Devils Due - G.I

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G.I. Joe: Front Line #9 - Devil's Due - June 2003


  • Writer - Sean McKeever
  • Pencils - Francis Portella
  • Inks - Pierre Andre-Derry, Francis Portella
  • Colors - Estudio Din
  • Letters - Dreamer Design
  • Covers - Francis Manapul/Cory Hamscher


Family History pt 1
As a child Zanya was very violent in school. Her mother was verbally abusive, and had mean boyfriends as she was growing up. Currently, Zanya is traveling with her boyfriend, Kevin Schulte and making money winning fights. She and her Kevin meet up with the Dreadnoks, Monkeywrench, Zanizbar & Gnawgahyde. Kevin is trying to gain acceptance into the Dreadnoks by using Zanya. Both Zanya & Kevin are given a test assignment to see if they are worthy of being part of the Dreadnoks. Zanya saves the day for them, and Kevin gets the credit. At an after party, Zanya meets her father Zartan, and her Aunt Zarana.




  • Collected in One Shots (TPB)