Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki
This article is about the movie director in Mortal Kombat: Legacy. For Sonya's partner, see Lieutenant Lance.

Lance is a movie director that worked for a company that signed a contract with Johnny Cage in the third episode of Mortal Kombat: Legacy.


After Johnny submitted an idea for a new show, Lance and another director both were disappointed with the concept. While the other director eventually left, Lance and Johnny talked it over. Lance decided to give Johnny another chance to make another show. Later, Johnny submitted a new idea, but Lance and Emile both shot it down. They then revealed that the company was not renewing his contract.

As Johnny prepared to leave the studio, he overheard Lance talking with another actress, offering her a spot in a show that was entirely taken from Johnny's pitched ideas. As a result, Johnny confronted Lance and violently beat him up. As Johnny walked away, an enraged Lance revealed his true colors as he threatens to make sure Johnny never got another job again.


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