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50px-WriterWolfMedallion.png This fan-fiction article, Dyn Marv Caravan, was written by Witcher190, Claire Winterghast and Adalwulf of Aedirn. Please do not edit this fiction without the writers' permission.

The Dyn Marv Caravan (Elder Speech: The Dead Folks Caravan) was a vehicle that served as a mobile training center and headquarters of the second iteration of the School of the Cat until 1269 when it was captured by Nilfgaardian soldiers. Since 1273, when it was recovered by a group of former Cats led by the former Wolf, Lambert, it has functioned as the mobile training center and one of the headquarters of the splinter faction that emerged following the extinction of the School of the Cat and the School of the Wolf—the School of the Lynx.



The origins of the Dyn Marv Caravan are shrouded in mystery. Scholars believe it was originally constructed by the Aen Seidhe elves as a war transport. Following Gezras of Leyda's decision to adopt a more nomadic lifestyle after the revenge against the mages and the near-destruction of their formal headquarters at Stygga Castle, they acquired the caravan. The Aen Seidhe design proved well-suited for the Cats' needs, offering a unique blend of mobility and defensibility.

Aelirenn's Rebellion (1060s)[]

During the 1060s, the School of the Cat Witchers played a significant role in Aelirenn's rebellion against human rule. Their assistance came in two key forms: their caravan served as a war transport for Aelirenn's forces to the final, tragic battle, and several Cat witchers, including the half-elf grandmaster Gezras of Leyda, also actively participated in the rebellion. Unfortunately, the caravan couldn't prevent the devastating losses suffered by the elves. Despite the horrific outcome, the caravan managed to escape the battleground and, after extensive repairs, continued to serve the Cats.

Gezras, who was romantically involved with Aelirenn, played a pivotal role in forging the alliance between the Cats and the elves. This connection, coupled with the earlier aid the Aen Seidhe provided to Gezras and his followers after their escape from Stygga Castle, solidified the Cats' commitment to Aelirenn's cause. Tragically, Gezras died in that battle, which ushered in a turbulent period for the caravan until Treyse was chosen as the second grandmaster.

At some point in the 1060s, after the losses suffered in the battle alongside the elves against humans, while the caravan was passing through Cidaris, School of the Cat Witchers recluited Barsamen orphans coming from the refugee crisis.

A Blossoming (and Ill-fated) Alliance (1260s)[]

In the decade of the 1260s, an unexpected connection blossomed between the traditionally rivalrous Schools of the Griffin and the Cat. A chance encounter between Kristov of White Orchard, a witcher from the Griffin school, and D'yaebl, a Cat witcheress, led to something far more significant. Kristov saved D'yaebl's life, and an unlikely romantic relationship developed between them.

This bond wasn't solely personal. Grandmaster Guxart of the Cat School, himself a former Griffin witcher, held some respect for his old school and harbored no resentment from his exile. Guxart's past and the burgeoning romance between Kristov and D'yaebl led to a temporary thaw in relations between the two witcher schools. The bond between them was so strong that Kristov even spent time living within the Dyn Marv Caravan, a significant gesture of trust by the Cats.

This newfound cooperation presented an opportunity. The Griffins, having lost the formula for female mutations during the devastating avalanche at Kaer Seren, approached the Cats for help after their fortress' reconstruction. They requested that one of their own adepts, Tubiel of Brenna, undergo the witcher mutations. The Cats, likely influenced by Guxart's softened stance towards the Griffins and their connection with Kristov, agreed to perform the mutations on Tubiel when the time was right (as well as continuing her training in some form during the time she was with the Cats). However, due to various circumstances, Tubiel was never mutated.

Sadly, this period of cooperation was short-lived and marred by tragedy. Kristov's involvement with D'yaebl proved fatal. In 1264, the bounty hunter Leo Bonhart targeted D'yaebl. Kristov bravely intervened to protect her, but he was tragically slain by Bonhart in the ensuing fight. D'yaebl escaped, but the event deeply affected her, worsening her already unstable mental health. This instability likely stemmed from a combination of factors, including past abuses suffered at the hands of her former tutor, the witcher Brehen, and the experimental formula used to mutate women into witchers created by the Cat's mages during their time in Stygga and robbed by Gezras and his group during their revenge.

This, coupled with the internal strife brewing within the Cat School, ultimately contributed to the disastrous events of 1269.

