Mortal Kombat Wiki
Mortal Kombat Wiki

Season 1: Mortal Kombat: Legacy[]

The first season contains a non-linear storyline that reveals the show's version of the characters origins and events leading up to the upcoming Mortal Kombat Tournament.

Episodes 1 and 2: Jax, Sonya and Kano[]

In the Black Dragon's warehouse, Kano supervises his cartel as they prepare to ship stolen robotics under the codename "Cyber Initiative" to an undisclosed location. Sonya Blade has infiltrated the warehouse and transmits her report to Jackson "Jax" Briggs. Inside Deacon City police headquarters, Kurtis Stryker briefs his police squad on Sonya's transmission, their past difficulties apprehending Kano and that the Black Dragon stole robotics from the Department of Defense. After a minor disagreement about whether to follow protocol and wait for Sonya to confirm her findings, Jax and Stryker decide to infiltrate the warehouse.

It is then revealed that Sonya had been captured shortly before transmitting her report to Jax and that Kano delayed its transmission for two days, allowing the shipment to take place. Unaware that the report they received is two days old, Jax and Stryker's men head to the warehouse where Kano is planning an ambush.

When the police arrive, a shoot-out ensues between them and Kano's men, who are using advanced weaponry. Jax separates from the group to search for Sonya but finds Kano instead, who engages a fistfight. Kano picks up a grenade launcher during the fight and accidentally fires off a round. The blast separates Kano and Jax. Sonya is chained to the ceiling just below where the grenade exploded. The blast is enough to weaken her bonds, allowing her to escape.

Jax and Kano awake from the explosion while the gunfight between Stryker's men and the Black Dragon clan continues. Sonya sneaks up behind three of Kano's men and kills them. She then enters a security control room. Upon observing Kano running from Jax on a closed-circuit monitor, she flees to find them.

Jax, still demanding to know where Sonya is being held, engages another fist fight with Kano, who continues to taunt him with threats against Sonya. Enraged, Jax severely beats Kano, dislodging his eyeball. Sonya arrives to see Kano unconscious and Jax resting. She takes out one final henchman but not before he tosses a live grenade towards her partner. Jax rises and runs towards Sonya to keep her safe from the blast.

A week later, Sonya wakes in a hospital intensive care unit. Stryker tells her that the Black Dragon got to Kano before his team could and Jax sustained serious injuries in the process. Damage to his arms required him to be sent to a special medical facility at the Department of Defense where they "have a plan."

Following the beating, a backroom surgical team prepares Kano for an emergency eye procedure, removing the remnants of skull around his right eye socket and rebuilding it with metal plates. A mechanical arm completes the procedure, inserting a cybernetic eye that was partially exposed to strike fear into his victims. As Kano awakens, his new eye glows red.

Episode 3: Johnny Cage[]

Episode 3 opens with a faux E!-style documentary on fallen action star Johnny Cage. The show summarizes his life from his early martial arts days and worldwide fame to his many arrests and stalling acting career, using home video footage and interviews with friends and associates from his personal and professional life.

In the present day, Johnny is pitching a new crime-fighting reality show called You Got Caged to two TV executives. They are both unimpressed, spouting off clichéd arguments about their target demographic and their reluctance for martial arts and reality shows. But an insistent Johnny earns himself a second chance to convince them that he and the show are bankable.

Three weeks later and Johnny has re-shot a mature trailer for "You Got Caged" with a gritter, realistic style of violence. The executives are once again uninterested, this time cutting the entire project and releasing Johnny from his network contract. A dejected Johnny leaves the meeting and walks onto the set of a new production, overhearing the same executives pitching his exact idea to a new female action star under the name "You Got Saved." Realizing that the executives stole his idea, an enraged Johnny attacks one of the executives and several security guards, beating them all before stopping in shock, when he realizes that he has ruined any chance he had left at a career. As he quickly walks away, the crying exec starts screaming at Johnny before suddenly, time literally freezes around him, leaving everyone else in a state of suspended animation. One other figure remains invulnerable to the anomaly. Shang Tsung approaches Johnny and offers him "a way out of everything."

