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Marvel Database

Dr. SkeltonQuote1 Look, Peter never disclosed exactly what you did together. But I know you're not precisely qualified to study somnological subjects. Quote2
Marc Spector (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 7 1 001
Mr. Knight
Quote1 I am. I am precisely qualified. Dreamers are people who travel at night. That is my specialist subject. Quote2

Appearing in "Sleep"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Skelton's first patient (First appearance)


Other Characters:

Races and Species:




Synopsis for "Sleep"

Mr. Knight is contacted by Dr. Skelton, a former collegue of Dr. Peter Alraune. Dr. Skelton is studying the dream state and explains that all of his patients are having the same dream. They visit the doctor's facility where Mr. Knight decides to stay the night in the small spare room. Dr. Skelton is concerned about Mr Knight's approach and sanity, but agrees to stay and monitor from his office. Alone, Mr. Knight asks Khonshu to put him to sleep.

Mr. Knight falls through a floor of fungi into a vivid dreamscape filled with mushrooms and overgrown skeletons. Falling further, he transforms into Moon Knight, sees a giant brain and has to fight off plant beings. Moon Knight discovers the ghostly figure of one of Dr. Skelton's patients. He is trapped inside his own nightmare, unable to leave, wake up, or die. Moon Knight escapes and Mr. Knight wakes up in the room. Angrily, he confronts Dr. Skelton and drags him to the small room. There, he rips up the floor boards to reveal a decomposing body, overgrowing with mushrooms. Dr. Skelton is devastated and admits that this was one of his first test subjects who had a fungal infection in his brain and died in the dreamstate.

Solicit Synopsis

• Moon Knight goes somewhere even more messed up than his own mind.

• Something is happening to the subjects of a sleep experiment that’s driving them all insane.

• Go with Moon Knight to the Mushroom graveyard planet for the most troubling and disturbing issue yet!

See Also

Links and References

