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Federal Election Commission Gives U.S. Digital Political Ad Transparency – and DAA Political Ads Program -- an ‘Iconic’ Boost

June 7, 2023

Big Idea: A recent U.S. FEC position on digital and mobile political ad transparency makes room for icon-driven disclosures. With Election Cycle 2024 underway, it's time for DSPs to test and integrate with the DAA Political Ads icon-delivery platform.

Election 2024 may still be a year-and-a-half away – but campaigns are already starting. DSPs need to take immediate note.

Digital Advertising Alliance Launches Initial Certification Process for Addressable Media Identifiers (AMIs)

AMI Providers Must Certify Compliance with AMI Policy Framework; TrustArc to Extend DAA Role to Serve as Initial Certification Partner; LiveRamp First Provider to Undergo Certification; Prebid Addressability Framework To Be Initial Software Service

New York, NY – May 3, 2022 – Today the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) announced the launch of its initial certification process for providers of Addressable Media Identifiers (AMIs).

In Defense of Tailored Advertising: Key Trade Groups Rally Around Responsible Data Collection to Serve Relevant Ads and Engage Consumers

March 16, 2022

Big Idea: Societal value is generated through interest-based advertising while extending meaningful consumer privacy, business groups told Members of Congress citing DAA earlier this month. DAA Board members push for balanced federal privacy legislation.

Since 2009, Digital Advertising Alliance Principles have existed to extend meaningful privacy safeguards and controls to consumers while enabling a more relevant advertising experience, and facilitating a thriving, competitive digital economy that serves thousands of businesses and millions of consumers. On March 1, 2022, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce, led by Rep.

2022 – A Year to Reinvest in Responsible Customer Engagement with Relevant Advertising Content

January 26, 2022

Big idea: Relevance requires continual reinvestment. DAA is amid just that to keep pace with consumer identifiers, responsible data collection, and new avenues for transparency and control, thanks to your participation. Let's keep it going, all together.

Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Principles were established more than a decade ago to keep pace with a rapidly changing marketplace -- extending effective meaningful privacy protections to US consumers. In many ways, 2021 marked a watershed year – all of it setting the stage for a 2022 that will keep DAA innovating to protect and advance consumer engagement with responsible brands and publishers of content.

Summit Snapshot: Ad-Supported Streaming and Meeting Consumer Privacy Expectations

November 5, 2021

Big Idea: As consumer streaming of content booms, that portion that is ad-financed must be privacy-proactive in ways that enhance the overall user experience.

During the Digital Advertising Alliance’s 2021 Virtual Summit, we assembled an innovation panel dedicated to exploring how privacy and trust can be conveyed in such data-driven advertising experiences.

Summit Snapshot: With Data Infinity, the Advertising Operating System Has Evolved to Become a Society Operating System – with Ethical Ramifications

August 5, 2021

Big Idea: Data ethics matter, because a mind shift and generational shift tells us they matter. In the advertising ecosystem, we need data-driven operational systems with oversight to keep pace with people, feelings and fairness.

Data ethics was a central focus of this year’s Digital Advertising Accountability Workshop, held June 24 in conjunction with the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Virtual Summit 2021 – and a keynote conversation between author Rishad Tobaccowala, senior adv

Preparing Consumer Choice for Its Next Chapter – A ‘Thank You’ to Industry Leaders for Their Vision and Support

June 22, 2021

It takes a lot of initiative and preparation to maintain an effective, privacy-friendly consumer opt-out for interest-based advertising in an evolving ad-tech ecosystem. We’re getting it done – with help.

As we move forward to a “beta” launch of token-based opt-out/revocation functionality for consumer choice later this month, I want to take a moment to mark this achievement by acknowledging some of the companies that have raised their hands to help get this developed.

DAA Announces Updated Transparency & Consumer Control with Token-based Opt-out/Revocation Tool

May 12, 2021

AppChoices is being updated to remain consistent with industry best practices and consumer expectations/preferences.

As the digital advertising industry continues to evolve, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) is working to ensure that its time-tested Transparency and Control Principles,

In a New Year, Still amid a Pandemic, Responsible, Relevant Digital Advertising Remains Strong as Direct-to-Consumer Grows and DAA Continues to Help with Brand-Consumer Engagement

February 1, 2021

Among profound circumstances, we are more focused than ever toward keeping advertisers and their customers engaging in transparent, trustworthy ways in 2021.

2020 may be in a rear-view mirror, but its impact on all of us – professionally as well as personally – remains significant. What we once might have taken for granted, soon became cherished: just the ability to wake up each day, be with our families, and go to work. Such an existence – anything but mundane – wasn’t available to everyone.

Enforcement in Action 4.0 – DAA Updates its Review of Independent Accountability Actions to Drive DAA Principles Adherence

December 10, 2020

The keystone of the Digital Advertising Alliance program – independent enforcement – serves to educate the interest-based advertising marketplace on how to use data to serve digital & mobile ads with privacy sensitivity, particularly as we innovate.

As I post this, hundreds of privacy, compliance, marketing and legal professionals at DAA participating companies will soon receive a copy of a newly updated Enforcement in Action casebook, our fourth edition cataloging what we’ve learned from nine years of independent accountability.


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