Loss and recovery (1269-1273)[]

The year 1269 marked a turning point for the Dyn Marv Caravan, one shrouded in betrayal and misfortune when the Cats were in Cintra. Internal dissent within the School of the Cat reached a boiling point, culminating in a conspiracy to kill Grandmaster Guxart and those close to him. Led by Lexandre, with the help of a group including D'yaebl, Faustino, and Loathen (Lexandre out of hatred and to steal the grandmaster diagrams, D'yaebl for unknown reasons, but probably out of resentment for not acting earlier against the sexual abuses committed by Brehen towards her, and Faustino and Loathen to take control of the school, as one believed that Guxart was too influenced by his past in the School of the Griffin and that his old morality, since he took power as grandmaster, was affecting the new generations too much, making them "weak," and the other because he harbored resentment for the investigation Guxart did with Vesemir of the Wolves during the Witcher Tournament against "his own," seeing him as a traitor unworthy of his position).

Capitalizing on the chaos, a Nilfgaardian brigade stationed in Cintra saw an opportunity. They had previously formed an alliance with the conspirators, manipulated by promises of aid against bandits when the conspiracy happened. However, fueled by a desire for revenge against the School of the Cat for past losses (like those suffered at the Battle of Brenna), the Nilfgaardians betrayed the weakened Cat witchers. They seized the Dyn Marv Caravan, killing the witchers who defended the caravan, like Axel and Cedric, stripping it of resources and scattering the remaining witchers like Casanna of Cintra, Pardus of Korath, Tubiel of Brenna, Jolanta Dinmarb, Gaetan, Joël, and others.

In the aftermath of this disaster, the scattered Cat witchers, seeking desperate refuge, returned to the ruins of Stygga Castle, their former headquarters, to endure the harsh winters. Others, driven by a yearning for a new purpose, like Caldigi of Cidaris, traveled further south, eventually joining the School of the Fox or found their way to Lambert and his group, laying the foundation for the rise of the School of the Lynx.

School of the Lynx Era (1273 - Present Day)[]

The School of the Lynx emerged following a brief discussion among a group of Cat School survivors composed of Gaetan, Dragonfly, and Joël, along with Lambert, a witcher of the School of the Wolf and Aiden's friend, and the mage Keira Metz. After a chance encounter, they decided to unite their efforts to reclaim a caravan. Lambert, driven by a desire to honor his late friend Aiden and inspired by a change of heart following Vesemir's death, took on the role of leader.

Following their discussion, Lambert proposed a comprehensive reform, marking the third and most radical transformation of the Cat School, turning it into the School of the Lynx. Accepting the proposal, the other members of the Cat School appointed Lambert as their leader, with Dragonfly serving as his deputy, ensuring leadership continuity in case Lambert was unavailable, and vice versa.

Under Lambert's guidance and with Keira's assistance, the school underwent reconstruction and reorganization, recovering surviving Cat members on their journeys and Keira playing a crucial role in researching and recovering mutagens, contributing to the school's revitalization. This research by the sorceress, eventually resulted in a groundbreaking discovery in 1290—the cure for the Catriona Plague. The immunity possessed by witchers proved instrumental in this breakthrough, providing a solution to the terrible illness.

However, Lambert's reform weren't met with unanimous approval. A small group of Cat School survivors clung to the old ways, refusing to embrace the changes. These dissenters continued to call themselves Cats, with most of them finding refuge in the ruins of Stygga Castle during the harsh winters. Their resistance proved short-lived, though. By the 1380s, this holdout faction of the Cat School faded into obscurity, presumably succumbing to various threats or simply dying out. Their last member being Jolanta Dinmarb, who by 1381, joined Putnam Pitch and his School of the Crane, becoming the second grandmaster and co-foundress of the already mentioned school.

A Quest for Unity (1277)[]

Four years had passed since Lambert and his companions reclaimed the caravan, transforming the Cat School into the School of the Lynx. Despite their reform, the shadow of their predecessor's tainted reputation still lingered. Determined to break down these barriers, Dragonfly suggested a bold initiative – fostering cooperation between witcher schools. Lambert, recognizing the potential to improve the situation of the Lynxes, readily accepted.

Fortune smiled upon them when, during their travels, the Lynxes encountered Putnam Pitch, a Griffin Witcher on his way to Kaer Seren for the winter, near Maribor. With the Griffin School's renowned reputation and their still relative recent reconstruction after the avalanche that nearly extinguished them, Putnam seemed like the perfect bridge between the schools. Dragonfly, eager to set her plan in motion, extended an invitation for Putnam to travel alongside them. As a gesture of goodwill, the Lynxes decided to alter their route, making Kaer Seren their destination as well. They traveled together in the caravan to Kovir and the fortress.

