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The Uzuri Tribe is an African community that has inhabited a village in Kenya for centuries. Situated in the Great Rift Valley on the Serengeti Plain, the Uzuri people have a rich cultural heritage deeply intertwined with the weather and their natural surroundings. It is home to Storm, of the X-Men, whose extraordinary Mutant ability to manipulate the weather has elevated her to a revered status akin to that of a Goddess among her people.



The Uzuri people are an African community that have inhabited Kenya for centuries. For generations, the Uzuri Tribe has thrived as a vibrant African community nestled within the heart of Kenya. Their ancestral home lies along the captivating landscapes of the Great Rift Valley, amidst the sprawling Serengeti Plain. The Uzuri people boast a profound cultural legacy, intricately woven with the rhythms of nature and the nuances of weather. Among them exists a revered lineage of African priestesses, whose lineage traces back to antiquity. Marked by distinctive traits such as white hair and piercing blue eyes, these priestesses are custodians of mystical powers, capable of wielding magic in profound ways.[1]

20th century[]

N'Daré, was the princess of the Uzuri people who married the American photojournalist, David Munroe, and moved with him to Manhattan, where Ororo Munroe was born. After losing her parents in Egypt as a young child she made her way to her ancestors' homeland. Ororo was taken in by an elderly tribal woman named Ainet Mwangi, who taught her to be responsible with her powers. Ororo soon came to be the object of worship of the local tribes, who believed her to be a goddess due to her gift.[2]

Once, when their village was going through a terrible drought, Storm commanded rain for days just to help them. By doing this, she threw off the natural order of nature, and droughts were formed over numerous other villages, and hundreds of animals were killed. Sensing the damage she had done, Ainet told Storm of her kind but an ill thought out gesture, and of the damage she caused. Ainet took this opportunity to explain to Ororo how her powers worked with nature, and how she could fix the problem by properly distributing rain.[1]

12-year-old Ororo saved a young T'Challa from a beating by racist thugs in Kenya. Storm and the Black Panther team up and defeat the villain and then go their separate ways.[3]

Overtime Storm began to question her role as a weather goddess in Kenya.[4]

Modern Age[]

Deluge attempted to flood her village when he was confronted by young Storm. The young X-Men; Cyclops, Jean Grey and Beast. She and her people saved them after a crash and team up with Storm to stop Deluge. Jean and Beast forced him to absorb an excess of energy from Cyclops' optic blasts, causing him to overload and explode.[5]

Professor Charles Xavier offered Storm a place among the X-Men, hoping she would accept. She agreed, marking the start of her journey as a superhero dedicated to protecting both mutants and humans.[6]

After losing powers, Storm returned her native Kenya after a long journey. She stopped at a local diner and comes across Andre von Strucker trying to force the woman working the bar to have sex with him. When Storm attempts to intervene, a fight breaks out, and Storm easily defeats Andre, his twin sister Andreas and their hired men and orders them to go at gunpoint. After they leave, the woman working the bar realizes that it is Ororo, and begins to bow at her feet thanking her "weather goddess" for her return. Storm accepts this wearily, knowing that she was never a goddess but a mutant, but is now stripped of her powers.[7] Storm was stripped of her mutant powers and fell into deep depression. A brilliant inventor named Forge came to her rescue and nursed her back to health, showing her that she is so much more than her superhuman abilities. And a romance blossomed between them.[8]

T'Challa took Ororo Munroe back to her homeland of Kenya. It is there he asked her to marry him. However the are attacked by the Arabian Knight and the Kenyan Military. They escaped back to Wakanaa where she agreed to become his queen.[9]

The X-Men traveled to Turkana, Kenya to find Storm and got caught off guard by a group of militias. They are forced to battle Colonel Shetani and his men in a race against time to find an injured Storm. They find her and able to treat her injuries taking out the colonel in the process. They then went to the Great Rift Valley in north west Kenya to meet with Storm's tribe.[2]

The Shadow King infiltrated the Uzuri tribe, assuming the guise of the spider god Anansi and instilling dread in their hearts. Seizing control of Ainet, he ensnared her psyche while commandeering her physical form. Prompted by a distressing missive from Ainet, Storm journeyed back to her homeland, only to find her village ensnared in shadowy machinations. Ainet, seemingly possessed by the deity Ananasi, dragged the X-Men into the Astral Plane, where a fierce battle erupted between Psylocke, Storm, and the insidious entity. Despite Ainet's attempts to aid them, the Shadow King's revelation shattered the illusion. In the psychic plane, Psylocke and Ainet joined forces to locate Storm, offering solace amid her despair and absolving her of blame. Meanwhile, Storm and Ainet rallied to rescue their comrades from the Shadow King's clutches. As Psylocke engaged the malevolent force, unity prevailed, forcing each psyche back into its corporeal vessel. With the Shadow King vanquished, Ainet extended a comforting hand to Psylocke, acknowledging the weight of her loss.[10]

However, her departure caused a rift in the tribe, and a new religion that worshipped the dark god Uovu emerged. Ainet was killed by Uovu's followers for refusing to denounce Ororo as a goddess. Her prayers that Ororo was granted the power of divinity resulted in the summoning of the Asgardian hammer Stormcaster to her adopted daughter's side. Due to the area's limited communications, news of Ainet's death didn't reach Storm until a month afterward.As soon as she learned of Ainet's passing, Ororo traveled to Uzuri to pay respects.[11] She became wary of Uovu and eventually discovered that he kept in a secret catacomb the bodies of almost a hundred of people his worshippers had killed over the years. When Ororo confronted Uovu about this discovery, he reanimated the bodies under his command, including Ainet.[12] Following Uovu's destruction, the undead were freed from his control and vanished afterward. Before turning to dust, Ainet comforted Ororo about her feelings of guilt and the belief that she had left behind the village when she joined the X-Men, assuring Ororo that she didn't abandon Uzuri, but rather gave herself to the world.[13]

See Also

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