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Michigan Identity Theft Support

Michigan Identity Theft Support (MITS)

Identity theft happens when a thief steals your personally identifiable information (PII) without your knowledge to commit fraud or theft.

Knowing how to guard your personal information is your first line of defense against identity theft.

Identity Theft Warning Signs

Request Identity Theft Assistance

File an Identity Theft Complaint
digital identity thief

What To Do If Your Identity Is Stolen

When your identity or personally identifiable information (PII) is in the hands of a fraudster, you need to act fast to minimize damage done and regain control of your identity. 

  1. Review identity theft warning signs to determine if you may be a victim of identity theft.
  2. Determine which personally identifiable information (PII) may have been compromised.
  3. Contact your financial institution (e.g., bank, credit union, etc.).
  4. Check your credit report and put a freeze on your credit, if necessary.
  5. File a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Identity Theft Report or police report.
  6. If you have completed the steps above and still need assistance, complete the MITS Request for Identity Theft Assistance form.

Help Prevent Identity Theft

The most important step to take in protecting yourself from identity theft is assuring your sensitive information is secure — whether on paper, online, stored on your computer, or a mobile device. 

There are four main ways to protect your personally identifiable information (PII):

  1. Know who you share information with.
  2. Store and dispose of your personal information securely.
  3. Ask questions before deciding to share personal information.
  4. Maintain appropriate security on your computers and other electronic devices.

Keep Documents And Records

  • Maintain a written record of the contacts you have made in the process to recover your identity 
  • Document dates, names, phone numbers, report or file numbers and notes from any conversations related to your identity theft
  • Confirm conversations by following up in writing via certified mail so that a return receipt is provided
  • Send copies only of all documents

Keep Your Personal Information Secure

  • Ensure passwords used for your credit card, bank, and phone would not be easy for a thief to figure out
    • Do not use your mother’s maiden name, birthdate, or the last four digits of your social security number
  • Unless you made the initial contact, do not provide personal identifiable information
  • Secure personal information in your home
    • Especially if you have roommates, employ outside help, or are having work done on your home
  • Dispose of trash carefully and use a shredder
  • Do not carry your social security number or card in your wallet
  • Keep your purse/wallet in a secure area at work
  • Do not carry multiple credit and debit cards

Keep Devices Safe

  • Ensure virus software is current on your personal computer
  • Use a firewall program
  • Use a secure browser
  • Do not open files sent by strangers
  • Do not store financial information on your laptop
  • Do not use automatic login features

Types Of Identity Theft And Fraud

The goal of MITS is to provide assistance and support to residents of Michigan who fall victim to this often silent crime.  

There are various types of identity theft and fraud. These resources serve to inform Michigan residents while providing recovery steps.

Hacker working on a code on dark digital background with digital interface around.

Contact MITS

MITS is here to help and will provide Michigan identity theft victims with resources and guidance in determining ways to minimize damage caused by identity theft.

To request guidance or assistance, you must complete the Request for Identity Theft Assistance form. MITS staff will contact you if they can be of service.  

MITS cannot provide personal legal representation.

Contact Consumer Protection

Michigan Department of Attorney General
P.O. Box 30213
525 W. Ottawa St.
Lansing, MI 48909
Toll-free for Michigan residents: 877-765-8388