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Questions tagged [neovim-plugin]

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Why the event "VeryLazy" make my lsp-config not work

Background I'm a beginner to neovim and is trying to configure it. But I met with a problem. I referred to some blogs and tried to configure lsp. Some suggests that I should set the event for nvim-...
zyyHelios's user avatar
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Neovim: How to merge overloads of a function in autocompletion?

Could someone please teach me how to modify my plugin config related to autocompletion? I'm using LazyVim with no modification to its LSP/nvim-cmp config. By default, I find the config displaying ...
Micro_Seven's user avatar
2 votes
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Neovim BiomeJS not using biome.json formatting

My lsp.lua is as follows: local util = require("lspconfig.util") return { { "williamboman/mason.nvim", opts = function(_, opts) vim.list_extend(opts....
Owenn's user avatar
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VSCode keeping track of line ranges

I'm coming from neovim background and in neovim plugin development there is an API to create markers known as extmarks that automatically tracks text changes on the buffer. Therefore, we can create an ...
BAdhi's user avatar
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Gitsigns without lua

I'm new and I've been working with nvim without lua and everything is fine, I want to install the gitsigns plugin but all tutorial seems to use lua, I tried just adding Plug 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim' ...
Alex Valdelamar's user avatar
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0 client attached for js files in nvim, after installing tsserver

I have been trying for days now to make my typescript-language-server work with my neovim, but I couldn't make it happen. I installed the typescript-language-server with npm. Then I set it up in my ...
Muhammad Najib 's user avatar
2 votes
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Neovim | gopher.vim | GoAddTag | Struct not found

I have recently migrated from Vim to NeoVim. There were many configuration distros like NVChad, LazyVim, LunarVim etc but the issue was the steep keymap learning curve So I started building a custom ...
Tahseen's user avatar
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extmark was remove when use `nvim_buf_set_lines`

I am writing a indent (chunk) plugin, and encounter a bug, when comment a line which has extmark, the extmark was remove, detail can be seen here
shellRaining's user avatar
-2 votes
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Neovim error in the rustaceanvim on loading neovim

This is how I'm loading the rustaceanvim using lazy { 'mrcjkb/rustaceanvim', version = '^4', -- Recommended lazy = false, ft = { 'rust' }, }, This is the error I get ...
Rhythm Deolus's user avatar
0 votes
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Installed Lazy -- which NeoVim plugin is converting $() to backticks? and how to remove it?

I just installed Lazy via the instructions here: That is, I just did this, and then started nvim: git clone ~/.config/nvim ...
synaptik's user avatar
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How to load a lua plugin from vimscript (how to call the setup function)

I want to use a neovim plugin that is written in lua (epwalsh/obsidian.nvim for instance). But my whole config is written in vimscript, and I use the vim-plug package manager. The problem is that this ...
oskar's user avatar
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How to format on save in neovim

This is the autocmd to format on save for python files, but I am not able to get it working for .js, .ts, .jsx, .tsx: vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( "BufWritePost", {pattern = "*....
Sai Nikhil's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Error debugging Go code with Neovim and nvim-dap-go on Windows: dlv exited with code 2

I've been encountering issues while trying to debug Go code using Neovim and nvim-dap-go on Windows. I've configured everything according to the documentation, but when I try to start a debug session, ...
Trypo Phobia's user avatar
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How do I get LSP-Zero working on NeoVim using lazy.nvim?

I'm switching to NeoVim right now and everything regarding settings has been smooth up until I needed to set up LSP-Zero. Every guide I tried failed, sadly. I'm using NeoVim v0.9.1 Below is my tree ...
Thales Souza's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Correct setup for debugging NextJs app inside Neovim with dap

I've been trying to set up neovim and dap for Nexjs app for more then 5 month. So I'm here. This is the .vscode/launch.json in project directory. "version": "0.2.0", "...
Aaron Vasilev's user avatar

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