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How to write a good R question with a reproducible example

This article is largely written based on When posting a question to Stack Overflow, you should include a minimal ...
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R Language Frequently Asked Questions

The questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What’s a question every R programmer asks at some point? Add it here! Grab questions from the r-faq tag to get them added ...
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Extracting matched data using overlap weights

I have generated overlap weights on R using weightit package, I generally fo regression using weights directly. But I want to extract the matched data according to overlap weights for demographic ...
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clmm function gives me an error "Error in x$code == 0L || action == "silent" : Error 'length = 2' in coercion to 'logical(1)'"

The following commands regarding the two types of models are executed in R model_4_clmm <- clmm(v27_3 ~ SEX_2 + AGE + PARTLIV_2 + EDULEVEL_2 + WORK_2 + ISCO08_2 + PARTY_LR_2 + v4_3 + gdp_per_capita....
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Convert ordinal word string to ordinal number string?

Suppose I have a vector containing ordinal number words as strings in R: ordinal_words<-c("FIRST COMPANY", "BAKERY FIFTH AVENUE", "WEST FORTIETH WAY") I would like ...
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How do I order a barchart, but not by ascending or descending order?

I am making a bar chart breaking down time spent at each activity level(high, medium, low, and total active times) for individuals recorded to be in different fitness levels. here is the code I am ...
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NA values when using avg_predictions() from marginaleffects with a flexsurv model

I'm unsure why I do not get standard errors or confidence intervals when I fit parametric survival models and compute the predicted mean survival times using the avg_predictions(). I tried using ...

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Create dropdown list in R using plotly?

I want to create a dropdown list with the years 2019 to 2024 for this plot: I'm using R Markdown and plotly to create the interactive plot. I managed to make this plot for 2021, but I can't seem to ...
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Using LaTeX packages in Quarto YAML for Typst output-formats

I want to use LaTeX packages in the Quarto YAML header for Typst output formats. A sketch of my YAML header is below. It seems that it doesn't work for \usepackage[none]{hyphenat}. The output shows ...

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How to write a good R question with a reproducible example

This article is largely written based on When posting a question to Stack Overflow, you should include a minimal ...
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Create multiple PDF/HTML reports using R Markdown in a loop

How to create multiple PDF/HTML reports in a loop using R Markdown With R Markdown, creating a PDF or HTML report is straightforward. But what if you want to create various reports? Furthermore, what ...
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