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50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Adalwulf of Aedirn (EAPEU), was written by Adalwulf of Aedirn. Please do not edit this fiction without the writer's permission.
Example This article, Adalwulf of Aedirn (EAPEU), is part of the Extended Ancient Pantheon Expanded Universe. It may not be consistent with other timelines.

Article currently under a restructure and rewrite, some things may change in the future.

This section of the article is about the EAPEU version of Adalwulf, which is considered by the article author to be the Prime version of Adalwulf.


Adalwulf of Aedirn ( Real name: Adalwulf Ulvenson), The Blue Clad Demon by the Haaklandians, Sir Adalwulf of Aedirn by the Toussaintoi, The Witcher with the Aedirnian Accent by Nordlings, The Wolven Knight, and later The Vulpine Knight by the Toussaintoi, Adalwulf The Mula Slayer and The Blue Wolf by the witchers of Kaer Morhen, or simply Adalwulf was a well-known witcher of the Continent especially the Northern Kingdoms and later of the Duchy of Vicovaro, he was a known School of the Wolf Master Witcher and later Grandmaster of the School of the Fox.

He was an active Witcher before and following the Second Conjunction of Spheres. He would survive many events that would decimated the School of the Wolf's numbers and was among the oldest known still living Witchers from the school, though he is still younger than Vesemir. At the time of the Wolf School's closing, his surviving brothers Geralt, Eskel and Lambert assumed he was dead due to not returning to Kaer Morhen for awhile.

In the latter part of the 13th century, Adalwulf was knighted in the lands of Aedirn thus has land in the region that provides him shelter and a bit of income. And in the 14th century became the Grandmaster of the School of the Fox bringing many changes both to the School and to the Witcher world itself.

He would die just before the start of the 17th century at the age of six hundred and sixty-nine years old making him the longest lived witcher in known history.


Adalwulf has an oval-shaped face, a usually deadpan expression, a slightly crooked nose from his time during witcher training, and his eyes featured a twin set of central heterochromia with a greyish-silver along the outer area of the iris and a golden amber around his pupil which along with his usual expression made his cat eyes hard to notice unless he was angry, would fully open his eyes for effect or was being effected by potions otherwise people would mistake them to be blue. Under the effects of Cat, his eyes and sclera are black as the darkest night.

He has long, upper back length lank, dark brown hair which he would slick back, and loosely gather in a ponytail or tie in a braid. Depending on his circumstances he would sometimes grow out a beard, be clean-shaven, or have stubble, his beard when a decent length would feature multiple natural hair colors. During the latter portion of his life as the Source's influence grew stronger his hair started turning silver from the roots the more the Source took over.

He normally had pale skin, though later in his life after he made a deal with The Source, the skin of his body as it was taken over by the entity took on an almost translucent silvery-white color, his veins giving off a dull blue magical light, and his fingernails took on a black hue which he would cover with gloves.

Adalwulf has an arrested age condition, as three centuries or more later he appears to be in his early to mid-twenties, and if he doesn't shave can appear to be in his thirties. This often leads to Witchers who meet him thinking his compatriots are his elder and superior, especially while in the company of Master Witchers Ukok or Visul. Because of his overall appearance looking more human than witcher while wearing more casual clothes or cloaks, he could easily be mistaken for a normal human.

Scars and Lasting Wounds[]

*Yule Savaed, 1144 (January 7th)* Adalwulf suffered a stab wound during his first monster hunt against a Wyvern taking the tail barb to the shoulder the wound however properly healed after a few days without leaving any scar tissue.


You are either by my side, on my side, or in my fucking way, boy! Choose wisely!
―Adalwulf "The Blue Clad Demon" to a mercenary

Characterized by his own stoic sense of grey justice and duty. Adalwulf knows life was not black and white. He always did what he felt was right for the situation.

He was often reserved but polite to strangers until given a reason not to. Affectionate, loyal and close to his friends and allies in his own way. Naïve and innocent at times. And like most Witchers dangerous if his anger was unleashed (doubly so because of his magic potential). Adalwulf has always believed that Witchers are a necessary evil and feels for his brothers no matter what school they hail from, this led him when he became a Grandmaster of the School of the Fox to enact policies not only in his school but in others to improve the conditions of the Witchering trade. Following his treatment by the School of the Fox mutagens he became more empathetic though it should be noted that even before the treatment he did not hold animosity for humans and was perfectly capable of empathizing with sentient monsters. He referred to witchers and witcheresses even from other schools as his brothers and sisters, and would call them such until they had lost his respect.

Following his vision after the news of Vesemir's death, Adalwulf became determined to forge a future for witcher-kind. The master council and the rest of the Foxes hold high regard for Adalwulf and his thoughts, though some might think him idealistic and naïve, most can come to recognize his leadership abilities and reasoning skills.

Come here, boy. I've another lesson for you.
―Adalwulf while training the New Generation
Good job, Vedalt. I'm proud of you.
―Adalwulf to Vedalt after his first successful hunt after becoming a Witcher

Adalwulf was one who believed in hard work and earned respect which translated most clearly in his mentoring methods as a witchering instructor tending to call his students simply 'Boy' or 'Girl' until he felt they earned their name committed to his memory, this moment usually stuck with his trainees who although they would recall him to be harsh but fair in his teachings, would come to value the hard work that earned them his respect and the pride they felt in hearing their name from him for the first time.

