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Terraria Wiki
PC versionConsole versionMobile versionOld Chinese versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1
PC/Console/Mobile/Old Chinese/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, Old Chinese, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.
MedusaHardmode exclusive
Medusa Stare
Medusa's attack
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
AI TypeFighter AI
Max Life400/800/1200
KB Resist85%/87%/88%
BannerMedusa BannerMedusa Banner
Immune toConfused
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Inflicts debuff
Debuff tooltipYou are completely petrified!
Duration1–4 seconds

Medusa is a Hardmode enemy found near Marble Caves. While being a relatively fast-moving melee attacker, Medusa also has the ability to inflict the Stoned debuff through her gaze. This debuff turns the player to stone:

  • The player will be unable to move or use weapons for the duration of the debuff, similar to being frozen.
  • Fall-damage-negating accessories are disabled, fall damage is increased, and the minimum distance for fall damage is reduced.

The debuff's onset is marked by Medusa's snake hair (as well as Medusa herself) lashing out red tongues, as well as a unique noise and particle effect, giving players notice before they are petrified. Players can avoid getting stoned by facing the other direction when the animation completes, or by having the Medusa's line of sight blocked by solid blocks.

The less health Medusa has, the faster she will move, similar to the Wall of Flesh.

On the PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version, she is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades.

Stoned Player

A Medusa turning a player into stone.


  • While Stoned, the player can still consume health items.
  • If Stoned while grappling or riding a minecart, the player will disengage and fall.
  • During the day on the surface layer, Medusa will become passive and despawn instantly once off screen.
  • Only one Medusa can spawn in the world at a time, unless a Medusa Statue is used.
  • In rare cases, Underground Cabins will have a functional trap consisting of a pressure plate and a Medusa Statue. This allows them to be spawned pre-Hardmode, however, they will only drop pizza and at a much lower rate.


  • Being inflicted with the Stoned debuff is very dangerous: If the initial fall does not kill the player, the few seconds of stun time could be long enough for Hoplites, Cave Bats, Giant Bats and other cavern enemies to finish the job.
    • Be wary of large, vertical areas in the caverns (such as the Underground Jungle and player-made hellevators), especially when there is a Marble Cave nearby. The potential fall damage by itself can easily kill an endgame player.
  • Note that attacking the Medusa with most weapons will cause the player to turn towards her. Try not to engage her until she is within range or use a very accurate ranged weapon, so that she will become stun-locked before she has a chance to attack.
  • Facing away from Medusa while fighting off other enemies is recommended.
  • Yoyos, the Magic Missile, and the Flying Knife make great weapons against Medusa as they can be used from behind, and around corners, out of her line of sight. White String will extend the reach of yoyos by 4 or 5 blocks.
    • Ironically, the Medusa Head is also a great weapon against Medusa, as the player can use its "stare" while looking the other way.
  • Using the Featherfall Potion can still protect the player from taking fall damage, even when they are Stoned.


  • In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Those who gazed upon her face would turn to stone.
  • The word "marble" is of Greek origin, as are "Medusa" and "hoplite". In Terraria, Medusas and Hoplites both spawn in Marble Caves.
  • The banners of Medusa and Hoplite do not show the image of the enemy on their corresponding banners. The Medusa and Hoplite Banners display a snake and skeleton, respectively, with Greek-style patterns.
  • This enemy is not to be confused with the newly-added "mechdusa" boss.

The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Medusa: "An ancient monster with a petrifying gaze. The snakes which grow from her scalp like hair grant her these powers."


  • Desktop 1.3.1:
    • Health increased from 200 to 400.
    • Defense increased from 10 to 20.
    • Can no longer petrify players above her.
    • Is now exclusive to Hardmode but still spawnable on pre-Hardmode by wiring and activating Medusa Statues but will not drop loot.
  • Desktop
    • Now requires unobstructed line of sight to petrify, preventing hidden or offscreen Medusa from petrifying players.
    • Now makes sound and emits particles when attempting petrification.
  • Console 1.0.1372.5:
    • Health increased from 200 to 400.
    • Defense increased from 10 to 20.
    • Can no longer petrify players above her.
    • Is now exclusive to Hardmode but still spawnable on pre-Hardmode by wiring and activating Medusa Statues but will not drop loot.