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News and Events

HP Workpath SDK Version 1.6.2 and Associated Simulator Now Available

HP has released the HP Workpath SDK (v.1.6.2) and associated Simulator. Workpath Web Service now supports authentication between Web Service server and client. New APIs support measured paper size and job statistics based on the job sequence number. Supplies info is focused on 9 key attributes. For details, see the release notes in the SDK zip file.

26 Jun 2023
HPWS 2023 Partner Award Winners Announced

HPWS 2023 Partner Award Winners Announced

This year's HPWS Partner Award winners were announced last Thursday at the close of the HP WS Developer Conference 2023 in Barcelona. 

Congratulations to this year's winners!

Category Award Winner
Innovation Aluma Technologies, Inc.
Sales Achievement Levi, Ray & Shoup (LRS)
Partner Excellence Upland Software
Agility Y Soft
Game Changer DataSec Solutions


26 Jun 2023
Android 12 is coming! Are you ready? Beta2 available now.

The HP Workpath platform development team has been working hard over many months to update the core of our device platform to conform to API version 31 (commonly known as Android 12).

To ensure the quality of this release and to give you time to adapt your apps if necessary, we have been making Beta versions available prior to its official release to Beta2 will be the final Android12 Beta before its official release to We request your feedback on this Beta by March 31.

Download the Android 12 Beta2 firmware from the Download page now and take it for a test drive with your app.

26 Jun 2023
Android 12 is coming! Are you ready? Beta1 available now.

The HP Workpath platform development team has been working hard over many months to update the core of our device platform to conform to API version 31 (commonly known as Android 12).

26 Jun 2023
Final Reminder: HP Workpath to End VAV Support for Apps Targeting Oreo on December 1, 2022

HP Workpath ended VAV support for apps targeting Oreo firmware (Platform version 26.x) on December 1, 2022. Also we prohibit the upload of apps targeting Oreo firmware to App Center. This way, you won’t have to wait for VAV results if you unintentionally targeted Oreo firmware in your app.

25 May 2022
Workpath Partner Award Winners Announced

Workpath Partner Award Winners Announced

This year's Workpath Partner Award winners were announced last Thursday at the close of the HP PSS Developer Conference 2022 in Boise, Idaho. 

Congratulations to this year's winners!


Category Award Winner
Innovation EveryonePrint
Sales Achievement RBC Group
Partner Excellence Biscom
Agility iXware
Game Changer DataSec Solutions


25 May 2022
HP Workpath SDK Version 1.6 and Associated Simulator Now Available

HP is pleased to announce the release of version 1.6 of the HP Workpath SDK and associated Simulator.

Key new features in this version include:

  • The HPKTool now supports OpenJDK
  • App configurations can be exercised using the HPKTool
  • Sample apps are now available in Kotlin as well as Java
  • The Copy API and sample app includes advanced copy features
  • Apps may register up to 10 USB accessories
  • Web Services - Apps can receive and respond to web service calls from external clients,
24 Aug 2021
Jarvis Portal Shell now available

Jarvis Portal Shell now on the HP Developers Portal

Jarvis Portal Shell ( also known as JShell) now has a home page on the HP Developers Portal at

Jarvis Portal Shell is a web application that provides infrastructure for dynamic portals that allow users access to content and services related to their HP printing assets. It is currently in development using an innersource model, and is part of the Jarvis Client Platform.

Thank you,

-- The Portal Shell Team

19 May 2021
Workpath Partner Award Winners Announced

Workpath Partner Award Winners Announced

This year's Workpath Partner Award winners were announced today at the close of the HP Developer Partner Conference 2021

Congratulations to the winners!

  • Sales Achievement Award - EveryonePrint
  • Game Changer Award - RBC Group
  • Agility Award - Biscom
  • Innovation Award - DataSec Solutions
  • Partner Excellence Award - In Time Tec


19 May 2021
Android 10 Beta2 Feedback Period Extended

The Android 10 Beta2 feedback period has been extended through October 9 to provide app developers more time to test their apps. Please don't miss out on this final opportunity to provide feedback or report issues before Android 10 is released to the public in the next major FutureSmart firmware upgrade.

19 May 2021
Android10 Beta2 Starts Now

Moving the HP Workpath Platform to API 29 will require additional testing on your part to check for compatibility with your app. And in some cases, code changes and resubmission for App Center V&V will be required.