In his later life following his witcher reforms, he came to control large amounts of coin with which he was magnanimous, this generosity and kindness generally resulted in positive improvements allowing him to surround himself with loyal and good people, overtime many citizens of Burov Mylne actually moved to the town after receiving help from the old witcher, this resulted in Burov Mylne having many citizens and eventually reaching self-sufficient status.

Adalwulf and his subordinates were quite popular in the city, even when corrupt priests and mages came to defame the school they were driven out by the populace.


Due to his peasant roots combined with his life as a witcher, Adalwulf has experienced much trauma throughout his life, the witcherization process is the oldest trauma he can remember but before even that he was traded off by his father as payment for a curse treatment. Mistreatment by humans due to mage propaganda negatively affected Adalwulf for a long time coupled with his Source abilities making him wary of using magic or listening to the voice that appeared when he was battle stressed, caused Adalwulf at one time to become a hermit for a period of time only doing a few contracts a year and occasionally visiting Kaer Morhen though this worked to his advantage by letting him miss some horrible events that occurred, it also left him with survivor's guilt especially after the pograms.

Goals and Motivations[]

Originally before and after becoming a witcher, Adalwulf was simply driven by the desire to continue living, this would eventually turn to the belief that witchers serve a purpose and were needed. Over time Adalwulf would come to view himself and other witchers as people charged with maintaining a fine balance between magic, monsters, and sentient life.

Skills and Abilities[]

Inherited Genetic Abilities[]


As a Source, Adalwulf is capable of channeling strong amounts of Chaos through his body, making him capable of incredible magic beyond a normal mage's level, his lack of training in the subject however limits his use of this power to the degree that mages can use theirs as his is mostly uncontrollable, his sisters have been able to teach him a few simple spells but he prefers using the Witcher signs as they feel more natural to him. In moments of heavy rage or intense emotion, his condition as a Source can flair up so Adalwulf tries to be in control of his darker emotions at all times. Adalwulf has actually attended classes at the Gweison Haul Academy along with lessons from his sisters to tap into and learn to control his Source abilities in a beneficial non-destructive way. His eyes are an indicator of his Source abilities as they glow when channeling raw Chaos.

Trained Abilities and Skills[]


A brewing process for making potions, oils, decoctions, etc of the witcher trade.

Witcher Potions[]

Using alchemy Adalwulf is able to brew potions which have calculated effects on witchers but are toxic to most other mortals.

Killer Whale Potion Killer Whale Potion

Doubles the time a witcher can hold their breath and lets them see better while underwater. This recipe was given to Adalwulf by his friend Razan of Cintra during their travels together.

Swallow Potion Swallow Potion

A potion that restores health gradually it does not work when taking damage.

Thunderbolt Potion Thunderbolt Potion

A potion that strengthens the attack power of attacks.

Witcher Decoctions[]
Using alchemy Adalwulf is a able to brew decoctions which are a stronger type of witcher potion often using monster parts as ingredients, and have stronger effects. Only a few decoctions at a time can be used at once as they are much stronger than conventional witcher potions.
The Katakan Decoction[]

While under the effect of the Katakan Decoction, a witcher could more accurately target body parts as targets during the heat of battle.

Weapon Oils[]
Using the alchemical process and using dog or bear fat as a base Adalwulf is able to brew oils to coat his swords in to deal more damage to certain types of beings and creatures.
Gwent cardart nilfgaard cadaverine
Hanged Man's Venom Oil[]

A oil that when applied to his steel sword deals increased damage to living beings like humans and non-humans beings like elves, dwarves, halflings, etc.

Necrophage Oil[]

A oil that when applied to his silver sword deals increased damage to necrophages.

Vampire Oil[]

A oil that when applied to his steel silver deals increased damage to vampires.

Bomb Recipes[]
Through alchemy Adalwulf was able to make bombs with different effects.

Archery and Ranged Combat[]

Adalwulf took the opportunity to learn from the archery instructors when he enlisted a batch of Elven instructors from Dol Blathanna and Nilfgaard.
While it wasn't a weapon he was originally trained in, Adalwulf adapted to the use of crossbows to hunt monsters. He used his enhanced senses to make highly accurate shots like at a distance or in pitch darkness.
Throwing Weapon Proficiency[]
Adalwulf was trained in the fundamentals of throwing weapons, as such he can throw bladed objects in a manner that can be effective at a distance.
Expert Hand to Hand Combatant[]
Like other Witchers, Adalwulf learned to protect himself without his swords, able to defeat multiple armed opponents while being unarmed. His enhanced strength and knowledge of both humanoid and monster anatomy allows Adalwulf a better chance unarmed than most people, able to shatter humanoid bones and use monstrous momentum against large monsters to throw them to the ground.


Adalwulf is an avid collector of Gwent cards and favors the Northern Realms deck, he collects all the decks eventually and finds the Scoia'tael deck to be the hardest to use. He likes to take part in Gwent tournaments.


As a witcher, Adalwulf was trained at Kaer Morhen to be able to identify and mix herbs to use as various potions, elixirs, tonics, etc.


As a witcher, Adalwulf has owned and raised many horses throughout his life, he has purchased trained horses as well as trained his own horses from foals.


