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Questions tagged [kubernetes]

KUBERNETES QUESTIONS MUST BE SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. Configuration and deployment is off-topic here. A good rule of thumb is, if it happens outside the pod, it's probably off-topic - DevOps Stack Exchange or Server Fault may be more appropriate. If it's about code running inside the pod, it's probably OK.

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Does it make sense to use karpenter when not automatically consolidating

I'm trying determining whether karpenter makes sense when you aren't automatically consolidating with: consolidationPolicy: WhenUnderutilized I understand that if consolidation is happening, that I ...
sss's user avatar
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How to Sync Files Between Local Machine and Kubernetes Pod on Save in VSCode without using Git?

I need to synchronize my local files with a pod every time I save a file in VSCode. Here are the constraints and approaches I have considered: Constraints: I want to use VSCode to push changes on ...
Charlie Parker's user avatar
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Is AWS EKS cluster management with Linux and Windows nodes common? [closed]

We are new to K8s. From a K8s management perspective, is it a better choice to run 2 separate EKS clusters (with one cluster managing only Linux-based nodes and the other cluster managing only Windows-...
chz's user avatar
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Copy files with wildcard "*" in Kubernetes InitContainer

I am trying to copy all the files from an image to a volume. However, kubernetes seems to not interpret the wildcard correctly. So, when I use the following, it fails with "not found": ...
user22104408's user avatar
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TLS Support on Azure App Gateway as Ingress Controller (AGIC) over Private IP

I have an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster that I built using Terraform. As part of the provisioning of the cluster, I also created the App Gateway as part of and integrated with the cluster. ...
Gabe Dillin's user avatar
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I am unable to ping Master IP from anywhere after installing Calico and MetalLB [closed]

I have a ongoing problem on Kubernetes. I'm currently using: Kubernetes (1.30.2) on Master and Worker nodes. Calico (3.27.0) Metallb (0.14.5) I came across a problem where, if an unexpected course ...
snekpiton39's user avatar
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I'm currently running a Selenium Grid setup on a Kubernetes cluster, with edge nodes configured to scale between a minimum of 5 replicas and a maximum of 100 replicas. My use case involves executing ...
Anvesh Muppeda's user avatar
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Proper way to shut down a Spring Boot application after a specific unit of work is completed

I have a number of Spring Boot services that are always running that perform several different kinds of tasks. For example I have one service that is reading from an Azure Service Bus queue using ...
kickd16's user avatar
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Display the rate of change of a value that did not exist before in PromQL

I am trying to display the rate of failing Kubernetes jobs using the kube_job_failed metric. It will display 1 job failed, 0 if not. I had the plan to take the rate()and then aggregate using sum() ...
user3045272's user avatar
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Unable to access server running in k8s pod from WSL host with docker-desktop installation

I'm running docker-desktop with WSL2.0 ubuntu on windows. I created a k8s deployment in the wsl ubuntu host. The deployment has one pod where I'm running a simple server program(runs forever, accepts ...
AmiyaG's user avatar
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Unable to add repository to ArgoCD

We're currently trying to provision a High-Availability ArgoCD instance onto our kubernetes cluster using the argocd helm chart (7.2.0) to provision our applications. Our infrastructure is on AWS and ...
gergokovacs711's user avatar
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Why can't I connect via ssh to k0s?

good afternoon, I encountered an error when trying to start the k0s cluster. FATA apply failed - log file saved to /root/.cache/k0sctl/k0sctl.log: failed on 2 hosts: - [ssh] retry ...
Kring Lord's user avatar
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kubernetes cronjob error: Saw a job that the controller did not create or forgot

Task:-> Restarting pod automatically at specific time. cronjob not working fine after manually triger, getting error- like Saw a job that the controller did not create or forgot: vijay-deployment-...
Vijaykumar Jawale's user avatar
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GKEStarPodOperator/Kubectl API: Error 500 "No agent available"

try to launch operator GKEStartPodOperator, to launch a simple test again GKE cluster in GCP. Using service account with these roles: Kubernetes Engine Admin Kubernetes Engine Developer Kubernetes ...
Cir02's user avatar
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prometheus pod stuck in CrashLoopBackOff error [closed]

I have this prometheus pod , which is stuck in "CrashLoopBackOff" error from a long time. I have deployed this prometheus on kubernetes using helm charts through terraform. Here are the logs ...
Kanika Gola's user avatar
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GKE Ingress Error: "Missing one or more resources. If resource creation takes longer than expected, you might have an invalid configuration."

