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After the revelation of a major character on the last page of the previous issue, what can you possibly expect from this issue of G.I. Joe: Cobra? How about the revelation of another major character on the first page? Costa and Gage begin an all-new storyline in a book that continues to dazzle readers and defy expectations.

—The description as originally solicited by IDW Publishing.

Detailed summary

  • Synopsis not yet written.


Featured Characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

G.I. Joe The Coil Civilians
  • Members (11)
  • Receptionist (9)
  • Security (10)
  • Serpentor (1)
  • Cheating husband (4)
  • Dana Abrahm (2)
  • Detective Hendel (8)
  • Judge Hickman (7)
  • LA Country sheriff's deputies (5)
  • Leonard Michaels (3)

Memorable quotes


--Serpentor wastes no time in bringing the crazy.

Other Notes


  • No errors known.

Items of note

  • First appearance: Serpentor, the Coil, Scoop
  • Serpentor's civilian ID is Stephen Minasian.
  • Scoop has a Pulitzer.
  • The other files on Hawk's desk are codenamed "Mimic" and "Understudy."

Real-world references

G.I. Joe references

  • Serpentor's cry of "Cobra-La-La-La-La-La!" is the first time the ululation from G.I. Joe: The Movie has ever been used in the comics.
  • The artwork showing the man with the body of a snake represents Golobulus.

Footnotes and References
