Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

An infant Bajoran is found in Quark's and several residents look after it; a Starfleet captain arrives to inspect the crew.


Quark is counting his profits at the end of the day. He isn't looking forward to an upcoming Federation inspection, but considers that the inspector might be able to be bribed to overlook issues in the bar. Quark goes to lock up, but finds a baby Bajoran in the bar. Taking the baby to his quarters, he tries to get the baby to sleep. This fails, as do Quark's attempts at feeding the baby and changing its diaper. The next morning, Quark passes the baby to Odo.

Odo uses his shapeshifting abilities to change his hands into rattles to keep the baby amused, but after several hours has to revert to his natural state. Odo passes the baby to Sisko. Sisko tries to get Jake to babysit, but Jake has to go to school. Caring for the baby reminds Sisko of when Jake was a baby. Sisko passes the baby to Dax and goes to meet the inspector.

Dax takes the baby to Ops and Bashir brings a bottle of replicated breast milk, which contents the baby for a short time. Dax passes the baby to Kira, who sings it a lullaby. The baby drifts off to sleep, until O'Brien wakes it up. Kira passes the baby to O'Brien, but as the inspection is still going on, O'Brien takes the baby to Keiko. Molly thinks she has a new baby sister.

In Ops, Captain Farrell is questioning Sisko on why he and his crew are so tired. Keiko enters with the baby and Farrell realizes that the crew are tired from looking after the baby. The baby's mother is reunited with her daughter.



Julian Bashir • Jadzia Dax • Farrell • Kira Nerys • Keiko O'Brien • Miles O'Brien • Keiko O'Brien • Molly O'Brien • Odo • Quark • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Jennifer Sisko • Zyra
Referenced only
Nog • Rom


Deep Space 9 • Operations center • Quark's

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Trill
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Starfleet • Starfleet Inspector General Office • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

credit • dabo • Daedalus-class starship model • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • latinum • lullaby • replicator • Starfleet uniform (2350s-2366) • Starfleet uniform (2360s-2373) • Thorillian fever


Background information[]

  • The original comic included an article on the Trill race by Mark A. Altman and featured comments by Terry Farrell on Jadzia and the Trill.

External link[]


published order
Previous comic:
A Short Fuse
DS9 comics
Malibu monthly series
Next comic:
chronological order