I am using helm to deploy an GCE external ingress on a GKE cluster but i kept getting this error Missing one or more resources. If resource creation takes longer than expected, you might have an ...
Suraj Auwal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java app memory increase very fast and GC happening too frequent [closed]

I have a spring boot cronjob running in container. I found that container were killed by kubernetes several times. This is the memory and CPU profiling of the app when the job is running: This is ...
zonyang's user avatar
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Installing kuberay/operator:v1.0.0 with error message: proxyconnect tcp: connect: connection refused [closed]

Here is my question: Could anyone explain the possible proxy configuration places for error event proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp and how to pass it. Follow instruction Ray CLuster quickstart: helm repo ...
shijie xu's user avatar
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How to package and maintain helm charts for both open and closed beta?

I manage some Kubernetes CRDs and package them in Helm Charts for managing the different versions. Currently we only have one Helm Chart version that we deploy to production which is v1.0.0 and any ...
joe b.'s user avatar
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kubernetes cluster setup using kubeadm in aws ec2 [closed]

[root@controlplane ~]# kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address= [init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.30.3 [preflight] Running pre-flight checks [WARNING FileExisting-tc]: tc not ...
Prashant Kumar's user avatar
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Pod getting stuck in ContainerCreating state when it is attached to 2 EFS RWX volume

Created EFS file system on aws console Using EFS file system ID from step 1 we created storage class and used that storage class in app deployment After helm deployment we got EFS access point, pv and ...
saurabh umathe's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does Istio Kiali provide latency information between an app pod and RDS or S3 API calls without instrumenting the app?

Let's assume I have installed Istio and enabled Prometheus and Kiali. These tools allow me to view app pod response codes and response times from envoy proxy logs (specifically crafted for Prometheus)....
k'''s user avatar
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Istio - 404 NR route_not_found

I have a linux box in GCP with docker installed and Prometheus running as a container. I also have 2 GKE clusters (A & B) with istio installed (just as an ingress controller only) - service mesh ...
Alan's user avatar
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Helm chart project deployment with multiple charts

I have a project, and need to deploy it (using harness). the structrue of the project is exactly like that, with 13 modules Root - Module1 templates chart.yaml values.yaml - ...
user2274204's user avatar
-1 votes
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Validate protected resource by spring security behind ingress auth-url

I have a node.js app auth-svc. it has authenticate page and validateToken Endpoint. I have spring boot service it has ingress resource "" so ı want to ...
Muhammed şahsuvaroğlu's user avatar
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Supported Kubernetes Versions for Each Kubernetes Client JAR Version

One of our spark containers uses a jar called "kubernetes-client-4.12.0.jar". Is there a document available mentioning its respective Kubernetes version support. Currently we have Kubernetes ...
Alexy Pulivelil's user avatar
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How to connect Camunda 8.2 to kubernetes?

I have done all the steps to communicate between Camunda 8.1 and Kubernetes, and there is no problem. But in Camunda Modeler and to connect to Kubernetes in Camunda version 8.2, there is a problem ...
Hamed Hm's user avatar
-3 votes
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GO Call a function which return a interger kubernetes [closed]

I have a pod.yaml, I want to retrieve a new annotation integer value, to make a sleep. So I used Go to fetch the integer after the name : new-anno. With this value, I want to return a function to make ...
esefe sgrgrz's user avatar
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Why are my Envoy pods failing with "reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: TLS error"

I have a Contour / Envoy ingress as explained here: I'm in the process of getting some CRD versions up to date on this cluster. During this ...
Aaron Newton's user avatar
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Not able to test nginx clusterip service within kubernetes cluster from controlplane node [closed]

I have two nodes, one is control-plane node on a AWS Linux VM and other node is worker node on another AWS linux VM. I have deployed a nginx pod with container port 80 and its clusterip nginx service ...
Anisha goyal's user avatar
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Chrome Not Reusing HTTP/2 Connections with NGINX Ingress in Kubernetes Despite Keep-Alive Setting [closed]

I’m using Kubernetes with an NGINX Ingress controller configured for HTTP/2 and a keep-alive timeout of 600 seconds (configmap). Issue: I have configured HTTP/2 and set keep-alive to 600 seconds. ...
PeiSong's user avatar
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Tools to implement IAM type access control on vanilla flavoured kubeadm [closed]

I'd like to know if there are tools to implement an IAM user access control list type feature for my users that will use a windows bastion to execute cmd to a kubeadm cluster. TLDR : Map windows user ...
user26505432's user avatar
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Consul ServiceIntentions are not applying?

