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Marvel Database

Quote1 Let me tell you a thing about me. People who love me suffer and die. I never want to be loved. That's why I always win. Quote2
Mr. Knight

Appearing in "Spectre"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)




Synopsis for "Spectre"

In the alleyway from Moon Knight Vol 7 1, Officer Ryan Trent feels mocked and under appreciated by Detective Flint and Mr. Knight. Always having been told he's not ambitious enough, Ryan does some research into Moon Knight. He comes across a file about Black Spectre. Motivated by his hatred of Moon Knight, Ryan trains and builds darts. He looks up Marlene and Frenchie to question them, but neither of them has been in touch with Moon Knight recently. It seems he is working alone.

Ryan becomes inspired to replace Moon Knight as the city's hero by becoming a new, improved Black Spectre. He tells his plan to his wife who becomes annoyed, but since Moon Knight works alone, Ryan kills her. In the city, he manages to blow up Moon Knight's car but is attacked by Mr. Knight as he swoops down on Angel Wing. In the ensuing fight, Ryan's final bomb explodes and takes him down. Identifying himself as Black Spectre, Mr. Knight explains to Ryan that the difference between him and Black Spectre is that Black Spectre just wanted to be loved. Because everyone who loves Moon Knight dies, he never wants to be loved. With that, he walks away, leaving Ryan behind.

Solicit Synopsis

• A threat from the first issue is back to cause problems for Moon Knight!

• This mysterious person is the new BLACK SPECTRE and it doesn't mean anything good for the protector of night travelers.

• Don't miss the conclusion of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.


  • This issue contains a four-page preview for the next issue.

See Also

Links and References