Download the Android10 Beta2 firmware from the Download page now and take it for a test drive with your app.

19 May 2021
Improving the Validation and Verification Process for Workpath Apps

HP continues to invest in our platforms and process to help developers innovate with speed and security on the HP Workpath Platform. We are excited to announce a major improvement to the VAV submissions process, migrating from a date-driven submission period to an On-Demand VAV process completing reviews within 72 hours. Developers wanted the VAV process to support fast innovation, customers’ needs and the occasional bugfix. So now as a developer you can submit your app for VAV anytime you wish, and we will target 3 business days to complete the security review of your Workpath app! 

2 Aug 2020
Android 10 Beta Feedback Period Extended

Android 10 Beta Feedback Period Extended

The Android 10 Beta feedback period has been extended through August 14 to provide app developers more time to test their apps.

The feedback we have received from the developer community so far has helped identify some important backward compatibility issues. The platform team is now hard at work fixing those issues to minimize disruption for our customers when they upgrade to Android 10 in the future.

But we have also heard from some of our app developers that the time allotted was too short, especially with some early issues downloading the firmware. So we are extending the testing period by 2 weeks. The new deadline for feedback is August 14.

2 Aug 2020
August Submission Deadline Change for HP Workpath app VAV

For the week of August 10-14 HP will have a company-wide required time off period for all employees. This will impact the August Workpath app VAV Submission Period. We will be consolidating round one and round two VAVs for August into just one VAV submission period. The new submission deadline for VAVs in August will now be August 20th; with completed VAVs starting August 24th.

2 Aug 2020
Android 10 Beta Starts Now! It's time to test your apps.

During our Virtual Partner Conference, we announced significant improvements to our HP Workpath Platform for Summer and Fall of 2020. One of these key enhancements include implementing Android 10 (also known as Android Q) on our upcoming FutureSmart 25.1 firmware (slated for Oct-Nov release). Today, we are excited to provide all Workpath app developers access to a Beta version of FutureSmart 25.1 running Android 10. When FutureSmart 25.1 is officially released, we want to ensure quality and app stability for this exciting Workpath platform release. 

1 Jun 2020
HP Workpath SDK 1.4.1 (Rename Preview) Now Available

HP is pleased to announce availability of the HP Workpath SDK version 1.4.1  (Workpath name change preview)

As we announced in December, HP has been working to implement the name change from “HP JetAdvantage Link for Device” to “HP Workpath” throughout our ecosystem. And while not all of this work is complete, we are pleased to announce the availability of the first HP Workpath SDK package with the new naming implemented throughout, including the APIs (namespaces, types, methods, etc.) -- HP Workpath SDK v1.4.1.

This new Workpath SDK v1.4.1 is functionally equivalent to the JetAdvantage Link or Device SDK v1.4.0 in every way – only the names have changed. It is also backward compatible with existing device firmware. But due to the API name changes, you will need to make the corresponding name changes in your app code in order to use it.

All future SDK releases will use the new Workpath naming convention, so you will need to make this change to your app eventually. So why wait? By downloading the new Workpath SDK 1.4.1 and rebuilding your app now, you will avoid this additional step when you upgrade to an even newer SDK to access additional features in the future.

The HP Workpath SDK v1.4.1 is available on the Downloads page.


21 May 2020
Remote App Configuration Now Available for All HP Workpath Apps

HP is pleased to announce that Remote App Configuration is now available for all HP Workpath apps.

HP has been working hard to enhance app deployment through HP Command Center (HPCC). A few months ago, we introduced the ability to create and deploy app configurations remotely from within HPCC for several HP developed apps. We have used the intervening time to test and improve that feature under production conditions.

HP is pleased to announce that we are now making Remote App Configuration available for all HP Workpath apps. With a little work on your part, HPCC users will be able to create a unique configuration for a customer and deploy it to your app installed on that customers’ devices -- all through HPCC.

For details, please visit the new Remote Configuration page on the developer portal.


21 May 2020
Oreo is here! FutureSmart firmware and Link for Device SDK 1.4 Now Available

HP is pleased to announce the release of Oreo and version 1.4 of the Link for Device SDK.

