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Questions tagged [objective-c]

This tag should be used only on questions that are about Objective-C features or depend on code in the language. The tags [cocoa] and [cocoa-touch] should be used to ask about Apple's frameworks or classes. Use the related tags [ios], [macos], [apple-watch] and [tvos] for issues specific to those platforms.

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Unable to create framework in Xcode 15 with Objective-C throwing error "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code"

I am trying to create objective C Network framework using Xcode 15 with minimum supported iOS version 14.0. Here are the steps I am following: I created New> Project> framework> Objective C&...
Priyanka Wadher Mistry's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I mock an Objective-C class from Swift code for unit testing?

I'm trying to unit test a Swift class that depends on an Objective-C class. Call these SwiftClass and ObjcClass. I created a protocol that contains the methods/properties of ObjcClass that SwiftClass ...
Cassiterite's user avatar
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How to corroct get notification permission in Objc?

I have a way to get push permissions. But what I get every time is not the correct value. How can I rewrite this method? My push permission has been enabled, but it still prints out 555 first and then ...
Beginnerrrrrr's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to call "AutoFill Password" dialog like click password button in iOS system keyboard?

I want call "AutoFill Password" dialog like click password button in iOS system keyboard. Is Any iOS API can do that? I've try using ASAuthorizationPasswordRequest and ...
Shilai Zhang's user avatar
-1 votes
0 answers

kABPhoneProperty how to check the label?

I'm working in Obj-C and am using an ABPersonPicker. I am able to obtain the phone number from the selected person and output the phone number of any given index. This all works great, however I need ...
GeraldTheGerm's user avatar
-1 votes
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“'FIRMessaging' has different definitions in different modules; first difference is defined here found property”

I am currently upgrading an iOS project to version 7.1.0 by creating a new Cordova project. After integrating the 'NativeLogs' plugin, the build process in Xcode fails with multiple errors, one of ...
Gal Asraf's user avatar
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setValidatesSecureCertificate:NO causing error

I am working on old project and something weird is happening. Below is the code we have. -(void)startRequest{ if (![NetworkConnect connectedToInternet]) { [self onError]; return; ...
Fahim Parkar's user avatar
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Exclusion of a directory from backup : NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey does not always stick even though setResourceValue has reported success

I want to exclude a directory in documents storage class from backup. Setting exclusion attribute like so + (BOOL)kit_addSkipBackupAttributeForItemAtURL:(NSURL *)url { if (![[NSFileManager ...
Anton Tropashko's user avatar
-2 votes
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make a NSWindow of another app show and focused by clicking a foreground app's button in OC

I have an application (the client app), it has two button a and b, By clicking these buttons, IPC send message to the server app(Also, which will show window A or B. Here' s my sample ...
macro peng's user avatar
-1 votes
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Which way is preferred for a AND/OR logic? [closed]

I'm refactoring an old Objective-C project. There is 1 AND/OR logic condition that we are debating about: NSString *str1 = [[url1.path lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension]; NSString *str2 ...
hell2809's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Retrieve an audio file such as an mp3 from the documents directory in Objective-C or Swift

I would like to store and retrieve audio files such as MP3s in the user's documents directory. When I do this with images I can simply fetch the file as a UIImage. However, I'm struggling with what ...
user6631314's user avatar
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Undo manager with multiple fields

Hello I have an application, it's very basic but has some fields for an address, so city, zip code, state etc... I want it so the user can undo the content across multiple fields, currently the ...
GeraldTheGerm's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

AutoFill password into UITextField

I want to implement such a function: a password UITextField, using the system Jiugongge numeric keypad(textField.keyboardType = .numberPad), and enable to automatically fill the password. like this: ...
Shilai Zhang's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0. Failed to bind EAGLDrawable to GL_RENDERBUFFER 2

I'm working on a custom UIView subclass in my iOS project that involves using GLKView and CAEAGLLayer for camera rendering and applying beauty filters. The main goal is to capture video from the ...
Georgina's user avatar
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Cocoapod integration Issue in Framework as target

I have created an Application in which we have framework as target. I am using SendbirdChatSDK and Sendbirdcalls Cocoapod as dependency for framework.
While compiling it is showing error in swift ...
shikha's user avatar
  • 21

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