Episodes 4 and 5: Kitana & Mileena[]

A narrator tells the story of the downfall of Edenia and its royal family: A long time ago, Edenia's peaceful realm was invaded by Outworld after it lost ten consecutive Mortal Kombat tournaments. Its lush, vibrant kingdom was reduced to a flaming wasteland, its people slaughtered by the Outworld Tarkatans under their leader, Baraka, himself under the orders of Outworld Emperor, Shao Kahn. Edenia's king Jerrod reluctantly abandoned his wife and daughter and ran from Baraka's approaching warriors.

Jerrod's wife, Sindel, cradled their child as the castle was attacked by the Tarkatans. A knight, posing as the king, tried valiantly to protect his queen and her daughter but Baraka killed him before they could escape. Shao Kahn became the new Edenian ruler, taking Sindel and her daughter Kitana as his own. The real King Jerrod never returned to Edenia as it once was.

But Shao Kahn was frustrated that Sindel and Kitana would never return the love that he truly felt for them, so he enlisted Shang Tsung to create an identical daughter who would. Baby Kitana was cloned, her twin sister, Mileena, a half-human half-Tarkatan. Afraid that Kahn would corrupt Kitana's soul, Sindel took her own life so that her soul could merge with her daughter's, and Kahn began raising Kitana and her twin sister to believe in his cause. Years later, Mileena grew jealous of her sister's close relationship with their father, as well as becoming frightened due to her inability to control the violence and anger of her Tarkatan heritage. As they grew older, Kahn trained them in the art of combat, both possessing immense skill and a maturing ability to deceive.

Despite Mileena's growing resentment towards her more favored sister, the siblings maintained a close relationship, working as Shao Kahn's personal assassins to keep Edenia safe from attack. He entrusted them to finish his takeover of Edenia by hunting down and killing those who opposed his rule or could expose the truth of the invasion to Kitana. The twins also found and killed all of Jerrod's imposters, as they scoured Edenia for the former king.

All of their searching left Kitana with lingering questions she could not answer. But on a cold night in the Edenian forests, the sisters found King Jerrod in hiding. Before Mileena callously killed him, he revealed to Kitana that she looked very much like her mother, and that he was her father. Now fueled by the knowledge that her life with Shao Kahn may have been a lie, she returned to Jerrod's abandoned castle, left as it was when Baraka invaded many years earlier. Within the castle walls, her mother's soul presented Kitana with visions of what she had witnessed before ending her life: Jerrod cradling baby Kitana, Shang Tsung taking Kitana's blood to create Mileena, Baraka killing Jerrod's knight, and Queen Sindel herself taking her own life.

Now that her real father's dying words were confirmed in her eyes, and as Shao Kahn revealed plans to merge Earthrealm with Outworld, Kitana silently harbored a desire for vengeance against the Emperor, who remained unaware of her recent discovery.

Episode 6: Raiden[]

At night, an electrical storm appears to teleport a man into the yard of a psychiatric institution, leaving him electrified in a dirt crater. The next morning, a patient named Blue finds the man, who wakes suddenly and vomits blue blood. Blue claims ownership of the man as three guards confront them and incapacitate them after a brief struggle.

The man is held within the Valleyview Rehabilitation Center for three months in a solitary room. Security vision captures his growing frustration and impatience. He is periodically treated with sedatives and restrained in a strait jacket. In a session with Doctor Gadsen, it is revealed that the man refers to himself as Lord Raiden, God of Thunder and protector of earth. Raiden is demanding to be set free so that he can participate in the Mortal Kombat tournament and stop Shao Kahn from invading. The doctor refuses, administering a lobotomy to curtail his disruptive behavior. Blue also encourages Raiden to stay, but he wants her to escape with him.

After another violent outburst where he demands to be released, Raiden is lobotomized again. Blue enters after the surgery, locking the doctors out. Under Raiden's order, she reluctantly stabs him in the chest with a surgical tool, vaporizing him in a burst of electricity and blood. In another electrical burst, Raiden appears, this time in the backstreets of Chinatown. He steals a man's conical hat and walks away.

Note: The episode opened with a message from director Kevin Tancharoen on the continuity, presumably used to avoid negative reaction from fans.

Episodes 7 and 8: Scorpion and Sub Zero[]

The head of a rival clan narrates the story of the Shirai Ryu – a once proud clan whose leader, Hanzo Hasashi, mastered the kunai weapon for combat, becoming known as the Scorpion. On a winter's day spent playing with his child, Hanzo learns that his son Jubei longs to train with his father's weapon, to join the Shirai Ryu, and to become general. Hanzo is reluctant to let his son be a part of this life but chooses to begin training Jubei anyway.