In June of last year at the 2019 HP JetAdvantage Partner Conference, HP announced our intention to upgrade the HP JetAdvantage Link for Device platform to API version 26 (a.k.a. Oreo) within a year. We are happy to announce that the implementation is now complete, and is included in the latest FutureSmart Bundle (4.10). Thank you to those of you who participated in the Oreo Beta program, helping us ensure the quality of the platform.

To enable all the new features in API version 26, we are also pleased to announce the release of the JetAdvantage Link for Device SDK version 1.4 (associated with the release of FutureSmart Bundle 4.10 device firmware).

16 Oct 2019
Oreo is coming! Are you ready?

Oreo is coming! Are you ready?

The JetAdvantage Link platform development team has been working hard over many months to update the core of our device platform to conform to API version 26 (commonly known as Oreo, or 8.0).

Having concluded internal testing and a limited-release beta (Beta1), we are now ready to share our work with the entire app developer community for your evaluation and feedback (Beta2) and most importantly to give you time to adapt your apps if necessary prior to its official release.

Here are some tips for making sure your apps are “Oreo ready”:

Download the Oreo Beta2 firmware from the Download page now and take it for a test drive with your app. Please follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall all apps and remove the printer from HP Command Center (if the printer had been previously added)
  2. Perform a format disk operation
  3. Install the Oreo Beta2 firmware from a USB thumb drive
  4. Configure the printer’s web proxy (if necessary)
  5. Register the printer with HP Web Services (if necessary)
  6. Enable LDB mode
  7. Install your app using the HPKTool
  8. Push your app’s App Attestation debug credentials using the HPKTool (if necessary)
  9. Run your app, noting all anomalies encountered

For any anomalies found, first check your usage of the APIs. In our testing so far, most of the anomalies were actually due to the app’s incorrect use of the APIs or reliance on deprecated APIs.

If a defect in the Link Platform is proven or even strongly suspected, please report it through the Link for Device SDK support forum. Indicate in your post that you are using the Oreo Beta2 firmware image.

When your Oreo Beta2 testing has concluded and any app adjustments have been made, please:

  1. Perform a format disk operation
  2. Install the latest Public Release Firmware Image from a USB thumb drive
  3. Configure the printer’s web proxy (if necessary)
  4. Register the printer with HP Web Services (if necessary)
  5. Delete any copies of the Oreo Beta2 firmware you may have downloaded

Thank you in advance for participating in the Oreo Beta2.

-- The JetAdvantage Link Team


8 Aug 2019
Link for Device Simulator Version 1.3.0 Now Available


HP is pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of the Link for Device Simulator.

Please note: This simulator is intended for use with version 1.3.0 of the Link for Device SDK.

Download the new Simulator from the Downloads page.

22 Jul 2019
Lighthouse Apps for JetAdvantage Link now Available


HP is pleased to announce the release of Lighthouse Apps for JetAdvantage Link

Lighthouse apps are:

  • An open source collection of HP authored Link apps​
  • Scan To… Apps
    • Scan to Email
    • Scan to FTP
    • Scan to SMB (Network Folder)
  • Cloud Storage Apps
    • HP for Box
    • HP for Dropbox
    • HP for Google Drive
    • HP for OneDrive
    • HP for OneDrive Business
    • HP for SharePoint

Lighthouse apps provide:

  • Proof that the Link platform supports sophisticated and valuable apps
  • Validation that the Link APIs are simple to use and well documented​
  • Componentized sample code to leverage for your own Link App development purposes - use the parts you need
  • Demonstration of best practices (security, usability, etc.)
  • Fully functional app source code that can be customized specifically to create derivative works
  • Inspiration to accelerate innovation and App development ​by others

What clever and unique solutions can you build on top of these basic building blocks?​

For more information and to get access to the code, see the new Lighthouse Apps page.

11 Jul 2019
Link for Device SDK Version 1.3.0 Now Available

HP is pleased to announce the release of version 1.3.0 of the Link for Device SDK.


In August of last year HP announced the Developers Release of JetAdvantage Link for Device SDK on the Developer’s Portal, providing developers powerful and simpler ways to create print and scan integrations for end-users. We are excited to add even more capabilities on our platform in our latest release, JetAdvantage Link for Device SDK version 1.3.0 (associated with the release of FutureSmart Bundle device firmware).


Link for Device SDK (version 1.3.0):

Please note: A device firmware upgrade to FutureSmart Bundle is required to use this SDK. An announcement will be made when the firmware is available on In the meantime, the firmware has been made temporarily available for download from the SDK Download page.

