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DAA Releases Implementation for New 'Political Ad' Transparency Icon

Maryland Becomes First State to Approve Ad Disclosures via DAA-Type Icon

NEW YORK, NY – September 18, 2018 – The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) today released the creative implementation guidelines for the “Political Ad” icon it announced in May as part of an advertising industry initiative to increase transparency and accountability around digital political ads.

Summit Snapshot ‘18: The Evolution of Brand Safety Issues & Solutions

August 7, 2018

Big Idea: As digital ads expand in reach and influence, brand safety must be part of the consumer trust equation, where consumer privacy, transparency & control online is considered alongside other concerns such as security, fraud, context & viewability.

Over the years, many facets of brand safety have been in the spotlight -- adjacency, privacy, fraud, security, viewability and ad placement, among them. Interest-based advertising, for example, wholly relies on responsible data collection to target and establish connections between sellers and consumers and bolster consumer trust.

Demonstrating Digital Advertising Self-Regulation Success for State Attorneys General… in an Up Close and Personal Way

July 27, 2018

DAA and its Accountability Partners brief key state law enforcers on the DAA Principles -- and a real-time walk-through of WebChoices.

Good self-regulation requires constant vigilance and sweat equity, something that the Digital Advertising Alliance’s two Accountability Partners – the Data & Marketing Association (DMA) and the Advertising Self Regulatory Council (A

Summit Snapshot ‘18: Taking Transparency to Digital Political Advertising

July 12, 2018

Big Idea: DAA now provides guidance on application of its Principles to digital political ads. A new working group to devise creative guidelines for the PoliticalAd icon and marker is under way. A Summit18 panel explored developments.

It’s been a little over a month since the Digital Advertising Alliance announced the adaptation of DAA Principles for transparency and accountability to online political advertising, specifically for candidate “express advocacy” ads.  In that time, we published a consumer-facing Web site, and we’re about to embark on a working group t

Summit Snapshot ‘18: Top Policymakers Discuss Global Data Flows for Advertising & Privacy Regulation on Different Borders

July 11, 2018

Big Idea: Two leading policymakers spoke to DAA Summit18 participants on global data flows and consumer trust, and public- and private-sector efforts to enable and bolster both objectives.

“In many ways, it feels like we’re at a data ethics tipping point in respect to the public’s trust,” said Elizabeth Denham, information commissioner of the United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). She was featured in a video address during the DAA Summit18’s keynote policy conversation titled, “A Worldwide Marketplace for Digital Advertising Data | A Middle Road for Trade?”

Digital Advertising Alliance Launches Initiative to Increase Transparency & Accountability in Political Ads

DAA Releases New Guidance & “PoliticalAd” Icon Offering Info on Political Ads; ASRC and DMA to Enforce Program Across Industry

NEW YORK, NY – May 22, 2018 –  The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) today launched an industry-wide initiative to increase transparency and accountability around digital political ads, including new guidance for political advertisers and a “PoliticalAd” icon that will link to additional information on such ads. Compliance with the guidance will be independently enforced by the Advertising Self Regulatory Council (ASRC) and the Data & Marketing Association (DMA).

DAA Webinar this Week: How to Take Ad Transparency to the Next Level and Earn Consumer Trust

April 2, 2018

If you are involved with managing a site or running an app where interest-based advertising (IBA) is present – or where any data collection for IBA takes place – the DAA’s webinar this Thursday (April 5, 2018) is designed for you, especially.

Photo of Individuals Holding Devices in a Line

Our April 5 Webinar is for brands and publishers – both business-to-business and consumer – as well as agencies and ad tech companies with their own apps and sites, or which design and support the sites and apps of others.


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