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Digital Advertising Alliance Launches 'AppChoices en Español’ To Improve Access to DAA Mobile App for Spanish Speakers

NEW YORK, NY – November 9, 2015 – The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) today launched “AppChoices en Español,” an updated version of its mobile app that provides access to the DAA’s transparency and choice mechanisms for Spanish speakers in the United States. “AppChoices en Español” allows users to control the collection and use of cross-app data for interest-based advertising on the device on which the app is installed.

Cross-Device Guidance for DAA Principles: Enforcement Begins on Feb. 1, 2017

January 25, 2017

Our Accountability Partners are ready to begin the enforcement phase of DAA’s Cross-Device Guidance -- the next step in a process that we, as the responsible digital ad industry, started almost 2 years ago with initial development of the guidance itself.

The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Principles for Interest-Based Advertising and Multi-Site Data collection and use are well established in both desktop and mobile advertising environments.

Partnering with Purpose: Keeping Effective Self-Regulation Moving in 2016 and Forward

January 13, 2017

Partnerships power the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) self-regulatory program. As we begin the New Year, it’s an opportune time to take stock and report on the accomplishments of the DAA in the past year.

This exercise helps us continue to be a strong partner with you, keeping in step with marketplace innovations, brand engagements and consumer expectations in the year ahead.

Digital Advertising Alliance Releases Guidance on the Application of DAA Principles to Cross-Device Environments

Guidance Emphasizes Transparency and Control for Cross-Device Advertising Practices

WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 16, 2015 – The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) today released initial guidance to help companies apply the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles in the rapidly growing cross-device environment. The guidance makes clear that the transparency and choice obligations in the existing Principles apply to cross-device data practices, which are also subject to the DAA’s independent enforcement.

That Icon That You See? Yeah, You Know Me.

September 29, 2016

Consumers' recognition of the AdChoices Icon -- and understanding of how it gives choice for ads based on their interests -- continues to rise.

One thing I’ve learned from working in the ad industry is that building a brand can be a long and challenging process. The DAA only started that process about six years ago, when the cross-industry program and its AdChoices Icon were first launched, but – happily – we’ve made significant progress since then.

More Than 10 Million Consumers Exercise Choice through the DAA

September 14, 2016

Earlier this month, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s self-regulatory program passed a significant milestone, as the 10 millionth unique user exercised an opt out on the DAA’s Consumer Choice Page (https://optout.aboutads.info/).  While impressive, that number is not exhaustive, as dozens of companies offer parallel opt-outs to users through their own individual mechanisms.


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