Download the new SDK from the Download page.

Major new features of this version include:

  • Official Support of recently introduced Devices (some require a 2GB DIMM accessory). See the updated Compatible Devices page for details.
  • (App) Attestation API and the HP Token Proxy – Eliminate OAuth Client Secrets from your apps by managing your Client Credentials in HP’s cloud and using HP’s Token Proxy (See how here)
  • (USB) Accessory API – Apps can now read from and write to USB (HID Class) Accessories, including authentication card readers (See AccessoryOverview.pdf)
  • Copy API – Create, Store, Enumerate, Release, and Delete Stored Copy Jobs (See CopySampleOverview.pdf)
  • Mass Storage API – Listen for Mass Storage events and read/write to Mass Storage (See MassStorageOverview.pdf)


New/Enhanced Sample Apps:

  • New AttestationSample – Demonstrates use of the HP Token Proxy
  • New AccessorySample – Demonstrates basic USB accessory usage
  • New AccessoryAgentSample – Demonstrates use of a USB card reader accessory for Authentication
  • New CopySample – Demonstrates how to perform Copy and Stored Copy functions
  • New EmailSample – Demonstrates how to send email using either the printer’s SMTP or custom SMTP settings
  • New LauncherSample – Demonstrates how to create a “Kiosk Mode” (a.k.a. Launcher) App
  • New MassStorageSample – Demonstrates how to listen for Mass Storage events and read/write to Mass Storage
  • New MultiLanguageSample – Demonstrates sub-activity buttons and multilanguage button labels
  • Enhanced Scan and Print Samples – Now include job status
  • Enhanced Config Sample – Now includes a default config in the HPK

Other notable changes in this release include:

  • Platform Versioning

To enable a simple app compatibility check before installation, we have introduced a platform versioning scheme into this SDK and firmware release, of the form {Android API Level}.{Link API Level}. In this first release, the Platform Version is 19.3. Starting on 7/19/2019, all apps uploaded to the App Center will be required to include a minimum platform version declaration in the HPK (See the new HPKTool in this SDK for details).

Coming soon:


  • The SDK 1.3 device simulator will be available soon.


  • [MASSSTORAGE] Size of getFreeSpace() and getTotalSpace() is not correct.
19 Apr 2019
TLS 1.0 / TLS 1.1 Disabled by default in FutureSmart bundle 4.7.2 and later

The FutureSmart 4.7.2 firmware release changed the default availability of TLS protocol versions. The updated security profile for FutureSmart version 4.7.2 defaults to:

  • TLS 1.2 – Enabled
  • TLS 1.0 & TLS 1.1 – Disabled


The new TLS protocol defaults are applied in the following circumstances:


Devices purchased with FutureSmart bundle 4.7.3 and later

  • Use the new TLS defaults (TLS 1.0 / 1.1 disabled)


Devices updated to FutureSmart bundle 4.7.2  or later from FutureSmart 3 bundles or FutureSmart 4 bundles before version 4.7.2

  • TLS settings are not updated to the new defaults and maintain their current setting.


Performing the following device resets on FutureSmart 4.7.2 or later devices update the TLS  settings to the new defaults, overwriting any previously configured setting

  • Format Disk
  • Partial Clean
  • Cold Reset

Important Note: HP and 3rd party solution software may have a TLS 1.0 dependency requiring TLS 1.0 to be enabled / re-enabled for installation or to function properly after installation.   Details on how to do that can be found in the document here.

Important Note: FutureSmart bundle 4.7.2 is an interim firmware release only available from HP Support.


The following devices will ship with FutureSmart bundle 4.7.3 which have the new TLS defaults.

  • HP LaserJet Managed MFP E72525/ 30/35
  • HP Color LaserJet Managed E77822/25/30
  • HP LaserJet Managed MFP E82540/50/60
  • HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E87640/50/60
13 Feb 2019
FutureSmart 4.7.1 Released with Release Notes for Solution Developers

FutureSmart 4.7.1 has been released with a number of changes that developers will be interested in.    As always, you can download the latest firmware from here.

Do you want to know what changes are in this revision?   The standard release notes that accompany FutureSmart firmware releases are targeted at end-customers, which means they are not as helpful as they could be to JetAdvantage solution developers.   To fix this, we're starting to create release notes specifically for developers.  You'll find those on the FutureSmart Firmware Solution Developer Release Notes page.

