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Questions tagged [r]

R is a free, open-source programming language & software environment for statistical computing, bioinformatics, visualization & general computing. Please use minimal reproducible examples others can run using copy & paste. Show desired output entirely. Use dput() for data & specify all non-base packages with library(). Don't embed pictures for data or code, use indented code blocks instead. For statistics questions, use

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Displaying Bar Graph in Shiny Dashboard Based on Select Input

I’m working on an interactive Shiny dashboard in R and I’m encountering an issue with my bar graph when no specific input is selected. Here’s what I’m trying to achieve: I have a bar graph that ...
Nandita Vaidyanathan's user avatar
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Plot datetime data as just month not month-year

I have a data frame that looks like this: structure(list(date = structure(c(1592611200, 1624665600, 1626480000, 1620086400, 1624147200, 1624752000, 1626566400, 1.566e+09, 1621036800, 1651536000), ...
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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Regression with a 0-1 variable. Should be the same as running a t-test, but I get a different p-value [migrated]

I have a dataset in R where I have volatility estimates (in my case, just standard deviation of minute returns on that day) for different days: Date, Volatility, DayType The variable DayType is 0 or ...
Avocado's user avatar
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R: stat_density2d change color of density surface?

I'm using this example to create a heatmap in R: ggmap(map_sf) + stat_density2d(data = sf_crime, aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = ....
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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How do I get rid of the weird long floating point error numbers that are shown when I convert a vector to a name of a vector [duplicate]

This function shows the floating point error when displaying the vector as names of another vector but not when it is displayed "normally" test <- rep(NA, times = length(seq(from = -0.5, ...
freyaisincompetent's user avatar
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Find average temperature from a range of datetime for each day in dataframe

This is a subset of the dataframe I have: structure(list(name = c("waldorf", "waldorf", "waldorf", "waldorf", "waldorf", "waldorf", "...
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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Possible issues with text encoding

I'm having a strange problem when I read a .csv file using read_csv. I'm afraid I don't think I can produce a reproducible example because the issue may involve my current R/RStudio session and how ...
whdaffer's user avatar
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Google Cloud Platform Maps API key: Best practice to use in R to avoid incurring large API costs?

I'm using google maps API and ggmap to create a simple map of NYC in an RMarkdown document, in R: install.packages("ggmap") ggmap::register_google(key = "<your-api-key>", ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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Why does my mutate(across()) function not work in lapply? [duplicate]

I have a simple function that works just fine on one data frame but doesn't do anything when I use it in lapply. For example: df1 <- data.frame(x = c(1:5), y = c(11:14, NA)) df2 <- data.frame(...
Sara's user avatar
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Dplyr ( count for total number/treatment) [closed]

I have data frame with two columns the first column is the number of children under the age of five that receive a treatment and the second column classifies the type of the treatment. I would like to ...
Hamad Alonazi's user avatar
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How to extract from multiple zip files only the csv files whose name starts with a specific string of characters in r? [duplicate]

Let's consider a folder myfile containing more than a hundred zip files (,, ...) each always including 4 distinct csv files whose names always start with these three letters ...
denis's user avatar
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Increasing fontsize of numbers in forestplot in R

I am trying to prepare a forest plot for summarizing patient survival outcomes in multiple cohorts using the forestplot package in R. The plot comes out fine but I am struggling to increase the size ...
accibio's user avatar
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Problems running accuracy metrics on Validation_Set using fable package

I am unable to let the ACCURACY function point only to the Validation_set. The code perfectly works only in case the first argument of Accuracy is the whole dataset("data_tsibble") but in ...
Mark_'s user avatar
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Produce table with data bars in base R or ggplot2

I am looking to make a table with horizontal bar graphs in each cell to display continuous numeric data with 2 categorical independent variables. It would look similar to the below (fictional data): ...
whv20's user avatar
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Getting "invalid 'type' (character) of argument" error with numeric values when I do apply.weekly(data$x, sum) [closed]

I have a time series object and I am creating a list of the variables at different timesteps. when I do apply.weekly( , mean) it works fine, but when I want to sum the values over a week it gives me.. ...
Tatiana's user avatar
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Find row in Matrix A which is closest two Matrix B

Lets say I have two matrices A and B given by set.seed(123) m1 = matrix(runif(10*5), nrow = 10, ncol = 5) m2 = matrix(runif(10*5), nrow = 10, ncol = 5) I want to find for each row in matrix A the row ...
MGP's user avatar
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Making a ggplot2 Sankey plot in R less crowded