At dinner, Hanzo's wife Kana asks about the progress regarding the shogun's arrival to their village. She is surprised to learn that their son has not prepared a ceremonial song, as he is busy training with his father. Hanzo insists Jubei sing for the shogun, and while their son practices, Kana explains that she does not want their son to join the Shirai Ryu. Before they could finish, messengers on behalf of Lord Ryuk interrupt to request Hanzo's presence, as the shogun will be arriving early.

Dressed as a ninja and carrying his famed kunai weapon, Hanzo sets off on his journey alone, tracked by unknown assailants. Trekking through the forest, he finds the shogun dead, his entire body frozen in a chair, left behind so that Hanzo would find him. Bi Han, also known as Sub-Zero, approaches and attacks Scorpion, admitting to the shogun's assassination as a way to lure the general of the now defenseless Shirai Ryu away from his village. Meanwhile, his family left alone, Hanzo's home is infiltrated, and his wife is taken.

Jubei watches as his mother is held captive by Sub-Zero's men, contemplating attacking them with one of his father's kunai. After engaging Hanzo in a fist fight, Sub-Zero tries unsuccessfully to freeze his enemy, allowing Hanzo to impale him with his kunai and land a final blow, knocking the Lin Kuei unconscious. Upon realizing the danger his family is in, Hanzo begins running back to his village, unaware that Sub-Zero has woken.

Hanzo returns to the village and is met with the strewn bodies of his people. He is distraught to see his wife's body completely frozen, her arm cracking upon being touched. Not far away, lies his son, also motionless. As Hanzo drops his guard and falls to his knees in grief, he is impaled by Sub-Zero. Hanzo's enemy leaves one final taunt about the end of the Shirai Ryu, and an insult that his family rot in the afterlife. As Sub-Zero stands, Hanzo's body quickly begins to freeze solid, the last thing he sees being his son's body.

Shang Tsung arrives and questions whether Hanzo can be made to fight for them. Before answering, Sub-Zero morphs into his true self, revealing that Quan Chi had been impersonating him all along. Quan Chi is convinced his plan to fool Scorpion into thinking Sub-Zero, his sworn enemy, killed his family is enough to ensure the ninja's allegiance to Shang and himself. He asks Scorpion to fight on the side of the Netherrealm in the upcoming Mortal Kombat Tournament in return for life as a spectre and the chance to enact vengeance on the man who killed his clan, his family and himself. Given the power to awaken, Hanzo emerges from the ice in flames, reminding the Deadly Alliance as his eyes cloud over, that his name is not Hanzo Hasashi, but Scorpion.

Episode 9: Cyrax & Sektor[]

The Lin Kuei clan has trained the most feared ninja assassins for over 800 years by kidnapping children as new recruits. Complete submission to the Grand Master was demanded, disobedience not tolerated. Two of its assassins are en route to a warehouse to take part in the Lin Kuei Grand Master's new "Cyber Initiative:" Cyrax, against his will, is convinced they are headed for death; and Sektor, believing that the new initiative is the future of the clan. Inside the warehouse, doctors watch alongside the Grand Master and a pre-cybernetic Kano as two henchmen approach Cyrax and Sektor. The assassins easily account for the henchmen, revealed to be digital projections of robots. Cyrax vents his frustration by removing the robot's head and throwing it at a security camera. The Grand Master gives the command to begin Phase One.

Unit LK-4D4 (Cyrax) and Unit LK-9T9 (Sektor) are strapped down, electrical wires and grease protruding from dissections in their bodies. Developments in speed and outer casing advancements precede weaponization and emotional recalibration, a procedure to maintain the subjects' memories while severing emotional connections to them, preventing visceral responses in favor of cerebral ones. Cyrax continues to struggle, displaying anger and discomfort.

By far the most advanced of the cybernetic models to date, the ninjas are outfitted with their robotic casings ready for Phase Two: a practical test against a previous model, Unit LK-1V1. Unit LK-1V1, Project Hydro, is initialized alongside Project Cyrax and Project Sektor as the doctors observe. During the fight, Hydro manages to overpower his more advanced counterparts. When working together, however, Cyrax and Sektor disengage Hydro. Cyrax, previously showing the most resistance to the cybernetic automation, is the one to initiate a merciless fatality by decapitating Hydro and the human within. Project Sektor and Project Cyrax are complete and the Grand Master gives the command to begin automating the entire clan.