im new to consul and wanted to apply some intentions to my backend service. Basically i have a service to which i port-forward to. I got two routes. /reservations/simpleget and /reservations/...
t3rmo's user avatar
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Ansible AWX issue - Ping module fails in my custom Execution Environment pod when running Jobs, but not when I start the Pod manually [closed]

I built a Docker image from CentOS 9 Stream via Ansible-Builder. When I spin up the Docker container I can ping VMs in my network. Also when I run a Playbook to manually create a K8s Pod from the ...
KidACrimson's user avatar
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Consul Retries and Timeouts not working properly?

im new to Consul but i did a lot of reasearch and still cant figure out why my retries are failing. Same goes for timeouts. I configured all of this in the ServiceRouter and connect to the backend ...
t3rmo's user avatar
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14 views connection problems inside a cluster

I'm working on an application, client-server, where I want to place them in a local Kubernetes cluster and make them communicate there via Then when I tried it though my application I can't ...
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inotify limit reached in Docker (k8s)

We have an dotnet6 app that has been running in k8s for quite some time and only recently it started producing the following error, but only on some of the pods. System.IO.IOException: The configured ...
Swifty's user avatar
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Kubernetes Affinity Weight Issue

my use-case is to schedule a deployment only in fsn1 region nodes, unless there's an emergency and nodes of fsn1 go down, then only in that case I want to schedule as a fallback on hel1 nodes. ...
Siraxis's user avatar
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Is it possible to list node,PV and SC information through admin-clusterrole if we add the info in admin clusterrole manifest file?

We have admin clusterrole in our kubernetes cluster but we are not list the nodes like kubectl get nodes info forbidden is coming. Is there any way to edit or replace admin clusterrole manifest file ...
GUNA's user avatar
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If 1 ingress rule is having issue then entire application is going down in Azure

I have an application which is having multiple microservices and some ingress rules. When deployed this application in Azure a strange behaviour was observed when 1 of those ingress rule is having ...
Vineel Pellella's user avatar
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How to add attributes in my local middleware Traefik card?

How could I add my plugin attributes on this card ? Traefik card My Traefik plugin config : apiVersion: kind: Middleware metadata: name: cas-middleware spec: ...
Nzosim's user avatar
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Kubernetes HPA unable to fetch custom metrics from Prometheus Adapter

I am facing an issue with Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) which is unable to fetch custom metrics from the Prometheus Adapter. Despite following the configuration steps and verifying that ...
Alexandru Constantin Arvinte's user avatar
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kubernetes job workload container getting deleted after completion

I am trying to deploy a sample job in kubernetes cluster environment. After the job execution is completed. The respective container in the corresponding job's pod is getting deleted after sometime. ...
sb9's user avatar
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Kafka streams scalling [closed]

I have microservice which is deployed in kubernetes enviroment. In this microservice i have started kafka streams and i want to scale this MS by scaling kafka streams which is running in this MS. To ...
VikramSingh Somvanshi's user avatar
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Access kubectl commands within my jenkins container

I have a Jenkins container running in docker compose. Inside my jenkins container I want to access kubectl, so far this was part of my docker-compose.yaml - /usr/local/bin/kubectl:/usr/local/bin/...
Mariángel Pérez's user avatar
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Kubernetes - Ingress : Keeps getting 404 not found even though the controller seems to find the service

I'm practicing with Ingress and I,m hitting a wall regarding the setup to access my API. I'm using Docker Desktop, so it's a single node cluster on my machine. I started by applying the deployment for ...
Braise's user avatar
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kubernetes: multiple reconcile instances updating the same non-kubernetes object

I have a kubernetes reconciler written in GO. The MaxConcurrentReconciles set to be greater than one. Every time the target kubernetes object gets deleted, I need to update a list(remove the id of the ...
Amol Deodhar's user avatar
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Missing events when testing using envtest instead of external cluster

I'm using envtest to write & perform integration tests for a custom K8s controller built using controller-runtime. The K8s controller essentially is watching endpointslices and a CRD. So when a ...
user2512324's user avatar
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Angular in kubernetes internal communication is failing

I happen to have a test project that is created in angular 17 and communicates with a python backend. The thing is that I would like the communication to happen internally through the python service ...
algarciagg's user avatar
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Continuous Query data loss from baseline adjustment

I am running Ignite in a Kubernetes cluster with the following configuration: persistence enabled Caches are partitioned Backups enabled For the K8s configuration I have a service enabled to expose ...
user3015941's user avatar

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