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Neovim BiomeJS not using biome.json formatting

My lsp.lua is as follows: local util = require("lspconfig.util") return { { "williamboman/mason.nvim", opts = function(_, opts) vim.list_extend(opts....
Owenn's user avatar
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neovim + lua + slimv: how to start swank server in the current folder/project?

I'm using Slimv with NVim, and it works perfectly except when attempting to (load ...) files from the same folder. I presume it's an issue with translating vim shell commands (with % expansions, etc.) ...
Tsarko's user avatar
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Tab keymap collision between nvim-cmp and copilot.vim in AstroNvim

I'm using AstroNvim, and just installed copilot.vim. It's working fine, except that I want to use the Tab key to accept a copilot suggestion. However, the Tab key is mapped to 'Next Completion' ...
Mrinal Jain's user avatar
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What is vim.loop.fs_stat()?

My question is exactly as the heading. I can't find any good documentation explaining what it is and any usecase. I found the code being used in many many lua.init files (the file where neovim configs ...
Bruce Murdock's user avatar
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Neovim: <leader>pv key mapping not working for :Ex command in init.lua

just following theprimeagen neovim setup tutorial, try to map Ex to pv not working. print("Setting leader key") vim.g.mapleader = " " print("Setting key mapping") vim....
Marshall Hank's user avatar
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how use fzf-lua to prompt with directory listing ; then file listing in selected directory

I would like to use fzf-lua to prompt for a specific directory listing and then prompt for files in the selected directory. I have looked at the fzf-lua github repo and the advanced options are really ...
Boyd's user avatar
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Neovim key command r is to be customized

As in neovim key command: r is to get into insert mode await a key being hit then automatically go back to normal Then does neovim have possible way to append it a key sequence, e.g. l that is can ...
user17227456's user avatar
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neovim error: when using vim.fs.root(): attempt to call field 'root' (a nil value)

I'm just trying to set up a language server for a language that is not included in the popular lspconfig repo. I'm not a Lua developer and am only superficially familiar with Lua. I am looking at the ...
meh's user avatar
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How to load a lua plugin from vimscript (how to call the setup function)

I want to use a neovim plugin that is written in lua (epwalsh/obsidian.nvim for instance). But my whole config is written in vimscript, and I use the vim-plug package manager. The problem is that this ...
oskar's user avatar
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How to change the cursor thickness on Insert modes in Vim?

How to change the cursor thickness on Insert and Replace modes vertically and horizontally, respectively in Vim? The init.lua has vim.opt.guicursor='n-v-sm-i-ci-ve:block,i:ver41,r:hor41,a:blinkoff400-...
user17227456's user avatar
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debugging configuration of dap in nvim for typescipt projects

I am currently unable to find a debbugging configuration for ndap that works for my setup. The typescript setup is straight forward. tsc transpiles to the /dist folder and the entry point is the dist/...
relief.melone's user avatar
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How to set mapping in AstroNvim?

I set following in lua/community.lua: ---@type LazySpec return { "AstroNvim/astrocommunity", { import = "astrocommunity.pack.lua" }, { import = "
Kevvv's user avatar
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Neovim Vim - stylua is not executable (make sure it's installed and on your $PATH)

I am trying to setup neovim and I am getting following error in my NullLsLog plugin/null-ls.lua return { "nvimtools/none-ls.nvim", event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile"...
Gaurang Shah's user avatar
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Why neovim can't render a background color?

I'm trying to change the background of the neovim using lua. -- init.lua vim.o.termguicolors = true vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Normal", { bg="#04110d" }) The expected result should ...
Roman Mahotskyi's user avatar
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How to enable keymap for Lazygit?

I am trying to enable a keymap for Lazygit. I have added the following into my tmux.conf: set -g @plugin 'kdheepak/lazygit.nvim' And have added the following to my keymaps.lua: -- Keymap for ...
Assaf's user avatar
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