Due to his training at Kaer Morhen and later study at various other places of learning, Adalwulf learned to speak more than just the Northern language referred to as 'Common'.

Dwarven Tongue - Dwarves' Mother Tongue, Elder Tongue, Second, Cont. old age.

Elder speech -

Nilfgaardian -


Like most Wolves, Adalwulf was thoroughly trained in fencing. He has learned multiple sword-fighting styles during his lifetime.

The Temerian Devil (Wolf School Style)[]

The sword style Adalwulf is well known for using, it is a heavy striking style meant to strike through with the most damage possible to a target.

The Addan Aenye, The Fiery Dancer (Cat School Style)[]

A sword style used primarily by the School of the Cat, it emphasizes swift yet more shallow cuts, more suited to hunting humans then monsters.

The Viroledan Naev'de Feaine Glaeddyv, Nine Sun Swords (Griffin School Style)[]

A sword style used primarily by the School of the Griffin, this style is meant more for handling groups of enemies rather than singular opponents.

The Crevan A'baeth Glaeddyv, Fox's Kiss Sword Style (Fox School Style)[]

Wilderness Survival Training[]

As a witcher, Adalwulf was trained at Kaer Morhen to be able to survive long or semi-permanent stints in the wilderness, due to a witcher never being guaranteed comfort He could easily start a fire, create a campsite, forage and track game for food.

Standard Witcher genetic mutations[]

Before even entering adolescence, Witchers apprentices were subjected to painful and potentially lethal mutative procedures with the goal of reshaping their bodies. The result of these mutations, when successful, were strength and speed far exceeding that of a normal human, capable of matching those creatures which preyed upon humanoids.

Sterility (-)[]

A condition which a mage during his trials tried to circumvent by doing experiments on Adalwulf, and something that Adalwulf's twin Eishe of Vicovaro hates intensely about both the Witcher trials and the process to become a sorceress, like Yennefer of Vengerburg, she is conducting research to cure these conditions.

Overdeveloped Libido (-)[]

Despite being sterile, many witchers have a super-charged sexual libido a trait which caused many salacious rumors about the caste. This combined with their increased stamina and endurance makes them fine lovers though just for fun.

Disease Resistance (+)[]

Witchers possess a disease resistance that borders on absolute immunity. This tremendous resistance to disease (which functions in most cases as complete immunity) and a boosted immune system, allowing them to consume large quantities of potions that could prove easily deadly if consumed even in small amounts by a normal man.

Emotion Negation (+)[]

Witchers (are thought to be able to) suppress or negate emotions, allowing them to ignore emotional distractions and/or feeling from affecting their thinking-processes. They can reach states of uncaring, detached, indifferent and even catatonic.

Supernatural Condition (+)[]

Witchers possess a enhanced human condition and mind brought about by training and mutations which results in exceptionally enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance, far beyond any normal or well-trained human, that allows them to swiftly end fights with minimal effort, and perform physical feats non-witchers couldn't hope to match.

Supernatural Human Endurance (+)[]

Witchers have also been shown to shrug off hits that would normally render normal men unconscious. Additionally, they have been known to survive the strikes of powerful monsters such as giants, or other beings possessing herculean strength, that would otherwise kill others with a single blow.

Supernatural Human Senses (+)[]

A Witcher's entire sensory system has been overall enhanced, trained and refined to an inhuman degree.

Supernatural Hearing (+)[]

Witchers can hear with amazing clarity, distance, and even frequencies outside the normal range. Used with the Supirre Sign Witchers can pick up every single sound, can decipher layer upon layer of differing sounds/conversations, locate the source of noise or pick up a sound from a mile away in a busy city.

Supernatural Smell (+)[]

Witcher are trained to detect specific persons, creatures, monsters, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin, and track targets with nothing but their nose. A Witcher can identify the species of animal from the scent of their blood alone.

Supernatural Vision (+)[]

Witchers can see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, or color. Witcher possess cat-like eyes that grant very acute night-vision - witchers can constrict their pupils to see in blinding light or open them to see in near pitch darkness. This night-vision can be further enhanced with the cat potion, but in general, it is good enough by itself to not require further enhancement.

Night Vision (+)[]

Using the Cat potion, witchers eyes change to allow them to see in pitch blackness.

Supernatural Human Strength (+)[]

A Witcher's physical skills alone are sufficient to defeat most monsters single-handedly if combined with extensive training and proper weaponry, whereas regular men could only hope to accomplish this in large groups. Its generally thought that a Witcher is 2 to 3 times physically stronger than a normal man, able to cleave through cleave through monstrous flesh and bone but still capable of dying from a more skilled opponent or obviously fatal wounds like decapitation or having a lung run through by a pitchfork.

Supernatural Running/Sprinting (+)[]

Due to an extensive pre-mutation exercise program and later the mutations of the Witcher Trials, witchers are able to run faster than normal humans beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintenance exercise.

Enhanced Stamina (+)[]

Due to an extensive pre-mutation exercise program and later the mutations of the Witcher Trials, witchers are able to summon vast quantities of stamina, far more than what a normal human could without natural training.

