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Browse tags that are relevant to the R Language Collective. A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes a question with other, similar questions.

R is a free, open-source programming language & software environment for statistical computing, bioinformatics, visualization & general computing. Please use minimal reproducible examples others can …
508471 questions
ggplot2 is an actively maintained open-source chart-drawing package for R, written by Hadley Wickham, based upon the principles of "Grammar of Graphics". It partially replaces R's basic plot and the …
56906 questions
for questions relating to functions from the dplyr package, such as group_by, summarize, filter, and select.
Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web applications using only R. For the Python Shiny package, use the tag [py-shiny] instead.
29198 questions
The R data.table package is an extension of data.frame built for fast in-memory data analysis. Use the dt tag for the DataTables package with Shiny (DT).
13714 questions
if your question relates to the installation, integration with your system, or inclusion of the entire tidyverse library. DO NOT USE if your question relates to one or two compon…
RStudio is an IDE for the R statistical programming language. DO NOT use this tag for general R programming problems, just use the R tag. ONLY use for RStudio-specific questions.
knitr is an R package for dynamic report generation based on the concept of literate programming.
tidyr is an R package by Hadley Wickham for cleaning and reshaping data, designed to use the magrittr pipe (%>%) so as to interact well with dplyr and similar pipeable packages which emphasize tidy da…
purrr enhances R’s functional programming toolkit by providing a complete and consistent set of tools for working with functions and vectors, such as map() and reduce().
rvest is an R package which provides functions to help extract information from web pages.
shinydashboard is an R package which provides a framework for creating dashboards using R and shiny.
2839 questions
lubridate is an R package that makes it easier to work with dates and time objects.
The stringr package is a wrapper for the R stringi package that provides consistent function names and error handling for string manipulation. It is part of the Tidyverse collection of packages. Use t…
plyr is an R package with tools to solve a variety of problems using the split-apply-combine strategy
2465 questions
caret is an R package for classification and regression training. It provides a standardized interface to several of R's machine learning packages, along with utilities for training and plotting.
2094 questions
Shiny Server provides a platform on which you can host multiple Shiny applications on a single server, each with their own URL or port.
1647 questions
tibble could refer to an R class (tbl_df class), which is an improved data frame with stricter checking and better formatting. tibble could also refer to an R package providing functions to create and…
zoo is an R package that provides an S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations.
1354 questions
should be used for questions regarding the development of R packages. Do not use this tag to ask questions about the use of R packages. Many common R packages have their own tags for that pur…
raster is an R package for geographic data analysis and modeling.
1249 questions
Questions regarding by RStudio. This tag should NOT be used for general questions concerning Shiny: those belong to the tag `shiny`.
1199 questions
quantmod is a package for R designed to assist quantitative traders in the development, testing, and deployment of statistically based trading models.
1192 questions
rlang is an R package for creating tidy evaluation interfaces and manipulating language and environment objects. It is a utility package underlying many of the tidyverse family of packages.
821 questions
readr is an R package that provides a fast and friendly way to read tabular data.
538 questions
forcats is an R package for working with categorical variables (factors), and part of the tidyverse collection of packages.
200 questions
An R package to implement the data table back-end for 'dplyr'.
48 questions