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How to remove real-time NA rows?

I'm writing a code in shiny to input data in real time and download a csv file, but I want to remove rows with NA in the final output file. Is it difficult to remove rows in real time in shiny? Is it ...
문경란's user avatar
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How to capture a legend event?

Is it possible to capture a legend activation / deactivation event of an echart using a shiny app? mtcars |> head() |> tibble::rownames_to_column("model") |> e_charts(model) |>...
user26514262's user avatar
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'Maximum call stack size exceeded' when using tsibble::fill_gaps() in a shinylive webr app

I am using shinylive (v0.2.0) to write a Shiny (v1.8.1.1) app to run in the browser (Safari v17.5, 19618. using webr. The app takes data where each row represents an event and counts the ...
Matt Ashby's user avatar
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Combine event binding and dynamic outputs in shiny

My Shiny app consists of selecting a set of parameters to generate outputs based on the corresponding data, where each parameter is dependent on the previous one to narrow down which data needs to be ...
yben's user avatar
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Element does not exist in dataset when selected via selectInput

In the shiny app below I try to group by selected input but I get: Caused by error in `all_of()`: ! Can't subset elements that don't exist. ✖ Element `abs_edu` doesn't exist. This is my code: library(...
firmo23's user avatar
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How to change the background color of a Datatable header using css?

My question is similar to this question, except that I would like to use a css rule in an external css file.
Edd's user avatar
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R shiny app - rendering is much slower when run on remote server compared to local server

I made an R shiny app which runs perfectly in my local browser on my local server, however the rendering is noticeably slower when I run the same app from my local browser on a remote server. A quick ...
Þórhildur Júlíusdóttir's user avatar
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Grab the user details when a user authenticates an R shiny web app using Azure Active Directory

I am new to the concept of web apps deployed in Azure and related authentications. I have an R Shiny app, hosted as an app service in Azure cloud using Docker containers. I have few Azure user groups ...
Moohoo's user avatar
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Direct input elements in shinydashboard sidebar

I was wondering if I could modify the following shiny app and put the sliderInput into the sidebar section : library(shinydashboard) ui <- dashboardPage( dashboardHeader(title = "DB manager&...
Haribo's user avatar
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Several packages not installed in RShiny with Docker

I create a Dockerfile: # Base image FROM rocker/shiny:latest # system libraries of general use ## install debian packages RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get -y ...
Leprechault's user avatar
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Put the progress bar in the center and change the size of the message box in R Shiny

I am writng a R shiny web application. I am looking for a way to put the progress bar in the center of the webpage and adjust the size the of the bar. The function I used is "withProgress", ...
Jian Zhang's user avatar
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Error in bi_class() function: the condition has length > 1 while using Shiny

I am building an RShiny dashboard that allows the user to select two variables which then is plotted onto a bivariate map. This is the code so far: library(ggplot2) library(ggspatial) library(cowplot) ...
ElisJD's user avatar
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Create a radarchart with dynamic grouping which is based on shiny widget

This is a shiny app in which first I need to select 3 or more columns from the selectinput() named Variable and then 1 from the Group selectInput().The first works as with this I set which variables ...
firmo23's user avatar
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bslib theme toggle not working in R Shiny app

I'm trying to better grok Shiny so I can make some neat little apps or visualisations, but I am getting a confusing error when I try to add a dark-light mode toggle switch. I pretty much copied the ...
nos codemos's user avatar
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How to load local csv files into shinyLive code block within a Quarto document?

I want to create a quarto document that contains a code block that uses shinyLive to run an interactive graph. At the moment, all the examples I have seen are either: using R's inbuilt dummy data or, ...
Matthew Nocete's user avatar

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