Fall Damage Resistance (+)[]

A Witcher is able to leap off tall structures being able to land without pain or injury from heights that would shatter the bones of most men.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Level 2 (+)[]

Witchers usually have quick(er) recovery from injuries. While not instant healing a witcher's healing time is highly unusual taking a fraction of the time to heal as well as surviving more deadly wounds possible. For example when slashed in the neck by a Striga's talons the famed Witcher Geralt of Rivia it only took him a few days to heal before he was back on The Path. Minor to moderate wounds such as small cuts, bruises, and burns usually take a few seconds to fully heal, with more severe injuries like lost limbs, internal organs, and damaged nerves and cells taking minutes or hours to heal.

Demi-Immortality (+)[]

A Witcher's cellular senescence is drastically reduced, if not completely halted. It is unknown if a witcher has semi-immortality or a life extension as no known Witcher has died of natural causes but Witchers have incredibly long lifespans and prolonged youth. While each Witcher is different, a Witcher's known life expectancy is varied as they usually died in battle. Adalwulf's life expectancy has been greatly altered through his Source blood mutating through the Trial of the Grasses as well as later in life undergoing the age arresting progress mages use.

Mutagenic mutation (+)[]

Witchers' possess the ability to receive mutagenic materials from monsters and process it into their being through Witcher decoctions. This allows a Witcher to take on traits and the improved conditions of the monster, this is a incredibly dangerous process so a Witcher can only handle one or two decoctions at a time, as a inbred safety precaution if a Witcher already has two decoctions in their system and takes a third one, the oldest decoction's effects are overwritten.

Monster & Beast Physiology (+)[]

By consuming certain Witcher concoctions, a Witcher is able to take on traits of the decoction's donor.

Extra and Additional Mutations[]

Because of the experiments he was subjected to by the school resident mage at the time Anfrert Of Lod, Adalwulf acquired certain capabilities that his original mutations did not give him.

Enhanced Hearing Sensitivity (-)[]

Adalwulf's enhanced hearing was stronger than an ordinary Witcher's, to the point that even the noise of a simple bug can get to annoy him. Adalwulf learned to tune out this ability when necessary.

Enhanced Smell (+)[]

Adalwulf's enhanced sense of smell was stronger than an ordinary Witcher's, to the point that he could smell human pheromones as well as recognize animals and monsters at a distance by scent.

Enhanced Lung Capacity (+)[]

Adalwulf had the an increased ability to hold his breath underwater for inhuman periods of time even before imbibing Killer Whale potion which allowed him to stay beneath the waves or in vacuums for long period without ill effects.

Enhanced Pressure Resistance (+)[]

Adalwulf had an increased resistance to pressure such as found in deep water, when buried, being crushed, smashed, flattened or exposed to high gravity.

Supernatural Durability/Impact Resistance (+)[]

Adalwulf had an increased almost unworldly resistance to sudden, strong impacts like the ram attack of a fiend or the punch of a giant.

Supernatural leaping (+)[]

Adalwulf is able to jump over large fences, small/medium trees, clear big holes in the ground, jump from building top to building top.

Further mutation[]

In the 14th century Adalwulf opted to undergo further mutation via the Moreau Method giving him access to stronger mutagenic abilities than your average Witcher, though only one can be active at a time. Adalwulf only has access to three, changing between them requires concentration so he cannot do it in the midst of combat.

Deadly Counter (+)[]

This mutation allows Adalwulf to overpower weakened enemies to kill them with a finishing move.

Euphoria (+)[]

This mutation turns every bit of toxicity that Adalwulf subjects his body to into power, he is able to hit harder with his swords and his signs strengthen accordingly.

Piercing Cold (+)[]

Adalwulf's preferred mutation, it empowers his Aard sign with the ability to flash freeze a target though this only occurs a quarter of the time he uses it.

Longevity (+)[]

Adalwulf, due to being a witcher, as well as later becoming a mage, was particularly long-lived, not losing his physical fitness even after many centuries. It should be noted that due to the unique combination of witcher and mage longevity techniques, Adalwulf was particularly resistant to aging, and his witcher mutations and the further experiments done to him only exacerbated this. (In the year 1271, when he had already reached 150 years old, he still looked like he was in his early to mid twenties, maybe in his early thirties if he didn't shave.) Later this condition would be augmented as he became a Protas hybrid as The Source took over his body.

Magic (+)[]

Unlike other Witchers, later in life after reuniting with his mage sisters, Adalwulf would start to learn a few spells and attend a mages academy to learn to properly control his Source abilities. Over the centuries following his magical education, Adalwulf would increase his repertoire of spells.

