Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"A Short Fuse" is a DS9 comic story where Jake Sisko and Nog search for a bomb aboard Deep Space 9.


Jake and Nog are sitting in their usual spot on the Promenade upper level, imagining stopping a Cardassian invasion of the station, when they notice that Odo passes them by without moving them on. When they enquire, Odo tells them that a Bajoran radical group has claimed to have planted a bomb on the station. Odo is searching for the bomb quietly, and warns the boys to say nothing. Jake offers to help, but Odo tells him to only keep a watch out for anything suspicious and report to him. Nog suggests to Jake that they could ask his uncle Quark.

Sisko and Kira are in Quark's to have Quark shut the bar down. When Nog asks him if there really is a bomb, Quark shouts that there is no bomb. His customers hear this and panic, running out of the bar.

Sisko orders Jake back to his quarters, but Jake instead takes Nog to search for the bomb. During their search, the two boys talk about their mothers. Jake wonders what his life would be like if his mother was still alive. Nog admits his misses his mother too. They meet Bashir, who tries to stop them but the boys elude him.

The boys begin searching a cargo bay, hoping to find the bomb and be heroes. Nog finds a device which they quickly take to Ops, where Dax transports it off the station. It turns out that the device was O'Brien's new subspace field analyzer and he angrily chases after the boys. Odo meanwhile has located the bomb, and life returns to normal.



Julian Bashir • Jadzia Dax • Kira Nerys • Morn • Nog • Miles O'Brien • Odo • Quark • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko
Referenced only
Jean-Luc Picard • Prinadora • Rom • Jennifer Sisko


Bajoran wormhole • Deep Space 9 • Promenade • Quark's

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bajoran • Bolian • Ferengi • Human • Lurian • Trill • Wadi
Referenced only


Referenced only
Borg cube • USS Enterprise • USS Saratoga

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

Battle of Wolf 359 • subspace field analyzer


Related stories[]

  • Jake recalls the Borg attack on the Saratoga and the death of his mother as seen in "Emissary".


published order
Previous comic:
DS9 comics
Malibu monthly series
Next comic:
Baby on Board
chronological order

External link[]
