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Questions tagged [uikit]

UIKit (not to be confused with the front-end framework GetUIKit) is the object-oriented framework that is responsible for most of the iOS user interface.

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Issue with Dequeuing Custom Cells in Main Storyboard

I'm encountering an NSInternalInconsistencyException when trying to dequeue custom cells designed in XIB files in my main storyboard. The error message is: unable to dequeue a cell with identifier ...
bumblebee's user avatar
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1 answer

Easing functions for using CADisplayLink

I need to manually animate something frame by frame in SwiftUI using CADisplayLink, which provides me frame to frame updates. For animating a value from a to b in a linear fashion, the implementation ...
bli00's user avatar
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iOS 18 - How to clear tabbar order persisted by iPad

In iOS 18, Apple introduced the ability to elevate the tab bar on iPad, allowing for customization. The customized order is persisted by the system and retrieved upon reopening the app. How can I ...
iroh's user avatar
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1 answer

Simulate hardware keyboard button press in Xcode UI test for iPad

XCUIElement has two methods named typeKey(_:modifierFlags:): the first one takes a String as an argument, the second one a XCUIKeyboardKey, which has constants like .downArrow. Now, even if the ...
Nickkk's user avatar
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UITableViewCell reload while scrolling the screen

I have this UITableView in my iOS chat application, I'm using NSFetchedResultsController to fetch new messages from Coredata and show them to the screen. Insert a new message to the bottom of the ...
YosiFZ's user avatar
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How to write UIImage extension to add tint color to the image with signature UIImage(resource, color)

Please find my code convenience init?(resource: ImageResource, color: UIColor) { let image = UIImage(resource: resource).withTintColor(color) self.init() } Please mention what I am missing
AppleDeveloper's user avatar
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Gesture event is not triggered on real device if view is outside of parent view bounds

I am facing an issue that occurs only on real device, specifically, I am trying to trigger gesture recognizer and expand the image with animation by tapping on image profile view which is inside of a ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to fix the error in Xcode after installing realm? [closed]

Hi) Started learning realm in swift, when installing it in a project it gives the following errors Messaging unqualified id with a method that is possibly direct and Multiple methods named '...
Константин's user avatar
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How to make that when keyboard appears it pushes message (tableView content) up?

As in iMessage for example, when keyboard appears, I want to push messages up also. Please help I've tried put tableView bottomAnchor to backdrop top. But it's not as I want. Messages should be behind ...
Ray's user avatar
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What is the best way to create UIControl checkbox programmatically

I need to create UIKit UIControl check box with 3 states (unselected, selected and disabled) programmatically. For states I have 3 images in pdf. Which way is the best, any help appreciated Saw many ...
1 vote
2 answers

iOS bottom sheet with fraction detents UIKit

I would like to open bottom sheet with custom option and not medium or large detents.I checked in SwiftUI there is API called .fraction but couldn't find similar API in UIKit. SwiftUI Text("Detail"...
Rock's user avatar
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Maui iOS UIApplication.Main() throiwing exception

I have a Xamarin.Forms app that I am porting over to MAUI. The android version works and builds fine. The iOS has a persistant problem whereby Program.Main(args) throws an exception. The watchdog on ...
Matt_Ba's user avatar
-1 votes
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When using NSCollectionLayoutSection.list, how to specific header height and cell item height?

I am using NSCollectionLayoutSection.list as follow. private func layoutConfig() -> UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { let layout = UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { section, ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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Read and write file tags with URLResourecKey.tagNamesKey on iOS

URLResourecKey.tagNamesKey is only available on macOS, so apparently there's no way of reading or writing file tags on iOS. Why is this the case, given that file tags can be set via Finder on macOS ...
Nickkk's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How can I have two UIGestureRecognizers that detect pans with different amounts of fingers?

Say I have two UIPanGestureRecognizers, each on different UIViews, placed directly above each other. If I wanted to have one only recognise pans with one finger, and another only those with two ...
David's user avatar
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