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Adding tooltips or popovers to table generated with `kableExtra` in an R quarto document

I want to add tooltips or popovers to HTML tables in Quarto, but got stuck, after reading the documentation and considerable trial and error. Links work as expected, but tooltips or popover messages ...
tpetzoldt's user avatar
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Collapse messages and text output and add a scrollbar to chunk output when writing vignettes in Rmd

I'm writing vignettes on RStudio using Rmarkdown and knitr for an R package that I'm developing. In one chunk, I'd like to demonstrate the operation of a function I wrote and show its output. ...
Giomu's user avatar
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knit and by chunk execution have different results in R Markdown

I work in RStudio, creating an R Markdown document that outputs some tables with metrics. When I clear everything from the global environment and execute the chunks one by one, I have valid results. ...
Stefan Nicov's user avatar
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Rmarkdown finds image when run but not when "knit"

I'm trying to include a figure in an RMD pdf with this code: knitr::include_graphics(paste0(here::here(), '/figures/species/', cur_yr,'/place_fig1_', cur_yr, '.png'), dpi = 125). This figure ...
cohonomad's user avatar
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Add code to HTML header in Quarto without modifying the preamble

I am writing an R package which needs to add JavaScript functions to the <head> of an HTML file created by Rmarkdown or Quarto. I do not have control over the YAML preamble, so I cannot use ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Using greek letters for x-axis labels in ggplot

I want the x-axis labels "beta", "gamma" and "sigma" in the ggplot to be in Greek letters. library(sensitivity) library(boot) library(ggplot2) library(knitr) library(...
Jaydy's user avatar
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kableExtra is turning embedded html into escaped text

I am creating a html page in knitr. However, kableExtra is turning embedded html into escaped text. Here is a MWE for the issue. --- title: "Animals" output: html_document: toc: TRUE ...
lilster's user avatar
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knit button error - '\U' backslash error Rstudio

I am taking the GDAC coursera class on R and I am getting this error specifically when pressing the "knit" button that creates an html/pdf/word file in Rstudio desktop. Error: '\U' used ...
Josh Olson's user avatar
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how to automatically align arabic text in R-Markdown document and tables

I'm currently working on a bilingual Arabic and English report using xelatex engine. I've included these in my R-Markdown YAML header so that arabic letters combine properly to create a word. --- ...
Abdu Kikhia's user avatar
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I have been struggling to knit my project in rstudio, neither PDF, word, HTML or tinytex are working

Rmarkdown file is not knitting, I am continously getting this error code. processing file: cyclistic-bike-share-analysis---r-markdown-save.Rmd |. | 2% [...
Ladi's user avatar
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! there is no package called 'XLConnectJars'

I'm knitting an older file in R Markdown. Why am I getting this when the compiler hits this chunk: install.packages( 'printr', repos = c('', '') ...
Douglas Jones's user avatar
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R Markdown file with chunks already evaluated, not sure where this is being stored

I have been working with a .Rmd file that now when I open it in RStudio, the chunks are already evaluated. I have not used the cache argument anywhere in the document, and am unsure where/how the ...
setophaga's user avatar
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How do I knit a Rmd file to HTML?

I have a Rmd file open in Rstudio that I am trying to knit into html. These are the first lines of the file: --- title: "Project 2" author: "do not enter your name" date: "...
student123's user avatar
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How to use Rmarkdown with natbib citation package?

I am trying to write a PDF article in Rmarkdown, and want to include a scientific bibliography using the latex natbib citation package. Unfortunately, I get an error message. This is a minimum example ...
user416's user avatar
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R chrome_print() landscape = T not resizing HTML on print?

I am creating a report in my R Shiny app that sends parameters to knit a html file and then runs chrome_print() on that to convert it to a PDF. The reason it is done this way is because I want to send ...
fullera's user avatar
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