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Terraria Wiki
  • Anchor item sprite
Stack digit 1
Damage70 / 30 (Melee)
Knockback8 (Very strong) /
5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time20 (Very fast) /
30 (Average)
RarityRarity level: 3
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Anchor
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Pearlwood CratePearlwood CratePearlwood Crate13.78%
Not to be confused with Wall Anchor.
Anchor (demo)

The Anchor being used. Note the arc fire.

The Anchor is a Hardmode melee weapon which acts in a similar fashion to the Harpoon, firing an anchor projectile in an arc. The projectile remains attached to the player via a rope and is heavily affected by gravity. It returns upon reaching a maximum distance or impacting a tile or enemy, and damages any enemies in its return path. The Anchor is found in Pearlwood Crates or Wooden Crates which are obtained from fishing after the Wall of Flesh has been defeated.

Its best modifier is Godly or Demonic. Both modifiers increase the average damage output by the same amount.


  • Since the projectile itself is comparably large and its return trip can pierce unlimited enemies, throwing it past a group of enemies and pulling it through them is an effective strategy, making the Anchor very useful for controlling large groups of enemies.
  • It is most useful early Hardmode, quickly being outclassed by better weapons as the player progresses.



  • Desktop 1.4.1:
    • Damage increased from 55 to 70.
    • Knockback increased from 5 to 8.
  • Desktop
    • Damage increased from 30 to 55.
    • Use Time decreased from 30 to 20.
  • Desktop
    • The anchor projectile now comes back to the player if it gets too far away.
    • Fixed bug that made the game crash when using the Anchor under certain circumstances.
  • Mobile 1.2.11587:
    • Fixed bug where Anchors were received as a quest reward instead of Wall Anchors.
    • Fixed bug where multiple Anchors could be thrown, like boomerangs.
  • 3DS 1.05: No longer behaves like the Chain Guillotines, firing multiple projectiles at once that all traveled in a straight direction. The projectile no longer spins during flight, returning to the player slower than when fired.