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Marc Spector (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 7 1 001
Mr. Knight
Quote1 Officer, I appreciate your perspective. But I'm talking about going underground into the hideout of a highly trained killer, which will be where he keeps all his weapons. I'd prefer to do that part for you. Quote2
NYPD OfficerQuote1 You're crazy. Quote2
Marc Spector (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 7 1 001
Mr. Knight
Quote1 It's been said. Quote2
NYPD OfficerQuote1 Also, I hate to be the one to point this out, but wearing a white suit... He's kinda going to see you coming. Quote2
Marc Spector (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 7 1 001
Mr. Knight
Quote1 That's the part I like. Quote2

Appearing in "Slasher"

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Synopsis for "Slasher"

Moon Knight is back in New York helping out the police with weird cases. He arrives at an alley crime scene in his self-driving limo wearing a white suit. Detective Flint introduces him as 'Mr. Knight' so that he may pretend this is not a dangerous vigilante. The victim was killed by a slasher who Mr. Knight profiles to be a strong man who is highly trained, but wounded and taking pieces from the bodies. He guesses the killer to be hiding in the tunnels under Manhattan and goes to investigate. Under the sewers, he finds an abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. base inhabited by a mutilated figure. Claiming he just wants to talk, Mr. Knight tosses away one of his crescent darts. The man used to be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who got heavily injured in an explosion and subsequently kicked out of the agency. The doctors were unwilling to do whatever it took to fix him, so he started fixing himself by using dangerous machinery and killing strong and healthy people for spare parts. The slasher moves to attack Mr. Knight, but the dart he threw earlier is stuck in an electrical box in his body, already weakening him. Disapproving of the slasher's overall behaviour and attitude, as the slasher aims his gun at him, Mr. Knight blocks the shot, reflecting the bullet back at the slasher, killing him.

Before moving back to New York, Marc Spector had checked himself into a psychiatric clinic in the mountains. His doctor believes that, in fact, he does not have dissociative identity disorder and can't get it simply by pretending to be other people. She mentions Khonshu's four personalities and concludes that Marc has brain damage. As Marc spirales into a nightmare, she goes on explaining her theory. As he was raised from the dead, his brain was colonoized by an ancient consciousness from beyond space-time and his disctinct personalities and the voices in his head are his brain's way of coping.

Arriving back at his abandoned mansion, Marc takes off the Mr. Knight mask and stares pensively into the room. He sees his alters Steven, Jake, and the cobwebbed figure of Khonshu telling him "You are my son".

Solicit Synopsis

Marc Spector is Moon Knight!...Or is he? It’s hard to tell these days, especially when New York’s wildest vigilante protects the street with two-fisted justice and three—that’s right, count ‘em—different personalities! But even with the mystical force of Khonshu fueling his crusade, how does the night’s greatest detective save a city that’s as twisted as he is? The road to victory is going to hurt. A lot. Marvel’s most mind-bending adventure begins NOW as Moon Knight sleuths his way to the rotten core of New York’s most bizarre mysteries!


See Also

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