Season 2: Mortal Kombat: Legacy II[]

Season 2 follows a single storyline that sees several returning characters from Season 1 and new characters introduced in this Season face off in the Mortal Kombat tournament hosted by Shang Tsung.

Episode 1: Liu Kang and Kung Lao Reunite in Macau[]

A man in a Macau bar drunkenly belts out a rendition of "Motherless Child" on the karaoke stage. Liu Kang watches with blurred vision from his seat, continuously taking shots. A group of ruffians enter the bar, encouraging one of their members to perform a song. He begins to confidently sing Frankie Goes To Hollywood's hit "Relax," but Liu rips the mic from his hands, demanding he doesn't sing the song. The man sucker punches Liu and in return the Earthrealm champion throws him across the bar, shattering a wall of liquor bottles. This inspires the group to brandish weapons and come at Liu. He knocks down all but one of member of their group, who proceeds to pin him to the pool table and beat his face mercilessly. Liu seems to relish in the pain. The bar's door opens, revealing the silhouette of a man wearing a wide-brimmed hat. It is Kung Lao, who ends the brutality by knocking over the attacker with a quick throw of his hat. Liu's first words upon seeing his longtime friend and the man who just saved his life? "Fuck you."

Lao escorts a bloodied Liu down an alleyway. In his drunken stupor, Liu falls into a pile of trash and spits on Lao's hand as he attempts to help him up. Lao inquires as to why he is back in the city and explains he was hoping Liu came to make peace with him on the eve of the Mortal Kombat tournament. Liu mocks Lao, implying he wants to apologize only to clear his guilty conscience for "abandoning" him. Lao clarifies he has no intention to apologize, stating it was Liu's decision to leave the temple and pursue a woman, the consequences of which are his alone to bear. Liu derides Earthrealmers as "ungrateful animals" for which he "risked his life" and tells Lao to leave, punching him in the face to get his message across. Lao leaves, bloodied and heavyhearted. Liu fishes out a flask from his pocket and watches the man he once considered a brother slip into the night.

Episode 2: The Cause of Liu Kang's Fall is Revealed[]

We flash back 10 years, the song "Relax" by Frankie Goes To Hollywood is playing over the speakers at a homely diner. A server, Mollee, is helping customers and bussing tables. Liu can be heard loudly singing along to the song from the kitchen, much to the dismay of Mollee's dad (who is also the owner of the restaurant). Mollee makes her way to Liu's post at the dishpit and the two embrace. Liu produces a ring from his apron pocket and asks when they should tell her dad about their engagement; they agree to talk to him tonight. Mollee leaves with a parting kiss. Mere seconds later, two armed gunmen rush into the diner and demand money from the register. Liu rushes to the front but is powerless to stop the events unfolding. One of the robbers grabs Mollee and points his pistol at her head. The screen cuts to black and a gunshot resounds.

In the present day, Lao sits at the head of a group of chanting monks. There are three pairs of burning incense upon his head, a traditional ordination practice of some Buddhist sects.[1] Newly branded, Lao makes his way into a Macau alley and begins chanting. Objects around him begin floating, awaking a man in the alley who is sleeping in a cardboard box. Lao disappears in a puff of smoke and the objects come crashing down. Shocked by the mystical event, the houseless man takes a swig of his alcoholic beverage.

Lao reappears on the rocky shore of Shang Tsung's Island alongside Kurtis Stryker, Johnny Cage, Sub-Zero, and the blind swordsman Kenshi. Raiden welcomes them to the tournament. Elsewhere on the island, Kitana, Mileena, Ermac, and Scorpion materialize. Shockingly, Liu Kang then appears with Outworld's fighters. Shang Tsung looks upon his kombatants and proclaims, "It has begun."

