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Marvel Database

Quote1 Listen. Where you're going? Tell your friends. Tell everyone you meet. You tell them all. When you see me coming? Run. Quote2
Mr. Knight

Appearing in "Scarlet"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Unnamed gangsters (Only appearance; die)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Scarlet"

Mr. Knight rolls up to an abandoned hotel. He is here to rescue a young girl who has been abducted. Entering the spacious reception area, Mr. Knight can make out several gangsters on all floors. One by one, he attacks and beats the gangsters guarding the girl, working his way up through the floors.

On the fifth floor, he finds the girl with a gun to her head. Mr. Knight convinces the gangster that he can't be killed and that the girl is the only thing keeping him alive. Reluctantly, the guard surrenders his gun and gets knocked out by Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight reassures the girl and notifies the police. He then goes after the final gangster who fled to the roof. Mr. Knight calls on his Angel Wing who knocks the man down, leaving a broken, bloody mess for Mr. Knight.

Solicit Synopsis

• An abandoned hotel in New York contains a single abductee and upwards of twenty armed mob enforcers. Moon Knight is going to go inside and rescue the abductee. Alone.

• Every issue has sold out! Go ahead and up your orders so your readers don’t miss out!


See Also

Links and References