  • Gesture Casting: The ability to cast mystical/supernatural phenomena through hand gestures/seals/signs.
  • Incantation: The ability to use magic by using magic words from a certain language, in most cases Elder Speech.
  • Inscription Casting: The power to cast spells by using magical writing, symbols, or arrays. Adalwulf is cabpable of implementing this form of spell casting through use of Luthien's Quill to physically draw out magic formulae. He has used this many times for the improvement of Burov Mylne's structure and amenities.
    • Magecraft
      • Spells: Mage level complicated magic usually beyond the capabilities of a normal Witcher. Adalwulf is not particularly comfortable casting mage magic and only uses them when absolutely necessary, finding signs to be 'more comfortable'. Adalwulf has not currently learned any Master level spells, and such, only learned a few Novice spells. Magic done by an unskilled mage require somatic incantations, and gestures. The more skilled the mage, the less is required for the magic with the most skilled mages able to cast even the most difficult spells with a flick of the hand.
        • Novice Spells
          • Aether Based Spells
            • Magic Compass- (Learned sometime between 1308-1328) A Spirit based spell which allows the user to instantly determine the direction of a place they have already been before. Alternatively, the spell can be used to determine which direction is north.
          • Air Based Spells
            • Freshen Air- (Learned sometime between 1308-1328) An Air based air clearing spell to cleanse the air of smoke, poison or any kind of tainted air for the duration of the spell.
          • Earth Based Spells
            • Cryfhau - A Earth based spell that allows the caster to designate a single 2m cubed area of cover and permanently increase its density of the material.
            • Luthien's Quill- (Learned sometime between 1308-1328) A Earth based spell that allows the caster to etch writing or drawings onto any surface. Though not on living creatures. Adalwulf has used this spell to etch spell formulae into stone for continous activation such as with the Puro Dwr spell in Burov Mylne's water system or the Cryfhau to reinforce the stones of the keep.
          • Fire Based Spells******Aine Verseos- (Learned sometime between 1308-1328) A Fire based spell which creates a four meter area of bright light centered on the caster. It is bright enough to temporarily drive back nocturnal enemies and certain kinds of vampires. Requires active use, will end when the caster stops casting it.
          • Water Based Spells
            • Puro Dwr- (Learned sometime between 1308-1328) A Water based water purification spell which can purify even the most polluted water but only as long as the spell lasts if the body of polluted water is bigger than the spell area.
        • Journeymen Spells
          • Earth Based Spells******Bekker’s Rockslide- (Learned 1318) A Earth based spell that rips a large stone from beneath the ground and drop it on a target. The stone has a tendency to shatter explosively in a 6 meter radius causing additional damage.
          • Water Based Spells
            • Anialwch- (Learned 1328) A Water based spell that sucks some of the liquid from a target’s body, damaging and exhausting them.

Living Magic Conduit (+-)[]

In moments of true, extreme emotional stress or anger, Adalwulf is able to become a living conduit of an powerful otherworldy magical entity. This entity referring to itself as 'The Source' manifested itself for the first time during the Hunt for the Mula in 1202, and again during the Haak Invasion of the Northern Kingdoms in 1350. The entity has expressed interest in possessing Sources of the Ulvenson Bloodline but only Adalwulf has manifested the being so far. Adalwulf wears a Dimeritium earring to purposefully limit his connection to Chaos to prevent the being from taking over him.

Enigmatic Force (+-)[]

The being that possesses Adalwulf is mysterious, and alien to the ways of men. It sees no problem with ending human or monster lives as it sees fit. Its motivations are mostly unknown, other than possessing members of the Ulvenson bloodline for some unknown goal.

Self Physical Augmentation (+)[]

In this state Adalwulf is even stronger than usual. The angrier or more intense the emotional pain he is in, the stronger 'The Source's' power bleeds through his body, strengthening signs and physical traits.

Chaos Manipulation (+)[]

Unlike Adalwulf's extremely limited knowledge of Chaos, 'The Source' seems to know much about 'magic', able to cast spells way beyond Adalwulf's knowledge or even just casting stronger versions of the signs Adalwulf himself knows. Limitations with the connection between the being and Adalwulf however limit the strength of the Chaos, resulting in magical damage to Adalwulf's body.


Witchers have the ability to perform simple yet incredibly versatile simple magic in the form of signs. They also develop a sixth sense that allows them to "feel" things around them, be it items of importance or people's immediate intentions. This explains their uncanny ability to track and hunt people and monsters.

Gesture Casting[]

The ability to cast mystical/supernatural phenomena through hand gestures/seals/signs.