Episode 3: Kenshi's Origin Story Begins[]

Earthrealm's kombatants are huddled around a campfire as Raiden reflects on the stakes of Mortal Kombat. Earthrealm must prove victorious in the tournament to stop Outworld Emperor Shao Kahn's impending invasion. Raiden explains that each of the fighters called to defend Earthrealm have innate abilities which are enhanced by being on Shang Tsung's magical island: Cage's natural speed will be "even more powerful," Kenshi's heightened senses will become "superhuman," and Kung Lao's "ability to use the elements to [his] advantage" is noted by Raiden. Sub-Zero interrupts the meeting by putting out the fire with an ice blast and says there's no time to waste.

Kenshi leans back, flashing back to the year 1199 in feudal Japan. A group of bandits is beating an old man and robbing his cart of wares. A young, sighted Kenshi working as a ronin approaches the scene. The bandits demand Kenshi pay a toll or be killed. In response, he chucks an apple core their direction, enraging them. The three bandits rush him with swords drawn but are cut down effortlessly by the ronin.

The old man reveals himself to be a mystic and offers information on a legendary weapon as payment for saving his life. He describes the Sword of Sento, a blade forged by Shao Kahn that can harness the power of the sun. The weapon is hidden in a mountain and is guarded by Ermac, who absorbs the souls of warriors that attempt to claim it. The mystic describes Ermac as a demon in possession of thousands of souls who can only be killed by being stabbed through his "heart of stone."

Kenshi seeks out the blade and finds its mountain-hideaway. The episode ends with Ermac delivering his iconic line: "We are many. You are one."

Episode 4: Kenshi Encounters Ermac in Past and Present[]

In the year 1199, Kenshi enters the cave of the guarded Sento sword. He finds it lodged in a stone pillar. Ermac challenges the warrior and materializes behind him. An explosion rocks the cave, blinding Kenshi.

Flash forward to the present, a blindfolded Kenshi roams the island alone. He uses all of his senses to track something in the distance. He plants his blade (now seen to be the Sword of Sento) into the ground to fixate on the vibrations of his target. Kenshi once again finds Ermac, who wishes to reclaim his sword. Once again, Ermac materializes behind him, but this time he is prepared and the two begin to brawl. Ermac disarms him and tosses the legendary sword aside, forcing Kenshi into his Tai Chi stance. As Ermac begins to overpower him, Kenshi inadvertently releases a psychokinetic blast, sending the demon flying back. Ermac begins to choke Kenshi with a snake-like soul tendril, but the swordsman uses his newfound telekinetic ability to retrieve his sword and send it flying through Ermac's chest, pinning his heart to the tree behind him. A narrator announces, "Fatality!"

Episode 5: Kitana and Mileena Arrive at the Tournament[]

A narrated flashback sequence explains the circumstances of Kitana and Mileena's presence at the tournament: Kitana was the newborn princess of Edenia when Shao Kahn invaded. Edenia's king, Jerrod, escapes but the princess is left behind — Shao takes her and raises her as his daughter alongside her twin sister Mileena. Kitana believes the Kahn is her father until he sends her on a mission to assassinate Jerrod, during which he reveals her true lineage.

In the present, Mileena enters Kitana's chambers to see she has yet to prepare for the Mortal Kombat tournament. Jerrod's revelation is weighing heavy on her mind; Mileena picks up on her mood and claims that Kitana has inherited their mother's "weakness." She continues to criticize Kitana for dwelling on the fate of their mother despite being given the great honor of fighting of Shao's empire. Kitana retorts that there is no honor in the kind of indiscriminate killing that Mileena partakes in. Mileena then wonders aloud if her twin sister has "even an ounce of Tarkatan blood" in her. Kitana remarks that she's fortunate to have avoided the Tarkatan "curse." Mileena growls angrily but restrains herself and demands Kitana prepare to leave.

The two arrive at the island and immediately hear sounds of fighting. They run towards the action to find Kenshi and Ermac dueling. Meanwhile, Johnny Cage has also been drawn to the scene of the fight. He mistakenly draws the attention of the Outworld princesses. Mileena knocks off Cage's sunglasses with well-placed sai throw and rushes towards him with her Tarkaten teeth fully bared. Cage bursts into a mad sprint to escape.

Episode 6: Johnny Cage is Recruited[]

One week before the tournament, Johnny Cage gets arrested for starting a fight at the premiere of a Chuck Norris film. As Johnny sits in a holding cell, the world around him freezes as it did when Shang Tsung approached him in the previous season. Cage believes he is hallucinating and that the both the sorcerer and the thunder god are figments of his imagination. Raiden assures him both are real and promises to leave the actor alone if he hears his proposal.