If I have a dataframe in R (called connections_df), that shows the connections between the two endpoints (endpoint1 and endpoint2) with the corresponding chromosome (CHR): endpoint1 ...
HKJ3's user avatar
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Making lines not overlap

I am creating a DGE plot for 2 samples. I want the lines in the resulting plot to NOT BE STACKED on top of each other, bot to be next to each other (so that both are visible). ## Load packages if (! ...
Marek Pospíšil's user avatar
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R function 'transform' ignoring argument 'check.names=FALSE'

I'm having issues with the function transform in R and the argument check.names. For example: df <- data.frame('A' = sample(1:10), 'B' = sample(1:10), 'C(%)' = NA, check.names = FALSE) > names(...
SchlaWiener's user avatar
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Conditional variable for COMPLETE DATA [duplicate]

Attached data : id = c (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2) vm = c("12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18" "19", &...
user25334460's user avatar
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Change the absolute value of elements in a dataframe without changing their sign (+ / -)

I have a dataframe of cumulative changes, which I am trying to convert into (multiplicative) factor values. If all values were positive, I could simply add 1: e.g. a 25% increase would be 0.25, adding ...
ravinglooper's user avatar
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Pattern fill in highcharter bar chart

I would like to create a column or bar chart with pattern fill in an R shiny app. It seems to me that highcharts and related highcharter package should be able to do the job, but I could not find a ...
kristofkelemen's user avatar
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In R, how and where does the underlying C functions get their argument inputs?

I'm trying to understand what happens at the C level when I call a function in R. For instance, print("Hello, World!") will call UseMethod("print"). From the "table" in ...
cmd's user avatar
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In ggHoriPlot, geom_horizon will create fill Categories. What the meanning?

In ggHoriPlot,geom_horizon will create fill Categories ypos3 .. yneg1 ..yneg13 ,refer to the legend in attached image. How to understand Categories and it's created according what kind of logic ? ...
anderwyang's user avatar
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KFAS package: Why I can't pass SSMCustom state space object to SSModel formula?

I am trying to create SSModel from KFAS package in R. In the code I got from someone it was done this way: model <- KFAS::SSModel(ts ~ -1 + SSMcustom(Z = Z_t,T = T_t, R = R_t, Q = Q_t, a1 = a1_t, ...
Brzoskwinia's user avatar
2 votes
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lme4 (glmer): Something buggy with treatment of factors in 4-way interactions

I have a dataset for which I am making a series of complex generalized linear mixed-effects models with the lme4 package in R. I have experience with glmer and this type of experimental data, but I'...
Drew McLaughlin's user avatar
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how can I force the scale in ggplot to be in the middle of the data range?

In the plot below, the range in a goes from 0.001 to 0.7 but the legend doesn't have the middle value in the cyan color. Is there a way I can force that the middle value in the range of a be in the ...
L55's user avatar
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How to change the line-height only in the code chunk when using Rmd in Rstudio

I'm looking for a way to modify the .rstheme file and adjust the line-height in a R markdown document. Specifically I want the code chunk in the Rmd file to have a line-height of 1.2 and for the other ...
m3m3m3's user avatar
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R parallel: Stopping a cluster you don't have the object for?

I am working with a function that starts with parallel::makeCluster() and ends with parallel::stopCluster(). Sometimes it crashes in the middle and does not stop the cluster. Demonstration code: ...
bluemouse's user avatar
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How to remove real-time NA rows?

I'm writing a code in shiny to input data in real time and download a csv file, but I want to remove rows with NA in the final output file. Is it difficult to remove rows in real time in shiny? Is it ...
문경란's user avatar
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RStudio: Failure to install 'imager'

I am attempting to do the tutortial "Getting started with imager", but the very first instruction library(imager) generates a long error message, with only the first part shown below Error: ...
donman's user avatar
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Fix order of stacks but allow colour to change

The data and code for this question were adapted from: How to fill colors of stacked bar plot depending on colors column of df in R using ggplot I want to fix the order of country appearance in each ...
Alex's user avatar
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Exact same line of code not working between 2 PCs [closed]

On my home PC with R4.4.0 avg_demand_per_yearday <- aggregate(demand ~ yearday, df, 'mean') it works as expexted. On my work machine with R4.4.1 an error occurs Error in UseMethod("aggregate&...
Siam Bhuiyan's user avatar
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Efficiently standardize a large matrix in R with foreach/doParallel?

