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Proposal Contents

Bidders must submit a detailed proposal addressing each section below. Proposals need not be submitted in the table format, but if that format is not used, please re-state the information requested and the section number prior to your response. Attach any necessary supplemental information and appropriately reference it within your proposal.

“You” and “your” means the bidder.

Proposal Contents
# Information Requested Bidder Response


Bidder Contact Information
1.1 Identify the bidder’s contact person for the RFP process. Include name, title, address, email, and phone number.
1.2 Identify the person authorized to sign a contract resulting from this RFP. Include name, title, address, email, and phone number.
2 Company Background Information


Identify the company’s legal business name, address, phone number, and website.
2.2 Identify the State your business is organized in.
2.3 Identify the location (city and state) that would have primary responsibility for this work if awarded a contract.
2.4 Identify the practice group area, if applicable, proposed to handle the work.
2.5 Explain any partnerships and strategic relationships you have that would bring significant value to the State.
2.6 If you intend to use subcontractors to perform the work, disclose: (1) the subcontractor’s legal business name, website, address, phone number, and primary contact person; (2) a description of subcontractor’s organization; (3) a complete description of the services or products it will provide; (4) information concerning subcontractor’s ability to provide the services; (5) whether the bidder has a previous working experience with the subcontractor, and if yes, provide details of that previous relationship.
2.7 Identify the name and title of the individuals you propose as key personnel. Attach resumes or CVs for each person.
3 Experience
3.1 Describe at least 3 relevant experiences supporting your ability to successfully perform the work set forth in the SOW. Include a description of services provided and results obtained. Include contact information for the clients you represented.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:
3.2 Provide publicly available motions, briefs, and other documents relevant to your experience in providing the legal services sought under this RFP.
4 Conflict of Interest
4.1 Provide detailed information regarding any prior, current, or anticipated future relationship with any extractor, manufacturer, producer, refiner, transporter, promoter, marketers, or sellers of fossil fuel products that could give rise to potential actual or apparent conflict of interest. Disclose such information for both the bidder and any proposed subcontractors.
4.2 Disclose any actual, apparent, or potential conflict of interest between the bidder and the State of Michigan.
4.3 With respect to any information provided in response to the questions above, provide an explanation of why an actual, apparent, or potential conflict of interest would not arise, or the measures that would be taken to avoid such a conflict.
5 SAAG Contract
5.1 Bidder must affirm agreement with the terms of the SAAG Contract. If you do not agree, you must provide redline edits to the SAAG Contract with your proposal, and include justification for requesting deviation from the terms.
6 Fee Agreement
6.1 Bidder must submit a proposed Fee Agreement which: (1) aligns with the SAAG Contract and (2) clearly sets forth how the bidder proposes to address payment in the event of recovery. See also SAAG Contract, Section 3, Compensation and Cost Reimbursement.