The journey, however, was not without its challenges. Internal tensions arose, particularly sentimental, creating friction between Lambert and Putnam. Despite these obstacles, Putnam managed to forge a connection, especially with Dragonfly.

Upon reaching Kaer Seren, Putnam bid farewell to the caravan and returned to Old Keldar with a mixed report. While highlighting the potential for collaboration and the School of the Lynx's origins as a reformed version of the Cats, the subjective nature of his report, coupled with Keldar's own biases, ultimately led to a failed attempt at collaboration.

The School of the Lynx, despite their efforts, continued to face discrimination. However, Putnam Pitch's journey alongside the Lynxes and similar initiatives planted the seeds for change. These efforts eventually blossomed into Adalwulf of Aedirn's Witcher's Reformation Act in the early 14th century, a document that finally paved the way for greater cooperation between the witcher schools.

Western Continent (late 14th century - Present Day)[]

During this time, the colonization of the Western Continent began. Recognizing the abundance of monsters in the new continent, as well as the need for the protection of the newly stabilized settlements, the School of the Lynx readily offered their services and traveled across the sea, and thus becoming the first witcher school to set foot in the New World. Their mobile caravan proved invaluable, allowing them to cover vast swathes of the newly discovered continent. Their range eventually stretched from the Zangvebarian colonies, known as the Pwani ya Dhahabu (The Golden Coast), to the Nilfgaardian Overseas Provinces and the territories colonized by Nordlings and dwarves – the Confederation of Colonies known as Fabiola.

This endeavor garnered them more respect and nearly restored the prestige that the wolves had enjoyed in the past.


Since its inception, the caravan has undergone periodic modifications, adapting to the necessities of the moment or the regions it traversed.

The core structure, built with lightweight yet immensely strong materials, served as a sturdy base. Modular compartments, akin to oversized wagons, could be added or removed depending on the caravan's needs. These compartments might be for various things, such as house additional sleeping quarters, storage for monster trophies, alchemical ingredients, or even a dedicated forge for weapons and armors maintenance and repairs. For particularly hazardous journeys with various threats looming here and there, the Cat witchers were known to incorporate reinforced plating onto the exteriors of these compartments, transforming the caravan into a mobile fortress. Additionally, the caravan was designed to be self-sufficient, with its own water supply, food storage, and waste disposal systems, allowing it to travel for extended periods without needing to stop for supplies.

The interior of the caravan was designed to be both functional and comfortable. Each compartment was carefully planned to maximize space and efficiency. Living quarters were compact but cozy, with built-in storage for personal belongings. Communal areas, such as the dining hall and training rooms, were larger and more open, designed to foster a sense of camaraderie and community among the inhabitants.


The routes followed by the caravan during the time of the School of the Cat were not always the same, although they did share the hidden locations necessary for performing mutations. Their range of action was mainly in the Northern Realms and Nilfgaard. However, it is known that the caravan reached as far as the western part of Barsa and the Korath Desert in the south, as well as the duchy of Vinland in the Far North.

During the Lynx Era, in both continents, the routes became more varied as they adapted the caravan to perform mutations on the road.

Life in the caravan[]

Life in the caravan was a unique blend of discipline, camaraderie, and adaptability. The witchers lived and trained together in close quarters, fostering a strong sense of community and brotherhood. Despite the confined space, at least each veteran witcher had their own personal area to retreat to, offering a semblance of privacy amidst the communal living.

Challenges of Mobile Life[]

Living on the move presents its own set of challenges. Finding suitable locations for training and acquiring supplies can be difficult, especially in harsh environments. The ever-present threat of bandits and hostile creatures necessitates constant vigilance. Additionally, maintaining the caravan itself requires a significant amount of effort, with repairs and upkeep being a constant necessity.

Daily Routine[]

The daily routine in the caravan was structured and rigorous. Mornings began early with physical training, followed by breakfast. The afternoons were dedicated to lessons in monster lore, combat strategy, and alchemy. Evenings were reserved for sparring matches and further physical conditioning. The veteran witchers also had duties related to the maintenance and upkeep of the caravan, which were rotated among them.

Notable inhabitants[]


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