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Terraria Wiki
SharkOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI TypeSwimming AI
Max Life300/600/900
KB Resist30%/37%/44%
BannerShark BannerShark Banner
Immune toConfused
Old-gen console version Old-gen console and 3DSNintendo 3DS version
Exclusive Variant
OrcaOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
AI TypeSwimming AI
Max Life400
BannerOrca BannerOrca Banner
For the enemy found during Sandstorms, see Sand Shark.
Shark hunting

One possible approach to safely hunting sharks while breathing on the ocean floor, with actuators used on the floor and the lowest blocks on the walls for exiting for item collection on either side.

The Shark is an enemy found in Oceans. Sharks are rarer than other Ocean enemies like Crabs or Pink Jellyfish.

On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version Windows Phone version, and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, a variant of Shark known as Orcas can be found in the Ocean. Despite their differences in name, sprite, and stats, the Shark and Orca have the same behavior.


  • Sharks can only spawn within 250 tiles of the map's edge, or from a Shark Statue.
  • Sharks do not flop around on land like most other fish, making them less dangerous to approach when beached.
  • Along with other water enemies, Sharks will ignore players who aren't submerged in at least one tile of water.


  • Sharks charge the player and can move quicker than most players. They are highly resistant to knockback, but strong weapons will usually at least halt their advance.
  • Rapid-fire weapons, flails, and multi-attack weapons (such as the Swordfish or the Boomstick ) tend to be effective against Sharks. Autoswing weapons are also effective against sharks as long as they have decent knockback. Because of their extremely fast attack rate and their Autoswing feature, the Arkhalis and Terragrim are quite useful when dealing with Sharks.
  • Using a Water Walking Potion or Water Walking Boots to stand at the surface and dive slightly down periodically, the player can attract Sharks to within striking distance while staying safe. The Flipper accessory will keep the player from sinking to the bottom.
  • To safely and easily hunt sharks, construct a spot to stand on, but remain half-inside water. Add a shield of blocks in front of the player to one tile above the water's surface. Use an arcing ranged or Flamelash-type weapon to fire around the shield, or a Vilethorn to fire through the shield.
  • A similar method is to stay on the Ocean floor, dig a small pit in the sand, and build a shield above the player but not connected to the ground, leaving a one-tile gap. Sharks will try to attack but won't fit. The player can then attack with impunity. If the player is lacking proper swim gear or a Neptune's Shell, a stack of Gills Potions may come in handy for this approach.
  • An easy way to farm Sharks is to place Shark Statues over one bucket of lava stretched over a twelve block space, and activating the statue with a 1 Second Timer. This kills the Sharks without risk to the player and keeps the items from being destroyed.


  • In real life, orcas are not actually related to sharks at all, but are a type of dolphin.
    • Despite its in-game behavior, orcas are mainly docile animals and do not attack humans, unless provoked.
  • Real life sharks rarely attack humans deliberately, instead mistaking swimmers for injured seals, which are their prey.
  • Sharks are the most realistic enemy in Terraria, as there are very large sharks in the real world that could easily mutilate a person, although they have no inclination towards doing so. The sharks in Terraria most closely resemble the Blue Shark, a relatively large and non-aggressive species commonly hunted for their fins.

The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Shark: "Once these ocean predators catch a whiff of blood, they become relentless and unstoppable in their ravenous pursuit."

See also[]