I need to standardize (subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation) the columns of several large matrices in R (roughly 300,000 rows by 10,000-20,000 columns). The process has been very ...
bluemouse's user avatar
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Issues in my script to analyze a list of stock ticker symbols

The purpose of this script is to gather basic information about all S&P listed stocks from Wikipedia. It then uses the get symbol to extract price data over time, calculates log.return over that ...
Tbiz Adeniyi's user avatar
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Error in system(cmd, intern = intern, ignore.stdout = ignore.stdout, ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr)

I am running an R script that uses cifti and am getting this error: Error in system(cmd, intern = intern, ignore.stdout = ignore.stdout, ignore.stderr = ignore.stderr) : error in running command ...
Edy's user avatar
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aggregation based upon multiple criteria and time range (R)

Ultimately, I want to aggregate the amount column in my data over modular groups that do not yet exist but that are the composite of two existing groups and a time difference dimension. I have a ...
Grum's user avatar
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Which versions to install to make RandomFields, RandomFieldsUtils, rpy2 compatible?

I am hoping to install some packages that people no longer update. I need RandomFields (, RandomFieldsUtils (
Sasha Queequeg's user avatar
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Why is this part of my code not adding the new columns to my data frame?

I have 13 datasets that are in .XPT format called data2010, data2011, data2012.. data2022. These are the BRFSS datasets from the CDC website. I have been trying to add three new columns to each of my ...
Jalinne's user avatar
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Is there an R program that plot ROC curve nicely? [closed]

Is there any package that allows me to plot ROC curve like this? ? The 0.95,0.9 are particular threshold values. I tried the package verification with roc.plot(truth,v,xlab="FDR",ylab="...
monotonic's user avatar
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How can I append duplicated groups of a dataset with changes to existing data in R efficiently?

I have data like this: key_data <- data.frame(orig_letter=c("A","A","A","A","C","C","F","B","B","B&...
Neal Barsch's user avatar
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How to capture a legend event?

Is it possible to capture a legend activation / deactivation event of an echart using a shiny app? mtcars |> head() |> tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |> e_charts(model) |>...
user26514262's user avatar
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leaflet() empty geometry Error Don't know how to get polygon data from object of class XY,GEOMETRYCOLLECTION,sfg

I was using the leaflet package in R, and I had this error (in the title) that took some time to track down. I could not find the exact error or solution posted, so I am posting. I was using a ...
Marty May's user avatar
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move inset plot legend

I have an inset plot with a legend that I want to be shown at the bottom of the overall figure. This legend isn't the same for the larger plot, since I added more layers to the inset plot. How can I ...
awray's user avatar
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'Maximum call stack size exceeded' when using tsibble::fill_gaps() in a shinylive webr app

I am using shinylive (v0.2.0) to write a Shiny (v1.8.1.1) app to run in the browser (Safari v17.5, 19618. using webr. The app takes data where each row represents an event and counts the ...
Matt Ashby's user avatar
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Combine event binding and dynamic outputs in shiny

My Shiny app consists of selecting a set of parameters to generate outputs based on the corresponding data, where each parameter is dependent on the previous one to narrow down which data needs to be ...
yben's user avatar
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Element does not exist in dataset when selected via selectInput

In the shiny app below I try to group by selected input but I get: Caused by error in `all_of()`: ! Can't subset elements that don't exist. ✖ Element `abs_edu` doesn't exist. This is my code: library(...
firmo23's user avatar
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Problem with dynamic linear model -> lagged variable explains 100% of my model [closed]

I created a regression model, which regresses a cycle component onto a lagged cycle component and various other variables. It looks like this: regoffice4 <- dynlm( diff(diff(officecycle,1),1) ~ ...
Alexander Holzinger's user avatar
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Create a function that converts a dataframe into a format suitable for a treemap structure

I want to create a treemap for a dataframe using the Plotly package. For this purpose, I need to create a function that converts the dataframe into a format suitable for a treemap structure. On the ...
Masoud's user avatar
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How to adjust x axis in coefficient plot with sjPlot's plot_model when x value range is smaller than -1,1?

I'm plotting multiple regression coefficients with plot_model and the x axis is automatically set to -1,1 even though the possible range of my values is smaller, which makes the estimates hard to see ...
kommoder_Waran's user avatar

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