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Questions tagged [lua]

Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode, and has automatic garbage collection. Its speed is one of the main reasons it is widely used by the machine learning community. It is often referred to as an "extensible extension language".

6,220 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
13 votes
1 answer

Storing Lua scripts with stackexchange.redis

I'm trying to use StackExchange.Redis on Azure WebApp and need to run some Lua scripts. The recommended way is to load the scripts to the server but I have difficulty understanding the correct ...
ziv's user avatar
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10 votes
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Modify request body before PROXY_PASS

I have nginx setup that passes all request to nodejs, however I want to modify request body in nginx before passing it to nodejs. Like if body has then replace it with https://...
Sadiq Khoja's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

how to implement a grpc client in lua at a bare minimum

I am trying to implement a grpc client in lua.After some exploration I think I need to 1)use a lua http2 library for the transport layer communication 2)prot0buf library for request and response ...
crackerplace's user avatar
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8 votes
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mason.vim using the wrong python / nvim version -> desired asdf versions

I've setup mason.vim in nvim, and it's working to install packages, and i've installed several python packages. It didn't seem to be recognizing my global pip config, so I ran a :checkhealth, and ...
Dannyl Walker's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Corona sdk display multi line notification

I have some notifications in Corona. The problem is, the text is too big, and I would need to show bigger (multi line) notifications, like the Gmail app, for example. Here is what the notifications ...
Serban Stoenescu's user avatar
7 votes
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Monaco Editor - Adding monarch multi-line string token for Lua

So i'm creating a 'lua' tokenizer using Monarch and Monaco editor, I have the basic variables and stuff setup, but the only problem is I have no idea how to add a multi-line string. I see they did it ...
Quantix's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Missing dependencies for a module ltn12

I'm creating a module to send a mail using sendgrid (still very earlier stage) I have following rockspec package = "sendgrid" version = "0.1.0-1" source = { url = "git://
Noobie's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is it possible to manage a sticky table for rate limiting using HAProxy - Lua?

I am using HAProxy as a load balancer & i have a lua script which returns the backend name to haproxy.cfg. Wanted to implement rate limiting for my application. I know that we can use sticky ...
Vasanth's user avatar
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7 votes
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Equivalent of package.json/requirements.txt for luarocks?

Is there a file/format that I can save all the dependencies required for an application so that I can run luarocks install or something and reads all those dependencies and installs them in that ...
Kousha's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Neovim LSP: pyright server does not dynamically regognize changes in sub folders

I setup Neovim LSP using the nvim-lspconfig and the lsp-installer where I also installed the pyright server. Without any further configuration it worked out of the box. However when I have a class in ...
goTAN's user avatar
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6 votes
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I got this error after upgrading neovim to version 0.7.2-2

I try to update neovim, to the latest version,It installed correctly, but when trying to view the version (nvim -v) give me this error: vim/_init_packages.lua: cannot load incompatible bytecode stack ...
Alistercry's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

multiple independent reference sections in Rmarkdown

I want to include separate references sections for main text and supplementary text in an Rmarkdown document. The approach suggested here and here largely works, but if there are references that ...
Glenn Stauffer's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Scrapy splash not working correctly when searching for items loaded with JS

I'm using scrapy with scrapy splash to get data from some URLs such as this product url or this product url 2. I have a Lua Script with a wait time and return the HTML: script = """ ...
Nicols Esteban Morales Morales's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

scrapy, splash, lua, button click

I am new to all instruments here. My goal is to extract all URLs from a lot of pages which are connected moreless by a "Weiter"/"next" button - that for several URLS. I decided to try that with scrapy....
P. Guyan's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Usage difference between SSL_add0_chain_cert and SSL_add1_chain_cert?

In OpenSSL documentation it says: All these functions are implemented as macros. Those containing a 1 increment the reference count of the supplied certificate or chain so it must be freed at some ...
Superziyi's user avatar
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