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Strike The Blood Wiki

Velesh Aradhal (ヴェレシュ・アラダール Vereshu Aradāru) is the Imperial Council Chairman of the Warlord's Empire, who came to Itogami Island to represent the country for the signing ceremony of its peace treaty with Aldegyr Kingdom.


A tall, slender man with a very dark appearance. He wore a well-tailored, old-fashioned coat, and his hair was so black that it seemed woven from the very darkness of night. His face was youthful and refined.[1]

In the anime, he is a handsome young man with mid-length matcha-colored hair and gray, slanted eyes. He is wearing a cream-colored shirt, a wine-red tie, a black cardigan, a blue long coat, and gray slacks.


As most nobles of the Warlord's Empire go, Velesh is regal, serious, and is shown to be a very dangerous person in Volume 15 whom even Dimitrie Vatler respects.

He appears to be a serious, strict person who values ​​formality, and seems to frown upon Vatler's behavior.


Duke of Severin of the Warlord’s Empire, Velesh Aradahl, was the chairman of the Imperial Assembly of the Warlord’s Empire—the vampire seen as the de facto second most powerful man therein, next to the primogenitor himself. He was a major player in both the worlds of politics and finance, with influence on a global scale. He was also well-known as a warrior, having left incredible exploits on battlefields of times past. It was said that even Dimitrie Vattler paid Aradahl appropriate respect.[1]


Kingdom of the Valkyria[]

The War Of Original Vampires[]

The Holy Ground Treaty Organization considers Glenda, the "Guardian" of Cain's legacy, to be a threat and attempts to dispose of her. Aradahl was assigned the duty of apprehending her.


The black-haired man did not give off the impression of someone crude or violent. If anything, his manner was calm and intellectual. In spite of this, Yuiri felt fear, for who could be calm in the face of a walking calamity.[1]

Aradahl was an Old Guard vampire that had lived for many years. Furthermore, he was a being of limitless danger close to that of a primogenitor. Aradahl had bottomless strength, even compared to that maniac Vattler. His power was legitimate, backed by finely honed might. On top of that, he had no openings. It is said he is a martial artist aristocrat, wielder of the Seven Sword Beast Vassals.[1] He was someone who can boast over nine centuries of combat experience, a monster even among monsters.[2]

Vampiric Abilities: As a vampire, he possesses superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and durability.

Demonic Energy: The ghastly aura surrounding the black-haired vampire when shot out forcefully. It became a physical pressure that caused the very air to tremble. Had his opponents been human beings with weak resistance to demonic energy, this alone might have been enough to knock them unconscious. There was simply too much demonic energy.[1]

Beast Vassal Summoning: He can also summon familiars in the form of armor and many swords. Aradahl's seven sword-shaped Beast Vassals. Each one is named after one of the seven deadly sins in Latin, such as Indivia (Envious), Gula (Gluttony), and Acedia (Sloth). Each one has different characteristics, such as turning into countless blades.

Name Descripiton Image


The Beast Vassal Aradahl dubbed Ghoula no doubt possessed the power to rob an impaled opponent of his/her demonic energy.


  • His name shows Hungarian origin in many points. Veres (original Hungarian form: Véres) is a commonly used Hungarian surname, it means 'bloody'. While Aladar (original Hungarian form: Aladár) is the Hungarian form of the Aldarik or Aldemar male firstnames - both of them has germanic origin. Also, his name has the Hungarian naming trait: the surname stands first, followed by the first name (- the English form of Veres Aladar would be Aladar Veres).
  • Velesh Aradahl was one of the top five fighters even in the Warlord’s Empire.[3]
  • A highly regimented man such as Aradahl found slippery opponents like La Folia to be rather difficult to deal with. Fundamentally, she was cut from the same cloth as Vattler. If he had to put his finger on it, she was a hard, logical realist, the type that was not picky about choosing the means by which to achieve her ends.[2]



