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G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 #3 - Devil's Due - Feb 2006


  • Writer - Andrew Dabb
  • Pencils - Chris Lie
  • Inks - Ramanda Kamarga
  • Colors - Ruffs
  • Letters - Brian J. Crowley
  • Editor - Mike O'Sullivan, Mark Powers


Tunnel Rat is captured by Overkill. Now he must escape and face Overkill and his B.A.T.s without his Sigma suit.

Previews World Blurb[]

(W) Andrew Dabb (CA) Jeremy P. Roberts (A/CA) Chris Lie

by Andrew Dabb & Chris Lie
Based on the hit animated series! Tunnel Rat takes center stage! Everyone's favorite bug-eating, self-talking, tunnel-crawling nature lover comes up against the ultimate in evil technology: Overkill and his army of Battle Android Troopers! The worst part? Tunnel Rat is alone, and without his Sigma Suit, in the middle of Siberia! How's he going get out of this one?!

Longer Synopsis[]

The story begins with Tunnel Rat captured in a facility full of B.A.T.s. Four days ago, Tunnel Rat found half a million of Overaker-Mayle 9000 springs, one of the key components used to make robotic limbs being shipped to Vladivostok, Russia, then put on a railroad car heading north, and he suspects there could be Overkill's main B.A.T. factory, despite Hi-Tech dismissing the idea. Three days later, in Siberia, Tunnel Rat arrives with a dog sled, investigates and finds B.A.T. footprints that will lead him to the factory. When he finds it, Tunnel Rat realises why the G.I. Joe's ifrared satellites couldn't find the factory; it's built inside a glacier. When he's about to call the Joe headquarters, a bunch of B.A.T.s ambush him.

Back to the present, Overkill decides not to tell Cobra Commander about the prisoner, since the Commander would interrogate him for days until he escapes or a rescue team arrives. Overkill decides to dissect Tunnel Rat instead. However, Tunnel Rat is already escaping, using the Overaker-Mayle spring to open an air vent and sneaking into the ventilation system, but he falls and is surrounded by some B.A.T.s, who shoot each other trying to shoot Tunnel Rat. Tunnel Rat goes to the storage for B.A.T. heads and captured weapons, and the storaged heads begin to shout "Alarm!" which brings more B.A.T.s there, but it's too late; Tunnel Rat has recovered his equipment. Tunnel Rat makes some B.A.T.s explode and evades others, but he goes straight into the dissection room, where Overkill is awaiting for him. Tunnel Rat jumps throught a window, so Overkill rides a mech to finish him. Tunnel Rat fires some missiles to the glacier, which causes an avalanche that buries Overkill and the factory.

Featured Characters[]




  • sled dogs


  • "I want all the secrets of G.I. Joe... even if I have to take them fresh from your living brain! --Overkill about to dissect Tunnel Rat.
  • If this story happens in Sigma 6 continuity, isn't Overkill supposed to be stuck inside his rejuvenation tank?