Air Signs[]
  • Air Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Aard, a witcher can cause a limited use bit of magical air.
    • Aard: Aard is a simple magical sign that draws from the Plane of Air or the Astral Plane (Research has so far been inconclusive about the type of Chaos particularly) that is used by witchers. The Aard sign is a simple magical sign used by witchers that directs a blast of telekinetic energy to stagger opponents, leaving them open for a subsequent attack. Aard can also blow out any existing fires, blast open poorly secured doors, or punch through cracked or damaged walls.
      • Aard Alternate Form- Sweep: Aard's alternate form turns it into a bubble of telekinetic energy that focuses around the witcher and expands outward with destructive force.
  • Cold Air Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Aard augmented with mutagens, a witcher can unleash a blast of instant freezing air.
    • Piercing Cold: When casting the Aard Sign while channeling his Source abilities, Adalwulf's Aard could potentially freeze his opponents. If an opponent was knocked down and frozen simultaneously, they tended to die immediately. Opponents who were not frozen were dealt massive damage. Adalwulf used this to great effect on his first Mula hunt.
  • Cold Air Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Vyntyr, a witcher can can unleash a blast of cold air.**Vyntyr is the antithesis of the Igni sign, rapidly cooling or even freezing anything the witcher touches while using the sign or in the cold wave radius. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.***Vyntyr Alternate Form- Icy Squall: Vyntyr's alternate form shoots a sustained stream of cold air and ice, rapidly freezing whatever it hits. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
  • Aagni: The Aagni sign functioned as a combination of the Aard and Igni signs and created a burst of force-filled flame from the users' palm.
Earth Signs[]
  • Earth Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Quen, a witcher can envoke a bit of the magical properties of Earth.
    • Quen: The Quen sign is a simple magical sign used by witchers that draws from the Plane of Earh to form a protective field around the caster. Quen's basic ability is to cover a witcher in a basic shield that absorbs a limited amount of damage.
      • Quen Alternate Form- Active Shield: Quen's alternate form creates a bubble of protective energy to form around the witcher it is stronger than the original form but is more draining on the witcher and requires them to remain in place.
    • Vorg is similar to the Quen spell but is more specialized as it creates a barrier that the witcher can walk away from. Useful for blocking narrow passages or creating choke points to deal with group combat easier. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
      • Vorg Alternate Form- Boundary: Vorg's alternate form forms a glowing line or boundary where the witcher points after casting the hand sign then tracing the line, the boundary has an effect like Aard that telekinetic throws anything that comes into contact with it that the witcher deems hostile. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
Fire Signs[]
  • Fire Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Igni, a witcher can cause a limited use bit of magical fire.
    • Igni: The Igni sign is a simple magical signs that draws from the Plane of Fire that is used by witchers and causes a burst of fire that can repel and ignite opponents, as well as start fires.
      • Igni Alternate Form- Firestream: Igni's alternate form turns the burst of fire into a sustained stream of sparks and flames.
  • Lightning Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Volun, a witcher can cause a limited use bit of magic plasma.
    • Volun is used to shoot bolts of plasma/lightning from the witcher's fingertips, it is an effective scare tactic tool when dealing with peasant mobs. And is an effective weapon against armored enemies. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.***Volun Alternate Form- Chain Lightning: Volun's alternate form is able to shoot a sustained bolt of lightning controlled by the witcher that can jump from enemy to enemy, the more skilled the witcher the more targets it can hit. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
Spirit Element Signs[]
  • Aether Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Yrden, a witcher can envoke a bit of the magical properties of Aether.
    • Hatri (Hate-reflecting sign): Hatri is a telempathic sign which reflects the opponent's hate, bloodlust and hunger back to its source, making the monster afraid.
    • Heliotrope: Heliotrop or Heliotrope is a magical sign used by witchers. It is made by crossing one's wrists, as well as interlocking ones pinkies and works as a buffer against physical attacks, combat magic and impacts with walls, ground etc. Contrary to Quen, which is active until broken or dispelled, the Heliotrop is active only for a moment and cushions from a single powerful attack or damage.
    • Shadi is used to temporarily turn its caster intangible, the user can specify whether they fall through the ground as well, allowing for better mobility and the ability to avoid being trapped or barricaded against ones will. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
      • Shadi Alternate Form- Invisibility: Shadi's alternate form is able to cloak a witcher in a field of light refractive magic rendering the witcher temporary invisbile to human sight. It does not negate scent, sound, or any of the other senses. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
    • Somne is a simple magical sign used by witchers. It is used to put the target to sleep, and may possibly also leave them open to some form of suggestion.
    • Yrden: The Yrden sign is a simple magical sign used by witchers that draws from the Astral Plane to form a circular, magical trap. The trap triggers a certain number of times when traversed by a foe, causing knock back, damage, and a chance of inflicting ailments on its targets Most foes that wander into the ring are significantly slowed, though some monsters are unaffected by it. Yrden is one of the witchers best tools for controlling multiple enemies in melee range. It's also particularly valuable for witchers when up against noonwraiths and nightwraiths, who remain incorporeal most of the time unless caught within a Yrden circle.
      • Yrden Alternate Form- Magic Trap: Yrden's alternate form creates a stationary glyph of magical energy that strikes at and slows down hostile forces within a certain radius, as well as destroys and projectiles that happen to pass through that radius. Multiple Magic Traps can be placed down at once by experienced witchers.
Water Signs[]
  • Water Manipulation (Limited): Using the Sign of Axii, a witcher can envoke a bit of the magical properties of Water.
    • Axii: The Axii sign is a simple magical sign used by witchers that draws power from the Plane of Water that can charm an opponent's mind to stun them, temporarily eliminating them from combat. However, the stun effect disappears after seven seconds or when the target receives harmed. This sign can be used by witchers to calm their mounts or on people to gain information or benefits. This sign can usually only affect one person at a time and its effects are visible to other people in the vicinity. Uses: Brainwashing/Compulsion***Axii Alternate Form- Puppet: Axii's alternate sign forces an enemy to temporarily become an ally and fight on your side during a conflict for a short time as well as boosting their physical abilities for the duration of the conversion. Uses: Mind Domination
    • Moahk is capable of magically creating water, or shooting a wave of water at a target. A good preparation sign to use before Volun. Witchers can use this sign in survival scenarios like in the desert to conjure water. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.
      • Moahk Alternate Form- Torrent: Moahk's alternate form blasts a forceful torrent of water from the witcher's hand, the pressure can be adjusted by focusing more magic through the Sign. It can be used as a peasant mob deterrant, to put out fires or with enough skill and magic poured into it to cut through objects. Adalwulf learned this sign in 1301 from Witchers of the School of the Griffin.

Alternate Timeline #1: Villain[]

Military Service Record[]

Second Northern War (1267 - 1268)[]

Adalwulf participated in the Second battle of Aldersburg at the request of King Demavend III of Aedirn. The Witcher held his own supporting and ensuring the survival of many of his fellow fighters on the front. Adalwulf killed Nilfgaardian 79 soldiers during the Second Battle of Aldersburg.

