Strike The Blood Wiki
Strike The Blood Wiki
Strike the Blood Ep 3 - 6

Astarte, a Homunculus

Homunculus (ホムンクルス Homunkurusu, plural "Homunculi") is a title given to an Artificial Life-form (人工生命体 Jinkō seimei-tai) constructed via biotechnology. Though completely artificially designed down to the genetic level, there are fundamental differences between them and chimera. The technological difference is greater along with the the level of freedom in design.[1]


Their hair was indigo, a color impossible in the natural world. This demonstrated that they were a homunculus—a product of alchemy and genetic manipulation.[2]


The first methods for producing homunculi were supposedly established by the sixteenth century and research has long continued at the hands of a wide variety of people, either to produce a cheap labour force or to develop a partner for mankind however, in the end, widespread use of homunculi never happened.[1]

There were two rather large reasons people cited for this:

  • The first was the ethical problem. There was deep-seated opposition centred on religious institutions against creating life, viewing such behaviour as humans intruding upon the realm of the divine. Furthermore, a fierce debate raged as to whether homunculi should be granted human rights; the debate remained unsettled to this day.[1]
  • The other reason was a simple matter of construction cost. The methods for producing homunculi simply cost too much to use them for labour or sending them onto the battlefield as soldiers. Cloning technology, etc., using genuine human beings, was decisively cheaper. For that reason, homunculi production was now rarely undertaken, and the number of scientists researching it has greatly dwindled.[1]

However, even now, there was one exception: a field that incorporated homunculus research. That was using homunculus technology in the development of pharmaceuticals. Homunculi, whose genetic construction can be artificially altered, were optimal for clinical trials and researching immune responses and so on; criticism has been blunted to a degree because it was for the just cause of the advancement of medicine. For that reason, most large pharmaceutical firms had their own facilities for the construction and research of homunculi.[1]


Combat Homunculi[]

  • Astarte: is an example of a homunculi who has been created for the sole purpose of combat.
  • Rogi: A pyrokinesis user

Known homunculi[]

