]
  • Jelena † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Matlena [ active ]
  • Teuta of Poviss [ active ]
  • Tubiel of Brenna † ( at the age of 10 she would join the School of the Cat ) [ killed in the Magne Massacre of the year 1280 ]
  • Kandaze † [ killed during the wedding of Putnam and Tubiel by one of Mimit's golems ]

Mages ( pre-avalanche )[]

  • Aradia of Kovir † [ survived the avalanche, but was killed by Keldar after betraying the griffins ]
  • Breagha of Narok † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Martyna Ryzeck of Lan Exeter † [ killed in the First Witcher Tournament ]
  • Morwen Dalgaard † [ survived the avalanche, but was killed by Keldar after betraying the griffins ]
  • Weron † [ killed in the avalanche ]
  • Nidia of Zavada † [ killed in the First Witcher Tournament ]

Druids ( post - avalanche )[]

  • Annoris [ unknown status ]
  • Braith [ active ]
  • Dafne [ active ]
  • Sisha [ unknown status ]
  • Eiras † [killed during the wedding of Putnam and Tubiel by one of Mimit's golems]
  • Kiro [ unknown status, believed to be dead ]
  • Ola † [killed during the wedding of Putnam and Tubiel by one of Mimit's golems]


  • Fabio Sachs † ( due to its proximity to Putnam Pitch ) [ died on his last expedition in 1306 ]
  • Taliesin Bleddyn Yorath aep Lywelyn † ( honorary member ) [ died of old age ]
  • Rohenna of Skellige ( helping the griffins to avoid another attack by the sorcerers ) [ active ]
  • Natka [Temporary]

Differences to other Witcher Schools[]




  • Many of them are references to OC's of this school created by the community and mythological heroes from different cultures.
  • Klef ( Griffin ) is basically Netflix's Klef but expanded. Not to be confused with the Klef from The Hexer series, who belongs to the School of the Wolf.


  • This article for the School of the Griffin is meant as an expansion for the creative works of the Witcher Fanon as such unless directly stated by a credible source connected to any of the canon sources (Sapkowski, CD Projekt Red, or Talsorian) all expansions in this article should not be counted as canon but thought of as fan made fanon.
  • If you want to do a character of the Griffin School, take into account the lore present in this article and add it in the list. It don't matter the writer tag.