My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

So if you seen my Purple Flame blog page you would know that I wrote about of what if their was a Quirk that emitted Purple flames. So now I want to write about White Flames.

Since I wrote a lot about Purple Flames and it's temparature. However after looking up the tempeartures of White Flames or "White Fire" it hast the temperature up to 1300-1500°C (2400-2700°F) that lower than the temperature to Purple or Violet flame. Although I have perivously write how Burnin has a Quirk that emits flames from her hair called Blazing Hair which are Green Flames which I have no idea how hot it is. weither to say that White Flames as a quirk are a stronger or weaker version of Hellflame is up to dabate. Since Hellflame's flame color is tradition yellow-red-orange flame color being with the tempearture of 1100 °C (2012 °F). I don't need to say that Shoto Todoroki doesn't need to be able to turn his flame on his left side since he technically already had a way to turn his flames to the color white via using Flashfire Fist: Phosphor using his right side creating "Cold Fire".

I already seen two videos of how to create Cold Fire or Freezing Fire whatever you want to call it. I have a youtube video link of how to create Cold Fire (Freezing Fire)

How to Make a Cold Fire Torch That You Can Touch and Not Get Burned!

Making Fire That Actually Freezes Things Instead of Burns Them—Cold Fire Part 2

Although it's stated Cold Fire isn't hot, but what I have found on Microsoft Bing it's state that the temperature of Cold Fire's temperature is about 400 °C (752 °F).

Although I said earlier that Shoto wasP able to create White Flames using Phosphor using his right side. Although accouring to Microsoft Bing Cold Fire's color is Red. Although Cold Fire can be white being the usage of a gas called Helium (that just one of the methods I know on how to create Cold Fire). Phosphorus which is the technqiue that Shoto based his new Flashfire Fist technqiue that Shoto developed to create a body that Toya couldn't burn being that of Cold Fire.

Although I don't need to talk more about White Flames. Since Shoto is able to create White Flames using his Phosophor.
