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Questions tagged [opencypher]

For questions related to openCypher, a declarative graph query language

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How to create index in anzo graph?

When attempting to create an index using the cypher query, in bolt CLI provided with anzograph setup an exception is thrown: CREATE INDEX person_index FOR (n:person) ON ( Error - at line 1 ...
dishabehrani77's user avatar
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Avoid traversal explosion when matching variable-length paths (on a DAG)

I wish to efficiently return all child vertices from a given vertex using Apache AGE. My graph is acyclic and directed. Here's a simplified sample of the graph relationships: MATCH (a)-[r]->(b) ...
A. Bourgoin's user avatar
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Apache AGE Cypher query in dynamic PL/pgSQL functions

I'm using the official release from Apache AGE GitHub for PostgreSQL 14 installed via homebrew on a Mac. I've run into an issue related to creating functions with Cypher and PL/pgSQL. I'm trying to ...
Chide Ogan's user avatar
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Problem with WITH statement. Resulting in "Vertex assigned to variable was deleted" in Apache AGE error

I am working with Apache AGE and I am trying to create new nodes and relationships based on existing nodes and their relationships. Here is a simplified version of my queries with placeholder ...
Pro Grammer S's user avatar
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Cypher Query Optimize

I am using AWS Neptune and using python with neo4j to query the database. I am having difficult time to fetch the completely hierarchy by a node id. I want the all children and sub children which are ...
ak4550126's user avatar
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Amazon Neptune OpenCypher - What is the cause for "Operation terminated (internal error)" when using SET after MERGE?

I am running this simple query on an Amazon Neptune DB, using directly the Neptune API: POST {{host}}/openCypher Content-Type: application/json { "query":"MERGE (t:Test {reference: ...
Joats's user avatar
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Neptune gremlin graph traversal that uses previous edge property to decide next edge, and the property is a collection

My requirement is to use properties from incoming edge which can be sets of strings to decide which outgoing edges to select for further traversal. If any of the values in one collection can be found ...
spc16670's user avatar
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How do you upload OpenCypher formatted data to Neptune without supplying an ID?

I'm a little confused. OpenCypher MERGE statements do not require you to set an ID when loading data. This is ideal unless you want to externally track each node with its ID somewhere else. However, ...
Thisisstackoverflow's user avatar
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openCypher complex path pattern support

I wonder if there is regex-like path pattern support for more complex path queries in openCypher. Here are some examples: A path with alternative relationships, like Follows-Likes-Follows-Likes-... ...
Ohrwurm's user avatar
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What's the common subset of Cypher query language, GQL, PGQL, and Property Graph queries in SQL:2003 (PGQ)?

Cypher query language has been made popular with Neo4J and is being standardized as openCypher. The openCypher page mentions SQL/GQL but the GQL page has last been updated in 2019. Meanwhile the SQL:...
Jakob's user avatar
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How can I dynamically modify a returned path?

I am using FalkorDb 4.0.5 which is a fork of the now discontinued Redis Graph. My simplified test case: GRAPH.QUERY g // Create 4 nodes: "CREATE (w:Work{name:'Work'}), (a:City{name:'A'}), (b:...
Murrah's user avatar
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Cypher/Neo4j, What is the most efficient way to compose filter clauses programmatically?

I'm using the Java driver to fetch data from a Neo4j database. I have a function receiving a Set<ChrRegion> chrRegions and then I have to use the parameter to build a query like (in pseudo-code, ...
zakmck's user avatar
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cypher query- how to calculate number of person clusters in cypher

In neo4j cypher query, I have person node, and person know each other. how can I find out how many person clusters? additionally, how can I find how many cluster has more than one person? MATCH (p1:...
Xiangfeng's user avatar
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HOW TO fetch nodes with multiple edge type as starting point

Below is my dataset: MERGE (pNode:product_sku {model_id: 1}) MERGE (f1:formula {model_id: 1}) MERGE (f2:formula {model_id: 2}) MERGE (f3:formula {model_id: 3}) MERGE (f4:formula {model_id: 4}) MERGE (...
ephraim lambarte's user avatar
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Express abscence of edges in OpenCypher

This question has an answer for how to find nodes which don't have outgoing edges on neo4j and cypher: MATCH ()-[:A]->(n) WHERE NOT (n)-->() RETURN n However, this does not work on Apache AGE: ...
Daniel's user avatar
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