In the present, Cage is running through the woods to escape Mileena. She catches up and the two trade blows as Cage narrowly avoids her sai. Mileena grabs Cage by the neck and slams him against a tree, holding him in place with a sai lodged in his chest. She commands Kitana to "finish him" but she refuses. The Edenian declares her true lineage and vows never again to kill in Shao Kahn's name. Mileena prepares to kill Cage and jams her sai deeper but is knocked down by one of Kitana's bladed fans. The sisters begin to duel, each showing a mastery of their respective weapons. Mileena overpowers Kitana and knocks her the ground. She keeps Kitana grounded by stepping on her and muses about the situation. Suddenly, Johnny Cage stabs her in the foot with one of her own sai. Kitana utilizes the distractions and jumps back on her feet, pulls her fan back and decapitates her Tarkatan twin. Cage makes his escape while Kitana deals with the gravity of the events. The narrator announces, "Fatality."

Episode 7: Scorpion and Sub-Zero Form a Truce[]

Sometime in feudal Japan, a young boy clad in blue stalks along a hayfield with a wooden sword in hand. He becomes distracted as a flock of birds take off across the beautiful landscape. A young Hanzo Hasashi, clad in yellow, uses the opportunity to rush the boy. Hanzo exclaims, "I got you, Bi-Han!" and the two begin to spar. Bi-Han's younger brother Kuai Liang comes running with important news to share. The older boys dismiss him before he has a chance to speak and tell him to go home. They continue their duel but are stopped in their tracks. Their fathers, each with a pair of guards, have arrived. Hanzo's father commands him to "get over here" and the group leave. Bi-Han's father chastises him. He reminds him: "Clan Lin Kuei does not associate with Shirai Ryu dogs." Bi-Han insists that they are friends but his father tells him that Shirai Ryu are not to be trusted. Bi-Han struggles to understand why and his father is unable to give an explanation: "Because that is the way it is." His father then remarks, "When you're my age, you'll see the world differently."

Twenty years later, an adult Hanzo is on a leisurely walk along a trail with his wife and son, Kana and Jubei. Hanzo allows Jubei to run ahead, but when they catch up with him, he is being held by three Lin Kuei. Their leader is Kuai Liang, who demands to know what Hanzo is doing on Lin Kuei land. Hanzo asserts that the shogun declared this land to be neutral. He threatens to speak to Bi-Han about this incident if he refuses to let the Hasashis pass. The mere mention of his older brother's name incenses Kuai Liang. He releases Jubei and the Lin Kuei draw swords on Hanzo. Kana shields Jubei's eyes as his father takes on the rival clan members.

Later, Hanzo and Bi-Han reunite in the field they played together in. Bi-Han expresses regret over the continuation of the clan's storied rivalry. In return, Hanzo offers condolences for the death of Kuai Liang. Bi-Han, on the verge of tears, reflects on the ostentatious nature of his younger brother and apologizes for his actions. The old friends agree that the ancient rivalry between the Shirai Ryu and the Lin Kuei is senseless. Bi-Han promises that there will be no retaliation for the death of Kuai Liang: "May this blood be the last blood spilled between us." The two shake hands, guaranteeing peace between the clans for the first time in generations.

Episode 8: Scorpion and Sub-Zero Battle[]

Bi-Han is awoken and told of the slaughter of the Shirai Ryu and Hanzo Hasashi's family. Bi-Han, horrified their historic truce has been broken, reprimands a group of Lin Kuei he believes is responsible and demands an explanation. The group drops to their knees and swear their innocence. Bi-Han is certain they are lying and raises his sword against them until an the old mystic Onmyoji steps in. The mystic claims they are telling the truth and that the true explanation is "mystical in nature."

Elsewhere, Hanzo — newly resurrected as Scorpion — meditates in a forest and reflects on Bi-Han's betrayal.

Onmyoji relays to Bi-Han a warning he received from an oni about the sorcerer Shang Tsung. He channels the oni and shows Bi-Han the true circumstances of Hanzo's death, including Quan Chi's impersonation of him.

