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Terraria Wiki
Fart in a Jar
  • Fart in a Jar item sprite
  • Fart in a Jar equipped
Stack digit 1
TooltipAllows the holder to double jump
RarityRarity level: 2
Research1 required
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Jungle Mimic
(Celebrationmk10 and Get fixed boi world seed variant)
Jungle Mimic2Jungle Mimic
(Celebrationmk10 and Get fixed boi world seed variant)

The Fart in a Jar is an accessory that allows the player to perform a double jump, accompanied by a farting sound effect. The fart jump will continue to propel you upwards if the Jump button is held, reaching up to 10.5 blocks on its own, or 16.5 blocks when put together with the first jump. Due to this behavior, the jump behaves more similarly to the Rocket Boots than the Cloud in a Bottle. Unlike the Rocket Boots, however, the jump cannot be used in multiple bursts, and cancelling the jump will forfeit the rest of the height.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Fart in a JarFart in a Jar
Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop

Used in[]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Fart in a BalloonFart in a Balloon
Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop


Stackability of jump-enhancing accessories
Items that are in the same row will not stack in regard to the respective effect.
Effect Items

Fart double jump
  • With the Shiny Red Balloon equipped, total jump height increases to 29 blocks (10½ blocks + 18½ blocks). Jumping to that height can result in some minor fall damage if landing at the same height that was jumped from.
  • This item can stack with the Cloud in a Bottle, Tsunami in a Bottle, Blizzard in a Bottle, and Sandstorm in a Bottle for up to five extra jumps.
  • The Fart jump is the second-best double-jump in the game, but still falls plenty short of the Sandstorm in a Bottle's 15 blocks (21 blocks when the height of the first jump is added).


  • The double jump can be used to negate fall damage if timed correctly.
  • The double jump can be stopped midway by releasing the Jump button.
  • The Fart jump provides a speed boost when used, which can be used to quickly turn around while retaining some speed.