Haak Invasion of the Northern Kingdoms (1350)[]

Adalwulf went with a few witchers from his school who had been knighted in various lands and joined the Northern Front against the invasion under the Aedirnian colors, where he ran into the witcher Putnam Pitch who had firsthand knowledge of the Haaki people. The two Witchers had many talks between skirmishes one in particular about the need for new Witcher Schools, Adalwulf acknowledging Putnam's skills recommended that him starting a new school would be an excellent idea for the world whether it knew it or not needed Witchers. Adalwulf worked alongside and even taught his fellow Witcher when he had the chance, and was present at the final battle of the invasion, The Battle of Mahakam. He fought bravely and ferociously amidst the mixed armies saving many soldiers from different kingdoms lives, and causing the Haaki that escaped to speak in fear of the Witcher known as the 'Blue Demon of the Continent'. Adalwulf ended up killing 56 Haaki during his participation in the war. Adalwulf attended Putnam Pitch's knighting ceremony and was among the crowd applauding the Witcher's war efforts. After the invasion Adalwulf shook his new friend's hand and made the trip along with his Witchers back down to their keep in Vicovaro.

Witcher Achievements[]

Beasts Slain[]

Warg (1x) {1166-Hunt for a Werewolf}

Wolves (5x) {1166-Hunt for a Werewolf}

Cursed Ones Slain/Curses broken[]

Werewolf (1x) {1166-Hunt for a Werewolf}

Draconids Slain[]

Wyvern (1x) {1144-First Hunt}

Elementa Slain[]


Humans/Non-humans Slain[]

Haaki soldiers (56x) {1350-Haak Invasion of the Northern Kingdoms}

Nilfgaardian soldiers (79x) {1268-Second battle at Aldersburg}

Skelligers (2x) {1271-Adalwulf acquires Aine's Contract}

Total= 137 Humans

Hybrids Slain[]

Nixa (3x) {1159-Hunting Sirens}

Insectoids Slain[]

Venomous Arachasae (1x)

Necrophages Slain[]

Cemetaur (1173-Razan is freed from prison)

Drowners (2x) {1271}

Grave Hag (1x) {1202-Grave Hag Hunt}

Ogroids Slain[]


Relicts Slain[]

Ancient Leshen (1x) {1271}

Fiend (1x) {1255-Fiend Hunt}

Specters Slain[]


Vampires Slain[]

Bruxa (1x) {1160-Time in Nilfgaard}

Mula (1x) {1202- Hunt for the Mula}, (2x) {1210s-1220s- Witcher Tournament}

Vukodlak (1x) (1567- The Death of Razan)


Adalwulf of Aedirn ( Real name: Adalwulf Ulvenson), or simply Adalwulf was a witcher/mage hybrid of the Continent, unlike his other alternative selves his early exposure to The Source and magic would lead him down a darker path eventually leading to him becoming a Līċ possessed by the darker nature of The Source who had been corrupted by the dark magics of the Eldritch.

He was an active Witcher before and following the Second Conjunction of Spheres. He would survive many events that would decimated the School of the Wolf's numbers and was among the oldest known still living Witchers from the school, though he is still younger than Vesemir.

In the latter part of the 13th century, Adalwulf would be knighted by the King of Aedirn thus he was granted land in the region that provides him shelter and a bit of income.|}


Early life (1121-1131)[]

Born to a seemingly normal Aedirnian peasant couple named Ralluald Ulvenson and his wife Ugga in the village of Hoarton, he was one of three children out of seven which turned out to be Sources, Adalwulf himself, his twin sister Eishe and their younger sister Arrah, his sisters. Born as the fifth child just after his older twin Eishe by a minute, six days after the start of the Imbolc Season Savaed and the holiday of Imbaelk. Adalwulf was the second born son of a simple soldier turned peasant Ralluald Ulvenson, he was given a lucky token which he wore on his neck from his parents in hopes that he would grow up strong and brave. For the most part, Adalwulf's childhood was fairly normal until at the age of 4 when his father contracted a curse by a Mage and suffered a major psychosis. Ralluald became violent, irrational, and depressive.    

In his desperation, Ralluald privately promised his eldest son Daskel to a Witcher of the School of the Wolf in exchange for a cure from the madness and pain, the Witcher instead later chose the younger Adalwulf saying he felt a tug of destiny from the boy. So desperate was Ralluald that he agreed without even telling his wife or the rest of his family.

Treatment was given in the form of a ritual and Ralluald was told to follow the ritual instructions exactly and to never forget to do it every few days. Adalwulf and his sister Eishe were favorites of the local Wise women who they would do light chores for, they were given black magic dolls and told that they would help keep them safe. Four years later, the Witcher came to take Adalwulf to Kaer Morhen, Ugga, of course, was against this, Ralluald having not told her anything until the Witcher came for their son, and Eishe in particular was very distraught at her brother being taken away but Adalwulf took the witcher's hand and was calmly led away to his new life.  

The beginning of his training in Kaer Morhen (1131)[]

Upon his arrival at the mountain keep he was put with the other Witcher novices at the time, Adalwulf was allowed to keep certain items of his past like his doll and lucky token as they were viewed as negligible towards interference with his witcher training. Like most potential Witcher apprentice groups, Adalwulf was placed with a large group of other boys who were viewed and trained as a unit.

