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Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails]

Ruby on Rails is an open source full-stack web application framework written in Ruby. It follows the popular MVC framework model and is known for its "convention over configuration" approach to application development.

88,823 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
42 votes
1 answer

Typekit and @fontface issues on all Windows browsers with Ruby on Rails app, especially Chrome

My Ruby on Rails app hates custom fonts and I don't know why. Here are some of the errors and troubleshooting that I have gone through. First, there were devastating display errors that only happened ...
Brenda's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Rails Activestorage + DirectUpload javascript progress bar not showing when using "remote:true"

I have been using Rails ActiveStorage DirectUpload in my Rails app. And here is the code of the form: <h3>Select Files To Upload</h3> <%= form_for @uploader, url: uploaders_file_path(@...
Ryzal Yusoff's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Profiling slow assets in development

Every time I make a change to my SASS in development, I get 20s+ load times when loading my application.css. I've read some other questions, and tried: Setting config.assets.debug = false. Changing ...
Jonathan Allard's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Debugging Rspec Postgres lockups

I am trying to test an app that uses gem devise_token_auth, which basically includes a couple extra DB read/writes on almost every request (to verify and update user access tokens). Everything is ...
user2936314's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Fragment caching and eager loading: How to get the best of both worlds?

It seems to me that fragment caching and eager loading are -- at least sometimes -- somewhat at odds with each other. Let's say I have a User who has many posts which each has many comments which in ...
KaptajnKold's user avatar
  • 10.9k
14 votes
1 answer

MongoDB conditional aggregate query on a HABTM relationship (Mongoid, RoR)?

Rails 4.2.5, Mongoid 5.1.0 I have three models - Mailbox, Communication, and Message. mailbox.rb class Mailbox include Mongoid::Document belongs_to :user has_many :communications end ...
ljlozano's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Measuring rails json api with rack mini profiler

How do we get rack-mini-profiler to show in a rails json api? I believe this was asked here: How to profile a rails controller that returns a json response with rack-mini-profiler? but the only answer ...
user1848902's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How to encrypt a file using PGP encryption in jruby9.1.2.0?

I am trying to encrypt file using gpg encryption before sending it in my jruby project. However I did not find adequate resources for it. I tried using ruby-gpgme but jruby did not support C libraries....
Pravin's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Rails5 + ActionCable: WebSocket connection to 'ws://{hostname}/cable' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established

I get WebSocket connection to 'ws://{hostname}/cable' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. in my chrome browser when connecting to my Rails 5 + ActionCable app. In my ...
Yoonjae Yoo's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Setup issue in CAS Server in Rails 3.x

I have installed rubyCAS Server on ec2 server, using Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9.3 and configured configure.yml file, my server: webrick port: 9292 ssl_cert: /mnt/rubyonrails/testingcas.pem Note: I ...
Ankit's user avatar
  • 312
13 votes
1 answer

recreate versions - carrierwave-fog-aws

I'm trying to recreate the images that I have uploaded using the following in my model... Post.all.each do |ym| ym.avatar.cache_stored_file! ym.avatar.retrieve_from_cache!(ym.avatar....
user749798's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Paperclip/Rspec tests: Is there a faster way to test paperclip validates_attachment_content_type?

One thing I've noticed is that in most of the projects I do, the one spec that always takes a long time (30 seconds +) is this shoulda/paperclip helper: it { should validate_attachment_content_type(:...
PlankTon's user avatar
  • 12.5k
13 votes
2 answers

Ruby on Rails Less source maps and the asset pipeline?

I'm currently using the less-rails gem in a Ruby on Rails application that I'm building. I would like some way to debug my Less css files in Chrome by way of source maps (
Mark Murphy's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Rails + Webpacker + React.js / Cannot find module

I'm learning React.js with Rails 4.2 (to prepare to work on it) but I have a lot of errors in my console. So I'm using React 16.8 (with react-rails gem) + Rails 4.2 + Webpacker 4.0.2 My folders ...
cercxtrova's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Ruby on Rails Gon Gem vs. cookies or regular AJAX request

I've been programming on Ruby on Rails for a while now, and to be able to easily access data from my controllers in my javascript code, as a beginner I came across the Gon Gem. It solves the problem ...
jvrsgsty's user avatar
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