In the present day, Scorpion and Bi-Han meet again during the Mortal Kombat tournament. This time, both are fully suited in combat gear. Scorpion is the embodiment of Hanzo's anger; his eyes glow white and his clothes are scorched by hellfire. He puts up a fight but Bi-Han is no match for the vengeance-fueled specter; his blows are countered with ease and his ice balls can be quickly dodged with Scorpion's newfound ability to teleport. Scorpion spears Bi-Han's foot with his kunai and drags him across the battlefield, then vanishes. Badly injured, Bi-Han calls out to his his former friend and attempts to explain Quan Chi's deception. Scorpion reappears behind him and impales him with his kunai, then rips his head from his body, spine still attached.

The narrator announces, "Fatality!"

Episode 9: Liu Kang is Approached to Fight for Outworld[]

Two weeks before the tournament, a Russian mobster arrives at a motel room. He enters to see a man sitting at a desk with his back turned to him. He expresses disappointment over a botched deal before promptly shooting him in the head. He walks over to his victim, and to his surprise, realizes his throat had already been cut. The door opens and a hooded Liu Kang enters behind him. The screen fades to black.

Later that night, Liu eats alone at an upscale restaurant. Shang Tsung approaches and seats himself at the table. Liu initially doesn't recognize him, but upon examining his face closer realizes the true identity of his uninvited guest. Liu Kang acknowledges the shapeshifter's changed appearance and recalls beheading him at the last tournament. Shang tells Liu that he wishes for the former champion to fight for Outworld. He refuses immediately, but Shang persists, calling into question Liu's changing morality since the death of Mollee: "Let's face it, you're a killer for hire." Shang assures him he would be paid handsomely, but Liu again insists that he won't be swayed to fight against Earthrealm. Shang reveals he knew that money would not sway him, but what would is revenge: "You fought for [Earthrealmers]...and how did they repay you? They murdered the one you loved. And when you sought righteous vengeance, Kung Lao...banished you." He elaborates that Earthrealm must be cleansed of criminals and evildoers and not protected by the naïve ideals of Kung Lao and the White Lotus. This time, Liu does not rebut.

Episode 10: Liu Kang and Kung Lao Meet on the Battlefield[]

Ten years before the tournament, Kung Lao trains in a Shaolin temple. He shows a mastery over hand-to-hand kung fu as well as the staff and dao sword. Liu Kang, dripping in blood, interrupts Lao's training and informs him that Mollee is dead. Lao admits he heard news of her demise but kept his distance out of fear of worsening the situation. Lao begins to put the pieces together and asks why Liu is covered in blood. He responds that he delivered karma onto her murderers. This shocks and upsets Lao, who attempts to appeal to Liu's past as Earthrealm's protectors. Liu renounces his past and says he "protected filth that didn't deserve to live." Lao tells him that his abandonment of Sīla (the Buddhist code of ethics) deems him unwelcome in the White Lotus and orders him to leave. Liu grabs Lao's arm as he leaves and begs the monk for compassion. Lao shakes him off and keeps walking.

In the present, Kurtis Stryker and Johnny Cage cross paths after the latter's fight with Mileena. Stryker tends to his wounds and puts his arm in a sling. Cage recounts his brawl with the Tarkatan and describes Kitana's betrayal. Their moment of peace is soon interrupted by Liu Kang who begins chucking fireballs at them. Liu recognizes Cage and the two banter about his failed career. Despite his injuries, Cage refuses to back down from the fight. He lands a few blows but is ultimately kicked out of the air as he attempts to perform a flashy spin-kick move. Liu pounds him into the dirt and gears up to scorch him with fire. Stryker manages to land a taser shot on him and the former champion falls to his knees. This doesn't hold him for long, however. Liu powers through the electrocution and rips the barbs out of his skin. Stryker draws his sidearm but Liu manages to close the distance before he can make use of it. He wrestles the gun out of Stryker's hand and pistol-whips him with it multiple times. He aims the gun to fire a lethal shot but is stopped as Kung Lao's hat knocks the weapon from his hand.

Lao is shocked to see Liu fighting for Outworld. They once again argue whether Earthrealmers are worthy to be protected. Liu accuses him of being a hypocrite for accepting humanity's flaws but turning his back on Liu's. Lao declares: "I am not going to fight you." Liu responds: "Then you will die."


For all episodes in full, go here.

  1. Yu-Chieh Yang (2016-06-10). Burning Ordination Scars. Retrieved on 2021-05-14.