11 Dec 2018
Link for Device SDK Version 1.1.0 Now Available

HP is pleased to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of the Link for Device SDK.


In August of this year HP announced the Developers Release of JetAdvantage Link SDKs on the Developer’s Portal, providing developers powerful and simpler ways to create print and scan integrations for end-users. We are excited to add more capabilities on our platform in our latest release, JetAdvantage Link for Device SDK version 1.1.0 (associated with the release of FutureSmart Bundle 4.7 device firmware).


Link for Device SDK (version 1.1.0):

Please note: A device firmware upgrade to FutureSmart Bundle 4.7 is required to use this SDK. Find and download the firmware here.

Download the new SDK from the Download page.


Major new features of this version include:

  • Official Support of several FutureSmart 4 capable A4 Devices with a 2GB DIMM accessory. See the updated Compatible Devices page for details.
  • Authentication API – Develop custom MFP authentication agents (See AuthenticationAgentOverview.pdf)
  • Link Home Screen – Replace the device’s home screen with your own (See LinkHomeScreenOverview.pdf), enabling simple Kiosk applications
  • Print Port Blocking – Control all printing activity by disabling printing from all external sources (See DeviceInfoSampleOverview.pdf)
  • Launcher API – Launch another app with actions (
  • Mass Storage API – Read/Write files from USB Mass Storage Devices and ScanTo/PrintFrom USB Mass Storage devices (See MassstorageServiceOverview.pdf)
  • Additional Sample Apps:
    • Alarm Manager – Demonstrates how to use the Alarm Manager to perform scheduled background tasks
    • Google Sign in – Demonstrates how to perform Google Sign in (without Chrome/Google Play Services)


Other notable changes include:

  • An issue with stapler options has been fixed (



  • Authentication using card readers (USB Devices) is not yet supported
  • USB MASS storage events are not yet supported
  • Launcher API cannot be used by Home Screen apps at this time
  • [PRINT] TIFF/TXT should be printed with document format as “pdf”
  • [PRINT] “STREAM” only allows “prn” file type
11 Dec 2018
App Gallery disabled in FutureSmart Bundle 4.7

The App Gallery has been disabled in FutureSmart Bundle 4.7


The on-device App Gallery has been disabled in FutureSmart Bundle 4.7. If usage is attempted, a message stating “This app has been disabled” will be displayed. Please do not report this as an issue to the SDK support forum.

App Gallery will return in a future FutureSmart release as a tool more tailored for use by resellers (not end users). Among the changes being considered, a verified reseller login may be required to use the App Gallery.

In the coming months, watch for more announcements related to reseller-focused app deployment tools and capabilities. This will include the redesigned App Gallery as well as a new web-based tool to enable remote deployment to fleets of Printers/MFPs (currently in Beta).


Note: The HPK tool and LDB are still be available for app testing purposes.

1 Nov 2018
October Tech Talk: Slides and Recording

October’s Tech Talk was well attended!  Topics were:

  • FutureSmart Release Plans and Performance Improvements
  • SDK and OPS Extensibility
  • JetAdvantage Link Update
  • Developer Support

If you want to refresh your memory on what was covered (or if you missed it), you can find the slides presented here and a link to the recording here.   Watch for upcoming “Dev Talks” that will provide more detailed technical content.

1 Nov 2018
Sprout Pro G2 praised at Consumer Electronics Show 2017

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the second generation of the Sprout Pro by HP caught the attention of Melissa Riofrio, executive editor of PC World.

1 Nov 2018
More than 1000 HP employees volunteer for Hour of Code

For Hour of Code, more than 1,000 HP employees volunteered in 500 classrooms around the world to introduce almost 15,000 students to the basics of coding.

1 Nov 2018
HP Developer feeling irked: "Not coding makes me cranky"

Melanie Robertson, a software engineer for HP's Link Technology team, got fed up with constant interruptions. She decided to "fight for her right to code" without incessant interruptions. But how to do that? Read her solution in "Not coding makes me cranky."

1 Nov 2018
HP Developers Portal celebrates first anniversary

In the history of the new HP Inc., 2016 will stand out as the year the company was created, shipped its first Jet Fusion 3D printers, and launched a public developer portal so developers can create apps for HP hardware.