Before undergoing his mutations and implants, Adalwulf and the other trainees were under the care of the instructor Varin at the keep's bastion for a year preparing their bodies for the changes to come, Varin's training was ruthless on the boys especially the youngest of the group Razan. Between lessons to improve their stamina and breathing techniques, Varin had the boys run the 'Witchers Trail' also known as 'The Killer'. Adalwulf paced himself with Razan, making sure the younger trainee didn't get hurt though this earned him the disdain of a lot of the other trainees who thought him trying to slack off in his training. Adalwulf also befriended Abbas who was made fun of by the other boys for his taupe-colored skin as well as his strange foreign language and accent. The boys were drilled in fencing with meteorite steel swords, horseback riding, martial techniques, and monster lore. Varin had no favorites only viewing the boys as dull knives needing to be sharpened into something useful.


This timeline's version of Adalwulf lacked a developed host bond with the Source as such some events would turn out differently, notably Adalwulf becoming a dimension hopping undead monster.

Voice Quotes[]

"I'm a Witcher by trade, Adalwulf of Aedirn, at your service." "I'm always up for a round of Gwent, old friend." "Razan of Cintra! It's good to see you, old friend! How are the boys doing these days!"


The Need for Witchers[]

Original Prophecy

"Ac felly bydd dyn yn meddwl eu bod wedi hindreulio'r gweiadur, ond nid ydynt wedi. Oherwydd y bydd croesi'r Sfferau yn dod, bydd angen y Vatt'ghern dro ar ôl tro, bydd cysylltiad sfferau yn dod, Vatt'gherns yw'r allwedd i gynnal cydbwysedd, adfer trefn ymhlith Anhrefn, I'r diniwed, yn ddynol neu'n anghenfil."


"And so man will think they have weathered the storm, but they haven't. Because The Conjunction of the Spheres will come again, Witchers will be needed again and again, the Conjunction of the Spheres will return, Witchers are the key to maintaining balance, and restoring order among Chaos, To the innocent, both human or monster. "


  • Adalwulf has wintered in multiple Witcher keeps and places.
  • Adalwulf remembers people who treated him well and would often return to check on them along the Path.
  • Adalwulf comes from a Source bloodline, though the gene has been recessive following his generation, it is still present in his modern day relatives. Had he or his sisters had reproduced, there was a high probability of the child being a Source, being as it was more active in these individual's genetics.
  • Adalwulf is friends and acquaintances with many other Witchers from the Bear, Griffin and Wolf Schools.
    • He was trained and raised alongside the Witchers of the School of the Wolf, sharing good and bad times with them.
    • He trained with School of the Bear Witcher Razan of Cintra, and considers him to be his best friend.
    • He met with at the time School of the Griffin Witcher Putnam Pitch, before he became a grandmaster of his own school. He would later arrange meetings with Putnam and other grandmasters to promote comradery and to share knowledge.
  • Unlike the case of a certain famous witcher, Adalwulf is actually from Aedirn.
  • Adalwulf is a player character created in The Witcher TRPG for the player/Fandom user Adalwulf of Aedirn.
    • Fandom user Adalwulf of Aedirn is writing a series of short stories based off of Adalwulf's past and future adventures. However, at this time, there are no plans to publish the stories, only glimpses through this article.
  • The Trial of the Pendulum is inspired by this post in The Witcher Amino.
  • The Trial of Remembrance is inspired by this post in The Witcher Amino.
  • The Trial of the Stone Wall is inspired by this post in The Witcher Amino.
  • The Trial of the Contract is inspired by this post in The Witcher Amino.

Fanart, Concept art and collaboration art work[]

Adalwulf young

Trainee Age

Adalwulf Fanart

Adalwulf as he appears in the Tales of the World EU

Notes by the author[]

If you want to write stories with him, make fanarts, etc... ( even NSFW, I know it's inevitable ) As long as you respect the lore. Everything is welcome, believe it or not, it makes me very happy to interact and build with others.

Oh, and if by any chance, you are someone who works at CD Projekt Red. I would love it if you could canonize him. It would make me very happy.


Adalwulf's Written Signature

Adalwulf's signature as it would appear in English


  • As of the writing of this line of text Adalwulf of Aedirn is a pure fanon creation as such there is no official proof of his existence in the Witcher works outside the fanon community.
  • The existence of Adalwulf of Aedirn is the personal iteration inclusion for the fanon by Adalwulf of Aedirn, as such their existence in the fanon is not 'definitive' and is subject to the decision of inclusion in others head canons. Known users with Adalwulf of Aedirn collaboration content: LukasLaLlama, TPatricio, and Witcher190. If I missed anyone please contact the author of this article to clarify status.
  • Although the character Adalwulf of Aedirn exists outside of the Expanded Ancient Pantheon Extended Universe, the data presented in this article is primarily about him inside the EU.
  • The TTRPG version of this character has been moved to The Witcher RPG Wiki at this link.
  • This is one of three four known versions of Adalwulf:
    1. The EAPEU version
    2. A mage centric version
    3. A Tales of The World of The Witcher Timeline witcher version
    4. A villainous version who would initially be trained as a witcher but be excommunicated from the Wolves, then would pursue a magic education while still young and fall to the darker tainted impulses of The Source becoming a dimension travelling villain.