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Marvel Database


Ainet Mwangi was a village priestess living in Uzuri, Kenya. She took in a young Ororo Munroe, a mutant who had first displayed her ability to control the weather.

Once, when their village was going through a terrible drought, Storm commanded rain for days just to help them. By doing this, she threw off the natural order of nature, and droughts were formed over numerous other villages, and hundreds of animals were killed. Sensing the damage she had done, Ainet told Storm of her kind but an ill thought out gesture, and of the damage she caused. Ainet took this opportunity to explain to Ororo how her powers worked with nature, and how she could fix the problem by properly distributing rain.[2]

The people of Uzuri started worshipping Ororo as a goddess. However, her departure caused a rift in the community, and a new religion that worshipped the dark god Uovu emerged. Ainet was killed by Uovu's followers for refusing to denounce Ororo as a goddess. Her prayers that Ororo was granted the power of divinity resulted in the summoning of the Asgardian hammer Stormcaster to her adopted daughter's side. Due to the area's limited communications, news of Ainet's death didn't reach Storm until a month afterward.

As soon as she learned of Ainet's passing, Ororo traveled to Uzuri to pay respects.[1] She became wary of Uovu and eventually discovered that he kept in a secret catacomb the bodies of almost a hundred of people his worshippers had killed over the years. When Ororo confronted Uovu about this discovery, he reanimated the bodies under his command, including Ainet.[3] Following Uovu's destruction, the undead were freed from his control and vanished afterward. Before turning to dust, Ainet comforted Ororo about her feelings of guilt and the belief that she had left behind the village when she joined the X-Men, assuring Ororo that she didn't abandon Uzuri, but rather gave herself to the world.[4]



Ainet has some powers as a magician. She had demonstrated the ability to animate objects.[2]


Presumably knowledge in magic and spells.[2]

See Also

Links and References

