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Ealdred was a witcher from the Griffin School and Rodolf Kazmer's friend.


Ealdred had very few memories of his life before being taken to Kaer Seren. One of few things he remembered was a horse ride in the fields with his father. As he told Rodolf, he clung to this memory during the mutations so the process was easier. As Rodolf speculated, this might have been the sole normal memory he had.

Ealdred was often accompanied by Rodolf during hunts, telling him jokes. At one occasion he amazed the dwarf by managing to wrestle a muzzle onto a werewolf in Angren, while other time they killed a fiend together, whose third eye he allowed the dwarf to keep.

When asked by Rodolf why he kept being a witcher, Ealdred explained that he didn't really know how to do anything else.[1]


  • Ealdred's notes were intended to serve as a base for A Witcher's Journal, authored in-universe by Rodolf and Brandon of Oxenfurt.[2] Further in the monsterbook's development it was decided that the notes should be authored by a new character, Erland of Larvik. However, Rodolf does mention Ealdred by name in the Journal once, in yet another anecdote from their adventures.

